Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted January 18, 2016 at 5:40 am by

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader and Baptist minister sometimes called the conscience of our nation. Dr. King devoted his life to the causes of peace and justice. His voice remains as relevant today as it ever was.

To take a closer look at Dr. King I recommend, National Geographic Kids on Dr. King featuring a short biography well illustrated with photographs. The King Center in Atlanta has a more in-depth biography also illustrated with photographs and the King Center contains his archives. You can read his sermons in his own handwriting but King was a gifted orator and is sometimes best listened to. You can access audio files of King’s speeches and sermons through Stanford University’s  The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love                                          will have the final word.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Looking for Something to do Tonight?

Posted January 18, 2016 at 5:30 am by

The Wolverines host the Chargers from Shoreline Christian High in the Friday Harbor High School gyms.

IMG_7181 (1)

Girls Varsity @ 5:30 and JV @ 4


Boys play @4 and the JV @ 5:30


Of course, the Wolverines Cheerleaders will be there!

Ted Leche Turns 90

Posted January 17, 2016 at 5:31 am by

An invitation from the Leche family…

Father Leche - Contributed photo

Father Leche – Contributed photo

Ted Leche is celebrating his 90th birthday with a party on Saturday, January 23, at Saint David’s Church. The pie and coffee reception is from 1-3 pm. The church is on the corner of Park and Marguerite. All the Leche children be here celebrating with their father. Please join us and greet Ted and his family.

The Rev. Edward D. Leche, III (aka Father Ted) is Vicar Emeritus at Saint David’s Episcopal Church. He served as the Vicar of the church from 1967-1988. He celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination as an Episcopal Priest last June.

Enjoying Optimal Moss Viewing Weather

Posted January 17, 2016 at 5:27 am by

Moss - Peggy Sue McRae photo

Moss – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Support For February 9 School Levy

Posted January 17, 2016 at 5:25 am by


We hear from Travis and Jennifer Ayers…

We encourage all eligible voters to join us and vote YES for our children, schools and community in the upcoming election on February 9th. The renewal of the Capital and Technology levy will help ensure that our students continue to receive a first-rate education in Friday Harbor. Island voters have a long history of supporting our schools, and it is critical now more than ever to continue our investment in the future.

The requested renewal is $0.455 per $1,000 of assessed value. This means that a homeowner with a $500,000 property is contributing $227 per year towards our schools and it is important to note that this is not a new tax. The funds will be used for projects such as a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classroom at the elementary school, addressing structural problems at the middle school site, and modernizing locker rooms at Turnbull gym at the high school. These are just a few examples of projects that have been identified as top priorities by a committee consisting of a wide range of community members.

Strong schools are the foundation upon which vibrant communities are built. Please vote YES to renew the Capital and Technology levy on February 9.

Susan Matthews Retires From San Juan Island Community Foundation

Posted January 16, 2016 at 5:32 am by


A Message From Susan Matthews…

I am two weeks into retirement already and am finally getting around to writing the love letter that I meant to compose before leaving the employ of the Community Foundation.

Nine years ago a recruitment committee composed of Charles Anderson, Carla Wright, Krista Mattox, and Wendy Wood did me the great good favor of hiring me as the first paid employee of the Foundation. Thinking it would be a lazy, part-time, semi-retirement type of job, I gratefully accepted. Within days of accepting the job offer, I was asked if I wouldn’t mind working fulltime instead. And seven years later I was asked to be the Foundation’s first Executive Director. So much for that semi-retirement idea.

But I believe no person on earth has been happier or more fulfilled in a job. I wish I could spend the rest of this letter naming names, telling stories, thanking each and every donor, Board member, nonprofit employee/volunteer for making this job such a daily delight.

Instead, I will just encourage every San Juan Islander to spend time to get to know your Community Foundation. You have every reason to be proud of your Foundation, to appreciate their counsel, sound investments, and support of community endeavors that ensure the quality of life on this island. Continue Reading

Resident Reservations: Time to Reserve Your Camping Spot

Posted January 16, 2016 at 5:31 am by

County-Parks-logoSJ County Parks & Fairgrounds is once again offering early camping reservations at any of our County campgrounds for people who reside in our county year ’round.

Between Thursday, January 21st, 2016 and Friday, February 26th, 2016, residents of San Juan County can reserve individual campsites for any dates during the season (that’s right—no waiting until 90 days in advance and competing with out-of-county visitors for those campsites!)

Reservations must be made through our admin office and cannot be made online for this program.  If you miss this window, summer camping reservations can be made using our public online reservation system a maximum of 90 days in advance (opens March 7th).

Reservations can be made at any of our County campgrounds;

San Juan County Park on San Juan Island (west side of San Juan)

Odlin County Park (Lopez Island)

Shaw County Park

Fairgrounds R.V. sites (Friday Harbor)

Email Us For a Reservation Form at [parks @ sanjuanco . com]. Please complete one form for each camping stay and include 2nd and 3rd choice options if you can.  Completed forms can be emailed, mailed (350 Court St. #8, F.H. WA, 98250), or dropped off at our new Fairgrounds office (849A Argyle, just inside the fairgrounds main entrance) between January 21st and February 26th. Payment in full is required at time of reservation. Payment can be made via cash, check, or credit card.

SJI Food Co-op Newsletter Offers Rare Treats

Posted January 16, 2016 at 5:30 am by

Mitchell Bay Farm - Photo Courtesy San Juan Island Food Co-Op

Mitchell Bay Farm – Photo Courtesy San Juan Island Food Co-Op

If you are not on the San Juan Island Food Co-Op Newsletter emailing list, I encourage you to sign up. Not only will it tell you what is fresh and available in the Co-Op store, (there is always something new) but this gem of a newsletter features short informative articles like, Eat Weeds, “Always local, always fresh, always seasonal”. The January 11 edition, featured these photos of the new baby lambs at Mitchell Bay Farm.

The lambs are early, “Ooops! The rams were brawling and broke through the gate in early July. They had a quick party with the ewes, and now Colleen has lambs in January!” It may still be winter but these brave little lambs are a sure sign that Spring will eventually return. One little lamb was so cold that a warm and stylish sweater was provided.

To sign up for the SJI Food Co-Op newsletter email the Co-Op at: [sanjuancoop @ gmail . com]

Lamb in Sweater

Lamb in Sweater – Photo Courtesy San Juan Island Food Co-Op

Third Saturday Contra Dance at the Grange

Posted January 15, 2016 at 5:35 am by

Photo - Courtesy Third Saturday Contra Dance

Photo – Third Saturday Contra Dance

All are welcome at the Third Saturday Contra Dance this Saturday, January 16, at the San Juan Island Grange Hall. No partners are needed and all dances will be taught. Marlin Prowell will be calling, Brigget LeClaire playing fiddle and piano, and Steve Blum-Anderson playing fiddle. A $10 donation is appreciated.

“Let’s Dance!” David Bowie

Evergreen State Officially Decommissioned

Posted January 15, 2016 at 5:23 am by

The Evergreen State Officially Decommissioned - Tim Dustrude photo

The Evergreen State Officially Decommissioned – Tim Dustrude photo

As a kid I remember waiting for the Evergreen State to go by so we could “surf” in its great big wake.  We hear from WSDOT that Washington State’s oldest ferry has been officially decommissioned…

SEATTLE – Built in 1954 when “Mr. Sandman” topped AM radio pop charts, the Evergreen State is now set to sail into history and into the dreams of Washingtonians.

Due in part to its status as the state’s oldest ferry, the Evergreen State has been decommissioned and will soon be put up for sale. The 87-car ferry boasts World War II surplus drive motors and has served as a workhorse for tens of thousands of passengers and vehicles in our state for more than six decades.

“The recent addition of two modern, larger and faster Olympic Class vessels to the fleet means the Evergreen State is no longer the best solution for moving people and goods across our state’s waters,” said Washington State Ferries Chief of Staff Elizabeth Kosa. “While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, difficulty locating replacement parts and maintaining a vintage vessel are also factors that make it time for the E-State to retire.” Continue Reading

Lasagna and Wine Tasting Tonight at the Mullis Center

Posted January 14, 2016 at 5:31 am by

Wine Tasting - Photo courtesy Mullis Community Senior Center

Wine Tasting – Photo courtesy Mullis Community Senior Center

From the Mullis Community Senior Center…

The event, “Best Wines With Lasagna” will be held tonight, January 14 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm at the Mullis Senior Center. Choose your favorite lasagna and taste wines that fit the dish. Contestants for the lasagna cook-off have been drawn in advance. Taste the lasagna in a blind format and vote on your favorite one. First and second place will receive a prize. Featured wines are from the Dickerson portfolio.

No advance sign up or reservation necessary. Just show up!
Event fee is $5.00 per person.

Seen on the Road to Mt Grant

Posted January 14, 2016 at 5:31 am by

"Scary Little Dude" on Mt Grant - John Miller photo

“Scary Little Dude” on Mt Grant – John Miller photo

The Beauty of Dared Expression

Posted January 14, 2016 at 5:28 am by


From the San Juan Community Theatre…

Part lecture (thinkTEdTalk), part demonstration with audience participation (only those who dare), part concert (think intimate cabaret)—this unique event showcases the majesty and mystery of the human voice.

Colorado actor, singer, writer and teacher Ethie Friend and pianist/composer Gary Grundei’s concert includes songs from all genres of music, from jazz to classical aria, musical theater and alternative rock, filtered through the vision of the 8-octave voice.

The so-called “extended” voice work developed by the Roy Hart Theatre in London and in France in the 1960s and 70s carries a radical and exciting vision of the human voice: that everyone can have access to an “8-octave voice”; and that the process of uncovering the full range of expression can lead to breakthroughs in all aspects of life.

Then this Saturday and Sunday, January 16-17, Ethie and Gary are holding a two-day workshop in the Gubelman for islanders interested in developing their sonic courage. The workshop is limited to 14 students; contact the box office at 378-3210 to see if space is still available.

*The Off the Rock series, designed by Artistic Director Bobby Ryan, is dedicated to showcasing contemporary performance, both onstage and in the educational setting.

Off the Rock will cover topics relevant to today and/or focus on unique forms of theatrical storytelling in order to offer audiences a stepping off point for community discussion and advancement.

Our next Off the Rock presentation is the award-winning comedy, One Blue Tarp, opening February 19 in the Gubelman.

Men at Work Department

Posted January 13, 2016 at 8:41 am by


Volleyball Coach Travis Mager tries to sway the ref in the Lady Wolverines favor.

Night Ferry

Posted January 13, 2016 at 5:30 am by



Martha Silano Poetry Reading and Workshop

Posted January 13, 2016 at 5:30 am by


We hear from the library…

Seattle poet Martha Silano, author of four books of poetry and The Daily Poet: Day-by-Day Prompts for Your Writing Practice, will share new poems from her most recent collection, Reckless Lovely. Audience members will also be invited to participate in a poetry writing exercise.

At San Juan Island Library on Friday, January 15th at 7pm.