No Cookie Dough, Poinsettia or Gift Wrapping Sales Here!

Posted November 24, 2015 at 5:45 am by

fhes-eagles-logoThis holiday season at Friday Harbor Elementary School (FHES) the PTA is funding excellence through a social media campaign on Deposit A Gift. FHES PTA wants to value the time of their already busy students and families. We want students to be home with family after school, focusing on studies or engaged in some fun extra curricular activity, rather then pounding the pavement trying to sell more stuff to their community, that they probably don’t want or need anyway. And, we save you the calories of cookie dough, or having to water a plant or buy more rolls of wrapping paper than anyone could possibly use in a lifetime. Funding a need, not more stuff this holiday season is our goal.

Funding Excellence at FHES is a social media campaign that will take advantage of #GivingTuesday, a national day of giving, Tuesday, December 1st. Mark Your Calendars! Our campaign website is Your tax-deductible donations are appreciated and help to fill the gaps in the ever-shrinking budgets of schools.

As you know, with traditional fundraisers, the school only gets a percentage of the sales, usually about 50%. Using Deposit a Gift (DAG), the school receives, about 93%. If you donate on #GivingTuesday, DAG will waive their platform fee and donate it back to FHES, so the school will earn about 97% of your donation! With a click and a credit card, a safe and secure donation can be made on this site. Thank you for your consideration.

The current needs to fund excellence at FHES include: transportation costs for Experiential Field Trips K-6 grade, Teacher Stipends, Art Enrichment Classes, Chromebooks for more hands-on learning in all grades, and family evening events centered around math and reading. Check out the website Funding Excellence at FHES for all the details, link is above.

Luke F., a student at FHES says, “Thank you for not making me sell any cookie dough! I could tell people only bought it in the past, because they wanted to support me and my school.” The FHES PTA hopes you will continue to support these curious learners by giving directly to their school. Of course, you are welcome to mail a check to FHES PTA, P.O. Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA. 100% of your donation will be used to fund excellence at FHES. Thank you for your support, no matter how it works for you to give.

We are grateful!
Your FHES PTA and Students

Beginner’s Swing Dance with Bill & Rita Ament

Posted November 24, 2015 at 5:38 am by

A fabulous fun-filled class where you learn routines to dance to any style of music. Students love coming to our Swing classes.

Wednesdays, 6:45-8:00 pm, December 2, 9, 16 & 30 at Dance Workshop 2.
Register now, or before Sunday, November 29th. Call 378-9628.


Get rid of your winter blues and dance in the joy of Zumba with Bill & Rita Ament. A great workout to fabulous music, great dances and fun people. Zumba is for everybody. Easy to learn. You don’t need to be a dancer, just someone who loves to dance to music.

Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30 pm and Saturdays at 10:00 am at Dance Workshop 2.
Just show up. For more info, 378-9628


Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:58 am by

Humpback Flukes - Jim Maya photo

Humpback Flukes – Click to enlarge – Jim Maya photo

Jim Maya of Maya’s Legacy Whalewatching shares this beautiful image of a humpback they saw last week. Thanks Jim!

Holistic Movement with Stephanie Prima

Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:46 am by

Stephanie Prima - Contributed photo

Stephanie Prima – Contributed photo

Last month we announced that Stephanie Prima was recently certified to teach Infinite Body Joyful Joints™, a holistic movement class.

Stephanie reports she has received so many questions around “what is a holistic movement class?” she has decided to offer two sample classes. These classes are free of charge, and open to the public: Saturday, December 5th, 10:30 – 11:30am and Wednesday, December 16 th, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, at the meeting room of the SJ Public Library, 1010 Guard Street. Enter through the side door if the library is closed. (Note, these are not library-sponsored classes.)

The classes are appropriate for anyone who needs healing or gradual recovery, whether from trauma, injury, illness, obesity, or age. They are samples of the Infinite Body Joyful Joint System™ class that Stephanie teaches through Island Rec called Moving Parts, Healthy Hearts, and are a restorative means to regain health, strength, and connection with your body’s innate wisdom.

  • The classes are safe for all fitness levels, including limited mobility; there is no competition and no fear of judgement
  • The simple movements are gentle but powerful, so they are easy to practice at home for quick results
  • Students participate at their own level, listening to their body, so there’s no pain or embarrassment
  • The circular and spiralis movements are in sync with nature, so they simply feel good!
  • Instruction includes addition of synchronized breath and visualization, to deepen the effect of the moves and relieve stress

According to Infinite Body™ co-founder, Katerina Wen, “Because movement is life, and because all living things oscillate, spiral or shift their position in space, when we recapture our ability to move and breathe fluidly and deeply, we instinctually stimulate health and harmony.”

For more information, contact Stephanie, misc17 [@[, 378-1188.

Pet of the Week

Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Chloe is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Chloe is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”

I’m Chloe and that’s what they say about me here at the animal shelter… but take it from me, I’m four pounds of love and snuggly-ness! I’m just a baby – only 6 months old, but I’m what you might call “an old soul”, so I have lovely manners and I promise to behave like a proper young lady when you bring me home to live with you forever.

Don’t worry, I plan to grow into these ears very soon, and besides, the animal shelter doesn’t charge extra for big ears!

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Crowdfunding Workshop

Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:38 am by

EDC-logoWant to learn more about a new twist on crowdfunding as a business seeking capital or as an individual wanting to invest locally? The Lopez Island Family Resource Center can help you.

Earlier this year, the Washington State Department of Commerce and Community Sourced Capital, a Seattle-based company that helps connect small businesses with affordable capital, launched Fund Local, a campaign aimed at bringing zero-interest crowd-sourced loans to small business in all of Washington’s 39 counties.

Fund Local provides an opportunity for Washington businesses to borrow up to $50,000 to expand and grow with a loan raised through their community. Members of the community who want to support their local businesses lend in $50 increments called “Squares”. The participating businesses pitch their campaign to their community over a 30-day period and once funded, pay the loan back to their “Squareholders” within three years.

Please join us at 2:00 pm December 1st at Grace Church where Representatives of Community Sourced Capital will discuss crowdfunding in general and provide more information on their program, Fund Local.

Wood, Wax, Oil & Silver

Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:37 am by

Holiday Show at WaterWorks Gallery

Holiday Show at WaterWorks Gallery

Wood, Wax, Oil & Silver: The Twig went to Market

Introducing the works of David French, mixed media on carved wood sculpture and Jo Moniz, encaustic media geometrical paintings.

A compendium of new works from the gallery’s artists including new dog paintings by Jaime Ellsworth, paintings by​ Elizabeth Bruno,​ ​ Dana Roberts,​ Kathryn Trigg​, ​Jennifer Williams​ and Robin & John Gumaelius.​

​Holiday ​Glass ornaments from Janis Miltenberger and Glass Eye Studio.

A curated selection of contemporary silver, gold, bead and glass jewelry from Tana Acton,​ Maru Almeda, ​Judy Morgan, Gina Pankowski, Micki Lippe, Anna Skibska, Jan Marie Tognella and Introducing the animal jewelry of Kristin Lora.

​A reception for the artists on Saturday November 28th from 4:30 to 7:30
Many artists in attendance.

Celebrate the season​ with complimentary gift wrap & shipping. [Limited offer]​

​The gallery is open Monday and Wednesday thru Saturday.​ Open Tuesday December 15th & 22nd for your shopping convenience. ​View show at

Shining City – Extra Performance

Posted November 23, 2015 at 5:29 am by

FYI: Just heard that Island Stage Left will be adding an extra matinee performance on Saturday December 5th at 2:00 pm.

IMA Islands Artists Registry

Posted November 21, 2015 at 5:58 am by

IMA Islands Artists' Registry opening reception - Tim Dustrude photo

IMA Islands Artists’ Registry opening reception – Tim Dustrude photo

The opening reception for IMA’s current show “Islands Artists’ Registry” was quite a hit Friday evening with a large crowd of people rubbing shoulders as they jostled their way past one another through the gallery. (and yes, it was a big crowd – these photos were shot before the show actually opened).

Artists from many of the islands (not just San Juan) have work displayed in the exhibition. Just gotta say, there is a lot of talent around here! Paintings, sculpture, woodwork, pottery, glasswork, mixed media…

ima-artist-registry-reception-6And, new this time: IMA’s first Audience Choice Award… Pick up a ballot and vote for the ones you like best. This is not intended to “play favorites” or anything like that, but rather, to compel you to spend a bit more time fully experiencing each piece.

This show is definitely worth seeing.

More photos below… Continue Reading

Rotary Gives Reference Books

Posted November 21, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Rotary member, Cyndy Gilason hands out books to happy children - Ted Strutz photo

Rotary member, Cyndy Gislason hands out books to happy children – Ted Strutz photo

Rotary Club of San Juan Island continues its annual tradition of presenting dictionaries to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes at Friday Harbor Elementary.

“Having a tangible and personal resource book has brought excitement to the classroom” according to Barbara Fagan, Literacy Chairman.

Rotary believes that acquiring knowledge thru reading sparks imagination. Thesauruses were also presented to 4th and 5th graders.

Rotary presents all 3rd grades county-wide with dictionaries. Dictionaries were also presented to Paideia School students. Stillpoint forthcoming.


Thanks from FANS

Posted November 21, 2015 at 5:41 am by

FANS Carnival at the Fairgrounds last Saturday - Contributed photo

FANS Carnival at the Fairgrounds last Saturday – Contributed photo

A nineteen foot fire truck slide, a spectacular cake walk, fabulous face painting, 20 game booths and hundreds of island kids filled the fairgrounds last Saturday, for FANS 4th annual Carnival. The $3,500 raised will help support a variety of Island Rec programs and events. Thanks to so many of you who brought your children out to enjoy a day of carnival craziness and help us raise these funds.

A very special thank you goes out to a long list of volunteers, over 70, who make the carnival happen. Many local organizations join us in our effort, the Kiwanis, the Soroptimists and the Leos, as well as dozens of students from Spring Street, the middle school and high school. Too many adult volunteers to list gave their time and energy that day to work booths, sell tickets, make snocones, tell fortunes and such. The hours you gave that day made a big difference to FANS, Island Rec and to so many of our local kids. Thanks to each of you.

We also couldn’t pull this off without our generous local sponsors, Roche Harbor Resort, Friday Harbor Drug, The Tooth Fairy, Brandli Law, Nate’s Automotive, IPS and David Waldron/Architect. Your support is invaluable to the success of the carnival, along with Kris at Printonyx, Angela Sutherland, Rachel Otis, Andy Urbach, Diane Ball, the Community Theatre’s Costume Shop, all the amazing cake bakers… the list goes on and on. We are so grateful to each and every one of you.

To those of you who attended, thanks again for coming. For those who missed it, we hope to see you next year for another day of games, food, and carnival fun all to support our wonderful parks and rec department, Island Rec.

The FANS Board – Marc Islam, Jan Bollwinkel-Smith, Deanna Eltinge, Shannon Rishel, David Waldron, Kyle Loring, Dave and Yolanda Stegman, Susan Mazzarella, Todd and Cathy Kromer.

Meet Your Volunteer Firefighters

Posted November 21, 2015 at 5:35 am by

Kurt Long Lt., FF2, WE2, FBO and Peggy Long WF2, Logistics - Contributed Photo

Kurt Long Lt., FF2, WE2, FBO and Peggy Long WF2, Logistics – Photo S. Harley

As Thanksgiving approaches, Sheila Harley, the Public Information Officer for San Juan Island Fire & Rescue says, “We have so much to be thankful for on this Island and our emergency responders are at the top of my list.”  Sheila sent us this portrait of two of our finest…

Kurt and Peggy are unusual in San Juan Island Fire & Rescue in that they are residents of Brown Island. They are the Caretakers there and their job requires them to be firefighters. So they are assigned to Station 37 on Brown Island.

Peggy grew up in Renton, Wa,  Kurt grew up in DesMoines, WA, and they raised their family of two boys in Auburn, WA. Their son, Michael, the assistant Harbor Master here in Friday Harbor, is also a firefighter. Their other son lives in Glendale, California.

Before moving to San Juan Island Peggy and Kurt owned a home inspection company which they sold in 2005.  Both have their 100 Ton captain liscenses and before they left the States for a year and a half in Nicaraugua inspecting newly built homes there,  Kurt and Peggy had fun on the weekends running Dive Boats out of Tacoma. Continue Reading

Tragedy of the Commons Documentaries – Panorama Amazon

Posted November 21, 2015 at 5:02 am by

Amazon: The Truth behind the Click a BBC Documentary

Amazon: The Truth behind the Click a BBC Documentary

At San Juan Island Library on Saturday, November 21st, at 7:00 pm.

Join documentary series host Ken Crawbuck for “Panorama – Amazon: The Truth behind the Click,” a BBC documentary about the online retailer that transformed how the world shops. Follow an order from “click” to delivery and see how Amazon runs its company and treats its employees. Should it matter to the consumer?

Afterwards there will be a discussion about the Buy Local movement versus cyber-shopping, an especially relevant topic for island dwellers. Organic popcorn provided by the Friends of the Library.

Painting in Pastel Workshop at IMA

Posted November 20, 2015 at 6:15 pm by

Wayside Ways, Pastel by Stephen Hill - Contributed photo

Wayside Ways, Pastel by Stephen Hill – Contributed photo

Debbie Pigman shares this reminder about the upcoming workshop at IMA…

I am resending this with this little note: even though this event is not until January 16, the minimum number of registrations to make it a “go” needs to be met by December 16, so we need to get this announcement out as soon as possible.
Thank you,

San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) is pleased to present “Painting in Pastel,” January 16–18, 2016, a workshop offered by international award winning artist and instructor, Steven R. Hill, from Lopez Island, Washington. The workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on and technique-driven work shop, where students of all skill levels will learn to use the soft pastel medium to “paint” successfully and with confidence.

Steve has taught more than 50 workshops in the islands, around the U.S. and in Europe during the past 10 years, using basic exercises as a basis for quickly learning techniques that can take years to develop on your own. His workshop reviews consistently point to these basic elements as the single most important element taught and learned, as everyone is able to immediately use them to start rendering form, shape, and color.

Steve will provide daily demonstrations, then work the room with advice and suggestions as students create on their own from photos or still life objects.

The workshop runs from 9:00am­­–5:00pm each day. Cost is $300. Class size is limited. For more information and to register go to, call 360 370-5050 or email d.pigman [@]

Update on Terry Ogle

Posted November 20, 2015 at 5:54 am by

Terry and Janie Ogle in their new gallery - Click to enlarge - Tim Dustrude photo

Terry and Janie Ogle – Tim Dustrude photo

Many of you have supported Terry and Janie Ogle through his September 30, 2015 stem cell transplant and it’s time to let you know where he is in the process.

The transplant was a success, he is still recuperating, there is no evidence of cancer and the host cells have taken over. Yeah! He must remain in Seattle under the watchful eye of the doctors as the transplant process is ongoing in that he is in the stage of monitoring for rejection. That being said, he is doing very well and the doctors are pleased. Our sincere best wishes for his continued comfort and healing.

For those of you who are not on Facebook, his wife Janie Ogle just posted this news:

“To our friends and family – Today is Terry’s day 50 of the stem cell transplant. Our halfway point to the 100 days the Seattle Doctors wanted us to stay at the Cancer Care Alliance. Wow, we have made it through so far. We are feeling so lucky and grateful. Terry is getting stronger every day and this journey he is on has shown me his courage and strength every day. We are so thankful for all the support and love from our family and friends. We have met a lot of wonderful people here in the Emerald City but we can’t wait to get on the ferry, and come to the island we call home. Love & Peace.”

The website is still active with current information. Monetary gifts can still be made on the website via PayPal or at any Wells Fargo Bank under the Terry Ogle Medical Fund. Greeting cards or notes can be mailed to Terry Ogle, PO Box 1383, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.

Last note… Terry has artwork entered in the Island Museum of Art show in Friday Harbor from November 21 through January 11.

Thank you all for your support.

The Organizers for the Benefit for Terry Ogle

Pies for the Holiday

Posted November 20, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Morgan Timmons and Isabella Brown - Contributed photo

Morgan Timmons and Isabella Brown – Contributed photo

Morgan Timmons and Isabella Brown are juniors at Friday Harbor High School. For their Community Projects class they are raising awareness about the issues with keeping Orca Whales in captivity.

They have created a children’s book that features Ollie The Orca. This 6 year old Orca is trapped in a bay off the coast off of San Juan Island and is taken into captivity. The book shows the struggles he goes through in a marine park in California. Eventually a group of ambitious first graders raise enough awareness to help set him free.

They will be printing the book as a coloring book and sharing it with the kids at FHES.  They will use the money they raise for printing the book and any other funds raised will be donated to a local whale research organization.

Morgan and Isabella are selling pumpkin pies just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. They will be raising money to support their project. Call (360) 298-4625 or email noorcasincaptivity [@] to pre-order your pie (please include a name, amount of pies, and a contact number).

Pies will be available for purchase and pick-up between 12:00pm and 4:00pm on Wednesday, November 25th outside ACE Hardware. Please pre-order before Sunday to ensure we make a pie just for you. We will have some pies for sale on Wednesday as well as some other baked goods so come early for best selection. We will also be selling “no orcas/dolphins in captivity” wristbands. Pick one up and help spread awareness!! (they also make great stocking stuffers!)

Freshly baked pumpkin pies: $10
“No Orcas/Dolphins in Captivity” wristband: Minimum donation $2