San Juan Islands Made

Posted November 16, 2015 at 5:47 am by

First semi-annual San Juan Islands Made member meeting

Proudly-Made-In-the-SJIsThe San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) welcomes members of the San Juan Islands Made initiative and interested business owners to join in the EDC’s first semi-annual San Juan Islands Made member meeting.  The meeting will be on Monday, November 30th from 10-11:30am, and will be held simultaneously on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands via videoconference.

Members of the San Juan Islands Ag Guild will also be present to help discuss ways that the EDC’s San Juan Islands Made initiative can partner with the Ag Guild’s Island Grown program.

The San Juan Islands Made brand was established by the EDC to help protect the integrity and value of locally manufactured, fished and timbered goods.  Products bearing the seal are genuine, San Juan Islands-made premium products.  More information is available at

Island Grown in the San Juans was founded by the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild, whose mission is to foster a vibrant, resilient and sustainable local agriculture and food system in San Juan County, Washington.  More information is available at

Details:  The member meeting will be held simultaneously on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands via videoconference at the libraries, on Monday, November 30th, from 10-11:30am.   To reserve your space, please call (360) 378-2906 or email info [@]

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.   The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. 

The Party of the Season!

Posted November 16, 2015 at 5:44 am by

SJCT-Holiday-Festival-2015Tickets Now on Sale for SJCT Gala Event

The PARTY of the season returns to San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, December 5.

The Theatre’s biggest fundraiser of the year, Holiday Festival 2015, is also a time to embrace the joy of the holidays with island and theatre friends.

The evening décor will bring glimmers of a modern return to the stylish 1940s and features:

  • the return of popular auctioneer Jay Fiske, who’s humor and genuine personality wowed last year’s audience;
  • silent and live auction items, including many travel and dining experiences;
  • and new twists to both the gourmet food—Coho Restaurant is catering the event for the first time—and the musical entertainment.

More information on the evening’s festivities and auction items is available at Tickets ($100 per person) are on sale online or by calling 378-3211, ext. 32.

IMA Islands Artists’ Registry Show

Posted November 16, 2015 at 5:43 am by


IMA welcomes the community to our fourth annual “IMA Islands Artists’ Registry”—an exhibition of artworks by more than 70 Artists’ Registry members from San Juan County!

This is a joyous affair, with a riot of art and color displaying an amazing range of talent from across the islands. Look forward to the impressive diversity of talent with paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic, as well as pastels, photography, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass, wood, textiles, and jewelry by Artists’ Registry members.

This year’s show, organized around Tattered, Torn & Sepia features emerging and established artists expressing the beauty, identity, authenticity and connectedness of our community.

The Opening Reception will be held on November 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, and then the show will run from November 21, through January 11, 2016 with open hours of 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday through Monday.

More info at the Show’s website.

Tragedy of the Commons Documentaries – Panorama Amazon

Posted November 16, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Amazon: The Truth behind the Click a BBC Documentary

Amazon: The Truth behind the Click a BBC Documentary

At San Juan Island Library on Saturday, November 21st, at 7:00 pm.

Join documentary series host Ken Crawbuck for “Panorama – Amazon: The Truth behind the Click,” a BBC documentary about the online retailer that transformed how the world shops. Follow an order from “click” to delivery and see how Amazon runs its company and treats its employees. Should it matter to the consumer?

Afterwards there will be a discussion about the Buy Local movement versus cyber-shopping, an especially relevant topic for island dwellers. Organic popcorn provided by the Friends of the Library.

Congratulations Girls!

Posted November 15, 2015 at 5:03 pm by

Congratulatory fireboat escort - Kerry Hartjen photo

Congratulatory fireboat escort – Kerry Hartjen photo

Kerry Hartjen captured this image from the ferry M/V Samish as the FHHS Girls Volleyball team came home Sunday afternoon. They won 5th place at the State Championship. Way to go Girls!!

Literary Salon with Laurie Orton

Posted November 15, 2015 at 12:34 pm by


November 19, at 7:00 pm at the San Juan Island Library 

Unlike a book club, you choose what you read, but we join together to share impressions. Join us for refreshments and refreshing talk!


Homes to Arrive by Barge

Posted November 15, 2015 at 5:30 am by

More homes arriving by barge for the Home Trust

One of three homes that arrived by barge in August - Contributed photo

One of three homes that arrived by barge in August – Contributed photo

The San Juan Community Home Trust is on the move AGAIN! Two more homes are coming soon to Phase 2 of Sun Rise, the new neighborhood of permanently affordable homes now being developed by San Juan Community Home Trust. The houses, from Victoria B.C., will be brought by barge to the boat ramp at Jackson Beach on Thursday, November 19th at around 10:00 am.

These two smaller homes (each approximately 1,000 sq. feet) will be moved to the site at the end of Grover Street, adding to the three that were delivered in August that are now being renovated. The houses will be moved to the site during the night, traveling on streets through town. They are small enough not to require that power lines be lifted.

Seven more homes will be brought in next year, bringing the total to 12 homes in this pocket neighborhood. These “recycled” homes from the 1920s and 1930s era are being saved from demolition, as new property owners favor larger, newer homes. Rather than being destroyed, these charming vintage dwellings, will find new life in a new setting, rather than being relegated to land fill. They were well-built, using quality materials, and the renovations to bring them up to contemporary and local codes, will make them fine additions to housing here on the island. Islanders who buy these homes will not only have shelter, but a piece of northwest history to call their own.

Learn more about the Home Trust and its plans by attending the Annual Meeting of the San Juan Community at the San Juan Island Grange Hall on December 10th at 6pm.

Take the Arts Survey

Posted November 15, 2015 at 4:52 am by

Diane Martindale shares this request for your input on arts…

logo-artswa-washington-state-arts-commissionDear artist or art supporter,

The Washington State Arts Commission is updating its strategic plan and needs your voice to be counted. We want all possible perspectives represented. Feel free to forward this to your friends.

The Legislature requires each state agency to develop a strategic plan as part of its budget recommendations and requests. The strategic plan must be directly linked to the agency’s mission, programs, goals, and objectives (RCW 43.88.090(5)).

We are currently working on our 2016-2020 strategic plan and invite you to be part of the process. Please click on the link below to fill out our 2015 Strategic Plan Survey. Your participation is very important to this process.

Thank you.
Diane Martindale
Your ArtsWA Commissioner

See more about ARTSWA

Take the Survey

Dying to be Me

Posted November 14, 2015 at 7:10 pm by

Rob Simpson invites you to the next Conscientious Projector Series event at the library. And note – this was reported earlier to be showing on Monday the 23rd – that is incorrect. It will be on Monday the 16th

Hello Almost-Holiday-Ready Islanders,

anita moorjaniAnita had gone from being a vital young woman, to a wheel chair, to intensive care. With large tumors throughout her body, her 4-year battle with cancer was over. She slipped into a coma. The doctors told her family, “She will not survive the night.”

5-weeks later she was shopping for clothes in the mall… cancer free.

While in a coma, Anita had an NDE… a near-death experience.

There are many recorded NDE’s, and they are fascinating. Science likes to explain them away as possibly the result of a chemical the brain releases to soften the blow of dying.

In Anita’s case, they can’t explain where the cancer went. They can’t explain her quick recovery. “I don’t get it. You’re supposed to be dead,” every oncologist has said.

Come hear Anita’s amazing story of what she experienced while in that coma.

Next Monday, November 16th, 7:00 pm at our library.

Special thanks to Friends of the Library for providing free popcorn and hot beverages.

Don’t miss this one. Bring the whole island with you. It’ll send you out with love for the holidays.


A Word from Olympia…

Posted November 14, 2015 at 1:01 pm by

Kristine Lytton - Contributed photo

Kristine Lytton – Contributed photo

40th Legislative District Representative Kris Lytton will be the speaker at the upcoming membership meeting of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans. The meeting will be held at the SJI Library conference room from Noon until 2:00pm on Monday, November 16, 2015.

Rep. Lytton, recently appointed to the Governor’s “McCleary Plan Work Group” will talk about education and the mandate resulting from the McCleary decision of 2012, in which the State Supreme Court ruled that the state was to properly fund K-12 education by 2018 and show measurable progress to that end in the intervening years. Currently the Legislature is being fined $100,000 per day for its failure to live up to that mandate.

In addition, and in anticipation of a future League meeting in which the discussion will be about Money in Politics, the League has also asked Rep. Lytton to comment on her personal experiences as a candidate for public office.

There will be a question and answer period following her remarks. The public is welcome.

Chamber Chat

Posted November 14, 2015 at 12:30 pm by

It’s time for the November 2015 edition of Chamber Chat, written by Lauren Cohen, Co-owner San Juan Canvas, LLC and Chamber of Commerce Board President…

ChamberLogoWow… it seems like we were just talking about our busy summer and here we are with the holidays right around the corner. The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Executive Director and staff would like to wish all of our members and all islanders a Happy Thanksgiving.

Living in such a beautiful place surrounded by kind and caring neighbors, we all have much to be thankful for. Show your gratitude for all of the goods and services provided by these friends and neighbors by shopping and buying locally for the holidays. This is your hometown!! It is important to support our local merchants.

Kim Wickman and Laura Flaum - Contributed photo

Kim Wickman (L) and Laura Flaum – Contributed photo

November Member Social
Thank you so much to Kim Wickman, owner of Be Chic Boutique who hosted this month’s member social along with Laura Flaum, owner of Spring Street Deli and General Store with her husband David. Both businesses are located on Spring Street. Be Chic has beautiful, stylish clothing and accessories for women. Kim always has such good taste so it would be a great place to shop for holiday gifts. Be sure to pick up fresh sandwiches made to order anytime at the Spring Street Deli. Talk to Laura about catering your next party or event too!

Featured Member
This month, our Featured Member is Waterworks Gallery owned by Ruth Offen. Ruth opened Waterworks Gallery 30 years ago here in Friday Harbor. It is located at 315 Argyle Street. Her beautiful gallery showcases regional artists and contemporary artisan jewelry. Be sure to stop in to say hello and congratulate Ruth on 30 years in business. That is an impressive accomplishment in the islands. Cheers to Ruth!

New Members
We would like to welcome the following new chamber members: Continue Reading

“Painting in Pastel” Workshop at IMA

Posted November 14, 2015 at 5:35 am by

Steven R. Hill - Contributed photo

Steven R. Hill – Contributed photo

San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) is pleased to present “Painting in Pastel,” January 16–18, 2016, a workshop offered by international award winning artist and instructor, Steven R. Hill, from Lopez Island, Washington. The workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on and technique-driven work shop, where students of all skill levels will learn to use the soft pastel medium to “paint” successfully and with confidence.

Steve has taught more than 50 workshops in the islands, around the U.S. and in Europe during the past 10 years, using basic exercises as a basis for quickly learning techniques that can take years to develop on your own. His workshop reviews consistently point to these basic elements as the single most important element taught and learned, as everyone is able to immediately use them to start rendering form, shape, and color.

Steve will provide daily demonstrations, then work the room with advice and suggestions as students create on their own from photos or still life objects.

The workshop runs from 9:00am­­–5:00pm each day. Cost is $300.

For more information and to register go to, call 360-370-5050 or email, d.pigman [@] sjima [.] org.

Wayside Ways, Pastel by Stephen Hill - Contributed photo

Wayside Ways, Pastel by Stephen Hill – Contributed photo

Mike Chadwick  1932 – 2015

Posted November 13, 2015 at 4:23 pm by

Mike Chadwick; 1932 - 2015 - Contributed photo

Mike Chadwick; 1932 – 2015 Contributed photo

Mike Chadwick died peacefully at home November 4, 2015, after waging a three year battle with cancer. He lived a quiet life of devotion to his work, honor to his country, and love for his family and friends.

He was born in Manchester, England in 1932, attended grammar school there, and in ’42 transferred to Rishworth School in Yorkshire. It was considered a safer place during WWII. He shared fond memories of his Rishworth days, recalling once that he used to count the RAF planes that were leaving on bombing raids and then again, counting those returning.

At age thirteen he visited Paris with school chums and remembered selling coffee on the black market in order to obtain francs to spend at Pigalle. The experience of climbing the Eiffel Tower stayed with him. At sixteen, after the war, he accompanied his mother to Canada where she remarried to an American GI. Mike enrolled at Shawnigan Lake School, Vancouver Island, to complete requirements for High School. He continued quasi military training through the Cadet Corps and played on the Cricket team. The headmaster let him repair a fleet of derelict sailboats so that he and his schoolmates could learn to sail (and visit the girls’ school across the lake). Thus began his lifelong love for sailing. Continue Reading

Island Artisans Raffle

Posted November 13, 2015 at 3:48 pm by

Rachel Goodremont (L) and Jana Meredith selling raffle tickets at Marketplace for art scholarships

Rachel Goodremont (L) and Jana Meredith selling raffle tickets at Marketplace on Thursday for art scholarships

It’s time for the raffle fundraiser for Island Artisans. You may have seen Rachel and Jana at Marketplace on Thursday – Island Artisans is holding a raffle to raise funds for their scholarship program and for the holiday sale at the elementary school to be held on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Island artisans is in their 37th year of providing student art scholarships. In case you missed them on Thursday, Island Artisans will be back again at Marketplace on Monday from 9-5.

SJI Fire & Rescue Inducts 3 into Hall of Fame

Posted November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am by

Harry See, Rebecca Smith and Noel Monin - Ron Garner photo

Harry See, Rebecca Smith and Noel Monin – Ron Garner photo

Sheila Harley, Public Information Officer at SJI Fire/Rescue shares this announcement…

The San Juan Island Fire & Rescue Hall of Fame was created to honor those that make a significant contribution to the development and success of of the Department.

Every five years the honors are awarded. The three new recipiants join the 22 people already on the Hall of Fame plaque pictured above.  They are:

Tender Operator Harry See (left) has served the community as a department member for the past 20 years.  He has filled many roles during that time including serving as a company officer and providing both informal and formal leadership in heavy rescue, fire boat operations, driver training, water supply operations and firefighter safety.

Firefighter (retired)  Rebecca Smith (center) was with the department for 17 years. She was a vital part of the Cape San Juan station crew and helped develop the department’s heavy rescue capabilities. She also provided guidance to the organization by serving for 6 years as a Fire District Commissioner.

Captain Noel Monin (right) has 18 years of service with the department. He has been active in rescue operations and played a leadership role in the organization’s wildland firefighting capabilities. For the past 14 years he has developed and led the department’s maintenance program.

Residential Building Applications to get “Lean”

Posted November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am by

Sam Gibboney - Contributed photo

Sam Gibboney – Contributed photo

As Community Development Director Sam Gibboney prepares to move a new position in County government, she is coordinating a sea change in the application process for residential building permits.

Gibboney estimates that half of the residential building permit applications submitted in San Juan County encounter delays because documentation is incomplete or required information is missing. While applications are on hold and staff spends time seeking needed information, other applications awaiting review can stack up, causing delays that can be costly to both builders and the County.

The department is now testing a new permit process for residential development that Gibboney believes will drastically reduce or even eliminate those delays.

“A complaint we have often heard from developers is that there are too many moving parts – too many departments, divisions, inspectors and reviewers involved – and that there is no one place to find out all the information they should have before they walk in the door and pay their fee. Those complaints have often been justified,” Gibboney said. Continue Reading