Vietnam Veterans Reception

Posted November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am by

Vietnam Veteran's Reception - Contributed photo

Vietnam Veteran’s Reception – Contributed photo

Minnie Knych shares this recap of the reception held earlier this week on Veteran’s Day…

Friday Harbor Grange #225 hosted Vietnam veterans at a reception held at the Mullis Community Center on Thursday, November 12.  There are 157 Vietnam veteran members of American Legion 163 and each was sent an invitation to the event.

During the 8 years of the undeclared Vietnam war, American forces never lost a major battle.

9 million served during the Vietnam War. Six million were volunteers. Vietnam soldiers were the oldest and best educated soldiers in American history. 97% of Vietnam veterans were honorably discharged.

To all Vietnam veterans we say that while you have not always been shown the appreciation you deserve, your service and honor are etched in history from the battlefields of Southeast Asia to our hometown of Friday Harbor where you continue to bring blessings and service to your family, community and country today.

Click here for more photos –  Continue Reading

Educational Opportunity Award

Posted November 13, 2015 at 9:42 am by

$2,000 Educational Opportunity Award Available from Friday Harbor Soroptimists

soroptimist-logoSoroptimist International of Friday Harbor (SIFRI) is offering a $2,000.00 “Educational Opportunity Award.” This award helps women to overcome financial difficulties and better their lives through education and training. The recipient may use the cash award to offset any costs of higher education, such as tuition, books, childcare, and transportation.

The award will be granted to a woman living in San Juan County who is enrolled in an undergraduate or vocational degree program of study, including on-line educational programs. An applicant does not need to be the primary wage earner in a household to be eligible for this award.

A downloadable application form is available online at, or pick up a form at the Toy Box, 20 First Street, Friday Harbor. Applications must be mailed to SIFRI, PO Box 2856, Friday Harbor WA 98250, and postmarked by January 11, 2016. For questions or additional information, contact Diana Sibert, dianasibert [@] or (360) 370-5269.

All applicants will be notified of the judges’ decision in mid-February, and the winner will be invited to the annual Notable Women’s Lunch in March.

This is the second year in a row that SIFRI has offered this award. Founded in 1996, the Friday Harbor club is part of Soroptimist International of the Americas, a global organization that works to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. Friday Harbor members join with almost 80,000 Soroptimists in about 120 countries and territories to contribute time and financial support to community-based projects benefiting women and girls.

In Friday Harbor the club raises and donates over $40,000 and thousands of volunteer hours each year to community projects. For more information about how Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls, visit


Note of Appreciation

Posted November 13, 2015 at 9:40 am by

To my island neighbors,

thank-youI wish to thank the many people who supported and encouraged me during this past election.  I have new friends and a deeper appreciation of the many islanders who unselfishly devote their time and efforts to serving each other.

I won’t be taking a seat on the 2016 Public Hospital District Board; however, my experiences in this six-month campaign will help me expand my personal efforts to secure lasting health care benefits for our island community.

This campaign has increased voter awareness of how EMS and PIMC contribute to the security and quality of all our lives. Hopefully this awareness will promote the general public’s enthusiastic support for both health care agencies.

EMS personnel just secured a new Chief who will lead them through the complex steps necessary for voter approval of the 2016 Levy request.

PIMC is already working on many fronts to deal with a broad range of health care needs identified by the August 2015 report of the Community Foundation.

Economic realities will continue to challenge all island medical providers but I’m very optimistic about the future outlook for health care in San Juan County.

Gratefully yours,
William E. Hancock MD

Gordon Steele Celebration of Life

Posted November 12, 2015 at 2:16 pm by

Gordon Steele - John Stimpson photo

Gordon Steele – John Stimpson photo

Just heard that a Celebration of Gordon Steele’s Life will be held at the San Juan Community Theatre on Friday, November 13, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Successful 1st Quarter for SJ Puzzles

Posted November 12, 2015 at 5:46 am by

Front row: Erin Heydenreich, Levi Doenges, Jamie Ellsworth, Matt Pranger; back row: Chris Teren, Tom Doenges, Tim Dustrude

Front row: Erin Heydenreich, Levi Doenges, Jamie Ellsworth, Matt Pranger; back row: Chris Teren, Tom Doenges, Tim Dustrude

San Juan Puzzles shares this update on where things are at with their new business…

San Juan Puzzles President Levi Doenges was happy to hand out checks as first payments for the use of photos turned into puzzles sold thus far. These artists have offered their keen photographer works and paintings to make this business possible and enjoy a touch of success we can all enjoy.

The business has had its first quarter officially and is now closer to making a little profit to further the next phases of puzzles. We have several hundred puzzles in stock that we are hoping to sell by the year’s end to enable bringing the next series out. Please check our website for current locations of where they are being sold.

Levi also awarded checks to The Animal Protection Society and Whale Research as matching donations to these organizations as gifts.

A sample of what is around the corner is: a puzzle made from a photo from

Matt Pranger is taking additional photos of the ferry fleet all the way down to Seattle which the Washington State Ferries wants displayed in their terminal gift shops in the New Year.

Chris Teren is offering some aerial shots for develpment for Roche Harbor and Palindaba as well as some of the other island interests from the air.

Tim Dustrude is working on supplying some landmark photos from the other islands to greatly increase the line and choices.

We are looking forward to growing the business with these artists and new works from some others.

Chamber Member of the Month

Posted November 12, 2015 at 5:45 am by

The SJI Chamber of Commerce announces their Featured Member of the Month: WaterWorks Gallery…

In 1985, Ruth Offen left her San Francisco gallery job and moved to San Juan Island. Facing an abysmal job market, she turned to what she knew best – art. With a leap of faith and a limited inventory, she opened WaterWorks Gallery in Friday Harbor. Over the years, the gallery has grown and flourished due to Ruth’s exceptional eye for great work.

In 2010, Northwest contemporary artisan jewelry was introduced. The gallery’s jewelry artists are garnering rave reviews, with their unique wearable work at accessible price points.

The mission at WaterWorks has always been the same: Showcase regional artists in a setting that allows their Pacific Northwest inspiration to remain center stage. Why? Because it’s important to honor the sense of adventure captured within each piece.

What’s in a Name
WaterWorks can thank Monopoly, a game of chance, for its name. When Ruth first opened, the gallery was located next to a tavern called The Electric Company. To give the gallery an approachable identity, Ruth named it after one of the game’s other utility stops. In 1986 the gallery moved to its current location at the intersection of Argyle Street and Web Street.

Note from Ruth“Celebrating the gallery’s 30th anniversary. Shown on the wall behind me, are some of the gallery’s invitations”.

Ruth Offen
WaterWorks Gallery
315 Argyle
Friday Harbor

At the Library this Weekend:

Posted November 12, 2015 at 5:38 am by

Indian Spices with Sandhya Sreerama

Following on from her popular Indian cooking workshop, Sandhya is back! Come and learn about spices used in Indian cooking, from well-known to lesser-known varieties and taste two of Sandhya’s favorite spice-based recipes.

Saturday, November 14
1:30 – 4:00 pm
San Juan Island Library meeting room, free.


microphone7Open Mic for Writers

Open Mic continues. Writers are invited to read their works; complete or in-progress, poetry or prose. Come to share or to be inspired. Light refreshments are served.

San Juan Island Library, free.
Saturday, November 14
7:00 pm

Winter Preparedness Program

Posted November 12, 2015 at 5:36 am by

Candles-in-Canning-JarsSan Juan Island Grange #966 continues its fall evening program series with Winter Preparedness on Wednesday November 18, 2015 at the Grange Hall. The program begins at 7pm preceded by a potluck at 6pm—all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Come join us for a program on how to prepare for and enjoy in comfort the windy wild winter weather of the islands. Outages, snow, freezes, windstorms, and floods are a rare but regular part of island life; learning how to survive winter in style is a key part of island culture.  Brendan Cowan of the San Juan County Department of Emergency Management will talk about Winter Preparedness, followed by a candle-making workshop. Bring some 8 oz. canning jars and we’ll supply the wax and wicks. Be prepared!

  • Wednesday, November 18, 2015
  • San Juan Island Grange Hall
  • Program begins at 7pm, preceded by a 6pm potluck!

For more information please contact:

Lori Ann David
2015 Lecturer
San Juan Island Grange #966
la [@] lorianndavid [.] com

Shining City Starts this Friday

Posted November 11, 2015 at 5:49 am by

Daniel Mayes as John and David Foubert as Ian - John Sinclair photo

Daniel Mayes as John and David Foubert as Ian – John Sinclair photo

Here is an updated post on this upcoming play, this time with some beautiful photos by John Sinclair of

David Foubert as Ian and Krista Strutz as Neasa - John Sinclair photo

David Foubert as Ian and Krista Strutz as Neasa – John Sinclair photo

“A triumph of the human spirit”

Do not miss this haunting and finely honed piece of contemporary theatrical magic. It is truly exceptional.

John, a recently bereaved sales rep, is haunted by the presence of his dead wife. In a series of confessional encounters with his Dublin therapist, Ian, a former priest, reveals the hoarded guilt that rationally explains an irrational phenomenon. But, as we learn in two complementary scenes, Ian has his own demons and ghosts to lay.

The dead continue to haunt the living in the very particular cosmos of Conor McPherson, but anyone expecting his new play, “Shining City,” to be a gloomy downer is in for a surprise.

The play comes laced with a compassion that makes the moment-by-moment experience of it a near-constant delight.

Be forewarned, though. you are likely to be haunted by the final coup de theatre!

Ty Boice as Lawrence and David Foubert as Ian - John Sinclair photo

Ty Boice as Lawrence and David Foubert as Ian – John Sinclair photo

David Foubert as Ian and Daniel Mayes as John - John Sinclair photo

David Foubert as Ian and Daniel Mayes as John – John Sinclair photo

Fall Rummage and Bake Sale

Posted November 11, 2015 at 5:45 am by

rummage-saleIslanders get the chance to find bargains galore and to help Friday Harbor High School seniors at the same time on Saturday, November 21.

Project Grad Night 2016 is hosting a fall Rummage and Bake Sale at the FHHS Commons from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Funds raised will be used to help with Grad Night 2016, an exciting night of safe and sane fun for the high school’s senior class in June.

During the sale, holiday wreathes will be available to purchase for $25 each.

For more information, contact Jeanette Longan at 370-5361.


STEM Dedication and Tour

Posted November 10, 2015 at 7:25 pm by

Kevin Ranker takes a ride on a roller coaster with the STEM Center's Virtual Reality goggles - Tim Dustrude photo

Kevin Ranker takes a ride on a roller coaster with the STEM Center’s Virtual Reality goggles and successfully keeps his lunch down. (Editor’s Note: “I gotta get me one of these!”) – Tim Dustrude photo

Midi Thomas presents Kevin Ranker with a plaque of appreciation for all of Kevin's hard work to secure funding for the STEM center - Tim Dustrude photo

Midi Thomas presents Kevin Ranker with a plaque of appreciation for all of Kevin’s hard work to secure funding for the STEM center – Tim Dustrude photo

Washington State Senator Kevin Ranker was on the island Tuesday and attended a dedication and tour of the high school’s new STEM center.

Senator Ranker was influential in his support for the state grant funding needed to remodel the building from a wood shop/auto mechanics shop/storage facility to a state of the art STEM Learning Center for 21st century application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics.

A number of students were there to show off projects they have been working on with various demonstrations.

It was really amazing to see what we now have to offer right here on our small, little island for these kids to be learning from.

The presentation and tour was very impressive. If you are at all interested in technology and where things are heading, I highly recommend you pop in and say hi to Derek Smith who would be happy to show you what all they’re up to. Fun stuff. Click for more photos…

Continue Reading

Mike Vouri to retire December 31; Retirement Party set December 15

Posted November 10, 2015 at 5:53 am by

Lt. Col. Hank De Jager of the Royal Marines and Park Ranger Mike at the Royal Marine Cemetery during the dedication of the English Camp flagpole in 1998 - Contributed photo

Lt. Col. Hank De Jager of the Royal Marines and Park Ranger Mike at the Royal Marine Cemetery during the dedication of the English Camp flagpole in 1998 – Contributed photo

Mike Vouri shares this retirement announcement with you…

This is Mike. I’ll be frank. I’m writing about my own retirement coming up December 31. Who else would write it? I’m the one who’s been doing the press releases for the park for 20 years.

That’s right, after 20 years, nine months and 26 days I’m going to Disneyland (just kidding).

Mark your calendars for the farewell party, scheduled 6 p.m., Tuesday, December 15 at the Rumor Mill in Friday Harbor. Should be a killer. You’re all invited to attend and stay as long as the food holds out or you have to catch the ferry. The bar will be no-host (after all I’ll be living on a fixed income shortly thereafter) and we’re hoping everyone who plays an instrument will bring it along. That should be interesting. And by the way, we’ve combined this event with the Holiday Social, so if you want to come in period dress that’s OK. (I won’t be.)

For those coming from off-island, and don’t want to spend the night, you can walk on the 4:15 ferry from Anacortes. The last boat leaves the island at 10 p.m. That should be time enough to enjoy some good finger food, some tunes, have a beverage and share old (or new) times.

Mike Vouri as George Pickett in the Life and Times of General George Pickett, which ran for 17 years on San Juan island and throughout the Pacific Northwest - Contributed photo

Mike Vouri as George Pickett in the Life and Times of General George Pickett, which ran for 17 years on San Juan island and throughout the Pacific Northwest – Contributed photo

I’ve also scheduled sort of a wrap-up PowerPoint program entitled “Twenty Years at San Juan Island NHP: A Retrospective,” scheduled 7 p.m., December 2 at the San Juan island Library. You’re all invited to that one as well. Come early…or not. Should be fun with lots of photos dating from 1995 to last summer. What me age before your eyes. Unfortunately, the photo of my petulant teenage son marching as a Royal Marine (with shocking pink hair and earrings) is missing. But there are plenty more where that came from, so don’t worry. Continue Reading

Owls on SJ Island this Week

Posted November 10, 2015 at 5:50 am by

A Snowy Owl - photo courtesy of pe-ha45 at

A Snowy Owl – photo courtesy of pe-ha45 at

It’s been a big owl week on SJI – a Burrowing Owl was seen at American Camp and this weekend there was a Snowy in the San Juan Valley.

The Burrowing was most likely a bird in migration (good info about them via our libraries and the database “Birds of North America”) and has not been seen since.

The Snowy (possibly similar to photo at right – Ed.) is the first report for Washington State. It was seen at night on the road in the valley. This bird might stay around. Check beaches with lots of driftwood, fields, fenceposts and even sitting on roofs near the fields. The Snowy will not be all white but have lots of black spots on it and these are the young of the year.

There has been a big invasion in the mid-west this year and maybe we will get more on the west coast. Let us know if you see one and better yet try to get a photo.

Barbara Jensen, President
San Juan Islands Audubon

2016 Dog Tags Available Monday, November 23

Posted November 10, 2015 at 5:42 am by

Bungie receives the first Dog License for 2016 - Contributed photo

Bungie receives the first Dog License for 2016 – Contributed photo

County-LogoBungie, a female golden retriever owned by Roy Kight of Friday Harbor, received honorary license number #0001 to kick off San Juan County’s 2016 dog licensing season.

All dogs in San Juan County and the Town of Friday Harbor are required to be licensed annually. The Auditor’s Office and several other vendors around the County will begin selling 2016 tags on Monday, November 23. This year’s tag is a red bone shape.

Each time a dog is licensed within the county, the shelter from that dog’s island receives $2. Dog licensing fees also provide restitution for livestock owners whose animals are killed by roaming dogs, a tragedy which occurs too frequently in San Juan County.

Dog licenses cost $12 annually for spayed or neutered dogs. $30 is the licensing fee for “natural” dogs. You can also add a photo of your dog for just $5. Dog photos assist in identifying lost dogs, as well as showing everyone how adorable your dog is.

Orcas Island residents can buy or renew tags at Eastsound Kennels, Pawki’s Pet Store, and the Orcas Animal Protection Society.

Lopez licensing agents are Sunset Building Supply, Ark Vet, and the Lopez Animal Protection Society.

San Juan Island dogs can get licenses at the Auditor’s office at the courthouse, Harbor Vet, and the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor. Please call (360) 378-2161 with any questions about dog licensing.

Rummage Sale Community Project

Posted November 10, 2015 at 5:36 am by

rummage-sale2Don’t forget to clean out those cupboards and closets to help the animal shelter this Friday!

For her Community Project, Friday Harbor High School student, Yesenia Salas-Trujillo is hosting a Rummage Sale this Saturday, November 14 from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm in the high school cafeteria and she needs your help with donations of gently used items or clothing for the sale.

apsfh-logotypeIf you have things to donate you may drop them off at the high school Friday, November 13 between 3:00 and 6:00 pm. Items can also be dropped at the animal shelter at 111 Shelter Road Wednesday and Thursday. Don’t miss the sale!

Call Jan at the animal shelter if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help out at 378-2158.

Family Carnival at Fairgrounds November 14

Posted November 9, 2015 at 5:53 am by


FANS Carnival – Contributed photo

FANtastic carnival fun returns to the San Juan County Fairgrounds on Saturday, November 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The fourth annual FANS Carnival (Families and Neighbors Support Island Rec) features some 21 activity/game booths, including the popular “cake walk,” inflatable bouncy houses (including a 19-foot tall fire truck slide), a new basketball skills game, paddleball decorating and an Island Rec “Scooter and Skate swap.”

Fire Truck Slide - Contributed photo

Fire Truck Slide – Contributed photo

Carnival favorites like cotton candy and sno-cones will be available and the Kiwanis’ “FAN Friendly Café” will offer hot dogs, burgers, soda and chips for sale. There will also be free face painting and fortune telling.

Admission is also free. One dollar tickets will be sold for the games (all include prizes), inflatables and food, with items ranging from $1 to $2 each.

FANS was formed as a nonprofit to create new opportunities for Island Rec to expand its parks, programs and services. Most recently, FANS helped fund Movies in the Park and to expand the scholarship program for Island Rec activities.

For more information or to volunteer at the carnival, contact Cathy Kromer at 370-5315.