Minnie Knych shares this recap of the reception held earlier this week on Veteran’s Day…
Friday Harbor Grange #225 hosted Vietnam veterans at a reception held at the Mullis Community Center on Thursday, November 12. There are 157 Vietnam veteran members of American Legion 163 and each was sent an invitation to the event.
During the 8 years of the undeclared Vietnam war, American forces never lost a major battle.
9 million served during the Vietnam War. Six million were volunteers. Vietnam soldiers were the oldest and best educated soldiers in American history. 97% of Vietnam veterans were honorably discharged.
To all Vietnam veterans we say that while you have not always been shown the appreciation you deserve, your service and honor are etched in history from the battlefields of Southeast Asia to our hometown of Friday Harbor where you continue to bring blessings and service to your family, community and country today.
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