San Juan Island Cheese shares this heads-up about the 2nd annual Bite coming up next weekend…
The 2nd Annual Bite of the San Juan Islands Celebrates Island Bounty
On Sunday afternoon, October 25th, join the chefs, farmers, fishers, winemakers, distillers and brewers of the San Juan Islands for a unique tasting event—the Bite of the San Juan Islands. This showcase of the amazing quality of island-grown, organic, GMO-free meats, seafood, produce, wine, cider, beer and spirits is in its second year, and part of the 8th annual Savor the San Juans.
The Bite of the San Juan Islands – Contributed photo
Building on the success of last year’s event, The Bite will take place at the recently restored Brickworks Plaza just two blocks from the ferry terminal. Brickworks houses the San Juan Island Farmers’ Market in a meticulously restored early 20th-century brick factory with a soaring, wood beam open-truss ceiling, fir floors and beautiful natural light. Entry is $5, with tasting tickets at $2 – each bite priced by the chef, from 1 ticket to 4, depending on the dish. You can enjoy just a few bites, or make a meal of it while waiting for the afternoon ferry. Find out more information at this link.
Here is a taste of the restaurants and producers from Lopez Island, Orcas Island and San Juan Island that will be providing “Bites” for you to enjoy (so far!): San Juan Island Cheese, Coho, Cask & Schooner, Vinny’s Ristorante, San Juan Island Pasta Company, Red Rabbit Farm, Girl Meets Dirt, Barn Owl Bakery, Kari’s Island Elixirs, San Juan Island Distillery, Westcott Bay Cider, Vita’s Wildly Delicious, Southend Restaurant, Duck Soup Inn, Jones Family Farms, The Bluff, Island Hoppin’ Brewery, Lopez Island Vineyard and more.
We hope you will join us for this fun and tasty celebration!
- Date: Sunday, October 25, 2014
- Time: 1:00 to 4:00 pm
- Address: Brickworks, 150 Nichols Street, Friday Harbor, WA 98250