Listen Up! Stories for Grownups
Mullis Center lounge. The San Juan Island Library reads to adults each Monday after the senior lunch. Participants don’t just sit quietly. We all share our reactions to what we read, and may discuss other books we’ve read that pertain to the librarian’s selection. Stop in to hear adventure travel, writing, history, science and more. Work the jig saw puzzle or do needlework while you listen and share feedback. Listen Up takes place each Monday at 1:15 p.m. except holidays.
Conscientious Projector
Documentary Series with Rob Simpson
San Juan Island Library, free. Each month series host Rob Simpson picks out a film of particular interest. This month, he screens Bought: The Truth Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma & Your Food. That’s 3 big topics in one ambitious film. The filmmakers explain: “We’re going to use multiple groups to make sure the critical messages in this film ‘cross the chasm’ and makes [sic] it into mainstream.” Find out what they mean, and why they chose to tackle 3 messages at the same time. The screening is followed by a lively discussion and accompanied by organic popcorn and beverages provided by the Friends of the Library.
Monday, September 21, at 7pm
Culture and Cuisine with Sandhya Sreerama
San Juan Island Library meeting room, free. New island resident Sandhya Sreerama will share two Indian dishes, including recipes, as she demonstrates the cooking, the culture, and samples of the food. Come learn about Indian cooking, and how different it can be from what we see in U.S. Indian restaurants. Register at the Library information desk.
Wednesday, September 23, from 2-4pm