Pet of the Week

Posted August 17, 2015 at 5:44 am by

Higgins is this week's Pet of the Week - Traci Walter photo

Higgins is this week’s Pet of the Week – Traci Walter photo

Higgins, your “Man about Town” here, reporting from the animal shelter where I am currently working on my memoirs, “Cat Tales From Cattle Point”.

In this expose’, I plan to relate the gripping stories of my experiences as a stray cat on San Juan Island… right up to the point where I was taken in, given a few good meals and delivered here to the shelter where I await my forever home.

I’m wondering who they will get to play me in the movie adaptation? Clearly it will need to be someone young and dashing like me. You should come adopt me before I get famous…

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Farewell to Liminal Currents

Posted August 17, 2015 at 5:43 am by

IMA-logoSpecial Evening Event for “LIMINAL CURRENTS : Exploration of an Empathic Umwelt” at IMA

On Monday, August 17, we will have an evening farewell to the exhibit from 7:00 to 9:00  pm. The public is welcome and those people who have needed or wanted an evening opening should attend.

Bring your cameras.

Shortly, you will see—New at IMA in the atrium: sculpture by Kathy Venter from Salt Spring Island, BC.  The opening reception will be on, Friday, August 28, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

County Positions Open

Posted August 17, 2015 at 5:40 am by

The County Council is searching for San Juan County citizens to fill current and upcoming vacancies on various boards and commissions. Additional information about each committee is available on the County’s website.

Persons interested in serving on a board or advisory committee should fill out an Advisory Committee Application or Contact the Council Office at:
(360) 378-2898  or by email at: sueko [@] sanjuanco [.] com

The following is a list of current and upcoming vacancies: Continue Reading

Trashion Fashion Show

Posted August 16, 2015 at 1:43 pm by


What a great show we had on the last day of the Fair this year – the annual Trashion Fashion show was a hit! Check out these photos if you missed it. (or if you just want to see all the cool costumes again). All photos by Tim Dustrude, San Juan Update.

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Opalco Member Survey On Rates And Funding Priorities

Posted August 16, 2015 at 5:23 am by

opalco-logoAs OPALCO leadership prepare for the 2016 budget and rate discussions, members are encouraged to give their feedback on rates and funding priorities through an online survey at The survey is open until September 15th.

In addition to soliciting member feedback on rate structure options, the survey addresses how OPALCO should fund incentives for energy efficiency, conservation and renewable power over the next two years. Historically, our funding for these rebate programs has come through Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Our rebate programs have been so successful that, as of the end of 2015, we will have spent our BPA allocation for rebates through October 2017. OPALCO will have to consider self-funding for any rebate programs during this two-year interim. The survey describes some possible ways forward and invites member feedback.

Survey results will be published online in November. Member input will inform the direction of the 2016 budget and rate structure decisions.

Members will receive a $5 credit on their OPALCO bills when they complete the survey and include their account number. Survey data is anonymous; the account number is used to avoid duplicates and is then extracted from the data to use in crediting member bills.

Members are encouraged to attend board meetings to join in the conversation – about rates and finance or any of the policy and direction issues that our Board discusses. These meetings are a forum for member commentary and participation.

For the latest information about OPALCO, go to:; sign up for our email newsletter (; and follow us on Facebook (Orcas Power & Light Cooperative) and Twitter (@orcaspower). OPALCO is our member-owned cooperative, powering more than 11,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County since 1937.

Mount Grant

Posted August 15, 2015 at 5:51 am by

Allan Elder, with his Mount Grant hat, and Thor Hanson, co-chair, the Campaign to Save Mount Grant - Contributed photo

Allan Elder, with his Mount Grant hat, and Thor Hanson, co-chair, the Campaign to Save Mount Grant – Contributed photo

And It’s In Our Backyard!
by Theresa Simendinger

Bob Demar rode his motorcycle up to the top of Mount Grant one lovely Sunday afternoon, and I happened to be volunteering as a “summit docent.” As he parked his motorcycle, “What are you selling?” I smiled back “A mountain!“. After looking at the stunning view, Bob was sold. He donated $100 on the spot, and soon received a Mount Grant hat.

Bob began to think about his friend, Allan Elder, 80 and living at Life Care and confined to a wheelchair following a stroke. Allan had told Bob stories of his years with the U.S. Forest Service manning fire lookouts. His “beat” was the Kern Plateau in California’s Sierra Range. He “loved it like it was my backyard.” Wanting to see it preserved Allan elder spent years working to save what is now the Golden Trout Wilderness.

Bob called me and wondered how we could get Allan a Mt. Grant hat. In talking to Allan, he said how much he would love to see Mt Grant. It was proposed to Life Care we take a group up to the top of Mount Grant. With a little coordination and Life Care’s help, we gathered Allan and a few of his pals earlier this week. On a sun filled day we drove up to see views of snowy mountains in two directions, and dark silhouettes of the San Juan Islands to the east. I asked Thor Hanson, co-chair of the Campaign to Save Mount Grant, to meet the van up there to present Allan a Mount Grant cap, in honor of his work preserving special wild places.

The radiant faces on these folks from the center as they looked out over the spectacular views of Mount Grant and the joy of being able to ride up the lovely mountain road was worth the hard hours put in by the Preservation Trust team to make this dream come true for all. The reality of having the road up for people incapable of hiking up is invaluable. Soon people visiting friends and family or at our retirement centers will be able to make a charming day’s outing here.

Comments from the group included, from Jean Hendrickson, 77, “What a joy to see this, I have lived here for 24 years and did not know it was even here.” and from Allan Elder, “I wanted help as soon as I heard about it from Bob. But now that I see it I think it really is beautiful. Really worth saving. How I love being here!

The San Juan Trails Committee fully supports the Campaign to Save Mt Grant. I have worked with them many years to help establish trails for hikers, equestrians and cyclists on this island, and I am supporting the Campaign to Save Mount Grant because it is truly a gift to everyone. Not just for hikers, equestrians, cyclists and my new motorcycle friend, Bob, but for Allan and Jean and everyone.

Funds raised for the Mount Grant project through the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s Fair Matching Grant program during the four fair days (August 12-15) will be matched 50 cents on the dollar and will be used to build permanent paths at the top of Mount Grant, so that families with young children and elderly and wheelchair-bound visitors may access the summit viewpoints.

Community Treasures Evolution

Posted August 14, 2015 at 4:11 pm by


Here’s a note from Frank Penwell of Community Treasures (formerly Consignment Treasures)…

A few of you who were not able to attend our CT Gathering have asked me for a report.  I have posted a video of the presentation here: Just click on the “What the CT Evolution is About” button to see the video.  Below is a brief write up.  Please stop by and visit with me at the Community Treasures Booth in the Main Building at the Fair.


Continue Reading

Tonight at the Fair

Posted August 14, 2015 at 2:16 pm by

Stan the Wine Man - SJ Update photo

Stan the Wine Man – SJ Update photo

Just got this notice from Minnie Knych…

Friday evening at 7:00 PM Stan (The Wineman) Reitan will interview winemaker Josh Maloney at the Wine & Beer Department in the Fair.

Fairgoers are invited to watch the live interview which will be posted on YouTube.

About Josh Maloney:

Opening on FH Arts Commission

Posted August 14, 2015 at 1:59 pm by

Town accepting applications for open position on Friday Harbor Arts Commission.


The Friday Harbor Arts Commission (FHAC) has an immediate opening for one position to complete a term ending December 31, 2015. The person filling this unpaid, volunteer position is expected to represent the interests of the Town, community and local artists as they advise the Town Council on the cultivation, selection, acquisition and placement of public art.

The FHAC was formed in February of this year with Mayor Carrie Lacher’s appointment of eight commissioners, including one non-voting student member. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month.

Those with experience, background or involvement with visual, performing or literary art should provide a Letter of Interest to Mayor Lacher. Applicants may choose to include examples of their art or experience.

Application review will continue until the position is filled, with the first review scheduled for September 2, 2015. For specifics on the responsibilities of the commission, applicants are advised to review the ordinance and policies posted under “Arts Commission” in the Agenda tab at the Town of Friday Harbor web site:

Questions and application letter should be directed to:

Town of Friday Harbor, ATTN: Julie Greene
60 Second Street / PO Box 219 / Friday Harbor, WA 98250

julie [@] fridayharbor [.] org

(360) 378-2810

A Few Fair Photos

Posted August 14, 2015 at 10:34 am by

Here are a few photos from the Fair so far. Click the images below to enlarge. All photos by Tim Dustrude, San Juan Update.

38th Annual 8.8K Loop Run

Posted August 13, 2015 at 7:31 pm by

8.8k Loop Run - Contributed photo

8.8k Loop Run – Contributed photo

Island Rec and Xtreme Fitness invite you to take part in some local history and enter the 38th Annual Friday Harbor 8.8k Loop Run scheduled for a 9am start on Saturday August 15, 2015. People of all ages enjoy running or walking in this race.

Register Now, $20 for kids 12 and under and $25 for racers 13 and older. All fees include race entry, a free pass into the San Juan County fair and an event t-shirt. Register online at, in person at the Island Rec office 580 Guard St.

Race number and shirts can be picked up the Friday before Race day at the Island Rec Office from 1-5pm. Runner check-in and day of registrations takes place in the Wells Fargo Parking Lot, located on the corner of Argyle and Spring Street from 7:30-8:45am.

The race starts promptly at 9:00 am in front of Friday Harbor Drug. Awards ceremony follows the race with medals awarded for the first three place winners in 5 year age categories. Call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information.

SJI Community Foundation County Fair Match

Posted August 13, 2015 at 7:30 pm by


The San Juan Island Community Foundation invites all Fairgoers to visit its Fair booth in the main hall this week to learn about and support eight special community projects. Every dollar raised during the four days of the Fair will be matched 50% by the Community Foundation.

The eight community projects to be featured at this year’s Fair are:

  • Friday Harbor Animal Protection Society’s new shelter
  • Women’s Fund membership drive – goal of 25 new members
  • Family Resource Center’s senior household essentials program
  • Friday Harbor Elementary School’s young scholarships enrichment program
  • Spring Street International School scholarships for local students
  • San Juan Preservation Trust’s summit accessibility project for Mt. Grant
  • Friday Harbor Athletic Association ballfields project
  • Peace Island Medical Center’s Cancer Care support programs

You can contribute cash, check, or credit card. Nonprofit representatives and Community Foundation staff and Board members will be on hand to answer your questions on each project.

BONUS !! On the last day of the Fair a drawing from all Fair donors will allow the winner to designate an additional $1,000 to be awarded to any of the eight featured projects.

The San Juan Island Community Foundation serves as a non-profit philanthropic umbrella organization helping donors, non-profits and public organizations to achieve their goals through direct grants, organizational assistance and philanthropic resource management. For further information about the Community Foundation, call 378-1001, write to PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 or, visit the office located at 640 Mullis St., Suite 104, Friday Harbor.

Fair Sunset

Posted August 13, 2015 at 7:13 pm by

County Fair Sunset - Kevin Holmes photo

County Fair Sunset – Kevin Holmes photo – Click to enlarge

Kevin Holmes caught this beautiful sunset image at the Fair on Wednesday evening. Thanks Kevin!

Temporary Airport Closures

Posted August 13, 2015 at 5:17 pm by

Nighttime closures coming up at the Airport - SJ Update photo

Nighttime closures coming up at the Airport – SJ Update photo

Deanna Eltinge with the Port has this announcement to share with you…

Hi Tim,

Please let everyone know that the Friday Harbor Airport will be closed to allow for night work August 18th, 19th and 20th from 9pm – 6am each evening. This is required by the Port’s contractor to complete necessary electrical work.

Also – On Wednesday August 19th, the Jackson Beach Boat Ramp will be temporarily closed from 6:15 pm to 9:00 pm.



Free Boy

Posted August 12, 2015 at 5:52 am by

Free-Boy-book-coverAward-winning Seattle-based author and historian Lorraine McConaghy will read from and discuss her ground-breaking young adult book about an escaped slave who won his freedom in Canada.

Co-authored with Judith Bentley, Free Boy is the story of a 13-year-old slave who escaped from Washington Territory to freedom in Canada on the West’s Underground Railroad.

When James Tilton came to Washington Territory as surveyor-general in the 1850s he brought with his household young Charles Mitchell, a slave he had likely received as a wedding gift from a Maryland cousin. The story of Charlie’s escape in 1860 on a steamer bound for Victoria and the help he received from free blacks reveals how national issues on the eve of the Civil War were also being played out in the West.

The recounting of his escape aboard a steamer, capture, and eventual freedom in Canada are captivating, as are the italicized, dramatized scenes,” wrote Publishers Weekly. “(It is) admirable primary-source detective work results in a context-rich story that shines a light on racial attitudes and Civil War politics in pre-statehood Washington.

Written with young adults in mind, the authors provide the historical context to understand the lives of both Mitchell and Tilton and the time in which the events took place. The biography explores issues of race, slavery, treason, and secession in Washington Territory, making it both a valuable resource for teachers and a fascinating story for readers of all ages.

The program is free and takes place at 7 pm, Friday August 14 at the San Juan island Library. Call the park at 360-378-2240, ext. 2233, or the library at 360-378-2798 for more information.

Lorraine McConaghy - Contributed photo

Lorraine McConaghy – Contributed photo

As a public historian, McConaghy has devoted her professional life to researching and teaching Pacific Northwest history. She has curated a series of successful projects at Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), including the museum’s core exhibits Metropolis 150 and Essential Seattle, as well as Blue vs. Gray: Civil War in the Pacific Northwest. She also teaches at the University of Washington, and her work has been honored by the Washington Museum Association, the Oral History Association, the National Council on Public History and the American Association for State and Local History.

Who Is “Doc” Hancock?

Posted August 12, 2015 at 5:50 am by

William "Doc" Hancock - Contributed photo

William “Doc” Hancock – Contributed photo

You may have seen me, William E. Hancock, MD, riding in a MASH Unit jeep in the 4th of July Parade. I am a candidate for San Juan County Hospital District Position #5. Cheri and I were married 47 years ago and have been Island residents for the past 17 years

Following is my Candidate Statement:
Patient care has been the primary focus of my entire professional career.

Continued success for Peace Island Medical Center and for EMS depends upon our solving challenges very similar to the complex problems I successfully dealt with for over thirty years as owner, manager and chief surgeon at Northwest Eye Surgeons of Seattle.

In 1985 I opened one of the first privately owned eye surgical centers in Washington State. By the time of my retirement in December of 2008 my company was employing thirteen doctors and almost two hundred staff in our five western Washington eye surgical centers.

I will not make promises that I cannot keep. I do promise to respectfully listen to islanders’ health care concerns. I will then actively promote solutions to those problems that clearly fall within the job description and legal mandate of this Public Hospital District Board.

Your tax dollars, which fund the EMS Levy and the PIMC subsidy agreement, must be responsibly spent with due regard to economic necessities and all current legal requirements. I can effectively fulfill this responsibility because I have three decades of successful professional experience in directing the control of medical costs without sacrificing quality of care.

Our current EMS team is among the best in the nation. I will be pleased to work for passage of the EMS levy in 2016.

I am committed to developing attitudes of public cooperation instead of confrontation among all of our health care agencies. Cooperation and mutual respect are essential for us to adapt to major health care challenges that currently threaten the security and dignity of all islanders.

I would be honored to serve you as Public Hospital District #1 Commissioner in position # 5

William E. Hancock, MD


  • Dartmouth College, BA 1963
  • University of Washington School of Medicine, MD 1967
  • University of Minnesota, Internship 1967-68
  • Navy Flight Surgeon School, Pensacola 1968
  • Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Ophthalmology Residency 1971-1974
  • University of Texas, Eye Plastic Surgery Fellowship 1975

Professional Experience:

  • US Navy Flight Surgeon, 1968-1971
  • Volunteer eye surgical trips in Nigeria 1974 and in China 1985 and 1995
  • Founding Partner of Northwest Eye Surgeons
  • Five eye surgical centers in Western Washington
  • Founding Partner of TLC INC (laser eye surgical centers). IPO in 1996

Community Service:

  • Paideia Classical School – Board Member 2009-2015
  • Rotary Club of San Juan Island – President Elect for 2016-2017