Pamela Hoke Fundraiser

Posted June 5, 2015 at 4:54 pm by

Pamela Hoke Fundraiser

Artist Pamela Hoke - Tim Dustrude photo

Artist Pamela Hoke – Tim Dustrude photo

Many of you probably know Pamela Hoke from the schools, from Project Nature Connect, or simply from her paintings and the gallery she had for a time down by the ferry landing.

She’s a PhD Candidate for Applied Ecopsychology (or Organic Psychology, if you prefer) through Akamai University and Project Nature Connect, with Mike Cohen (and she should be receiving her Ph. D. very soon).  This past year, she’s been a Substitute Teacher at Friday Harbor Middle School and High School, a FHHS Wrestling Team Volunteer and is currently the Marketing Committee Chairperson for the San Juan Island Grange.  Though her Nature Connection gallery residency at 85 Front Street came to an end, she’s continued to draw and paint, and has much of her work online and available at

And now sadly, she is battling breast cancer.

An online fundraising and information site has been set up for her at, where you can offer support financially, share her site on social media, keep up on how things are progressing and share stories and photos to help enhance her fundraiser. In addition to that, she and her husband Tim have set up a blog – – where they both can write, reflect, and read & share comments from friends & neighbors to help sort it all out…

her Nature Connection gallery residency at 85 Front Street came to an end - Contributed photo

Pam Hoke signs another painting she created live on the porch of 85 Front Street  – Contributed photo

Salish Sea Early Music Festival

Posted June 5, 2015 at 9:30 am by

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

1800: A Beethoven Band – Virtuoso trios and duos from the time of Ludwig van Beethoven that come to life in a new way on period instruments… including an 8-keyed flute made in 1820 in London. Please join us tomorrow (Saturday)!

  • Jeffrey Cohan ~ flute (made in 1820 in London)
  • Stephen Creswell ~ violin & viola
  • Martin Bonham ~ cello

You’ll hear selections from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Magic Flute arranged for flute, violin and cello when Beethoven was 25, and music by the Viennese flutist Raphael Dressler (1784-1835) who worked with Beethoven, the fabulous German blind virtuoso flutist Friedrich Ludwig Dulon who met Mozart and shared Beethoven’s dates almost exactly (1769-1826), as well as a duo for viola and cello by Franz Danzi (1763-1826) and trios by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel (1757- 1831) and the famous French flutist and bassoonist François Devienne (1759-1803). Tomorrow at 7:00 PM at the Grange.

Saturday, June 6 at 7:00pm at the San Juan Island Grange,  152 First Street in Friday Harbor, (360) 376-6683
• Suggested donation $15, $20 or $25 • 18 and under free, university students $5 •

Sweet Harmonies Return June 7

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:51 am by

The Island Chordsmen Plus - Contributed photo

The Island Chordsmen Plus – Contributed photo

Barbershop Bonanza celebrates its 17th year in Friday Harbor on Sunday, June 7 at 2:00 p.m. at San Juan Community Theatre.

Directed by Angel Michaels, the Bonanza honors this uniquely American music with contemporary and old-time favorites full of four-part harmonies. The Bonanza is hosted by San Juan’s mixed barbershop chorus, Island Chordsmen Plus and features the island’s local women’s a cappella ensemble, Sound Vibrations.

This year’s visiting groups include a championship women’s a cappella chorus from the Puget Sound area. Pacific Sound Chorus is a part of Sweet Adelines International, an educational, non-profit organization promoting four-part, barbershop singing for women.

Also joining the Bonanza—for the first time—is Canada’s Bons Vivants, a dynamic vocal quartet belonging to the Barbershop Harmony Society.

The Business Partner for the Bonanza is Friday Harbor Drug. All tickets are $18, with festival seating. The SJCT box office is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

FREE Drop-In Soccer Clinics June 20

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:49 am by

Click to enlarge flyer

Click to enlarge flyer

Island youth get the chance to work on their soccer skills during FREE drop-in clinics on Saturday, June 20 at the Friday Harbor Elementary School fields.

Families and Neighbors Support Island Rec (FANS) and Challenger Sports are sponsoring the clinics, aimed at children ages three to twelve.

Coaches from the British Soccer Camp program will lead the program. The clinics run from 9:00 am to 10:00 am for ages three to five; 10 am to 11:30 am for ages six to eight; and 11:30 am to 1:00 pm for ages nine to twelve.

No registration is necessary for the clinics; however, parents should arrive about 15 minutes early to sign waivers. Island Rec is taking registration for its British Soccer Camps in August at

Summer of Fun from Island Rec

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:45 am by


Island Rec has a new family program called Family Splash.

Come enjoy Father’s Day and the first day of summer at Jackson Beach ‘Island Rec style’, Sunday, June 21, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

We’ll have a fleet of Stand-Up-Paddle boards and Tony from Springtide Paddlesports on hand to help you get on the water. There will also be a crew from the rowing club to introduce their Hawaiian outrigger canoe fleet. If that weren’t enough to entice you down to the waterfront, we’ll have beach games for the entire family and a BBQ fired up ready for your grillable item.


Click to enlarge poster

So bring your family, have a picnic, fly some kites and enjoy the beach. FREE for kids 9 and under or those not doing watersports, and $15 for those wanting to do watersports.

Not only that, but Island Rec is also ready for school’s out with lots of fun activities for families, youth and teens.

Check out the poster at right and to register or to find the prices, times & locations and contact Island Rec at, call 360-378-4953, or visit our office at 580 Guard Street,  Monday through Friday 1:00 to 5:00 pm.

Randy Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Randy J. Cornelius Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award

Randy J Cornelius - OPALCO photo

Randy J Cornelius – OPALCO photo

Former General Manager and current Board Member, Randy J. Cornelius was honored by his peers with the Northwest Public Power Association (NWPPA) Life Member Award on May 20, 2015 during the association’s Annual Conference and Membership Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Cornelius earned the distinction for his 40 years of service in the electric utility business and his significant work on behalf of public power.

About his award, Cornelius said, “I’ve enjoyed my career in public power and have done everything from sweeping the floors to constructing line and managing utilities. I had the good fortune of leading an amazing organization in OPALCO and am grateful to Foster Hildreth who took over the reins. I have confidence in his ability to lead us successfully through the next set of challenges facing the industry—so much so, in fact, that I’ve signed back on as a Board member to support him and enjoy the ride.

Cornelius began his utility career as a teenager working in a warehouse, became a Journeyman Lineman and then earned his BS degree in Electrical Engineering at Oregon State University. While in Alaska, Cornelius worked extensively on the Blue Lake Hydro Dam and also represented the City & Borough of Sitka before federal and state regulatory agencies for the legislative affairs in his role as electric utility director for the City & Borough of Sitka. Cornelius has worked closely with BPA, Northwest River Partners, and served on various boards including WRECA, ARECA, Southeast Intertie, and NWPPA.

NWPPA is an international association representing and serving consumer-owned, locally controlled utilities in the western U. and Canada. NWPPA presents this award to retiring or retired policymakers and managers from member utilities for work performed on behalf of public power.

Parking Improvements at the Fairgrounds

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:38 am by

Notice: Chip Seal of Family/Skate Park Parking lot

sjc-fair-logoThe San Juan County Parks & Fair Department and San Juan County Public Works are collaborating on a two-phase paving project scheduled to begin the week of June 15th at the SJC Fairgrounds Skate & Family Park parking lot.

Please note:

  • The work will require the parks to be closed for 1-3 days. The specific days of closure will be announced as soon as the schedule is finalized. Please visit our website for closure dates;
  • The parks will not be accessible while construction equipment is in use.
  • Parking will be available in between the site prep phase and paving. Auxiliary parking is located along Argyle Avenue during equipment staging and construction.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this improvement process.  Additional details will follow as soon as information becomes available.

New Call-Before-You-Dig Law

Posted June 5, 2015 at 5:34 am by

opalco-logoNew Call-Before-You-Dig Law: Increased Oversight And Penalties

Utilities, excavators and the public are all affected by a new call-before-you-dig law that includes more rigorous enforcement, mandatory damage reporting and higher penalties.

The intent of the law is to improve communication between utilities and excavators/homeowners and decrease damage to underground utilities. The new law requires excavators to:

  • outline the proposed dig in white paint prior to calling for a locate;
  • make arrangements with the affected utilities when projects exceed 700 linear feet; and
  • maintain locate marks for 45 days, after which a new locate must be requested.

Excavators and utilities must report to the UTC any damage to underground facilities within 45 days. Previously, only damage to regulated natural gas and hazardous liquids had to be reported. A party that fails to request a locate and damages a liquid or gas transmission pipeline will be subject to a $10,000 penalty and may be found guilty of a misdemeanor.

Always CALL 811 before you dig.

Learn more at this link.

Blood Kin and Thunder People

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:57 am by

Bloodkin Thunder People - Eric Kessler photo

Bloodkin Thunder People – Eric Kessler photo

If you haven’t seen one of Kate Small’s student productions, don’t miss this chance! Kate is a teacher at Spring Street International School, and her 5th – 7th graders have worked all year researching the lives of real children from American history to bring them to life on the SJCT stage.

Students start the school year with research into the documentary record during a crucial historical moment; this year’s focus is the infamous Trail of Tears ordered by President Andrew Jackson in 1838. Students identify names, dates, and locations of real children of whom very little else is known. Students take on those identities as they steep themselves in history and the craft of writing in character. By the end of the year, after countless hours of preparation, practice, and cans of spray paint, they share their characters in performances that are stunning, provocative, and deeply moving.

This is home-grown, world-class theater!

  • June 9th 7:00 pm
  • June 10th 11:00 am
  • June 10th 7:00 pm

San Juan Community Theatre
Admission is free; donations gratefully accepted.
100% of proceeds go to the Spring Street International School scholarship fund.

Mimi Halperin of Missoula Children’s Theater says of these original student productions, “this is electrifying youth theater—revolutionary…

Here are some of the voices, written and performed by SSIS students, that you will hear: Continue Reading

New Land Bank Commissioners

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:49 am by

Brian Wiese and Amanda Wedow - Contributed photo

Brian Wiese and Amanda Wedow – Contributed photo

The San Juan County Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Wiese of Orcas Island, and Amanda Wedow, of Lopez Island, to serve as Land Bank Commissioners, effective immediately. Brian replaces Lisa Botiller, who served as Commissioner for six years, and Amanda fills the seat of Nancy Greene, who served as Commissioner for 14 years.

I’m really pleased to be able to be part of the effort to steward the best of our natural land while providing opportunities for islanders and visitors to enjoy it,” says Wiese about his appointment by the County Council. Brian’s career has been in planning, open space preservation and public access, including having worked as a planner on the island of Nantucket, which had the first land bank conservation program of its kind on which San Juan County Land Bank is modeled after. Although he and his wife have owned property on Orcas since 2004, it wasn’t until his retirement last year that they were able to move to the San Juans permanently.

Wedow’s background in conservation began at Evergreen State College where she studied botany and environmental sciences and received a dual BA/BS. She has been active in island stewardship since moving to Lopez Island in 2010. Amanda currently serves as the Director of the Lopez Island Conservation Corps and says she is “committed to protecting island resources for future generations.

Brian and Amanda join Land Bank Commissioners Jim Skoog (Chair), Amanda Azous, Christa Campbell, Doug Strandberg, and Matthew Wallrath.

The San Juan County Land Bank is a public agency that works with the community to preserve the natural heritage of the San Juan Islands. For more information please call 360-378-4402 or visit us online at

Mud Bay Event Attracts People and Fish

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:45 am by


A recent event hosted by FRIENDS of the San Juans and fisherman Randy O’Bryant showed many shoreline species are currently active off of Lopez Island. On May 17, over 20 community members of all ages joined the event to learn about marine species that make Mud and Hunter Bays one of the biological hot spots in the San Juans.

Participants found hundreds of incubating surf smelt eggs in the sand at the high tide, and a beach seine yielded many juvenile and adult surf smelt, and a host of other shallow-water species common to our area including: pacific herring; striped, shiner and pile perch; bay pipefish; staghorn sculpin; snake prickleback; starry flounder; greenling; three-spined stickleback and multiple species of gunnel, juvenile flatfish, crabs and the “eelgrass sea slug” Phyllaplysia taylori.

It was great to gather with neighbors, see the fish that are in our backyard, and learn how to be better stewards for this special place,” said Gary Bergren, Lopez Resident.

Thank you to Ron Mayo for allowing access to his beach for this informational and fun event. For more information on shoreline habitat, forage fish or technical assistance on how you can help protect or restore shoreline habitat in the San Juans, please contact Tina Whitman, Science Director at FRIENDS of the San Juans at 360-378-2319 or visit our website at

High School Graduations

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Cap-and-GownFriday Harbor High School Graduation
5:00 pm, June 6th

Griffin Bay High School announces its Commencement Exercises
1:00 pm, June 7th at the San Juan Island Grange,  152 N First Street.
Reception to follow

Spring Street International School Graduation
2:30 to 5:00 pm
June 13th


Vote Your Support for SJ Pasta

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:36 am by

sj-pasta-logoLocal Business, San Juan Pasta Company, is looking for your support to be moved on to the next step for a $100,000 Grant from Mission Main Street Grants®. Help them grow by casting your vote online before June 19

San Juan Pasta Company, a local pasta manufacturing business has applied for a $100,000 grant from Chase’s, Mission Main Street Grants®. San Juan Pasta must submit a questionnaire outlining a business plan that will result in growth of the business and receive at least 250 votes to be eligible for a grant. Full eligibility requirements are available in the Program Rules. Customers, fans and community members can show support for San Juan Pasta by voting at using Facebook Connect.

The voting deadline is June 19, 2015 and grant recipients will be selected by expert panelists. “San Juan Pasta is ready to take our products to the mainland and expand our product line to include more gluten-free and vegan options. To do that, we need additional equipment, facility space, and personnel. Receiving this grant would be an unbelievable opportunity to ensure the work of this business continues in Friday Harbor.” said Angel Michaels, owner and Pasta Diva of San Juan Pasta Company. Continue Reading

WSU Master Gardener Interns

Posted June 4, 2015 at 5:16 am by


Welcome to the 2015 WSU Master Gardener Interns

Congratulations to 26 new WSU Master Gardener Interns! After completing well over 60 hours of in-class and online training, the new WSU Master Gardener Interns will be completing their volunteer hours through various community education activities.

Welcome to the following new interns:

  • Blakely Island: Linda Whitcomb
  • Lopez Island: Pat Kuentzel, Judy Dern
  • Orcas Island: Dianne Macondray, Jeanne Morris, Jennifer Timmins, Susan Kunk
  • San Juan Island: Alison Longley, Amanda Thiel, Connie Maas, Diana Stepita, Elena Porten, Glenn Hendrick, Jennifer Thomas, Kim Howard, Laurie O’Rourke, Mary Galli, Mickey Van Citters, Mike Embler, Nancy Best, Natalie Swift, Sandy May, Sue Cooper, Tanja Williamson, Terica Bair, Toni Shiurba.

Look for Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns:

-Farmers’ Market on San Juan & Orcas & Sunset Builders on Lopez
-Demonstration garden-growing food for the Food Bank
-Diagnostic Clinics held twice a month, once on Orcas and once on San Juan; a great time to get help with plant/insect problems
-Native Plant Sale (March) and Spring Plant Sale (May)
-San Juan County Fair-come check out our booth!
-Fall Gardening Workshop-Oct. 10, 2015

For questions about the WSU Master Gardener Program or help and questions about gardening call our office at 378-4414. The next WSU Master Gardener Training session will be in 2017, call us to get on the list!

Killer Whale Tales

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:56 pm by

Kids and Killer Whale Tales - Contributed photo

Kids and Killer Whale Tales – Contributed photo

Here’s a note from Debbi Fincher about what’s happening this week at the elementary school…

Hi everyone,
We are having Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales return this week to FHES, since his last visit was April 2013. I attached a photo of some of the eager students at his last presentation.

All students first attend a storytelling session about a boy who dreams of becoming a killer whale. This story provides an age-appropriate, highly effective means of teaching in-depth knowledge about the daily lives of these endangered animals. Students learn about the species’ use of habitat, anatomy, communication methods and of the human-induced impacts that are threatening these iconic animals.

Then our 5th and 6th grade students will have a break-out session – they will participate in experiential science and role-playing activities that enable them to practice field science in the classroom and learn about current orca research.

The Mission Statement of Killer Whale Tales is a nonprofit environmental education program that uses storytelling and field based science to inspire students to take an active role in the conservation of Pacific Northwest killer whales and their habitat. Our sponsors are John and Sharon Boyd, the China Pearl and Blue Water Grill. We thank them for supporting these efforts.

Thanks for sharing this with our island community 🙂
Have a great day!

Wine & Cheese Night

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:01 pm by

Richard at the cheese shop has invites you to their special event this Friday evening…

sji-cheese-logoDear Friends,
San Juan Island Cheese and special guest Virginie Bourgue from Lullaby Wines invite you to a Wine & Cheese Night on Friday, June 5th from 5:00pm- 7:00pm.

We will be pouring her incredible wines, served with perfectly paired cheeses to delight your taste buds. Stop in for a chance to meet and mingle with the winemaker.

Lullaby Winery is small production winery located in Port Townsend, WA and source their fruit from select vineyards in Walla Walla and Eastern Washington.
Founded in 2007 by owner and winemaker Virginie Bourgue, Lullaby Winery is her way to connect Earth and People in a simple way.

Reservations are appreciated as seats are limited. Come by this Friday for this very special wine and cheese event. A perfect way to start your San Juan Artist’s Studio Tour weekend!

155 Nichols St.
Friday, June 5th, 2015
from 5:00pm-7:00pm