Moonlight Sinatra – Jimmy Moe

Posted April 8, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

Back by popular demand –  ‘Old Blue Eyes’ this Friday night at 7:00 pm at the Rumor Mill. (and May 10th as well).

Jimmy Moe is back  for more  “Moonlight Sinatra” crooning.

Maybe it’s his bright blue eyes, or maybe it’s the timbre of his voice, but Jimmy Moe is best known for the his near-flawless renditions of Frank Sinatra.

Be sure to check out his new website!

Arbor Day Plant Giveaway

Posted April 8, 2015 at 5:40 am by

flowering-red-currantMinnie Knych just sent over this announcement about a cool giveaway from the Grange…

Friday Harbor Grange # 225 will be giving away FREE Flowering Red Currant shrubs on Saturday, April 11 at Market Place.

The giveaway begins at noon and will last until the last shrub is given away. Click here to see the poster.

The Oak Team

Posted April 8, 2015 at 5:36 am by

Tanja over at the Land Bank sent this note about how you can help out on their work parties up at Cady Mountain…

Here I am with another shout out. Attached is an informational and flyer all about The Oak Team. They’re having fun up there as well as getting some great work done! This Sunday is our second in a series of monthly Sunday work parties up on Cady Mountain Preserve and we could use some help.

Thanks Tim!

Click here for the flyer (PDF)

Co-ed Softball Pick Up Games

Posted April 8, 2015 at 5:30 am by


No Host, Just for Fun, School Yard Rules; Free Pick-Up Games before the season begins.

Sundays beginning April 12 thru May 3 at 5:30pm.
Games are held at the FHES fields.

Meet some new people at the Pick-Up Games and put together a team by May 6th for Co-Ed League Play. Bring gloves, and bats and balls if you have them.

Team registration for Co-Ed league play is due May 6th, with a Mandatory Coaches meeting on May 7th at the Island Rec office.

For more information or registration visit our website at, stop by the office at 580 Guard St, Mon – Fri from 1-5pm, email
Morgan [@] islandrec [.] org or call 378-4953

Pet Pirate Booty Treasure Hunt

Posted April 7, 2015 at 11:39 am by

Mark Morang is the FHHS Junior who organized the Pet Pirate Booty Treasure Hunt - Tim Dustrude photo

Mark Morang is the FHHS Junior who organized the Pet Pirate Booty Treasure Hunt – Tim Dustrude photo

You know the FHHS Junior class always has their annual community projects? Well, Mark Morang has come up with a very unique one that looks like a lot of fun – It’s the Pet Pirate Booty Treasure Hunt! Explore your island – Search for hidden treasure boxes – Win cool prizes and Support the Animal Shelter all at the same time!

Official instructions will be available soon, but for now – here’s the basic idea…

  1. Go to the Animal Shelter on Saturday April 18, between 10:00 and 10:45 a.m. to pick up your Clue List for $25.00.
  2. Use the clues to find 10 treasure boxes hidden in various places around the island.
  3. Each box will have 3 prize tickets (so try to be one of the 1st three people to find them). TAKE ONLY ONE TICKET!
  4. Redeem your tickets for cool prizes back at the Animal Shelter.

Refreshments will be provided as you tell your stories of adventure!

Bring a date. Or bring the whole family. This will help the Animal Shelter purchase a computer kiosk that will provide information for adoptions and pet care.

Prizes generously donated by:

  • Animal Inn
  • Friday Harbor Pet Supply
  • Radio Shack
  • Susan Wingate
  • Health Supplements
  • The Computer Place
  • A Place To Play
  • Tia’s Tacos
  • Cafe Demeter
  • Blue Water
  • China Pearl
  • Bean Cafe
  • Jewelery Place
  • Drug Store
  • Friday Harbor Espresso
  • Mystical Mermaid
  • Thrift Store
  • Girlfriends
  • Harbor Rentals and Saw Shop
  • Clipper Ship Barber Shop
  • Island Studios
  • Vic’s Drive-In
  • Ace Hardware
  • Roy’s Drive Thru

Contact Jan Murphy at the Animal Shelter for more information: 378-2158

Organized by Mark Morang

Writing Our History

Posted April 7, 2015 at 5:42 am by

Here’s another update on the Writing Our History project from Sandy Strehlou…

Olga Strawberry Barreling Plant History is the subject of a new essay.


The Olga Strawberry Barreling Plant – Contributed photo

Congratulations Boyd Pratt, History Link and the San Juan County Writing Our History Project for Boyd Pratt’s latest local history essay published on!

The essay is on the history of the Olga Arts Center (the historic Olga Strawberry Barreling Plant), which besides having a long and interesting history, was damaged by fire in 2013 and then became a successful restoration project by the non-profit Olga Strawberry Council (OSC).

Historic buildings and sites are important to the community. The OSC and the Orcas community have worked incredibly hard to save the Olga Strawberry Barreling Plant building, home to Café Olga and art gallery. The entire San Juan County community will benefit from their efforts. Many thanks to Boyd for researching the history and documenting the story—and in the process making history interesting to anyone lucky enough to stumble upon the article. Thank you History Link for bringing the story to a world audience.

Boyd Pratt lives on San Juan Island. His latest essay, and other WOHP essays already published on, demonstrate that WOHP is dedicated to capturing and sharing the stories of all of our diverse islands, not just one island, or event, or family, or one particular point in time. Together our history is rich and worth preserving. Continue Reading

Ergonomic Gardening Workshop

Posted April 7, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Come learn about gardening tools & techniques to reduce unnecessary pain - Contributed photo

Come to the Ergonomic Gardening Workshop to learn about gardening tools & techniques to reduce unnecessary pain – Contributed photo

Hand To Shoulder Therapy is celebrating Occupational Therapy month by offering an ergonomic gardening demonstration on Saturday April 25th at 1:30 PM. Susie Nichols has lived with arthritis since it began for her at age 16. “I can’t change that I have arthritis, but I can change how much it limits me.

Occupational therapy practitioners have a holistic perspective, in which the focus includes adapting the environment to fit the person. “Changing the tools used to garden allows me to do more with less pain and disability.

The demonstration will be held at Hand To Shoulder Therapy at 880 Guard Street next door to Harbor Rentals. Participants will be able to try out the tools discussed.

There is no cost for attending.

Litter-Free by the Sea

Posted April 7, 2015 at 5:39 am by


It’s the Great Islands Clean Up. Lori Stokes has the lowdown for this year’s event…

Hey, everyone! It’s time for the 2015 Great Islands Clean-Up… our annual spring-cleaning! And this year, both Orcas and Lopez will be joining San Juan in the event, hence the change in our name to “Islands”!

The specific information about San Juan Island’s effort is as follows:

  • When: Saturday, April 18th. 9 am – noon
  • Where: All island roadsides and beaches
  • Rain or shine!

Last year on San Juan, 275 islanders collected over 3800 pounds of litter from approximately 45 miles of roads and several beach areas. And, our island really did look GREAT!

But sadly, our refuse continues to end up as litter. Thoughtless tossing of bottles, cans, food wrappers, or cigarette butts; accidental “blowing away” of debris from unsecured loads on boats and trucks; or deliberate dumping of tires, etc., all contribute to the need to make litter pick-up an ongoing effort.

Multiple organizations – including San Juan County, the town of Friday Harbor, San Juan Sanitation, island service clubs, the Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the San Juans – are collaborating to sponsor this year’s Great Islands Clean-Up, a day when all able-bodied islanders are encouraged to help pick up the accumulated trash so that residents and visitors alike are treated to a litter-free island when warmer and sunnier weather beckons us all outdoors.

Please connect with your business, school, non-profit, service or neighborhood groups, family and friends and volunteer to help. You can join a group that has already been formed, or you can organize a group of your own! Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted April 7, 2015 at 5:38 am by

Ramona is this week's Pet of the Week - Traci Walter photo

Ramona is this week’s Pet of the Week – Traci Walter photo

Ramona here, reporting for duty. Any kind of duty – you name it.

I’m particularly good at lap warming and snuggling, but I’ll also take you for walks and teach you how to play if you’d like.

I get along great with dogs, cats, kids…. EVERYONE! Trust me, I’m the whole enchilada. Best of all, the two extra-deluxe ears come with the package!

Come to the animal shelter and meet me. You’ll see – I’m just a very sincere, loving candidate to be your next family member.

Animal Shelter
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Poster Contest Winners

Posted April 6, 2015 at 2:48 pm by

Emily Fitts takes First Prize in the Poster Contest - Contributed photo

Emily Fitts takes First Prize in the Poster Contest – Contributed photo

Here are the Children’s Festival Poster Contest Winners!
Island Rec is pleased to present the winners of the Annual Children’s Festival Poster Contest:

  • 1st Place: Emily Fitts
  • Runner Up: Jessica Procaccini
  • Runner Up: Eleanor Rollins
  • Runner Up: Aida Must

Many thanks to all the young artists who submitted entries! We had some wonderful artworks to choose from this year. Keep an eye out for the posters, which will soon be displayed around town. Island Rec would like to thank Western Prince Cruises, The Toy Box, Ositos, and A Place to Play for sponsoring prizes for the Poster Contest.

Runners-Up:  - Contributed photos

Runners-Up L-R: Jessica Procaccini, Eleanor Rollins and Aida Must – Contributed photos

And don’t forget – The Children’s Festival is happening Saturday, May 2nd from 10am to 2pm at the Fair Building. We hope to see you there! For more information, call 378-4953 or visit

Award for Sunshine Alley Plan

Posted April 6, 2015 at 5:48 am by

Sunshine Alley Revitalization Plan receives Merit Award

Click to enlarge - Contributed image

Click to enlarge – Contributed image

The Sunshine Alley Revitalization Plan commissioned by the Town of Friday Harbor was selected for a 2015 Merit Award from the Northwest Washington chapter of the American Institute of Architects (NWAIA). Architects of the plan were HKP Architects working in conjunction with Beckwith Consulting and SVR Design Company.

The NWAIA Design Awards celebrate the best architectural designs available from architects in Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan and Island Counties. According to the AIA, these projects represent the finest standards in sustainability, innovation, building performance and overall integration with the client and surrounding community. Judging was based on design quality, functional utility, accessibility, aesthetic delight, sustainability, creativity and innovation as well as the independent merit of each project.

The award recognizes the designers’ professional excellence and the cooperation demonstrated by the Town in demanding the highest of architectural standards,” said Duncan Wilson, Town Administrator. “The Town has greatly benefited from the quality of this work.

A link to a copy of the Sunshine Alley Plan is available under Town Documents on the Town of Friday Harbor website.

Friday Nights Drive-In Movies

Posted April 6, 2015 at 5:46 am by


San Juan County Parks & Fair Department is excited to announce the 2nd season of Drive-In Movies at the Fairgrounds.

The series will begin Friday, April 24th at civil twilight and run every Friday evening through June 26th.

Parking will be first come, up to an hour before the show! Please “Like” the San Juan County Fair & Fairgrounds on Facebook for specific times each week and read our FAQs about our Drive-In Movie set up on our website.

You can find our poster available to download to put in your shop window or keep on your bulletin board at home!
See you there!

Find Your Park!

Posted April 6, 2015 at 5:35 am by

National Park Week 2015 Encourages Everyone To Find Your Park

findyourparkSan Juan Island National Historical Park joins parks, programs and partners across the country to encourage everyone to find their park and share their stories online at Launched March 30 by the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation, Find Your Park is a public awareness and education campaign celebrating the milestone centennial anniversary of the National Park Service in 2016 and setting the stage for its second century of service.

Find Your Park invites the public to see that a national park can be more than a place — it can be a feeling, a state of mind, or a sense of American pride. Beyond vast landscapes, the campaign highlights historical, urban, and cultural parks, as well as the National Park Service programs that protect, preserve and share nature, culture, and history in communities nationwide.

“Find Your Park” is also the theme for this year’s National Park Week, April 18 – 26.  Continue Reading

Changes at the Law Office

Posted April 6, 2015 at 5:30 am by

The Law Office of William J. Weissinger PS in Friday Harbor is growing and changing. After 25 years in practice on San Juan Island, Bill Weissinger will be selling the law firm to his longtime associate attorney Mimi Wagner, effective this summer.

Associate Attorney Jamie Grifo - Contributed photo

Associate Attorney Jamie Grifo – Contributed photo

Bill will remain available to provide legal services, assisting the firm’s clients as “of counsel” on a part-time basis as of this summer. Mimi Wagner has been a licensed attorney for 15 years, initially in Colorado before taking the Washington bar examination and returning to her hometown, where she has worked with Bill Weissinger for ten years.

Rudi Ann Weissinger will be retiring from her role as office manager/legal assistant this summer, and the firm will be joined by a new legal assistant. On April 1st, James (Jamie) Grifo joined the firm as an associate attorney. Jamie has been a practicing attorney on the island for nearly three years, and brings energy and enthusiasm to the firm. With the addition of Jamie Grifo, the firm has additional availability for client projects, and offers a range of experience and billing rates to best suit its clients’ needs.

The firm will continue to provide assistance to clients throughout the San Juans and elsewhere with many types of real estate matters, land use disputes, estate planning, probate, and business law. The firm’s values and approach to client services will continue. These are careful preparation, attention to detail, the highest standards of integrity, excellent negotiation skills, common-sense approaches to problems, vigorous prosecution of cases, and forthright argument before courts and to opponents. The firm is located at 425 Caines Street, Suite B, in Friday Harbor. Clients of the firm will receive a separate written notice about the sale and Bill’s transition at a later date.

For more information, see the website at or call the firm at (360) 378-6234.

2015 Easter Egg Hunt

Posted April 5, 2015 at 3:05 pm by


2015 Easter Egg Hunt – Tim Dustrude photo

Kids and families alike had a great time at this year’s Easter Egg Hunt at Jackson’s Beach. The weather was great and the eggs were aplenty. Click here to see a 40 image gallery of all the fun.

(Also – more photos here by Kevin Holmes)

Garden Club Excursion

Posted April 4, 2015 at 4:27 pm by

Vonnie Harold shares this recap of last week’s Garden Club trip…

The inside of a Magnolia - SJI Garden Club photo

The inside of a Magnolia – SJI Garden Club photo

The San Juan Island Garden Club hosted an excursion to participate in a Spring Garden Walk with John Christianson of Christianson’s Nursery on March 28, 2015. There were travelers not only from San Juan Island but Orcas Island and Seattle as well. The 20 participants visited La Conner, La Conner Flats gardens, Granary at La Conner Flats and Christianson’s Nursery.

After departing the ferry and boarding the vans the group toured the tulip and daffodil fields on the way to the town of LaConner. There are so many reasons to visit LaConner. There is the Museum of Northwest Art, great shopping, walks along the river and many lovely homes to view. Then there is the biggest éclair ever. All venues were covered!

The Spring Garden Walk at Christianson’s Nursery began in the Schoolhouse on the nursery grounds and then continued through all of the lovely garden areas. John Christenson (pictures at led the group through the Christianson gardens and on into the gardens at La Conner Flats. The walking tour concluded at the Granary. There the group was served High Tea complete with china tea pots and cups, scones, tea sandwiches and desserts. Lovely!

John Christianson - SJI Garden Club photo

John Christianson – SJI Garden Club photo

The Excursion was a day of meeting new people, learning, visiting with those we know and laughter. Christianson’s Nursery and La Conner Flats pursue preserving small bits of Skagit Valley History including the buildings they use. It was a joy to be there.

The next hosted excursion will be June 27, 2015 back to Christianson’s for the Rose Festival. Watch the Garden Club’s web site for further information as the planning progresses.