The Great Islands Clean Up

Posted March 12, 2015 at 5:29 am by

Just a quick note here to let you know to Save the Date! The Great Islands Clean Up, (yes, that’s right – “Islands” with an ‘s’) is coming up on Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 am until noon.

More information will follow as the time draws closer, but for now – you know that’s the date.

Kingfisher on a Piling

Posted March 11, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Kingfisher on a Piling - John Miller photo

Kingfisher on a Piling – © John Miller photo

What do you do while waiting for the ferry in Anacortes? John Miller walks the beach and looks for cool stuff to photograph. Here’s a Kingfisher on a Piling he saw earlier this week. Thanks for sharing John!

Healthy You: Fireside Chat No. 3

Posted March 11, 2015 at 5:41 am by

PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center Hosts Third ‘Fireside Chat’ Free Community Education Event March 18 - Louise Dustrude photo

PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center Hosts Third ‘Fireside Chat’
Free Community Education Event March 18 – Louise Dustrude photo

Peace Island Medical Center (PIMC), at 1117 Spring Street, is hosting its third in a series of free, public community education “Fireside Chats” as part of its “Healthy You” program.

The next Fireside Chat will be presented by Jason Heiner, MD, from 4 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 in the PIMC lobby by the fireplace. The topic is “Alcohol and Drug Poisoning Treatment in the Emergency Department: a Chat for Teens and Young Adults.”

Dr. Heiner’s talk, which was well-received at Western Washington University, covers:

  • The impact of alcohol and drugs;
  • Myths and facts about what happens in the emergency department; and
  • Myths and facts about the safety of substance use.

Dr. Heiner, an emergency department physician, graduated from the University of Vermont College of Medicine and completed both internship and residency at Madigan Army Medical Center.

Fireside Chats are offered the third Wednesday of each month, with a summer hiatus. Upcoming Fireside Chats will focus on “Medicare Wellness” in April and in May a repeat of the popular talk on Advance Directives for end-of-life care.

Healthy You is a program that provides resources, tools and information to support individuals in their health and wellness journey.

For more information, please email acloud [@] peacehealth [.] org or click here.

Be Safe on St. Patrick’s Day

Posted March 11, 2015 at 5:29 am by

Here’s a note from Sheriff Ron Krebs…

sheriff-badgeSt. Patrick’s Day brings to mind shamrocks, leprechauns, pots of gold, the color green, and good luck. But no amount of luck can save you from a drunk driving crash. So whether your are driving buzzed or sober, we at the Sheriff Office want to ensure everone makes it home safe and sound.

On Tuesday the 17th, we will be conducting extra roving DUI patrols in an effort to remove those who are driving while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs from the roads. These patrols are in addition to the regularly scheduled patrols, all looking for the signs of imapired driving.

Following a few simple steps will ensure you get home safely. Always have a designated driver or utilize the local Taxi services. Give the keys to a responsible party at the beginning of the night. Phone a friend of family member.

We at the Sheriff’s Office wish you all a safe and happy St. Patricks day.

Be a saint, drive sober.

Volunteering at the Animal Shelter – Everyone Wins!

Posted March 11, 2015 at 5:24 am by

Become a volunteer - Contributed photo

Become a volunteer – Contributed photo

Do you have some free time, love animals and have an interest in making a difference in your community? If the answer is yes, then the Animal Shelter is the place for you!

The Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor is always in need of caring folks for a wide variety of tasks. Whether you’d like to walk dogs, greet visitors, spend time with cats or help out at a fundraising event there are many ways you can make a big difference in the life of homeless animals.

Here are just a few of the benefits of volunteering: Continue Reading

Tide Bites

Posted March 10, 2015 at 5:52 am by


Petra turning rocks to collect Northern Clingfish at Cattle Point Beach - C. Linkem photo

Petra turning rocks to collect Northern Clingfish at Cattle Point Beach – C. Linkem photo

Here’s an excerpt from this month’s University of Washington Labs Tide Bites newsletter, written by Petra Ditsche…

Years ago when I stepped into a river and experienced the strong forces of the current, I wondered how animals are able to live in such a challenging environment. This experience stayed with me, and the interplay of currents and animals is still one of my main research interests today.

Clingfishes are small fish that usually live in shallow water or the marine intertidal. The ~110 known species of this family can be found almost all around the world. While most fish swim freely in the water or rest on the bottom, a few species have attachment “devices” to cling to substrate surfaces. What makes clingfishes special is the suction disc on their belly. This feature gave this fish family its name. Click to read more

Cancer Caregivers Support Circle

Posted March 10, 2015 at 5:48 am by

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

The Preregistration deadline for this event has been extended until this Friday, March 13th! If you or someone you love could benefit from these monthly gatherings, please contact Deb by this Friday so you can participate starting next Wednesday, March 18th.

There’s a new support group being offered for caregivers supporting loved ones with cancer. “Cancer Caregivers Support Circle,” where those providing support to loved ones with cancer can process their experiences in a safe, confidential place – share their own challenges, triumphs, lessons, resources – & also listen deeply to others’ journeys. (No fee will be charged.) To learn the details, click to enlarge the poster.

The venue for this new Cancer Caregivers Support Circle is the Heritage Bank (formerly Whidbey Island Bank) in the Community Meeting Room.

This week at the Library…

Posted March 10, 2015 at 5:30 am by

Borrow eBooks for Your Tablet/Smartphone
Bring your device to this free workshop where you’ll learn how to use the free eBooks and eAudiobooks available at the San Juan Island Library. Remember to bring your charged-up device, password (for example: Apple ID or the password to, and please ensure your San Juan Island Library account is current.
Tuesday March 10 from 10:00 – 11:30 am in the Library meeting room. Free.
Register at the Library information desk or call 378-2798.


What’s New at San Juan Island National Historical Park?
What work was done to renovate the Crook House and the Officer’s Quarters? Can we save the island marble butterfly? When will the relocation of Cattle Point Road happen? San Juan Island National Historical Park Superintendent Lee Taylor will highlight the park’s accomplishments in 2014 and describe what lies ahead in 2015. This is a very special 2nd edition of the Know Your Islanders Talks series for March.
Refreshments are furnished by The Friends of the Library and The Trails Committee.
Wednesday, March 11, at 7:00 pm in the Library main salon. Free.


Origami Workshop – Bunnies!
Learn how to make 2 bunny models that are perfect for spring. One even holds candy. Library staff member Bethery von Dassow will show you all you need to know. Paper is provided and no registration is necessary. As always, feel free to bring your own paper or bone folder.
Children welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Refreshments courtesy of the Friends of the Library.
Saturday, March 14, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, in the SJI Library meeting room. Free.


Open Mic for Writers
Open Mic continues. Writers are invited to read their works; complete or in-progress, poetry or prose. Come to share or to be inspired. Light refreshments are served.
Saturday, March 14, at 7:00 pm at the library. Free

Preview the Museum of History and Industry

Posted March 9, 2015 at 12:38 pm by

The entryway Atrium at the new Museum of History and Industry - Contributed photo

The entryway Atrium at the new Museum of History and Industry – Contributed photo

A preview opening of the San Juan Island Museum of History and Industry (MHI) at the San Juan Historical Museum, Wednesday, March 11 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

The San Juan Historical Society cordially invites you to a preview of the San Juan Island Museum of History and Industry (MHI). The MHI is a developing interactive educational center located in the barn on the museum grounds. The MHI will feature exhibits interpreting the past core industries of San Juan Island: Fishing, Farming, Logging and Limestone processing. The exhibits will feature multimedia presentations, interactive exhibits and items from our archives to tell the stories of these once vibrant industries.

Doorway to the Fishing exhibit off of the main atrium - Contributed photo

Doorway to the Fishing exhibit off of the main atrium – Contributed photo

We would like to give you a tour of the space and show you our progress to date as we near completion of the welcoming Atrium. The Atrium features an impressive three dimensional topographical map of San Juan Island which will orient visitors to historic sites as they relate to each industry. Continue Reading

Rotary Club Spelling Bee

Posted March 9, 2015 at 11:49 am by

2012 Spelling Bee - Contributed photo

2012 Spelling Bee – Contributed photo

The 10th annual Rotary Club Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, March 12th at the San Juan Community Theatre. The contest is open to all island students in 4th through 8th grades.

The 1st place winners will be awarded a $300 cash prize for their school, $200 for their class, and $100 for the speller. 2nd place winners will be awarded $200 for their school, $150 for their class, and $75 for the speller. Medallions are given to each participant.

Carol Linde and Mary Sliger will serve as judges and Ted Strutz will be the pronouncer. Steve Bowman will introduce each participant.

All are welcome to attend this annual event and support our students as they demonstrate their spelling skills and have fun (we hope) being involved in the spirit of healthy competition.

Doors open at 3:00 p.m. Spelling Bee starts at 3:30 p.m.

Student appointed to Friday Harbor Arts Commission

Posted March 9, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Mayor Carrie Lacher with newly appointed student Arts Commissioner Audrey Sable and Arts Commissioner Lori Stokes - John Sable photo

Mayor Carrie Lacher with newly appointed student Arts Commissioner Audrey Sable and Arts Commissioner Lori Stokes – John Sable photo

Mayor Carrie Lacher has appointed the final member of the Friday Harbor Arts Commission (FHAC), an advisory panel formed to assist the Town Council with the cultivation, acquisition and placement of public art. The Council confirmed the appointment of student Commissioner Audrey Sable at a meeting on March 5th.

The Friday Harbor High School senior will hold the position until she leaves for college this fall. In the future, the position of student Commissioner will be a one-year appointment commencing each September. “Although this is a non-voting position, it is one the Town sees as essential to creating a broad-based commission that is representative of our community,” said the Mayor. “We are fortunate to have Audrey participate in the development of her new position, and look forward to her contribution to the process.

The next meeting of the FHAC is scheduled for 5:00 pm Tuesday, March 10 in Council Chambers.

SJC Council Members Take County Interests to Olympia

Posted March 9, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Governor Jay Inslee and SJC Council Member Jamie Stephens - Contributed photo

Governor Jay Inslee and SJC Council Member Jamie Stephens – Contributed photo

Since the State Legislature convened in mid-January, San Juan County Council Member Jamie Stephens has traveled to the state capital at least once every other week to lobby for the County’s interests in issues ranging from capital projects to jet noise.

With budget shortfalls at all levels of government, and large and small counties jostling for attention, Stephens says, “It’s important that we show up to remind the legislature we are out here and that we have unique challenges.

The legislators whose districts include San Juan County have been extremely responsive, according to Stephens. “It’s been great working with Representatives Kristine Lytton and Jeff Morris and Senator Kevin Ranker. They have all been helpful and really good about making time for all of the San Juan County people who have come down.

In January, Stephens took the Council’s top three capital project priorities to Olympia and two of the three proposals are still alive: Funding for the construction of the Pear Point-Turn Point connector road on San Juan Island, and funding for a feasibility study for the relocation of MacKaye Harbor road on Lopez. Funding for construction of the Orcas Village Park and Ride project did not make the legislature’s first cut this year. However Stephens remains optimistic about winning funds for the first phase of the Eastsound stormwater project.

Stephens is also hopeful that the legislature will approve a measure that would automatically include San Juan County in the state’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB). That could help stabilize the cost of the County’s employee health insurance coverage. Continue Reading

Get your… FREE Philosophy

Posted March 9, 2015 at 5:39 am by

lady_philosophy2Does philosophy have any relevance in a technologically-advanced society? That’s the question asked during San Juan Community Theatre’s FREE On Book! Readers Theatre series in the Gubelman THIS Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10 and 11 at 7:30 pm.

Jeff Fraser’s comedy, Philosophy on Trial, turns a series of luminaries in the history of Western thought—from Socrates to Einstein—into witnesses in the trial of Lady Philosophy, who is charged with idleness and corrupting young minds.

Directed by Julie Laidlaw, the reading features: Jacki Altier, Elizabeth Anderson, Dennis Busse, Madelyn Busse, Carolyn Haugen, Greg Hertel, Marc Islam, Keith Keyser, Paul Kollett , Scott Mapstead, Lisa Moretti, Dorian Oliver, John Pachuta, Dana Rice, Ethan Schmidt, Greg Swinford, Elizabeth Tarte, Paul Walsh and Julie Woodruff.

Doors open at 7 pm with Festival Seating.

County Positions Available

Posted March 9, 2015 at 5:38 am by

County-LogoThe County Council is searching for San Juan County citizens to fill current and upcoming vacancies on various boards and commissions. Additional information about each committee is available on the County’s website at:

Persons interested in serving on a board or advisory committee should fill out an Advisory Committee Application or Contact the Council Office at: (360) 378-2898 Email: [email protected] 

The following is a list of current and upcoming vacancies: Continue Reading

Master Gardeners Roses Workshop

Posted March 8, 2015 at 5:28 am by

Flowers and Buds at the Land Bank's Driggs Park on Argyle Avenue - Kathy Daniels photo

Flowers and Buds at the Land Bank’s Driggs Park on Argyle Avenue – Kathy Daniels photo

Forsythia is blooming, which signals pruning time for certain types of roses. But not all roses benefit from annual pruning. And there are different methods for some specific types of roses.

Join San Juan Island Master Gardener volunteers on Sunday afternoon March 15 from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm to learn more about how to plant, protect, prune and propagate many types of roses grown in the Pacific Northwest.

Horticultural fact sheets researched and edited by Washington State University Extension staff will be distributed along with experience of local rose gardeners.

The workshop will start at the community room at Skagit Valley College, 221 Weber Way for a short presentation. Participants will then carpool to a local rose garden for a hands-on rose pruning demonstration.

The workshop and field trip are free of charge and no registration is necessary.

View the flyer at this link (PDF)

Spring Ahead

Posted March 7, 2015 at 9:50 am by

spring-aheadSpring is almost here and the days are getting longer, yay!

Don’t forget – tomorrow morning at 2:00 am – Daylight Saving Time begins.

Set your clock forward one hour – so at 2:00 it will really be 3:00.