Outside Peace Island Medical Center in the rain
Posted February 28, 2022 at 7:35 pm by Jeff Arnim
In case you missed it: highlights from the San Juan Update in February
Posted February 28, 2022 at 4:25 pm by Jeff Arnim
The most-read stories on the San Juan Update in February included our profile of Cynthia Burke’s community contributions, a look at the updated status of a proposed hotel project on First Street, an unexpected job posting from the County Assessor’s office, and our coverage of road repairs near Eagle Cove.
If you haven’t already read these stories, check them out now.
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Conservation Land Bank seeks farmer to move to Coffelt Farm Preserve on Orcas Island
Posted February 28, 2022 at 1:07 pm by Jeff Arnim
The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank is looking for an experienced farmer or farm organization — possibly from San Juan Island — to move their existing operation to Orcas Island.
The Land Bank has issued a request for proposals for a five-year farm lease on its 150-acre Coffelt Farm Preserve, with a five-year renewal option. The property includes pasture land, a house, and existing farm infrastructure. According to the RFP:
Since the Land Bank acquired Coffelt Farm Preserve [in 2008], farm operations were managed first by a non-profit, Coffelt Farm Stewards, and currently by Lum Farms LLC under an interim lease through 2022. These operations have maintained the farm as a diversified, though primarily livestock-based operation. In addition to advancing its stewardship goals, the Land Bank seeks to maintain the farm as a model for small-scale, community-oriented agriculture and as a welcoming place for visitors and all members of the community.
Proposals are due by Wednesday, June 1.
Volunteer Fair coming to Brickworks on March 6
Posted February 28, 2022 at 9:44 am by Jeff Arnim
More than 25 local organizations seeking volunteers are expected to take part in San Juan Island’s Volunteer Fair, held this coming Sunday, March 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brickworks.
Sponsored by the San Juan Island Service Scholarship, Island Grown in the San Juans, and Brickworks, the event will give potential volunteers the chance to connect with nonprofits and other organizations that need their help more than ever.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, “Most in-person volunteering came to a standstill over the last two years,” says Tanja Williamson, the Volunteer Fair coordinator and President of the San Juan Island Service Scholarship. “I hear from friends at other nonprofits how they’re also looking for volunteers. Without community participation, I’m afraid we’ll start to see great resources fold.” Continue Reading
Rolling with the waves through the darkness, to the faint sound of a car alarm honking on the deck below
Posted February 27, 2022 at 10:10 pm by Jeff Arnim
Agricultural Summit registration closes tomorrow
Posted February 27, 2022 at 1:34 pm by Jeff Arnim
Online registration for the tenth edition of the San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit ends tomorrow, Feb. 28.
This year’s event features virtual programming on Friday, March 4 and in-person workshops and gatherings on Lopez Island on Saturday, March 5. It includes a keynote address from Rowen White, a Seed Keeper from the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and an activist for Indigenous seed sovereignty.
Workshops touch on a broad range of topics, including carbon sequestration, on-farm composting, commercial orcharding, on-farm vet skills, and alternative models for farmland access. There’s also a song and story hour for kids and an outdoor evening social.
Freezer Burned: Tales of Interior Alaska
Posted February 27, 2022 at 8:34 am by San Juan Update
Freezer Burned is an ongoing series for the San Juan Update, written by Steve Ulvi. Read the previous story in this series.
A Walkabout Begins
Sonny Johns was spent. Leg-weary, ready to call it a day. A damned important day, the first of many unpredictable experiences. A story as old as human time; an energetic young man leaving the embrace of family and village to find himself in the beyond. Sonny had little interest in going on to college and even less for living day to day in an Alaskan city. Yet he was painfully aware of his need to be away from the village. A winter journey and months of trapping furbearers could ensue if Nate Cutler wanted company at his remote cabin on Alapah Creek. Continue Reading
San Juan Preservation Trust announces purchase of the Ihiya Biological Preserve
Posted February 26, 2022 at 3:55 pm by Jeff Arnim
The 33-acre Ihiya Biological Preserve, located off Wold Road on Kiehl Road, is now under management by the San Juan Preservation Trust.
Located alongside the protected Trout Lake watershed, the preserve is home to a branch of False Creek and includes a mix of forest, wetlands, and rocky balds.
Ihiya was first formed as a nonprofit organization by a group of neighbors in 2018, consisting of two connected, undeveloped parcels of land. To help ensure its long-term protection, and to offset part of the land acquisition costs, a conservation easement was sold to the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank in April 2020.
The title to the land ended up in the hands of the Preservation Trust in December of last year after the Ihiya nonprofit worked with SJPT to negotiate the sale of the property. The Land Bank easement will remain in place.
Going forward, SJPT aims to maintain the preserve’s existing loop trail, promote nature-based learning for local school and indigenous groups on the site, and allow it to be used as a location for community science projects. It remains open to the public for daytime use.
San Juan Community Theatre revises COVID guidelines
Posted February 26, 2022 at 9:32 am by San Juan Update
San Juan Community Theatre shares the following update regarding vaccination and masking requirements for future performances.
In response to the Governor’s announcement on Feb. 17 providing anticipated ending dates of vaccination and masking requirements, San Juan Community Theatre’s (SJCT) Board of Trustees voted on Feb. 23 to update the organization’s COVID policies. Beginning March 7, Theatre COVID safety policies will be guided by State and County requirements. With limited exceptions, SJCT will no longer require proof of vaccination for audience members as of March 7th and anticipates ending indoor masking when state and county masking mandates are lifted.
Brandon Cadwell, Board of Trustees President said, “SJCT has always been in full compliance with Federal, State, and local public health requirements, and SJCT’s policies will continue to align with those requirements as they change. Safety for staff, volunteers, and patrons remains our highest priority, and we are closely monitoring COVID developments. More restrictive policies may be adopted at a future date if they will make a substantial difference in creating a safe environment.” Continue Reading
18 new COVID cases on San Juan Island
Posted February 25, 2022 at 10:56 am by Jeff Arnim
The San Juan County Department of Emergency Management reports 18 confirmed or probable new COVID cases on San Juan Island since Feb. 18 — a reduction of more than half over last week. The County also reports five new cases on Lopez Island and four on Orcas Island. This week’s 27 new cases bring the total case count to 1,202.
In their media release, the County shared their perspective on how COVID precautions may change in the coming months in light of the mask mandate scheduled to expire on March 21:
The Governor will lift his mask mandate on March 21st, including for school students. San Juan County Health Department staff will monitor the situation, but currently feel more than comfortable with the timing of this decision.
Islanders will need to display their usual patience and empathy through the transition. Some will feel most comfortable continuing to wear masks — and that’s a perfectly reasonable decision. Some will be eager to go mask free, and if current trends hold, that will be fine too. Recognizing that nearly everyone’s nerves are frazzled, and meeting that anxiousness with relaxed and patient kindness and basic human decency, will go a long way towards healing the collective mental health of our community.
This all said, COVID will still be out there, is still a serious illness for many, and certainly something to be wary of. There will continue to be hospitalizations and fatalities. With that in mind, it’s important that anyone who is feeling sick stay home, and if you need to go out in public while symptomatic, for goodness’ sake, wear a mask. Get tested if you think you might have COVID and make decisions based on common sense and respect for your community.
A post-election update from San Juan Island EMS
Posted February 25, 2022 at 8:33 am by San Juan Update
San Juan Island EMS sends along an update about their plans for the year ahead, following the renewal of their six-year funding levy earlier this month.
In the recent February election, San Juan Island EMS won 66% voter approval for the renewal of their 6-year levy to support emergency response services.
San Juan Island EMS is incredibly grateful for the support from the public in the most recent election. Superintendent Nathan Butler stated, “We are grateful that the public has given us their trust and support in renewing this levy. It wasn’t an easy election cycle, and we were so gratified by the outcome.”
With six years of public funding secured for San Juan Island EMS, there are many plans on the horizon for improvement, including hiring an Operations Chief and Training Officer this spring. Board Chair Anna Lisa Lindstrum stated that, “the hiring of an Operations Chief and Training Officer has been a long-term goal of the District but was placed on hold due to uncertainty of San Juan Island EMS’s future. With the appropriate funding secured, the District is very excited to place more of an emphasis on training and operations for EMTs and Paramedics.” Continue Reading
Knowledge Bowl returns March 8
Posted February 24, 2022 at 5:53 pm by Jeff Arnim
San Juan Island’s Knowledge Bowl returns in 2022, taking place this year on Tuesday, March 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the San Juan Community Theatre. The event is organized by the San Juan Public Schools Foundation, who describes it as:
A cross between Jeopardy and the old college quiz bowls, where teams compete to answer questions on geography, history, pop culture, local fare, and more.
This year there are eight competing teams, which include Friday Harbor 8th graders, combined teams of 9th and 10th graders, and 11th and 12th graders from Friday Harbor High School, a team from Spring Street International School, and teams from the Soroptimists, Rotary Club, Lions, and Kiwanis.
Jose Domenech is this year’s master of ceremonies, with music performed by the high school jazz band.
Admission is $5, with all proceeds benefiting the Schools Foundation. Proof of vaccination is required. Masking is mandatory inside the theater for all audience members.
Family Art Days return to the San Juan Islands Museum of Art starting March 5
Posted February 24, 2022 at 7:55 am by Jeff Arnim
The San Juan Islands Museum of Art will offer take-home art project packs to Island families on Saturdays from March 5 through May 21.
SJIMA’s Family Art Days program features ten unique projects this spring, including bead making, paper sculptures, miniature landscapes, and wearable art.
Pre-registration is required each week through the SJIMA website. Pick up takes place in person at 540 Spring St. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday, except on April 16.