Let’s see what’s up, good friends:
• The Family Umbrella Group’s Luncheon & Auction is today…here’s the writeup from last week (scroll down a bit) when you planned to get your ticket, and today’s the day!
• Just got a note from India that my good friend Janet Thomas caught the royal wedding at Westminster Abbey on wide-screen TV in a Buddhist monastery guest house in Dharamsala with photos of His Holiness Dalai Lama, Gandhi & Manchester United on the wall….afterwards, they ate banana toffee pie.
Speaking of which, I hear the staff at Islanders Bank (who never miss a chance to dress up) are dressing for the wedding today…drop by & check them out!
• Tonight, former islander Joe Bongiorno plays a concert with his beautiful solo piano music in Nashville…it does feel like he’s everywhere. Last Friday I heard his tunes playing at chiropractor Mark Earnhart’s office, at Island Studios, at a counseling office, and at a bookstore downtown. So I turned him on at my office when I got home to work – I love working to his music. He last played on the island in February, at a special Valentine’s Day concert at The Rumor Mill.
By the way, his show tonight is on Internet radio…you can hear him live, for free. Check it out – plan a quiet, relaxing night with Joe at home, tonight.
• It’s been twenty years – and you can help celebrate! Here’s more from Lorie Narum at The Second Act:
Second Act is celebrating 20 years of doing business in Friday Harbor and you are invited! Come to Vinny’s Restaurant (155 West Street) this Sunday May 1st between 1:00pm to 3:00 pm to celebrate with Karrie King.
Finger food and libations will be served along with a Fashion show starting at 2:00pm. Karrie would like to thank all her customers and consignors for making Second Act a thriving, viable, and “green” business for all these years! Deb Dardanelli the founder of Second Act will be there along with present and past employees to celebrate.
Come one, come all. It will be a Second Act good time!
• The last three shows of Island Stage Left’s Trying are this weekend!
• When you think about Green Buildings, what is your vision? Here’s one from Anna Howden’s blog that will inspire you (if you’re not already….!)
• Can’t believe the Island Studio Tour is only a month away….it’s the first weekend of June.
• Saturday night the Orcas Horns are coming to our island! Jan from the Community Theatre has more:
Orcas Island’s “Premier Party Band” jumps over to Friday Harbor for their first San Juan Community Theatre performance on Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m.
Home-grown musicians with professional roots, the eight-man group shares some powerful R&B, soul, jazz, rock and blues as they showcase their skills with the trombone, trumpet, flugelhorn, guitars, flute, piano, drums, bass, tenor and baritone saxophones.
The band (featuring Steve Alboucq, Gregory Books, Craig Canine, Martin Lund, Tony Morales, Gene Nery, Bruce Russell and Dimitri Stankevich) got its start a few years ago after working together during the annual One World Music Festival and fundraiser at the Orcas Center. Trumpet player Steve Alboucq says the combination worked so well, that it just made sense to keep going.
The individual band members’ resumes are filled with a variety of musical experiences, including working with Mel Torme, Isaac Hayes, Gladys Knight and the Pips, jazz trumpet legend Willie Thomas, Ricki Lee Jones and Frank Sinatra.
The Theatre is setting up special dancing areas so folks who wish to, may move more freely to the groovin’ sounds.