The San Juan Island Community Foundation rocks the island…

Posted September 24, 2010 at 9:54 am by

Bill Morrissey shares a laugh with Charlie Anderson of the San Juan Island Community Foundation before Friday’s Breakfast of Champions awards presentation.

This morning the San Juan Island Community Foundation held their Breakfast of Champions breakfast, and it was cool to see the incredible breadth & scope this amazing community organization reaches on our island.

Board chair Charlie Anderson announced that the SJICF has handed out over $1.6 million dollars to community organizations this year so far (and they’re not even done!) The largest chunk goes to the new hospital (the 42,000-square foot Peace Island Medical Center, due to open in 2012), as they added $1.28 million to the $8.7 million already given in that campaign.

The breakfast allowed the SJICF to present about $50K in awards to a couple of dozen recipients (I’ll post the full list a little later), as well as mention they dispersed $110K in scholarships and student support to the local schools. They also allocated nearly $350K to other non-profits around the island.

Good move: Supporting the continuing education of our EMT chief…that’s Jim and Cathy Cole at the Fair last month.

Finally, in an incredible gesture of support to one of our incredible island treasures, they awarded our EMT chief Jim Cole $3K for training and education as he finishes his masters degree…which definitely helps the island.

If you haven’t looked over the Community Foundation’s website (designed by the amazing Anne Francis) to see how you can give and participate (and receive!), take the time to do so today. Charlie mentioned that the Foundation is switching from an annual giving cycle to a quarterly rhythm, so the CF can be even more responsive to needs with the nonprofits and organizations it serves.

I love these guys & love the way they make this a better place to live.

The wall banner gives you the idea: The SJICF reaches out to the broad needs of the island…

Helping the kids gear up for school…

Posted September 23, 2010 at 7:08 am by

Rick thanks Michele and Islanders Bank for the school supplies which will help get school off on the right foot for kids on the island...Brenna and Tito were on hand to help bring all the "gear" over to the schools, too....

“Wow, thanks!”

Brenna, Tito and Michele unload the goods...

That’s what superintendent Rick Thompson said when Islanders Bank’s Michele Morton brought over the school supplies that had been donated over the past month. The Bank’s annual Gear Up! program asks islanders to donate pens, colors, paper, calculators, dictionaries, and things with Hannah Montana on ’em, which are passed on to the schools to be made available to students when they need them but have trouble getting them when money’s tight.

Michele said all the supplies that were donated last year were used, which demonstrated there was a real need for the drive…so the response to this year’s program was gratifying.

Thanks to everyone who donated!

Helping kids...

Lags in the water….

Posted September 23, 2010 at 6:32 am by

Lags on the by Jim Maya

The wildlife around here is amazing – and varied…yesterday, Jim Maya reported Pacific white-sided dolphins – wow! Here’s his story:

I have been on the waters of the Salish Sea since 1986, and only five or six times have I ever seen Pacific White-sided Dolphins, or Lags, from their Latin name, Lagenorhynchus. As we headed down-island at 1:30 to watch Orcas, we heard that there might be some Lags out there. Near Hannah Heights, on the West Side of San Juan Island, we spotted them. Amazing! Along with Orcas, Lags are a true dolphin, and are so fun to watch. The love playing along side the boats, and will often make eye contact with you.

Killer whales in the sunset last by Jim Maya

New class -just one more person needed!

Posted September 23, 2010 at 12:02 am by

This class sounds like fun, if you ask me – and Sally at Island Rec says it’s close to being able to start – here’s more:

Moving Parts and Healthy Hearts is a specialized exercise class that will be taught by senior fitness guru Seanene Kenned, on Tues and Thurs mornings 9:30-10:15am beginning October 5.  This class will be a total body workout that will include balance, strength, endurance and range of motion exercises.

We need only one more person to register with Island Rec by Friday September 24 to reach the minimum of 10 required for class to go on!  We have 9 people with their fingers crossed hoping that 10th person registers in time.   As soon as the word gets around that Seanene is teaching this class I am sure we will fill the class with 15 people.  Seanene has many fans from her days at the fitness club.

Folks can call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information or go online to register at

Breakfast of Champions set for Friday…

Posted September 23, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Charles Anderson wanted to let you know this is set for tomorrow, with over $50K to be dispersed to folks who help make things better in our community – here’s more, from the San Juan Island Community Foundation:

10th Annual Breakfast of Champions

The San Juan Island Community Foundation is pleased to announce its 10th Annual Breakfast of Champions grant ceremony to be held on Friday, September 24th.

The event honors our non-profits and the important work that they do. This year, a total of approximately $50,000 will be given to support 25 community oriented projects sponsored by our local non-profits.

“This is a landmark year for the SJICF and we are using this event to kick-off our new  “Making Connections” grant program which will broaden community project funding, increase project awareness among our donors and initiate our new quarterly grant cycle” according to Charles Anderson, Foundation chair.  “We will be increasingly focused on larger community infrastructure projects that demonstrate strong planning, sustainable operations and multi-organizational cooperation in execution.”

Attendance is by invitation.  For more information about the Breakfast of Champions please contact the SJICF office at 378-1001.

The Community Foundation serves as a non-profit philanthropic umbrella organization helping donors, non-profits and public organizations to achieve their goals through direct grants, organizational assistance and philanthropic resource management. For further information please contact us at PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. The office is located in Suite 104, The Technology Center on Mullis St.

Train now, run then: The Run Ladies Run Half Marathon on the 17th!

Posted September 21, 2010 at 12:27 pm by

Race organizers Kerry & Boo Boo have it ready - are YOU ready for the run?

I’ll have a little more later on the Half Marathon (check here, for a start), but here’s a video of the beautiful course around the island, introduced by organizers Boo Boo & Kerry:

Around the island….

Posted September 21, 2010 at 9:33 am by

Stellar sea lions at Race Rocks last by Jim Maya (thanks, Jim!)

Let’s see what’s going on around here:

There was a deal at the football game a couple of weeks ago where someone would get $100 for kicking a 25 yard field goal at halftime...Justin James did it! Way to go, JJ!

Jack Cory tells me the Rotary Club will be meeting each week at Downriggers each Wednesday at 8am…new members are always welcome, too!

Adam Paull wants you to know: Jim and Ruthie Paull of San Juan Jewels celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary September 16th. Wahoo! Way to go, you guys!

Carolyn at the fire department says the meetings continue, to consider the effects, advantages, and possible drawbacks to the County & Town fire departments sharing services:

The fire commissioners of San Juan County Fire District #3 will be holding a special meeting at 3 p.m. Friday, September 24, 2010 at the Mullis Street Fire Station to discuss the potential impact on the District for providing any services to Town.

Rainy morning on Argyle Street - web by some spider, rain by a passing cloud, photo by me (wet)

My good friend Gail tells me there’s a get-together in a couple of weeks about The Possibilities of Prayer on Sat., Oct. 2nd at 3:00 pm at the Senior Center,
sponsored by the Christian Science Society. Here’s more:

This is a practical, in-depth lecture on how to pray through difficult challenges. Specifics of spiritual healing will be explained in terms of how to reason spiritually and how to spiritualize thought with accounts of healing: employment amidst long unemployment, ear ache, sports injury, and cancer. will be explained by Elise Moore, Christian teacher and healer.

My buddy Doris Estabrooks does a super job of keeping me (and you) up to date with how to deal with waste & what to do with it – she said this show should be good. It includes Capt. Charles Moore, who is coming to the island to speak on Oct. 26 at the Community Theatre:

For your viewing pleasure, I have attached a sneak peek into this well crafted CNBC documentary about waste management which airs in the US on September 29, 9PM ET/PT. (Click here for this YouTube vid)

Captain Moore is featured and this is just a glimpse into his segment.  Alison O’Brien, the Producer, is deeply committed to this project and we anticipate her portrayal of the waste pollution issues at hand the world over will bring great awareness and a rise in action to sustainable solutions.


Kerry Andrews tells me people are gathering to remember Lori this weekend – here’s more:

Come celebrate the life of our dear friend Lori Holforty Sunday the 26th atSouth Beach at 11am. A gathering will follow at Dos Diablos from 12:30-2pm.

Please bring your photos, memories, and stories to share…rain or shine.

Mary-Brooke at Mirabella has an open house at her place each Thursday from 4-6pm – here’s more:

Mirabella brings a new concept in skin care to San Juan Island! Every Thursday, from 4 to 6, Mary-Brooke will offer specialized treatments designed to deliver visible results in only 20 minutes. These micro-treatments combine advanced formula products with cutting edge technologies that target your most pressing skin concerns.

Naturalist Kathy on the Western Prince, checking out the amazing wildlife...

Unlike traditional facials done behind closed doors, there is no need to undress, and these treatments are done in a more social “open door” setting.

During these special Open House Events you are invited to

• browse Dermalogica products
• enjoy light refreshments
• take home free product samples

“Tech Thursdays” begin this Thursday (September 23rd) with Age Reversal Eye Treatments – 20 minutes, $20!

Pre-scheduled appointments are being taken for this specialized service, but no appointment is necessary – call 378-4250 for information.

• Hey, have you seen Lori Williams‘ new website for Island Aesthetic Design LLC? Here’s the story from before, and here’s the new site:

They're coming to Anacortes this weekend! (My picture, from 2003)

Have you ever been in Anacortes during the Oyster Run? It’s amazing – here’s my story from Sept. 29, 2003 about it, when I came home to the ferry, in the middle of it. Loud & proud & a zillion hogs on the road. Here’s this year’s account, from the Washington State Ferry folks:

The Annual Oyster Run motorcycle rally occurs this Sunday, Sept 26, in Anacortes. Motorists can expect large volumes of motorcycles and loading delays throughout the weekend.

In Anacortes, motorcyclists must stay in the vehicle queue until though the tollbooth. In Friday Harbor, motorcyclists may bypass the queue. On Orcas, the first 20 motorcycles will be loaded on both 8:55 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. sailings if in line 60 minutes in advance. Others will be loaded on a first-come, first-served basis. From Lopez, 10 motorcycles will be loaded on both the 7:30 a.m. and 9:35 a.m. sailings, if in line 60 minutes in advance. Others will be loaded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Steve Keys gave me the word:

Hey Ian, wanted to let you know! Uncle Otto will be playing at The Peppermill on Sat 9/25, 6-9pm. This is the last night of business for the Peppermill.

• Want to give some input, or just find out what’s scheduled for the winter schedule? The Ferry Advisory Committee will hold a special meeting on Thursday, September 23, 2010, at 9:00 am in the Legislative Hearing Room (across from the Courthouse).


Sandy Buckley (right) was interviewed because she’s a top seller on Zazzle – way cool, Sandy! Here’s the story & interview.

Barb Jensen invites you to come:

I am getting our Audubon trips together! Our next trip will be on San Juan Island, Saturday, September 25th. We will meet in front of The Whale Museum at 8:30 and it will run until the afternoon. Call me for other information if needed at 378-3068

• It’s only here for three more days – you know The Girl Who Played With Fire is the sequel to the The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, at the Palace Theatre, right? Don’t miss it….

Artstock is coming October 2nd and 3rd! Check it out!

What if we had a happy planet? Here’s Nic Marks

Posted September 21, 2010 at 9:12 am by

Most of the stuff that’s been written up or put on-screen for the past decades has focused on how terrible things are, and how fear is somehow appropriate.

I don’t buy it. Fear doesn’t get the job done.

There are other ways to measure things besides money. A nation’s welfare can hardly be measured by how much is spent to make people happy. What is it that makes life worthwhile? I love it that this was one of the underlying principles of the Village Faire last weekend – it’s the beginning of moving beyond trying to make ourselves happy with Stuff. Here’s Nic Marks with his well-thought out remarks about what is possible:

Tuesday is the International Day of Peace….

Posted September 21, 2010 at 12:38 am by

Let there be peace on earth, and let is begin...with us.

Live it, breathe it, dream it, hope it, birth it, love it, hug it, embrace it, plan for it, support it, inspire people for it, mend fences for it, reconnect for it, share it.

Peace be with you, my friends….

The restoration of the Beaverton Valley Marsh is underway….

Posted September 20, 2010 at 5:13 pm by

Worth saving, worth protecting, worth restoring...

Here’s more from Judy at the Land Bank:

Beaverton Valley Marsh Restoration is Underway

The San Juan County Land Bank is leading partners in an effort to protect and restore Beaverton Valley Marsh, the largest wetland complex in the county at over 250 acres.  The latest achievement in this project was the acquisition in September 2010 of 40 acres of land at the western end of the marsh, plus a 3.5 acre conservation easement.  The Land Bank intends to resell the 40-acre tract to the San Juan Preservation Trust and retain an easement on that area as well. Continue Reading

Monday, Monday…

Posted September 20, 2010 at 7:19 am by

When we had that garage sale a couple of weeks ago (the one that started at 9am with 70 people showing up before 8:45 - cool for sales, for sure), we called our friends at Consignment Treasures to pick up some of our stuff afterwards - that's Copper & Robert loading it up! The money they make goes to Dollars for Scholars and other local charities....

Little bit of fog never hurt anyone, and it always clears eventually – let’s take a look through the mists:

• A little of everything this weekend, eh? Lots of rain, with nice sunshine just when we needed it, along with morning thunder Sunday morning.

Coffee by Credence at the Faire....

• The Village Faire was pretty awesome, in spite of the rain & a bunch of competing events (proving that just because there are a bunch of different events, you can still try to go to all of ’em!) – it was great that it went for three days & three nights, with lots of music & food & good times all ’round. Looking forward to next year!

• Let’s see if we can get all the restaurants squared away as we head to the slower season:

Maya Corrie (with Jim) had a great time at the 100th Anniversary Celebration at Jensen's Shipyards....

The Backdoor Kitchen starts Noodle Bowl Monday up again on October 4th (get your calendar out!)

Cafe Demeter is closed his week….

The Peppermill finishes its run this coming weekend; the space will host the Homesteaders Restaurant, opening sometime in mid-October.

Duck Soup Inn‘s Friday Happy Hour is going now till the end of October.

Nancy at Griffin Bay Bookstore reports:

Griffin Bay Book Club will meet on Friday night, September 24, 7:00 pm to discuss: Border Songs by Northwest author, Jim Lynch. All are welcome.

Hanna Burke is on tonight at the Community Theatre at 6pm…here’s more. I got to hear her sing last year around this time in the same setting – you’re gonna love it. See ya there.

That's Hanna with her proud mama Cynthia serving up good food at the Cynthia's, Of Course booth at the County Fair last month...drop by to hear Hanna sing tonight!

• If you haven’t heard No Particular Order lately, drop in on Saturday at the Rumor Mill…they get it going at 7:30pm.

• In sports this past weekend, the football guys had a tough one, losing to probable state champs Meridian 64-7. We host Nooksack Valley here on Friday.

Meanwhile, the girls soccer team shot early & often, but were unable to notch a goal in a 0-0 draw on Saturday with Evergreen Lutheran. We travel to Mount Vernon Christian on Tuesday…

Liz Taylor shoots late in the second half for the Wolverines in FHHS' 0-0 draw with Evergreen Lutheran.

Here’s a song to get your Monday going…you probably were already humming it your head, anyway:

This coming weekend…The Historical Museum’s fundraiser

Posted September 20, 2010 at 5:48 am by

Come by on Saturday...

Happy equinox, my friends…

Posted September 19, 2010 at 9:58 pm by

Seems the time is upon us…here’s a piece by Keats to go with the change of season:

To Autumn
by John Keats

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,
Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.

Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too –
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river shallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft,
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Need your roof restored? Roof cleaning & roof repair…

Posted September 19, 2010 at 12:15 am by

Looking good...

If you’re thinking about getting your roof worked on, these folks in Seattle come to the island regularly, and they do a good job – check them out! You can call Rainier Roof Restoration (253)-565-5200) for a free appointment to scope out your roof needs.

Photo news…

Posted September 17, 2010 at 10:07 am by

Things to think about:

• Wow, have you seen what Tim Dustrude is doing with portraits? It’s time for senior pictures (this is a shout out to FHHS & SSIS & GBHS senior parents!) so call Tim today (317-4095) & schedule your kid’s session. You’ll be glad you did!

Sandy Buckley is one of the top-sellers on Zazzle, so they had a nice interview with her about what she does & where the creativity comes from – here’s the story.

• Remember Mark Gardner took free portraits of folks at the Fair? He has them in a portfolio (it says “Fair Portraits”) on his website – check them out!

Friday news….

Posted September 17, 2010 at 9:05 am by from Wednesday by Katie Jones

Good morning, and bring your umbrella….let’s see what’s in the news:

• Hope to see you around this weekend. There’s the Akashic Records deal at the Library, the Buffalo thing at the Whale Museum, The Village Faire, undaunted at the possibility of rain, football in Bellingham, soccer on the island all day Saturday, the Sunrise deal, the Farmers’ Market, and more. See you there.

Art....let it flow. See you at the screening on Sunday.

• Hey – I know you wanted to sell your stuff at the Annual Holiday Marketplace…well, this is the weekend to get that ball rolling! Here’s the word from Rhonda Scott:

Island Artisans is screening for the 32nd Annual Holiday Marketplace on Sunday, Sept. 19th at 1:00 at the San Juan Island Library. Artist and craftspeople need to bring 3 examples of their art in which they are planning on selling.
The Annual Holiday Marketplace takes place on the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving.

Pick up a screening form at Vital Elements or copy one at

Paul Hopkins turns 50 on the 29th.

Lori Marino has looked inside the claims that captivity has an upside...

• What’s it like for dolphins (and killer whales, to extend the discussion) in captivity? Is there such a thing a “good care”? Does that actually have an educational purpose? Here’s more from captivity researcher Lori Marino.

Happy hour starts up for the fall at Duck Soup Inn! See you there! Fridays till the end of October! From 4 to 6 pm, this includes half price cocktails, beer and wines by the glass. Don’t forget Gretchen’s appetizers too!

• If you had to sell high fructose corn syrup & everybody knew it was bad for you, what would YOU do? Change the name of it, of course! Here’s more.

• The American Lung Association had its fundraiser this past weekend (this describes the  deal), which is why you saw all those bikes everywhere…you can still donate to their good work here. (And baby, if you’re smoking, it’s time to ditch it…we want you around.)

The ALA fundraiser came to the island Monday in the sun, and there were bikes by Tabby Talley (thanks!)

Janet Chamberlain‘s having a garage sale – here’s the scoop:

Garage Sale, Sat., Sept. 18, 9-12:00, Portland Fair Rd, off of Cattlepoint Road then follow signs.  Furniture, household, toys, good prices.

It was cool to see Cathy & Brad at the Rumor MIll the other night, listening to music...