Topic: Opinion

A Critique of Public Hospital District #1’s Reorganization of EMS

Written on September 1, 2020 at 8:53 pm, by

We hear from Francis Smith, Retired Sr. EMT & Fire Captain (25 years)… The San Juan Island Public Hospital District #1 (PHD) recently announced a surprise reorganization of San Juan Island EMS. Chief Karl Kuetzing has been removed and the PHD Superintendent is now in charge of the agency. The published announcement is a study in  Continue Reading

Letter in Support of Christine Minney

Written on July 27, 2020 at 5:45 am, by

A truly remarkable woman is running for the San Juan Island seat on the county council. Christine Minney owns and runs Ernie’s restaurant with her husband Patrick and raises much of the produce for the restaurant in her garden. She has a 24-year history on the island, during which time she has owned and/or worked  Continue Reading

Letter in Support of Ryan Palmateer

Written on July 22, 2020 at 6:40 am, by

In the San Juan Update mailbag this morning we find this letter from Karin Agosta… A friend asked me yesterday about Ryan Palmateer’s strengths as a candidate for San Juan County Council District 1. This is a great question in today’s confusing, demanding world. Here’s what I wrote her: First, his work in sustainable construction  Continue Reading

Letter in Support of Ryan Palmateer

Written on July 15, 2020 at 8:42 am, by

In the mailbag this morning we have this letter from Katie Fleming… Dear Editor, I support Ryan Palmateer for the County Council District 1 position. I have worked with Ryan for 3 years on energy conservation, renewable energy promotion, and climate action programs in the San Juan Islands. Ryan is very committed to the resiliency  Continue Reading


Written on July 10, 2020 at 8:40 am, by

Today in the SJ Update Mailbag we have this letter from Gay Graham… To the Editor: Covid-19 has caused us to make any number of changes in the paths that we used to take. One of these can be forgetting to renew or not having the opportunity to support those organizations and causes that need  Continue Reading


Written on July 8, 2020 at 1:45 pm, by

In the SJ Update Mailbag we have this letter today from Daniel Schwartz, SJC Republican Precinct Committee Officer… Response to the San Juan County Democrats Resolution on Police Reform The San Juan County Democrats have produced a resolution filled with the fabrications, revisionist history, and outright falsehoods that make up the woke playbook of today’s  Continue Reading

Hospice in the Time of Covid19

Written on June 30, 2020 at 4:08 pm, by

In the SJ Update mailbag today we have this letter from Beth Helstien… A huge shout out to Hospice of San Juan and San Juan County Senior Services for all their services! Do you know that our local hospice organization loans all kinds of equipment to the community whether you need Hospice volunteer services or  Continue Reading

Against Common Sense: White Male Privilege and Me

Written on June 29, 2020 at 8:40 am, by

In the SJ Update mailbag this morning we have these thoughts from David Kobrin… As an historian, I know there can be two opposing accounts of the same event, both of which are equally accurate. I’m not alluding to “alternative facts” or made up fictions. I mean exactly what I wrote: two stories that contradict  Continue Reading

Letter from Ron Whalen

Written on June 17, 2020 at 7:33 am, by

In the SJ Update Mailbag this morning we have this letter from Ron Whalen… I request posting of the following; June 7th Amanda Azous posted a letter titled Fact Check of Whalen Petition. Therein Amanda alleges I request signing a petition to eliminate the Land Bank (LB). She alleges I have spread falsehoods and attempted  Continue Reading


Written on June 8, 2020 at 6:49 am, by

In the mailbag this morning we have this letter from Janet Thomas… Dear Islanders, The Southern Resident orcas are facing imminent extinction. Unlike other orca species they do not eat other marine mammals. Their primary diet is Chinook salmon–specifically the salmon that comes from the Fraser River in B.C. and migrates along the west side  Continue Reading


Written on June 8, 2020 at 6:47 am, by

And another letter, this one from Laura Saccio… To My Fellow Islanders, More than 20 years ago, my grandfather, a New Mexican farmer, rescued me from a life of impersonal work in the financial industry. I had been hired to work at an investment firm in Portland, and would see my family, including our two  Continue Reading


Written on June 7, 2020 at 4:56 pm, by

Fact Check of Whalen Petition Dear Editor and Community, We recently received in the mail Mr. Ron Whalen’s request to have us sign a petition to eliminate the Land Bank by December 2020. The request was loaded with falsehoods and outrageously attempted to dupe our community into thinking that a yes or no answer meant  Continue Reading


Written on June 5, 2020 at 10:38 am, by

Today in the SJ Update mailbag, we have this letter from Lydia Miller… I want to commend Dr Frank James, the Board of Health and County Council, for making the prudent responsible decision to finally allow lodging to reopen. Given that Americans are cautiously emerging from social distancing measures, the fear of crowds descending on  Continue Reading


Written on June 2, 2020 at 7:37 pm, by

Response to the discussion about the Land Bank and Affordable Housing REETs. Tuesday, June 2, 2020 Editor, I am writing as Board President of the San Juan Community Home Trust, a non-profit organization on San Juan Island. Our mission is to build and sell permanently affordable housing for ownership, to low and moderate income-qualified islanders.  Continue Reading


Written on June 2, 2020 at 8:35 am, by

Response by Ron Whalen/Sponsor of San Juan County Initiative 2020-10 I request the following be posted to San Juan Update as a response to the letter posted by Alice Hurd on June 1st. Not true…..Neither the initiative or the petition says anything about ending or eliminating the Land Bank (LB) and affordable housing. THE PROPOSED  Continue Reading


Written on June 1, 2020 at 6:11 pm, by

In the SJ Update Mailbag today we have this letter from Alice Hurd, Former Trustee of the San Juan Preservation Trust… I am writing to share my concern about an initiative petition being circulated in San Juan County for the purpose of putting a measure on the November ballot to close down the San Juan  Continue Reading