What the schools are planning for cases of swine flu….

Posted May 1, 2009 at 3:16 pm by

Schools superintendent Michael Soltman dropped me this note & asked that I post it right away – take the time to read it…it’s pretty important:

Dear Students, Families, and Staff:

As you are aware there have been confirmed cases of Swine Flu reported
across the United States in the last few weeks.  Our school works
closely with local, state, and national health agencies to investigate
any illnesses and/or infections.  We want to remind parents and staff of
the importance of prevention and how to stay safe.

Please remember that students should stay home when they have any of
the symptoms listed below…

Symptoms of Swine Flu:
●    Fever 100° (or more), cough, sore throat, body aches, headache,
chills, fatigue.

What You Can Do To Prevent the Spread of Swine Flu:
●    Sneeze or cough into your elbow, sleeve or a tissue.  Throw the
tissue in the trash after use.
●    Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you
cough or sneeze.  Alcohol based hand sanitizers are also effective.
●    Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.  Germs spread can be
spread that way.
●    If you are sick, stay home!

For more information on the Swine Flu please visit the following Web

School Policy regarding ill students:
●    Students with an oral temperature of 37.8 C (100.0 F) or more,
plus a cough and/or sore throat will be sent home from school.
●    Students should stay home until they are symptom free.

Any confirmed cases of Swine Flu will result in schools being closed
for a minimum of seven (7) days by the San Juan County Health
Department.  Notification will be through online press and district
website.  Travel activities (sports and field trips) will be considered
on a case by case basis, depending upon destination and recommendations
by the Health Department.  If you have any further questions please do
not hesitate to call the district office, 378-4133.

Michel Soltman
Superintendent of Schools

Springtime in the marina…

Posted May 1, 2009 at 7:43 am by

Looking over the marina from Fairweather Park at the Port of Friday Harbor (photo by Josie Byington)

Looking over the marina from Fairweather Park at the Port of Friday Harbor (photo by Josie Byington)

The outlook for the weather for the weekend looks bright, with the Children’s Festival & the Sports Auction, as well as the preview for “Always Patsy Cline” on tap…

Hear! Hear!

Posted May 1, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Stacie with a very happy Benjamin

Stacie with a very happy Benjamin

The other day Stacie Baisch dropped by the office to say hey & show me how much Benjamin has grown – he’s only nine months but growing fast… not walking yet, but I’m guessing he’s doing algebra and studying French. Stacie tells me she’s still working with her audiology patients at San Juan Holistic Healthcare and that husband Casey’s keeping busy with his tree services.


Posted April 30, 2009 at 11:22 pm by

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg


Posted April 30, 2009 at 7:42 am by

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Malcolm Forbes

The baseball boys, in sixth grade….

Posted April 30, 2009 at 7:38 am by

Richie on the mound...in 2003

Richie on the mound...in 2003

That’s FHHS ace pitcher Richie Ochoa in the photo – in sixth grade. Here’s a portfolio of many of our present players who played Orcas this week (and beat ’em Tuesday, and Meridian yesterday) – click here to see what the team looked like in 2003.

Gaylord to run again….

Posted April 30, 2009 at 7:18 am by

Randy on the run...

Randy on the run...

I have no idea if County Prosecutor Randy Gaylord is going to run for his office (I forgot to ask), but I know he’s going to have a run this weekend.

When I visited with him on the ferry to Orcas last night, he told me he’s got a 100K run in California at the Miwok Race in Marin County, CA – that’s 62 miles. Here’s more about the race. He also has everybody’s running buddy Clark Gilbert along to help pace him for the last 20K or so…in a race that could take as long as 12 hours to complete.

What do they have at this week's Sports Auction? Here's the list…

Posted April 30, 2009 at 7:14 am by

I just got this nice list from Mary Elford of what they have at the Sports Fundraiser & BBQ that’s over at Beaverton Valley Business Park at 5pm on Saturday…there are 128 things  on the list, which you can see by clicking here:

Hi!  As you know On Saturday, May 2nd Purple and Gold is holding a HUGE party…BBQ, live music, dancing and silentl/live auction, all to raise funds, $45,000 for the High School Sports program.  This money is to tide over the program until Island Rec is able to place a measure on the November ballot, which when passed would provide stable funding for sports for the next six years!

I’m attaching the current list of all the auction items donated so far, more will be pouring in today and tomorrow.  I am hoping you will be able to publish the list  to help get the word out to the community to not miss this FUN fundraiser. Tickets are available at Post San Juan and at the door.  Dinner will be served starting at 5 o’clock. Continue Reading

What do they have at this week’s Sports Auction? Here’s the list…

Posted April 30, 2009 at 7:14 am by

I just got this nice list from Mary Elford of what they have at the Sports Fundraiser & BBQ that’s over at Beaverton Valley Business Park at 5pm on Saturday…there are 128 things  on the list, which you can see by clicking here:

Hi!  As you know On Saturday, May 2nd Purple and Gold is holding a HUGE party…BBQ, live music, dancing and silentl/live auction, all to raise funds, $45,000 for the High School Sports program.  This money is to tide over the program until Island Rec is able to place a measure on the November ballot, which when passed would provide stable funding for sports for the next six years!

I’m attaching the current list of all the auction items donated so far, more will be pouring in today and tomorrow.  I am hoping you will be able to publish the list  to help get the word out to the community to not miss this FUN fundraiser. Tickets are available at Post San Juan and at the door.  Dinner will be served starting at 5 o’clock. Continue Reading

Crop circles…aliens for peace!

Posted April 30, 2009 at 5:32 am by

Peace, on the side of a hill

Peace, on the side of a hill

I saw this artwork on the way to the west side the other day, on the right on Beaverton Valley Road right before Egg Lake Road. I can’t help but think it looks great from the air…and it’s definitely an idea whose time has come.

Soccer signups are this weekend!

Posted April 30, 2009 at 5:26 am by

Soccer at its best

Soccer at its best

The best time to sign up for soccer for this fall is this weekend at the Children’s Festival – drop by the San Juan Soccer Association’s booth at the Fairgrounds to sign up your kid (from kindergarten to eighth grade) between 10am & 2pm. For more info, call Sherri at 317-8335. -oo-

Children's Festival! It's this weekend!

Posted April 30, 2009 at 5:02 am by

Put your best face forward, at the Children's Festival

Put your best face forward, at the Children's Festival

The theme this year for the Children’s Festival is “Under the Sea,” and it’s always fun. As it happens, I’ve been to nearly every CF since 1995, and they just get better & better – if you have a kid, be sure you don’t miss it! And if you have a baseball or softball game, come for part of it! It’s 10am-2pm at the Fairgrounds Building, on Saturday.

This is the 19th year of the Festival – see you there!

Children’s Festival! It’s this weekend!

Posted April 30, 2009 at 5:02 am by

Put your best face forward, at the Children's Festival

Put your best face forward, at the Children's Festival

The theme this year for the Children’s Festival is “Under the Sea,” and it’s always fun. As it happens, I’ve been to nearly every CF since 1995, and they just get better & better – if you have a kid, be sure you don’t miss it! And if you have a baseball or softball game, come for part of it! It’s 10am-2pm at the Fairgrounds Building, on Saturday.

This is the 19th year of the Festival – see you there!

Sports update….

Posted April 30, 2009 at 12:01 am by

FHHS seniors Pablo Lopez (foreground) and Cam Byington played their last home game yesterday. (photo by Lauren Paulsen)

FHHS seniors Pablo Lopez (foreground) and Cam Byington played their last home game yesterday. (photo by Lauren Paulsen)

Thursday afternoon the hard-luck soccer Wolverines pressured the goal throughout the game, but shot after shot later the boys came up with a 0-0 draw with Cavalero Mid-High School. The guys end the season with a win and two ties to go with eight losses, and the satisfaction of steady improvement through the season. They go to Whatcom County on Tuesday for their play-in game, with their opponent to be determined after this weekend’s games. (Photo by Lauren Paulsen)

Litter situation is better, but work remains…

Posted April 30, 2009 at 12:01 am by

My friend Lori Stokes just dropped off this note for you, including a list of places that need help getting picked up:

Litter Picker-Uppers Rock!!!!!
By Captain Pick-It Up, mascot of the San Juan Island Anti-Litter Initiative

Two years have passed since the Imagine No Litter! campaign was launched by the San Juan Island Anti-Litter Initiative.  By anyone’s estimation, the campaign has been an astounding success, with over 100 participants regularly picking up litter on island roadsides and beaches.

I can’t thank all of our volunteers enough for their tireless commitment to keeping San Juan Island litter-free so that all of us can enjoy its pristine beauty.  It would be wonderful to be able to say that our job is done and that we can abandon our efforts.  Unfortunately, because of the thoughtless behavior of too many residents and visitors, it is still necessary for us to pick up seemingly endless amounts of cigarette butts, plastic bags, beer cans, and assorted other pieces of litter that either escape from the back of pick-up trucks or are deliberately tossed from car windows.

Our list of litter-picker-uppers has remained amazingly consistent, with almost all original volunteers still on our roster of participants.  Other new volunteers have joined the effort from time to time.  If you’re not signed up to help and would like to join us, here is a list of roadsides that currently need adopting:

Bailer Hill Road from Douglas to Wold
Beaverton Valley Road from Ivan to Erickson
Douglas Road
Madden Lane
Pear Point from the gravel pit to Duffy House (November to March only)
San Juan Drive from Reuben Tarte to southern end of road
San Juan Valley Road from Boyce to Hidden Meadows
San Juan Valley Road from Emmerling to Douglas
Sutton Road from Roche Harbor Road to transfer station entrance
West Side Road from Hannah to Thimbleberry
West Side Road from the county park to Mitchell Bay Road
West Valley Road from Raven Ridge to Skottowe
West Valley Road from English Camp entrance to Boyce
Wold Road from Lavender Farm to SJ Valley Road
Any roads in town!

If you are willing to help, please call Lori Stokes at 378-4643 or email her at [email protected].

Carpe debris!

Concert: University High (Spokane) presents the Delos Concert Choir and the Lirico Chamber Singers

Posted April 29, 2009 at 2:02 pm by

Music...all the way from Spokane to the island

Music...all the way from Spokane to the island

Jill from over at the Presbyterian Church says this group of traveling high school musicians is awesome:

On Saturday May 2nd at 7:30pm, University High School from Spokane, WA, will present at concert in Friday Harbor at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church. This concert is free of charge, and will consist of 2 of University High School’s top performance ensembles: Delos Concert Choir and the Lirico Chamber Singers, both conducted by director Russell Seaton.

Both choirs encompass music from all over the world, including music of many genres such as multi-cultural, gospel, spiritual, classical, and sacred. Delos has over 90 singers in the choir, and Lirico keeps with the traditional chamber choir size of 20 students.

Both perform music of the collegiate level, along with original compositions by director Russell Seaton. High-spirited and captivating, these groups present at 60-minute whirlwind of colorful choral sound. More information about the choirs can be found at www.uhighchoir.org.