So – how DO you say it?

Posted March 27, 2009 at 8:25 pm by

Emily gets ready for the big move to Qater....

Emily gets ready for the big move to Qater....

When I heard that Chris & Emily Wolf and the kids were moving to Qatar, like most English-mangling people, I was calling that country “Ka TAR.”

The other day, Emily (who, like Chris, is a teacher too, besides being a dynamite mom) told me it’s actually pronounced as kind of a cross between “cutter” and “gutter,” and rhymes with “butter.” So now I know, and the Qataris I meet will think I’m kinda with it.

So, excuse me now – I gotta go change the strings on my Qater.

Wolverines skip by Lynden JVs 3-2 in OT

Posted March 27, 2009 at 6:11 am by

FHHS notched its first soccer win of the season with an overtime win over the visiting Lynden JVs on Friday. The Wolverines scored first at 13 minutes as Conor Lanphere drove home a pass from Pablo Lopez. Cameron Byington headed in a Lopez throwin (one advantage of our narrow field, here) to pull ahead 2-1 with about  15 to go, but Lynden tied it with just three minutes left to force overtime.

Our guys collected a golden goal on a shot to the right corner by Byington to win the sudden death match, and FHHS had its first win.

They travel today to South Whidbey.

Sorops tap Charlotte as Violet Richardson winner….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 10:31 pm by

Group photo from left includes grandmother Helen Sawyer, mother Jane Sawyer, Charlotte, Soroptimist President Debbi Staehlin and Godmothers Shelle Cropper and Jane Burton Bell.

Group photo from left includes grandmother Helen Sawyer, mother Jane Sawyer, Charlotte, Soroptimist President Debbi Staehlin and Godmothers Shelle Cropper and Jane Burton Bell.

Marie Dicristina from the Soroptimist Club says the group has honored an outstanding FHHS senior:

On March 18th Charlotte C. Guard received the 2009 Violet Richardson Award for a young woman from Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor at their regular meeting.

Charlotte is a twice weekly volunteer in the English as a Second Language Children’s Program at the San Juan Island Public Library, a program co-sponsored by Skagit Valley College – San Juan Center and the public library. Charlotte was inspired to volunteer in this local program after living with a Spanish family for 10 months in Barcelona, Spain. Her local experience teaches her weekly that she can assist in overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers to learning and belonging. Charlotte exemplifies Violet Richardson’s motto “It’s what you do that counts!”.

The V. R. Award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts such as fighting drugs, crime, and/or violence; cleaning up the environment; and working to end discrimination or poverty. The Award must go to a young woman between the ages of 14 and 17 years who has volunteered in her community to help improve the lives of others.

For more information on Soroptimist and the various awards visit:

Transient killer whales in the neighborhood….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 10:23 pm by

Transient killer whales, hunting....

Transient killer whales, hunting....

Jim Maya from Maya’s Charters says the transient whales are nearby….here’s more, from yesterday:

It was one of those days!

We got news of Orcas right at the end of our first trip so I rushed in for my second group. We zoomed out but couldn’t find them, so we went down to Whale Rocks to see the Steller Sea Lions. They are always amazing. My passengers were disappointed, but they understood that it’s not Sea World out there.

On the way home, while we were right in front of Lime Kiln Lighthouse off the west side of San Juan Island, I saw a splash way in the distance over toward Kelp Reef. Sure enough it was the wayward Transients. They had made a kill and were very active. See pictures…We left them at 6:00 two miles southeast of Kelp…


Posted March 26, 2009 at 9:56 pm by

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change – this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.
Bruce Barton

Sports update…..

Posted March 26, 2009 at 9:54 pm by

Last night the FHHS baseball team continued their winning ways as pitchers Albert Strasser and Sean Cutting combined for a 7-0 shutout over South Whidbey (which is a 2A team; we, you’ll remember, are 1A)… meanwhile, Kerri Goff went the whole way but the Wolverine Women lost to South Whidbey, 5-0. The soccer guys take on Lynden’s JVs at 4:30, here on the island.

New gallery opens Saturday…..

Posted March 26, 2009 at 9:18 pm by

John Sinclair wrote to ask me to invite you to the opening of his new place – here’s more:

Come help celebrate the opening of Concepia (, Friday Harbor’s latest business venture, and view the first solo show of Randy Laybourne, this Saturday from 2-5pm in the new Churchill Corner, just above the ferry landing.

About Concepia:
Concepia is run by John Sinclair, a local photographer and nine year resident of San Juan Island. His interest in photography and desire to maintain a year-round island life led him to opening a retail space in Friday Harbor. Up until just recently he was commuting back and forth to Siberia, helping the Russians drill better oil wells. Now he is offering a different kind of service, one that sits much closer to his heart: photography. Concepia boasts an impressive list of products: photography gallery, photography studio, large format printing, standard and custom framing, photography bookstore, website design, technology and photography tutoring, are the core of Concepia’s business.

"Going" by Randy Laybourne - runs till mid-May

"Going" by Randy Laybourne - runs till mid-May

About Randy Laybourne’s Show “Going”:
This stunning series of photographs captured during a journey from California to British Columbia, showcases Randy’s exceptional talent as a photographer. Shot with a variety of cameras and films, it documents the small nuances of life that we often walk straight past. From aging roller-coasters to commercial signs, Randy’s range of subjects is diverse, but the emotional connection is consistent throughout. It’s classic Americana photography, but with a focus on the unusual.

For more information, contact: 298-2374, or 378-3686

Update on Jacque….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 8:11 pm by

From Carol Ford, Wednesday:

Hi Ian; I just got off the phone with Dave Grone and he had nothing but positive things to say about Jacque’s recovery. While she’ll be in intensive care for another week at least, she continues to improve hourly and both Dave and her doctors are encouraged by her progress.

Dave is thrilled with and very grateful for the apartment that Sandy and Joey Ridge have lent him in Seattle. He said he has been able to rest well there and I could hear that in his voice, so everyone is doing as well as can be expected right now.

Jacque and Dave and the kids really appreciate all the good thoughts and well wishes that are coming their way from island friends; it lifts their spirits quite a bit. Anyway, a lot of people have been asking so I thought everyone would be happy to hear an update, especially one this positive. Thanks, Carol

Open house for you, maybe….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 7:42 pm by

My pal Jessica says she’s got an open house this weekend:

I am hosting an open house  Sat 3/28 from 1-3 pm at Friday Harbor Village (445 Carter Avenue)for the following five affordable apartment properties: Friday Harbor Village, Harbor View, Island Meadows, Islewood & Rosewood. I will be on hand to answer affordable apartment questions and give out applications. There will be light refreshements and a door prize drawing. A great opportunity for anyone looking to relocate to a more affordable housing option!

-Jessica L. Merlino
Community Manager

Elwha's down & the Hiyu's back……

Posted March 26, 2009 at 7:29 pm by

From the Washington State Ferries:

Beginning Thursday morning March 26, the 34 car MV Hiyu will be replacing the 87 car MV Evergreen State providing service on the inter-island route. The MV Evergreen State will be replacing the 144 car MV Elwha starting with the 5:35 AM departure from Anacortes.  These changes will be in effect until necessary repairs can be made to the MV Elwha.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Elwha’s down & the Hiyu’s back……

Posted March 26, 2009 at 7:29 pm by

From the Washington State Ferries:

Beginning Thursday morning March 26, the 34 car MV Hiyu will be replacing the 87 car MV Evergreen State providing service on the inter-island route. The MV Evergreen State will be replacing the 144 car MV Elwha starting with the 5:35 AM departure from Anacortes.  These changes will be in effect until necessary repairs can be made to the MV Elwha.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Looking for a job?

Posted March 26, 2009 at 6:07 pm by

Minnie Knych writes in:

Got Job? The Career Center is offering free seminars through the month of April. Seminar topics include: Resume Writing, Interview Skills and Communication Skills.

Call 378-4662 for information on time and date of the seminars you wish to attend. Enrollment is limited to small groups.

Coming home on the ferry….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 10:12 am by

Erin and Emerald....

Erin and Emerald....

Yesterday I ran into Erin (left) and her daughter Emerald on the ferry coming back to the island after a day on the mainland. These days Emerald is working at the Animal Shelter with Leslie, helping look after the dogs & cats, while Erin is still keeping the island’s teeth shiny, working with Dr. Michael Horn at Friday Harbor Dentistry.


Posted March 26, 2009 at 9:58 am by

Just made're never late for the ferry, just early for the next one.

Just made're never late for the ferry, just early for the next one.

You know the feeling of dread….you show up for the ferry and they stick the little overload number under your wiper.

Yesterday when I came rolling in at 4:47pm for the 5:05pm ferry, I knew I was pushing it, and receiving number 15 kinda proved it. But, as luck would have it, they not only squeezed my car in, but also squashed in the two cars behind me as well (which was Erin & Emerald – #16 – and Annie Bryant at #17). Pretty cool, especially since it saved us all an evening in Anacortes & coming home at 10:30pm. That’s lucky.

I’ve included a picture of my car (green Totota, just up the ramp) with the two white cars behind. Good packing job…think what they could do with Smart cars.

Where she is now….

Posted March 26, 2009 at 9:17 am by

Joan has set up a simpler life in Bellingham....

Joan has set up a simpler life in Bellingham....

Have you been wondering what Joan Corliss Collyer has been up to lately? She’s in Bellingham – click here for a little article about our long time islander friend in the Bellingham Herald.


Posted March 26, 2009 at 8:57 am by

American consumers have no problem with carcinogens, but they will not purchase any product, including floor wax, that has fat in it.
Dave Barry