From San Juan County Economic Development Council
The San Juan County Economic Development Council invites community leaders, legislators, entrepreneurs, and business owners to join in a free, two-day course in sustainability management, led by world-renowned expert in corporate sustainability and social entrepreneurship, Nikos Avlonas.
The course will cover in-depth, the topic of community and business sustainability, including trends, global standards, strategies, and communication; participants will receive Sustainability Practitioner certification upon successful completion of the program.
The course will be held online on May 20 and 21. Space is extremely limited; participants are urged to sign up quickly to ensure their space in the course.
Trainer Nikos Avlonas is a leader in corporate sustainability and social entrepreneurship. With multiple awards in sustainability, Avlonas is the founder and president of the Centre for Sustainability & Excellence, a global sustainability strategic advisory and training firm with activities worldwide. He is a well-known international speaker in topics related to ESG and CSR and is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago.
Avlonas specializes in sustainability, corporate responsibility, carbon reduction and impact investment (ESG ratings). Continue Reading