The Power to Change

Posted June 10, 2020 at 6:15 am by

If you are suffering from the effects of domestic violence or sexual abuse, you are invited to take part in a women’s group which will lead you towards the love and care you desire for yourself and others.

This 8 week course begins on June 23rd, 2020 and runs from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.

The course will empower you to:

  • Identify and change patterns or behaviors which can lead to pain and suffering
  • Discover who YOU are!
  • Build self-compassion, self-determination, and empowerment

This course is free and open to anyone located in the San Juan Islands over the age of 18 years. It will be conducted on the ZOOM platform for your convenience.

You can register at (go to the service tab) or email Theresa: [email protected]

Registration ends June 22nd, 2020
Phone: 360-622-9289

Sponsored by SAFE San Juans
San Juan: 360-378-8680
Orcas: 360-376-5979
Lopez: 360-468-3788

A Photographic Journey: Iconic Birds of the World – Zoom Presentation with Peter Cavanagh

Posted June 9, 2020 at 11:56 am by

We are living in a time of unprecedented trial. In an effort to bring you a much-needed reconnection to the natural world, Friends of the San Juans would like to invite you to attend an upcoming Zoom presentation with Peter Cavanagh.

Are you experiencing travel withdrawal after months of lockdown and cancelled travel plans?

Peter Cavanagh – photographer, filmmaker, former NASA researcher, bird expert, and Lopezian – is here to help! Peter will guide you on a virtual photographic journey to see some of the amazing birds he has encountered on his world travels. Join the Zoom journey on Thursday June 18 at 6:30pm.

Peter will present images and the back stories of birds taken on trips to Iceland, Peru, Antarctica, Brazil, South Africa, the Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica, and many other locations. You will meet toucans and terns, penguins and puffins, hummingbirds and hoatzins, owls and ostriches, and many more of the world’s fascinating avian inhabitants.

Peter is a Pacific Northwest photographer who specializes in photographing birds in flight. His interest in bird flight combines his love of nature, his professional training in biomechanics, his background as an instrument-rated private pilot, and his passion for photography. Visit to learn more about Peter.

This event is sponsored by Friends of the San Juans. “The summer is usually the season where we’re out exploring and appreciating the islands with our community – since we can’t do that right now, we’re excited to partner with Peter on this exciting talk that will expand our knowledge of wildlife around the world,” said Katie Fleming, Community Engagement Director.

Registration is required. Register by clicking here. The presentation will also be live streamed on the Friends of the San Juans YouTube channel.

Businesses and Guests Must Work Together to Safely Reopen

Posted June 9, 2020 at 11:54 am by

In the SJ Update Mailbag today we find this letter to you from the Visitors Bureau…

Dear Fellow Islanders,

The world may no longer resemble the one we knew in early March, but San Juan County has risen to the occasion of meeting the COVID-19 challenge head-on. Now, as we start to take steps to reopen, we must continue to pull together. We must try to understand the different perspectives on reopening.

One of the Visitor Bureau’s most important new goals is to educate visitors and ask them to share the responsibility of keeping our community safe by following our County Health Officer’s guidelines. This partnership is key to moving forward carefully and cohesively. Continue Reading

Reservations Return on Friday

Posted June 9, 2020 at 11:49 am by

M/V Yakima at dock – SJ Update file photo

Vehicle reservations for travel on the Anacortes/San Juan Islands and Port Townsend/Coupeville routes between June 21 and September 26 will be available this Friday. Customers will be able to go online and save their spot on a sailing at 7 a.m. on June 12.

Customers are encouraged to look at the sailing schedules to plan their travel in advance before trying to book a reservation. Due to service constraints from COVID-19, all routes will continue operating on their existing schedules beyond June 20 until further notice. Additional service may be phased in over time. Notifications will be sent to customers in advance to alert them of any future service and possible reservation changes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unique and challenging time. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

You can view all travel alerts at the WSF Travel Bulletins page. This alert was sent on 06/8/2020 at 5:28PM. Please do not reply to this message. Replies are sent to an email inbox that is unmonitored.

Visit the WSF Website or Contact Us page for more information about Washington State Ferries. You may also change your Account Preferencesanytime. Please visit the COVID-19 Travel Updates page for all up-to-date travel information regarding COVID-19.

Update to PHD Meeting Notice

Posted June 9, 2020 at 11:47 am by

San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 1, has previously given public notice of a special meeting, to be held on Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. to be held remotely under COVID-19 emergency rules. Attached is an agenda, and additional information.

  • Call-In Number for the Public (509) 824-1884
  • Conference ID: enter 731 543 224#

The internet is strained due to high volume, and like the county and other agencies we have encountered technical difficulties in taking audience participation. Due to issues at our May Regular Board Meeting, we will take comment at this special meeting. If you would like to make sure your statement is heard, email it to [email protected] and ask that it be read. We appreciate your patience through this.

Agendas are available, and audio recordings will also be available, (typically withing 2 business days) at this link:

Board members will discuss/act on upcoming meetings and scheduling, work on strategic planning, meet with a potential consultant, discuss the integration of EMS and Fire, and more. Please refer to the Agenda for more information. Agenda may change up to 24-hours in advance, please refer to the website for the most accurate version.

Why Buy Local?

Posted June 9, 2020 at 11:31 am by

Although this is always true in our small community, because of Covid-19 it is now more important than ever to shop local right here in Friday Harbor whenever possible to help support our neighbors. This extensive article from Groom and Style explains a lot about how and why this is so important…

Buying Local: Benefits, Methods, and Tips

Click to enlarge

Written by Rebecca Moses

There’s no doubt that our purchasing decisions are the backbone of the local economy, and whether we buy local or shop at a larger chain often helps determine whether smaller businesses survive and then thrive. Currently, as larger businesses threaten to erode small business communities and many small and local businesses are pinching pennies to survive the COVID-19 pandemic, the practice of buying local is more important than ever.

The threat of the COVID-19 Pandemic restricts the way we live our lives, our budgets, and what we can or can’t purchase. It’s very tempting to give in to any conveniences that present themselves, such as purchasing our goods, foods, and necessities from the easiest, largest sellers. However, constantly taking this option can be potentially devastating to our local communities, as small and local businesses struggle to survive with reduced sales and no foot traffic. As a result, our towns and communities can suffer in the long term for it.

Local businesses, including restaurants, farms, distilleries, wineries, breweries, bakeries, retailers, and trade services, still need your business at this time. Most of them are trying their best to reach you and make their services available to you throughout the pandemic, using shipping and delivery services, curbside pickups, and other flexible innovations.

Here is a guide to get you to start thinking about how your buying habits can help to support your local economy.

What Do We Mean by Local?

Continue reading at Groom and Style

The Governor’s “Safe Start” Plan and What it Means for San Juan County

Posted June 8, 2020 at 1:41 pm by

On May 29th, Governor Inslee released further details on his “Safe Start” plan, a phased approach to re-opening Washington’s economy. Safe Start lays out a measured approach to moving forward through the COVID-19 pandemic by modifying physical distancing measures and allowing businesses and other activities to slowly resume. This article will answer some common questions about what the future may hold for the islands.

What Phase is San Juan County in Now?
The islands entered Phase 2 on May 23rd. This allowed limited opening of restaurants, retail stores, some fitness operations, professional services, churches, and other activities and services. Travel is allowed for activities permitted in Phases 1 and 2. More recently, transient lodging has been allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.

What Would the Changes be in a Move to Phase 3?
Continue Reading

Big Changes to the Paycheck Protection Program

Posted June 8, 2020 at 1:39 pm by

Businesses should take a second look at the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in light of substantial revisions signed into law on Friday June 5th.

The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act makes several major changes to the PPP. These changes may make the program more attractive to businesses that had decided against using it and more useful to those businesses that had already received it.

Key points include: Continue Reading

SJCHT Says Thanks!

Posted June 8, 2020 at 1:35 pm by

San Juan islanders, you are the best! The Board and Staff of the San Juan Community Home Trust want to thank you for your great response to our recent Appeal.

This was made in order to set up an Emergency Fund for our home owners, who have had hours cut back or have lost jobs entirely during the COVID 19 health and economic crisis. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and your rapid response has allowed us to set up the fund for as much as 6 months. Your thoughtful and generous donations are already at work.

None of us can plan for an event such as this pandemic which has affected us all. Few of us can accommodate to a complete loss of income, or a severe cutback in hours, given home ownership, families to support, and other obligations. Our donors recognized that and took concrete action in a timely way. The board and the staff of the Home Trust are grateful for your support.

The Islands’ Oil Spill Association (IOSA) is hiring an Executive Director

Posted June 8, 2020 at 10:47 am by

Applications are being accepted for the Executive Director of the Islands’ Oil Spill Association (IOSA). Complete details on position and how to apply are available online at:

As part of IOSA’s ongoing rebuild, this position will be responsible for day to day operations of the organization. This includes overseeing volunteers and future paid staff, coordinating with the Board of Directors, oversight for equipment and supplies, and leadership and planning for all spill response preparedness.

While no one would say this is an easy job, for the right candidate this opportunity will be rewarding, challenging, and a fulfilling way to serve and connect with the San Juan County community.

The Islands’ Oil Spill Association is a non-profit, community oil spill response organization that provides prompt, effective, local oil spill response and prevention throughout San Juan County in Washington state.

Camp Eagle Rock

Posted June 8, 2020 at 10:21 am by

Island Rec is excited to announce the opening of Camp Eagle Rock for summer 2020, following the recently released health and safety guidance for day camps from the Washington State Department of Health.

Our staff is very excited to have FUN this summer with your child in-person. Camp Eagle Rock will look a little different from past summers, to ensure all safety protocols and guidelines are met. Camp will be significantly smaller – only 25 children each week, and will operate 9am-3pm. Camp will be supervised directly by Island Rec’s director, Maddie Ovenell, and Recreation Manager Morgan Johnston.

Camp Eagle Rock has been Island Rec’s flagship summer day camp for K-5th graders for over 20 years. The initial cancellation of all in-person programming for the summer due to the pandemic was devastating to Island Rec and so many families who rely on Island Rec’s summer programs for their children. Continue Reading


Posted June 8, 2020 at 6:49 am by

In the mailbag this morning we have this letter from Janet Thomas…

Dear Islanders,

The Southern Resident orcas are facing imminent extinction. Unlike other orca species they do not eat other marine mammals. Their primary diet is Chinook salmon–specifically the salmon that comes from the Fraser River in B.C. and migrates along the west side of San Juan Island.

Tragically, the SRKWs access to their primary feeding area has been seriously impeded by unrelenting tourism activity that has effectively driven them away from accessing their diminishing food supply.

The Department of Fish & Wildlife is conducting a SEPA Environmental Impact Statement regarding rules and regulations for commercial whale-watching of Southern Resident orcas. Currently the only rule re: Southern Resident whale-watching is a 300-400-yard distance which is consistently violated.  This scoping period is an opportunity to comment on expanded forms of regulation and mitigation measures specifically designed to save the SRKWs.  

Monday at 5 pm is the deadline for submitting public comments:  

Continue Reading


Posted June 8, 2020 at 6:47 am by

And another letter, this one from Laura Saccio…

To My Fellow Islanders,

More than 20 years ago, my grandfather, a New Mexican farmer, rescued me from a life of impersonal work in the financial industry. I had been hired to work at an investment firm in Portland, and would see my family, including our two little girls, for only a couple of hours at the end of each day.

Grandad sold his cotton farm and was looking for an investment. He helped me finance the purchase of a wonderful little hotel (just 15 room and now known as the Bird Rock Hotel), in a small town in Washington almost 20 years ago. It was far away from where I had been heading, and offered the warmth and reality of small towns everywhere.

That change in the course of my career, meant that I could live a real life, among caring, real people.

Later, several other family members and I bought the Earthbox Inn & Spa, and Friday Harbor became my forever home.

We are not backed by big business, just our own commitment to this community and to the dozens of island families we employ. Continue Reading


Posted June 7, 2020 at 4:56 pm by

Fact Check of Whalen Petition

Dear Editor and Community,

We recently received in the mail Mr. Ron Whalen’s request to have us sign a petition to eliminate the Land Bank by December 2020. The request was loaded with falsehoods and outrageously attempted to dupe our community into thinking that a yes or no answer meant something other than to put the petition on the fall ballot. Please note that whether you mark yes or no on the petition, it qualifies as a vote to put the measure on the ballot.

First, the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) that funds San Juan County’s Conservation Land Bank is paid once by the purchaser of property in San Juan County. It is among the fairest of taxes since you pay once when you purchase, and the funds are used to protect the quality of life and values that attracted you to live here. By paying the 1% tax you bought into the community’s beauty, history and values as evidenced in the Land Bank’s Mandate, which is to

“preserve in perpetuity areas in the county that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic or low-intensity recreational value and to protect existing and future sources of potable water.”

Mr. Whalen may not approve of this mandate, but it is what was passed by the citizens of San Juan County as their priorities. To fulfill this mandate the Land Bank has purchased lands that protect agricultural uses (such as King Sisters Preserve and Coffelt Farms) not remove them as Mr. Whalen purports. Acquired lands also protect watersheds (such as land protecting Friday Harbor’s water supply), areas with important cultural and scenic value to the community (such as Turtleback Mountain, Mount Grant, Lopez Hill and many more), and it has funded initiatives such as the Salish Seed Project that strive to preserve our unique native wildflower communities. All these acquisitions and endeavors are in complete alignment with the Land Bank Mandate approved by voters each time it has come up for renewal. Continue Reading

John Miller Shares a Photo

Posted June 7, 2020 at 6:56 am by

Photo by John Miller

John Miller saw this on Roche Harbor road the other day. He said: “It reminds me of the old Burma Shave signs of years past, projecting an important message.”

Thanks for sharing John!

Updated Link to FHHS YouTube Graduation

Posted June 6, 2020 at 10:10 am by

Dear Graduating Class and Parents,

We apologize for the last minute change, but we just received an updated link to the YouTube page where the virtual ceremony will premiere on Saturday. It is actually easier to find now.  

If you want to watch the ceremony on your TV through the YouTube app, you can now search for FRIDAY HARBOR VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT and it should be the first option that comes up on the search.  The direct link is below.  You can also still find it on our HS webpage as stated in previous communications.

To tune in:

  1. Go to our FHHS webpage and the video will go LIVE on Saturday at 5:00 pm.
  2. If you have a smart TV with the youtube app, you can search for FRIDAY HARBOR VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT. 

Have a great night & congratulations again!