Bruce Gregory on volunteer assignment to Tajikistan…
Farmer to Farmer in Tajikistan – Contributed photo
As I have been to Central Asia four times before on ACDI-VOCA Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignments in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. I was contacted again and asked to return and work with the farmers in the Khatlon Province. I have agreed to travel to Tajikistan from Nov. 15-Dec. 8, 2019 for three weeks of Orchard Management field workshops.
The host farm, Iskandar Dehkan Farm in Tojikiston village, is run by Rustam Kurbonov and his family of seven. They collectively manage a 1.5-hectare orchard of apples, pears, plums, cherry, apricots, peaches and almonds. I will also work with other farmers in 12 other local districts of the Khatlon Province throughout my stay. Using the organizational resources of the local USAID group we will be able to meet with and have field workshops with over 300 individuals both male and female along with numerous youth.
The budget for the F2F program does not include funds for simple pruning tools, sharpeners, educational materials or books, etc. Knowing that these items would be scarce or even missing from the repertoire of the average Tajik farmers I am once again setting up a fund-raising effort for contributions for tools in the local island community. With community help, I hope to be able to take 50 lb. of orchard hand tools and supplies to give out to the many farmers who so willingly will host our many workshops in their orchards and the thirst for knowledge and gratitude that they and their neighbors express.
If you would like to donate funds to the Tajik Tool Fund you can send a check to our SJI mailing address: Mitchell Bay Farm, 1071 Mitchell Bay Rd., F.H. WA 98250 or if you have access to PayPal you can simply P.P. any amount to [email protected] Attach a note that it is for the Tajik Tool Fund!
Thanks for your support!
Farmer to Farmer in Tajikistan – Contributed photo