When my wife asks “Which ferry will you be on?” I can pretty reliably say “the late one”, which used to mean the last run of the day. Sadly, these days it can mean almost any one of them.
This is the first in a 3-part series about our late running ferry system. Many thanks to Jim Corenman, Chair of the San Juans Ferry Advisory Committee for his input on this issue…
Part One – The Problem
Ever notice how Murphy’s Law kicks in? I do – Any time I need to go into town to King’s or the drug store, it seems there’s a ferry unloading; Any time I need to catch a ferry, there are none running when I want to travel. Then – when I finally settle on one that fits my timing the best, it’s running late anyway.
Getting frustrated, I decided to keep track just to see – is it me? Am I focusing on the negative? Or are they really late all that much? So on March 21st, 90 days ago today (June 19th), I created a folder in my email and started saving late ferry alerts. At this writing there are 255, make that 256 – a new one just came in while I was writing this – in that folder. (This does not include alerts about Vessel Watch issues, or the Save a Spot reservation system or anything else* – I’ve only saved late ferry alerts).
*Well OK, I did include cancelled runs. Sometimes they’re so late they “lap” themselves and end up cancelling a run and just pick it up on the next scheduled sailing.
Here are the numbers I came up with: Continue Reading