Which Ferry Will You Be On?

Posted June 19, 2019 at 5:50 am by

M/V Yakima at dock – SJ Update file photo

When my wife asks “Which ferry will you be on?” I can pretty reliably say “the late one”, which used to mean the last run of the day. Sadly, these days it can mean almost any one of them.

This is the first in a 3-part series about our late running ferry system. Many thanks to Jim Corenman, Chair of the San Juans Ferry Advisory Committee for his input on this issue…

Part One – The Problem

Ever notice how Murphy’s Law kicks in? I do – Any time I need to go into town to King’s or the drug store, it seems there’s a ferry unloading; Any time I need to catch a ferry, there are none running when I want to travel. Then – when I finally settle on one that fits my timing the best, it’s running late anyway.

Getting frustrated, I decided to keep track just to see – is it me? Am I focusing on the negative? Or are they really late all that much? So on March 21st, 90 days ago today (June 19th), I created a folder in my email and started saving late ferry alerts. At this writing there are 255, make that 256 – a new one just came in while I was writing this – in that folder. (This does not include alerts about Vessel Watch issues, or the Save a Spot reservation system or anything else* – I’ve only saved late ferry alerts).

*Well OK, I did include cancelled runs. Sometimes they’re so late they “lap” themselves and end up cancelling a run and just pick it up on the next scheduled sailing.

Here are the numbers I came up with: Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted June 19, 2019 at 5:45 am by

“Berry” is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Hello! My name is Berry and I am two and a half years old. Don’t let the name mislead you. I’m actually a lady cat with the given name of ‘Strawberry.’

Who would name a classy cat like me after a fruit, you might ask? Well rumor has it, as I was born into quite the brothel of felines, food was not always easy to come by. Thus I found farmer John’s strawberry patch next door.

But this is all heresy, as I prefer to think my adorable name has more to do with the awesome sweetness that is inherently me. I am also very brave, outspoken and gentle, and I have huge amounts of love to give.

Having grown up with tons of other kitties, feline companionship would be extremely ideal for me! My current place of residence is the animal shelter, so please come meet me soon!

Sincere regards, Strawberry

AKA: Berry

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
994 Cattle Point Road
(360) 378-2158

Survey Says – Fair Feud Needs Your Help!

Posted June 18, 2019 at 5:48 am by

Fair planning is underway, and we would like your help by answering these important questions to our Fair Feud survey

During Fair week, you can watch local teams battle it out in the semi-final rounds on the Community Stage at 5:30pm on Thursday, August 15th and again at 5:30pm on Friday, August 16th. 

Our semi-final champions will then compete in the Fair Feud Finals on Saturday, August 17th at 5:30pm on the Main Stage!  You won’t want to miss out on the excitement, and see if your survey answers were the indeed the “winners”! 

For more Fair Feud information, please visit www.sjcfair.org or click here: 2019 Fair Feud!


Posted June 17, 2019 at 5:47 am by

The San Juan County Marine Resources Committee is hosting 3 screenings of the new Patagonia film “Artifishal” as part of Orca Action month.

We are excited to announce The MRC’s screening of ‘Artifishal’ – join us to take action to protect our wild fish. The screenings will be followed by a discussion surrounding topics covered by the film as well as sharing how well managed hatchery programs can have a positive impact for whales while also protecting wild salmon populations from genetic risks.

Free screenings are taking place on Orcas, Lopez and San Juan Islands:

  • Orcas Island – June 24th 6-9pm Odd Fellows Hall.
  • Lopez Island – June 25th 6:30-8:30pm Lopez Center for Community and the Arts
  • San Juan Island – June 27th 6-9pm Brickworks”

Rock n Roll Regatta at the Port

Posted June 17, 2019 at 5:46 am by

The Port of Friday Harbor is hosting their first ever Rock & Roll Regatta with 92.9 KISM Radio at the end of this month. This is going to be an awesome event with some really great fun things happening.

Check out the schedule below:

Friday June 28th

  • 6:00 – 10:00 AM Morning Show with 92.9 KISM’s Brad & John
    (The public is welcome to attend the show we’ll be live from the Port’s Waterfront Park)
  • 3:00 – 5:00 PM Late Afternoon Show with 92.9’s Brad & John
    (We’ll be broadcasting live from the Port’s Main Pier and the public is encouraged to attend and be a part of the show)
  • 3:30 – 4:00 PM Cardboard Boat Races
    (Go to www.portfridayharbor.org for Rules & Participation)
  • 4:15 – 4:45 PM San Juan Airlines Airdrop Paddle Races
    (Get your dinghy, paddle board, kayak and race for prizes dropped from the sky!)
  • 5:00 – 8:00 PM Rocktapus Performs

Beer Garden by SJ Lions Club, Food by Vic’s Drive Inn, Fun, & Prizes!

Saturday June 29th

  • 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Activities for Kids:
    Face Painting, Build Your Own Race Boat with Island Rec
  • Boating Activities & Free Harbor Tours
  • Marine Swap Meet

Click here for the instructions for the Rock n Roll Regatta Cardboard Boat Race (PDF)

It’s Never Too Early to Complete an Advance Directive

Posted June 17, 2019 at 5:45 am by

PeaceHealth offers free advance care planning workshops

When it comes to advance care planning, statistics show that there is a big difference between “talking” and “doing.”

According to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, a recent study suggested that while 82 percent of people surveyed believe that putting their end-of-life care wishes in writing is a good idea, only 27 percent have completed that task.

“Advance care planning is about sharing personal goals, values, religious and cultural beliefs, and what matters individually for quality of life with family, friends and medical providers,” said Hilary Walker, program coordinator for PeaceHealth Advance Care Planning. “It’s also about completing an advance directive. Both will help to ensure your wishes are followed, in the event of a medical crisis.”

PeaceHealth is offering  a free community workshops that walk participants through the elements of advance care planning.

  • Friday Harbor, Washington: June 26, 6 to 8 p.m., at the Mullis Community Senior Center, 589 Nash Street. Registration is required to attend. For more information, call Hilary Walker, advance care planning coordinator, at 360-752-5267.

PeaceHealth provider Avneet Rattan, MD, recently enrolled in one of the workshops for herself and for her patients. In one evening, she was able to complete her advance directive, and have it notarized. She is now more prepared to have end-of-life care discussions with her patients and their families. Continue Reading

Art for Fun

Posted June 17, 2019 at 5:44 am by

Just a reminder that the next Art for Fun art pARTy at SJIMA is this Tuesday, June 18, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.

Our painting is the “Garden Gate”, with wisteria and a humming bird! The cost is $35.

To register and for more info, go to http://www.sjima.org.

Department of Community Development June Closures

Posted June 17, 2019 at 5:43 am by

The SJC Department of Community Development office will be closed on Wednesday June 19th and 26th.

Staff will be training on the new permit software and expediting permit application review. We apologize for any inconvenience.

You may submit questions online to the land use planners and building permit plans examiners using the forms found at the following webpage: https://www.sanjuanco.com/1301/Pre-Application-Assistance

For code enforcement inquiries, use the form found at: https://www.sanjuanco.com/856/Code-Enforcement

Jan Hansen is Everyday Hero

Posted June 16, 2019 at 5:45 am by

L-R: Kiwanis Club president Doug Popham, Mike Hansen and Jan Hansen – Contributed photo

Jan Hansen recently received a Certificate of Appreciation and a $100 gift certificate as the FH Kiwanis nominee for the Everyday Hero award.

In presenting the award, Kiwanis President Doug Popham stated “The Kiwanis Club of Friday Harbor has a history of honoring people who go above and beyond what is expected of them without thought of recognition or reward. Today we’d like to honor a retired school teacher who has been volunteering four days a week at Friday Harbor Elementary School for the past four years and who we feel is a perfect candidate for our Everyday Hero award. Thank you, Jan, for what you do.”

Your Friday Harbor Kiwanis Club meets at Friday Harbor House, noon, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month.

Island Senior: Summer Yoga at the Mullis Center

Posted June 16, 2019 at 5:44 am by

Judy McRae Warrior Pose – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

If you can breathe you can do yoga. So they say and I believe it. One of the most useful things I’ve learned in yoga class is the long, deep, yoga breath. To do it, you fill your lungs slowly with air from bottom to top, pause, then slowly exhale until you are pulling your stomach in to push out that last bit of air, pause and begin again. I’ve used this in my doctor’s office to bring my blood pressure down. It works. I’ve used it in many stressful situations to calm my nerves and settle my mind. It works, its easy, and you always have it with you.

Yoga is excellent for flexibility and balance, qualities that are always important and become even more important as we get older. Says Andrew Weil, M.D. in his book, Healthy Aging, “Falls are a major cause of disability… You can protect yourself in two ways: by attending to potential hazards in your environment and by attending to your body’s capacity to compensate quickly for sudden twists, bump, and skids.” He goes on to recommend yoga, “I think it will increase the numbers of healthier and happier people here.” Continue Reading

On This Day in History

Posted June 15, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Image by Jai79 from Pixabay

Does the name Lyman Cutlar ring a bell? It was 160 years ago today that Lyman Cutlar shot a pig, thus igniting an international dispute that nearly drew the United States and Great Britain into war.

The previous year, gold was struck up on the Fraser River north of here and that drew thousands of prospectors to the area. Lyman Cutlar was one them who eventually ended up homesteading on San Juan Island where the British Hudson Bay Company had already set up its Belle Vue Sheep Farm operation.

On June 15, 1859, Mr. Cutlar found one of the Company’s pigs rooting in his potato patch. As this was not the first time, Cutlar had had enough – he shot the pig but then offered $10.00 in compensation. The owner of the pig refused and instead demanded $100.00 from Cutlar and the rest is Pig War history.

Mike Vouri, former Chief Historian for San Juan Island National Historical Park and author of several books on the Pig War shares more on these events in the NPS video below.

3rd Saturday Contra Dance

Posted June 14, 2019 at 5:47 am by

This month’s dance features two of our favorites, Eric Anderson and Joe Micheals, trading calling and musical duties, and who are bringing their friends Sande Gillette on fiddle and Betsey Cooper on flute to join them. A very versatile group promising a great dance here on the island.

As always with contra dance, all dances are taught, no need to bring a partner, and no need for previous contra dance experience, everyone is welcome, we always have a good time together!

  • WHAT: Third Saturday Contra Dance
  • WHERE: Grange Hall in Friday Harbor
  • WHEN: Saturday June 15, 7 till 9 PM
  • PRICE: $10 donation at the door, $5 students

This dance is sponsored by San Juan Island Grange #966. Check out our Facebook page-San Juan Islands Contra Dance.

Siri’s Summer Ferry Schedule

Posted June 14, 2019 at 5:47 am by

The WSF Summer 2019 Sailing Schedule is now online to help you plan any upcoming trips. Print versions will be available on vessels and at terminals soon.

The summer schedule runs from Sunday, June 23, through Saturday, Sept. 28. The cover features a poem written by Friday Harbor High School student Siri Lindstrum, the #WSFHaiku contest winner.

Out of nearly 200 entries, Siri’s poem received the most “likes” of the three finalists on the @wsferries page back in March.

Letter To The Editor

Posted June 14, 2019 at 5:44 am by

In light of Diane Ball’s retirement as principal from Friday Harbor Elementary, the Family Umbrella Group wanted to extend a thank you for her contributions to the Family Umbrella Group and this community.

Diane was integral in extending our scholarship program to all qualified preschools on this island. Currently we offer scholarships to Children’s House Montessori, Lighthouse Preschool, Alphabet Soup, St. David’s Preschool and Building Blocks.  

Please visit our new website to apply for a preschool scholarship http://familyumbrellagroup.org/

Officer Talks Down Suicidal Teen

Posted June 13, 2019 at 7:51 am by

Just heard this about our island’s own Kevin Holmes. Check it out here on Q13 News

Way to go Kevin!

Orca Sing 2019

Posted June 13, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Orcas pass by Lime Kiln Lighthouse in this photo by Jenny Atkins

Orca Sing is an annual event where people gather for an evening of music at Lime Kiln Point State Park to honor the Southern Resident orcas and celebrate Orca Action Month. This year’s event is the 20th annual and will take place on Saturday, June 22, with the music beginning at 7 p.m.

This year, Fred West and Seattle’s City Cantabile Choir will perform. Washington State Parks and Orca Awareness Month will also be celebrated.  In addition, Odin and Orca Annie from the Vashon Hydrophone Project will offer a First Nations tribute to their orca relatives in the Salish Sea.

Participants are encouraged to bring a picnic to enjoy the beauty of Lime Kiln. Tours of the historic lighthouse will be offered before and after the concert by Friends of Lime Kiln Society (F.O.L.K.S.). The event is free and open to the public. Continue Reading