Chamber Featured Member of the Month

Posted October 10, 2018 at 5:50 am by

Lynn Danaher (L) and Karen Palmer (R) – Contributed photo

The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce has chosen Friday Harbor Film Festival as this month’s featured member.

The Friday Harbor Film Festival was co-founded in 2013 by Lynn Danaher and Karen Palmer.  They realized early in the process they had very compatible skill sets, so Lynn took the role of Director having organized multiple events from rock ‘n’ roll concerts to symposiums, and Karen with 30 years at Sundance, took on the role of Producer.  Their shared belief in the importance of documentary storytelling has served the FHFF well, by becoming one of favorites of documentary filmmakers, themselves. 

Featuring the filmmakers for Q & A at every screening creates a high level of personal engagement with the audience.  The FHFF gives voice to dedicated filmmakers who make enormous sacrifices to share an important story.  Each film is required to have a call to action and/or a message of hope.

By expanding the FHFF to honor the important contributions of individuals, with the Andrew V. McLaglen Lifetime Achievement Award and the Local Hero Award, they have brought an extra level of credibility to the event.  This year they are expanding honors with the Laszlo Pal (former Board Member) Emerging Filmmaker Award, to acknowledge a promising young filmmaker.

Lynn and Karen have worked tirelessly as 100% volunteers since the beginning, even personally funding shortfalls.  The FHFF has grown into a year-round event, screening films from January through June and hosting special screenings year around. They hope to expand support and funding to hire additional staff as the demands have moved beyond just volunteers.

Lynn and Karen both feel very proud of this exceptional event and how it has enhanced Friday Harbor as a shoulder season destination.

Apply now to become a WSU Master Gardener!

Posted October 10, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Love to problem solve?
Interested in gardening?
Looking for a fun way to get involved?

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 San Juan County WSU Master Gardener Training Program. Volunteer trainees receive over 60 hours of training, both in the classroom and online. The training is taught by local and regional experts and includes topics on vegetable gardening, soils, plant disease diagnostics, plant identification and more.

Trainees become a part of a cohort of passionate, dedicated community members who will provide educational outreach and help problem-solve gardening questions.   In the first year, trainees are mentored by a cohort of veteran Master Gardeners while volunteering 50 hours within the program.

Certified Master Gardeners complete at least 25 hours of volunteer service and 10 hours of Continuing Education. Many volunteers stay involved in the program for many years, sharing their love of gardening and learning with their community and fellow volunteers. Continue Reading

Fiddle Supergroup “Childsplay” to Kick Off Farewell Tour in Friday Harbor

Posted October 10, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Childsplay: Fiddlers, Fiddles and Fiddlemaker is pleased to announce the release of their seventh album, “The Bloom of Youth.” The album is the first step in a final farewell tour for the band, many of whom have been in the band for 30 years.

Led by violin maker Robert Childs, Childsplay is made up of over 20 musicians from around the United States and Ireland, with each member of the string section playing a violin or viola handmade by Childs himself. To imagine what is unique to Childsplay, picture what a family that sings together sounds like, all the voices of the violins have a familial tone. Add in 30 years of touring, a film on PBS, and the recent release of their seventh album and you begin to get a sense of what makes this tour and album so special.

It is said, that of all the musical instruments, the violin is the most like the human voice when played soulfully. Karan Casey, one of the most innovative and celebrated voices in Irish traditional and folk music, sang on the album and will be joining Childsplay for their farewell tour.

Childsplay is made up of a cast of 12 incredible fiddlers, ranging from all-Ireland and national Scottish fiddle champions to members of the Boston Symphony, and also includes 9 all-star instrumentalists, singers and dancers who altogether create the sound that is truly Childsplay. Continue Reading

Yes for Homes

Posted October 10, 2018 at 5:43 am by

What is the “YES for Homes!” campaign?
YES for Homes Coalition of SJC is a grassroots organization of volunteers who have come together in support of the creation of the San Juan County Home Fund for the development and preservation of affordable homes. Some volunteers work with local non-profits while others are simply citizens who want to be part of creating more opportunities for stable, secure homes for San Juan County (SJC) residents.

How will the Home Fund be funded?
The Home Fund will be funded by a one-time tax paid at the time of a real estate sale –
a 0.5% Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) – NOT an ongoing property tax. This REET will sunset in 12 years, at which time the voters will decide whether to re-authorize.

Why does housing matter in San Juan County?
Our island communities depend on people who need affordable homes. San Juan County’s social well-being, quality of life, and economic vitality are all interconnected. Housing prices in the islands are high, because San Juan County attracts people with means from all over the world, but wages in our rural tourist-based economy are low. Continue Reading

KYI: Know Your Island Walks…

Posted October 9, 2018 at 5:50 am by

Theresa Simendinger, in the center, riding her horse Zanzibar – photo by Deanna Osborne

by Theresa Simendinger…
KYI Walks are Great Events to Find New Areas and Trails on San Juan Island

On September 22 seven brave folks, in spite of morning-long rains, met at Horsetrail Road for a tour of the Mitchell Hill area …led by a horse! The mare above is Zanzibar, a Tennessee Walker who did a fine job of leading the way and stopping to wait by her own command, if anyone got too far back.

Turning around to make sure all were present before preceding, Zanzibar had brought along a human narrating friend to describe the history of the area, and to point out the small bridge, pictured below, built by local user groups. Workers back in December 2011 included: equestrians, hikers and mountain bikers all under the guidance and help of the National Park Service (NPS) maintenance crew.

Also pointed out on the September walk were places in spring to look for Fawn Lilies, AKA: Trout Lilies, which lay like white stars in the deep, bright green moss on this, one of Zanzibar’s favorite trails.

After reaching Briggs Lake, the group was led back along the Lake Trail where a huge ancient Garry Oak was pointed out with dragon-like bark. And where to look for Indian Ghost Pipes, a Saprophyte that looks exactly like its name and is mildly toxic but fun to see.

Brave fun hikers who came out on a rainy day for a wonderful hike – Photo by Zanzibar who forgot to write down names.

The group told Zanzibar and friend none of them had ever been to the Mitchell Hill Area which is part of English Camp and San Juan National Historical Park. Zanzibar and friend have heard this many times when offering directions or commenting on the beauty of the area to new friends met in the park.

This group added they loved the trails we marched along. Along the way the group passed through the Roche Highlands area and then back into NPS lands. Roche Harbor Resort was awarded a National Trails Designation from American Trails Assn. This honor was awarded because of the allowed public use of the area by Roche Harbor, and the fact it neighbors the NPS lands which make endless opportunities to hike beautiful trails.

The area is beautiful with well maintained trails, thanks to the NPS. Many of the trails are kept open by the same volunteer user groups that built the Puncheon (low bridge) in the photo at right. But when this walk was planned last spring a massive group of trees had fallen and were blocking the trail. A quick call to the NPS and they cleared it in time. Thanks to the NPS, a favorite trail was open all summer!

KYI Walks are arranged by Bill Severson of the SJ Trails Committee, under Island Rec, and happen at different times during the year. A great way to discover great hiking areas all around the island. The September walk was the last one scheduled for this year. Watch for them to start up again next spring.

EDC to offer free Construction Basics training at Friday Harbor High School

Posted October 9, 2018 at 5:46 am by

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) will offer free training in construction basics this fall, supported by the San Juan Island Community Foundation, Ravenhill Construction, Green Man Landscape & Design, and Ace Hardware.

The course, which will be taught at Friday Harbor High School by Ravenhill carpenter Mike Melville, is intended to benefit both participating students and local construction companies in need of more employees.  The curriculum has been designed for students and career changers, and will include core construction skills, tool usage, safety and more.  This course itself is free to residents of San Juan County, but space is limited and requires both registration and a filing fee of $10. 

The course will run after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from October 23rd, 2018, through December 20th, 3:30-5:30pm. There is no cost for training; pre-registration and a $10 filing fee is required.  The deadline to apply is Friday, October 19th. Continue Reading

World Polio Day

Posted October 9, 2018 at 5:45 am by

On October 24th, Rotary will celebrate World Polio Day to help raise awareness and the funding we need to reach full eradication.

Since its formation in 2003, Rotary Club of San Juan Islands has donated over $70,000 to ending polio. We contribute $1,000 annually through Concours d’Elegance. In addition, this year we gave $1,000 to campaign for Peking to Paris Endurance Motor Challenge, a 10,000 mile race to bring awareness to the End Polio Now program, and additional donations of $5,000 through club and individual giving.

In 30 years, we’ve gone from 125 polio-endemic countries to THREE (Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), immunizing over 2.5 billion children. Yet, without full funding and political commitment, this paralyzing disease could return to previous polio-free countries, putting children everywhere at risk.

Please consider a donation today to the Rotary Foundation PolioPlus Fund at Your gift will be matched 2-1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Help us see this fight to the end.

Oktoberfest and More Accolades at SJI Brewing

Posted October 8, 2018 at 10:44 am by

San Juan Island Brewing will be holding their Oktoberfest celebration this weekend on Saturday. Check out the poster at right (click on it to make it larger) to see what all fun events they have planned.

Also, they’ve just won another award for their Bull Kelp ESB. This time it’s a national award:

San Juan Island Brewing Company received a bronze medal at the 2018 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) competition. Presented by the Brewers Association, GABF is the largest commercial beer competition in the world and recognizes the most outstanding beers produced in the United States. The top three winners in the competition’s 102 beer-style categories were announced September 22 at the Great American Beer Festival awards ceremony held at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

Head Brewer Jesse Visciglia and Charlie Papazian, GABF Founder – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Brewing Company was recognized in the Extra Special Bitter beer-style category for its Bull Kelp ESB. Bull Kelp ESB balances toffee notes with warm biscuit malt character and finishes with a touch of hop bitterness.. San Juan Island Brewing is a 1,000-barrel brewpub located in Friday Harbor, WA that specializes in traditional English style ales and German style lagers. This is the second award in the past few months for the Bull Kelp ESB, [which was] awarded a gold medal in June by the Washington Beer Awards.

“The ESB, a fantastic beer, exemplifies our dedication to beers that are balanced, highly drinkable and made with the highest quality ingredients in the world. We are incredibly humbled by this award.” said Jesse Visciglia, Head Brewer at San Juan Island Brewing. Continue Reading

BLM Releases Draft Plan for San Juan Islands National Monument

Posted October 8, 2018 at 5:48 am by

Lopez, WA – [On October 5th] the Bureau of Land Management announced the release of the Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the San Juan Islands National Monument (Monument).

This Draft RMP/EIS is available to review at and addresses a range of alternatives for the purposes of providing overarching goals and objectives for the management of the Monument to include the protection and restoration of historic and cultural resources, providing for recreation opportunities, and coordinating the management of these lands with local tribes and governmental organizations.

“It’s important to realize this plan will only apply to the 1,021 acres of public lands that make up the Monument,” said BLM Spokane District Manager Linda Clark. “While a relatively small area, the Monument includes landscapes of great beauty as well as sensitive cultural and ecological resources that should be protected for future generations to enjoy.”

The Draft RMP/EIS presents a full spectrum of different management alternatives, and analyzes the environmental effects of the alternatives. Based on this analysis and comments the agency receives on the Draft RMP/EIS, the BLM will prepare a Proposed RMP/Final EIS with the assistance of cooperating agencies.

Following publication of this Draft RMP/EIS, members of the public will have 90 days to provide written comments. The BLM encourages all interested members of the public to submit comments and participate in the upcoming open houses and workshops: Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted October 8, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Micky is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Hello. My name is Micky and I LOVE to party. And by party, I mean go for long walks and have my belly rubbed.

Let me offer you some free advice. Never – and I mean NEVER, wake a sleeping cat. Trust me. You do not want to release the inner ninja in one of those guys… Don’t ask me how I know. I just do.

If you are looking for a trusted companion and best friend, we should meet. I’m here at the animal shelter waiting for my next belly rub.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
994 Cattle Point Road
(360) 378-2158

Friday Harbor Farm Parade 2018

Posted October 7, 2018 at 6:15 am by

Friday Harbor Farm Parade 2018 – Peggy Sue McRae photo

It was a brilliant sunny day for this year’s Farm Parade. 

Friday Harbor Farm Parade 2018 – Peggy Sue McRae photo

A fun parade for kids, trucks, and tractors…

Friday Harbor Farm Parade 2018

continue to see more photos…

Continue Reading

Mary Martha Circle Annual Nut Sale

Posted October 7, 2018 at 6:10 am by

Nancy Fusare – Contributed photo

Its time again for the Mary Martha Circle at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church’s  annual nut sale. They are, “high quality nuts and very popular!” says Nancy Fusare. Just in time for your holiday fare the nuts will be ready for delivery in early November. Please place your order by October 30th.

Proceeds from the nut sales go to mission work, educational gifts to graduating seniors affiliated with the church and other church projects. Nancy Fusare will be happy to take your order (360) 317-6592.


Don’t Miss Friday Harbor’s Eighth Annual Farm Parade Today!

Posted October 6, 2018 at 6:15 am by

A message from the San Juan Island Grange… 

Friday Harbor Farm Parade – Peggy Sue McRae photo

The eighth annual parade of tractors, farm trucks, horses, and goats on leash is ready to roll down Argyle and Spring Streets on Saturday, October 6.  If you would like to join in, come to the fairgrounds where staging starts at 1:30. Bring good shoes, a sign or costume, or your tractor. You choose. The theme is always local food and farms, but that is loosely interpreted.

Or you could bring the camera and the kids and park yourselves along the parade route. The best viewing can be had from porches along Argyle Avenue, but Spring Street offers many viewing stations. Be sure to cheer as we go by!

Rainshadow Quilting Arts Guild Offers Special Class Oct 13 -14

Posted October 6, 2018 at 6:14 am by

Krista Moser specializes in big bold modern quilt patterns (and Y corners!). She is a dynamic instructor and will teach two patterns during the same class. Krista will help us construct either of the two quilts, Hollow Star or Argyle Lad at the class – choose which one you would like to make up during the class and listen to the directions so you can be prepared to do the other one at another time.

Argyle Lad Quilt – Contributed photo

The cost of the class is $60 ($45 for members of the guild). Additionally, you need to buy the pattern and a ruler from Krista for $35. When you sign up, you will receive a prep sheet so you can come to class with some of the preliminary cutting done.

Hollow Star Quilt – Contributed photo

The class will be held at the Mullis Center starting at 1 pm on Saturday, October 13, and continue on Sunday, October 14, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please contact Krispi Staude at [email protected] or call at 360.378.2434. We would love to have you join us.

Check out her website: Krista Moser The Quilted Life

County to Test Vote Counting Equipment

Posted October 6, 2018 at 6:09 am by

A “Logic and Accuracy” test of ballot tabulating equipment used in San Juan County for the November 6, 2018 General is scheduled for October 18 at 11:00 a.m. The test works by tallying the results of a prepared set of ballots to see if the results match the votes cast. The test will take place in the Elections Office located at 55 Second Street, Suite A, in Friday Harbor.

A representative of the Secretary of State’s Elections Division will be present for the test. The test is performed before every local, state or federal election to ensure that tabulation hardware and software equipment are compliant with Washington State rules and will accurately count the votes.

All interested members of the public are invited to observe.

San Juan Island Library Offers New Digital Newspaper Collection

Posted October 6, 2018 at 6:08 am by

The San Juan Island Library is excited to bring you a new digital newspaper collection!  Titled NewsBank, this collection is free to library patrons and is updated daily.

NewsBank enables library patrons to easily search and browse current and archived news articles, editorials, reviews, birth and marriage announcements, obituaries and a variety of special sections. Patrons can use this resource for general reference or to research local and national issues, events, people, government, education, arts, business, sports, real estate and much more.

We offer our patrons in-house and remote access to three distinct collections:

Access World News

Find global information on topics related to business, economics, education, government, health, homework help, international studies, politics, science, social issues, sports, STEM and more from a variety of news media featuring newspapers, videos and web-only content.

Washington State News

Explore and research people, events and issues across Washington State.  This resource contains news sources from across the state including: The Bellingham Herald, Chinook Observer, Chronicle, Columbian, Daily Herald, Daily News, Daily Record, Daily World, Kitsap Sun, News Tribune, The Olympian, Seattle Times, Spokesman-Review, Tri-City Herald, Yakima Herald-Republic and more.

The Seattle Times Collection

Search more than 30 years of Seattle area history with The Seattle Times Integrated Collection. With coverage from 1985 – current, the Collection contains full-color newspaper pages, individual full-text articles and content only published online.