Just in case you’re heading to Bellingham or points farther north, and are planning to take scenic Chuckanut Drive, you might want to rethink that, or at least keep an eye on the WSDOT travel alerts website. Here’s more from WSDOT…
A rockslide and the risk of unstable rocks on the hillside above the road, have forced WSDOT maintenance crews to close SR 11/Chuckanut Drive at milepost 12, just south of the Whatcom Skagit county line. On the south side, the road is closed at Chuckanut Ridge Drive. On the north side, the road is closed at Pacific Rim Drive.
Additional geotechnical crews and equipment will head to the area on Thursday to determine a process to safely reopen the highway. Right now, there is no estimate on when we will reopen.
Please follow along on the WSDOT North Twitter account for updates to this closure.