Did you make it to the Fair on Wednesday? Click below to see some images from the afternoon on Day One. Continue Reading
Randy Hansen Rocks the SJC Fair
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:51 am by Tim Dustrude
Randy Hansen’s tribute to Jimi Hendrix was a great way to end Day One of the 2018 SJC Fair. Here are some photo highlights of the event: Continue Reading
Fight Fire with Fire
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:49 am by Tim Dustrude
Notice any smoke in the air this summer? Yeah, how about last summer? Has it always been wildfire season in the summer or is this something new?
Check out the video below for some answers…
Harbor Seal
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:47 am by Tim Dustrude
Kevin Holmes shares this photo of a big male Harbor Seal resting on the dock at Friday Harbor (being watched over by animal folks from Animal Stranding Network) after he had been in a fight…
Thanks Kevin!
Calling All Twelves!
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:46 am by Tim Dustrude
Calling All Twelves!
Thursday at the Fair is Seahawks Fan Fest! Or is it Fair Fest? Fan Fest!
Bring your Seahawk Spirit, wear your Seahawks gear and meet a Seahawk, a SeaGal and DJ Supa Sam, official DJ for the Seahawks.
Be there! Thursday Night from 8:00 to 9:00 on the Main Stage.
Road Construction Will Cause Traffic Disruptions
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Web, “A” and Nichols Street Improvement Project Causing Traffic Disruption On Friday, August 17th
Traffic will be disrupted this Friday, August 17, 2018 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. while specialty contractors prepare the cement treated sub-base for the roadway on Web and “A” Streets.
The Contractor will begin roadwork at the Nichols & A Street intersection (near WSF Lot B) and work their way to the Argyle & Web intersection. The entire construction crew will be focusing on this task in order to expedite the construction process.
The Nichols & A Street intersection will be closed to vehicles in general. Flaggers will be stationed to direct vehicles around the project area.
WSF Lot B will be accessed only through B Street. Ferry workers will direct vehicles up Harrison Street to B Street.
Argyle Avenue will be reduced to one lane of traffic approximately 100 feet north and 100 feet south of the Web Street and Argyle Avenue intersection. Flaggers will be stationed to direct vehicles and pedestrians. The alternative route for vehicle traffic on Argyle Street will be via Spring Street to Caines Street.
In both cases, all businesses located within the project area will be accessible by foot. Web, A and Nichols Streets will have limited vehicle access for businesses only.
The Town is urging drivers to exercise patience and safety. Alternative driving routes to the SJC Fairgrounds are recommended for fairgoers.
Information and updates on the project will be posted as often as possible. Questions can be directed to the on-site Project Manager, Pedro Mena, at [email protected].
Explore The Salish Sea: A Nature Guide For Kids
Posted August 15, 2018 at 9:47 am by Tim Dustrude
Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Library are excited to host an evening for both kids and adults. Come out for Joe Gaydos’ lively and inter-active book talk– Explore the Salish Sea: A Nature Guide for Kids— at the Library on Wednesday, August 22, 7:00 pm. This is a book that children and adults can pore over together, and then head out to poke around our marine ecosystem.
The SeaDoc Society has published this book for the next generation. Filled with beautiful photography and engaging stories, it inspires children to explore the unique marine ecosystem that encompasses the coastal waters from Seattle’s Puget Sound up to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Georgia Strait of British Columbia.
Discover the Salish Sea and learn about its vibrant ecosystem in this engaging non-fiction narrative that inspires outdoor exploration. Filled with full-color photography, this book covers wildlife habitats, geodiversity, intertidal and subtidal sea life, and highlights what is unique to this Pacific Northwest ecosystem. The book was written by SeaDoc Science Director Joe Gaydos and board member Audrey Benedict.
About the Authors Continue Reading
Real Estate News with Merri Ann
Posted August 15, 2018 at 9:47 am by Tim Dustrude
New Vacation Rental Permit Requirements
I have reviewed the County’s new Vacation Rental Permit requirements and I found them most reasonable, I think they did a good job.
As a REALTOR, working in the field, I only noted two areas that may be difficult for some property owners to adapt to.
- Management plan on file at the County and with neighbors within 300 feet. The management plan must contain contact information of owners and a local representative if the owner lives off island. This person shall respond to emergencies and complaints, hence the neighbors within 300 feet having a copy of the plan. In most cases, the professional property managers will be this contact person and will develop the management plan and code of conduct for the property. If someone is a self-managed VRBO they will need to create these items and submit them to the county.
Continue reading (PDF)…
Air quality affected by wildfire smoke
Posted August 14, 2018 at 12:19 pm by Tim Dustrude
Air monitors in our region today are reporting ‘unhealthy’ levels of particulate matter in the air due to wildfire smoke, largely from fires burning in British Columbia. San Juan County Health & Community Services is advising the public to limit time spent outdoors and avoid strenuous activities outdoors.
Outdoor smoke contains very small particles and gases, including carbon monoxide. These particles can get into your eyes and lungs where they can cause the following health effects:
- Eye, nose, and throat irritation (burning eyes and runny nose)
- Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and headache
- Aggravation of existing lung, heart and circulatory conditions, including asthma and angina
Inhaling smoke is not good for anyone, even healthy people. However, the following sensitive groups are more likely to have health effects from breathing smoke: Continue Reading
Time for Another Flash Mob
Posted August 14, 2018 at 9:48 am by Tim Dustrude
Okay, it’s no secret, we have another Flash Mob at the Fair by the Rock Solid Youth and the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition!
It will happen on Saturday during the Trashion Fashion Show on the Main Stage, at about 6pm.
Watch the video above to learn the moves and then come groove with us. Everyone is welcome – all ages. Share a little fun time with your family, friends and neighbors and Dance4Health.
Join us to the tune of “Walking on Sunshine”.
Thank you Madrona for doing the choreography.
P.S. Zach, Luke, Johnny and Madrona would love to see you there! Also, be sure to swing by the SJIPC Fair Booth, to make a FREE Healthy Message T-Shirt.
Strong to the Core Pilates
Posted August 14, 2018 at 9:18 am by Tim Dustrude
You may already know this, but for those who don’t, there’s a new Pilates studio in town. Debbie Warren moved from New England to the island with her husband and grown daughter in February and has opened a studio on A Street.
Her studio is called Strong to the Core Pilates and she provides private Pilates sessions (by appointment). It’s at 232 “A” Street, Suite #6A, (directly across the street from Market Chef). Strong to the Core Pilates is a fully equipped Pilates studio and uses Gratz Pilates Apparatus.
And it’s not only Pilates. She is also an authorized dealer for ElliptiGO, Stand Up Bikes. “The ElliptiGO is a total body workout, unlike a conventional bike”, she says. “Many lifelong runners and joggers who can no longer run or jog, can still get that full body workout by riding one of these. And ElliptiGO models are great options for most that have either lost a avenue of physical fitness (due to age or injury), or are in a high level training mode that want to add in a challenging strength and cardio option.”
She invited me to try out the long stride models, so we made an appointment to ride around Turn Point road. It really was quite a workout. I’m in relatively good shape, (I try to leave the car at home and ride a bike or walk whenever I can, and I’ve frequently biked around Turn Point myself), but this was really a lot more intense than a simple bike ride. Continue Reading
Fountainsun with John Bellows and Glenn Hendrick
Posted August 14, 2018 at 8:54 am by Tim Dustrude
Glenn Hendrick shares this musical invitation with you…
August is the height of the music season on San Juan Island, with so much to get your feet moving at excellent spots in town like Mr. Believable’s and the San Juan Summer Arts Festival. But for a moment of quiet contemplation and a breath of forest air, we recommend you make the trek to San Juan Island’s newest and most imaginative art and performance space, Alchemy Art Center, located at 1255 Wold Rd, for a gorgeously original evening of music from Olympia’s Fountainsun, sharing the bill with local folk songsmiths John Bellows and Glenn Hendrick.
Fountainsun, an ongoing collaboration between Daniel Higgs (Lungfish, The Pupils) and Fumie Ishii (photographer, visual artist, and musician), produce what has been described as “heart-opening mantra song cycles” that create “expertly executed beautiful weirdness for both of your ears and all three of your eyes.”
Higg’s poetry and revelations are pulled deep from the well of the eternal moment, building into recitations that feel both ancient and galactic. Ishii often sets the pulse of the song with circular guitar and percussion as Higgs adorns the journey with fluttering banjo and varied ornamental instrumentation. Continue Reading
Of Signs, Land, and People
Posted August 14, 2018 at 8:40 am by Tim Dustrude
In the SJ Update mailbag this morning…
My thanks to those who voted in the primary election. Shortly after the election, Team Gaylord removed most of the Re-Elect Gaylord for Prosecutor signs from our scenic roadways. I believe residents and visitors deserve to finish the summer with a landscape without interruption.
I hope voters will take the rest from our signs to confirm the qualities you want in your prosecuting attorney. I have the proven experience, compassion, and leadership that matter. I will listen and provide independent advice unhitched from self-interest.
I have heard from citizens about the concerns about drug offenses, domestic violence, and emerging issues such as public access and protecting our marine resources.
This community demands much of its prosecutor and coroner. Sure, we defend claims and lawsuits, and prosecute criminals. But we also provide guidance and advice to independently elected officials for cutting-edge solutions. I have a record of meeting those demands as seen by the jet ski case, charter reform, unique solid waste and recycling Lopez and Orcas Island, and changes to state law inspired by the Barefoot Bandit Case so that restitution is paid to victims first.
I want to hear what you think. Look for me at the County Fair (after work or Saturday) or contact me at www.teamgaylord.com #teamgaylord
Randy Gaylord
360-376-3076 – Home
360-298-2800 — Cell
Auditor Seeks Writers of Arguments Against Two Local Measures
Posted August 14, 2018 at 8:31 am by Tim Dustrude
Voters in San Juan County will decide two local measures in the November election. (People who don’t vote won’t decide anything.)
On Lopez, the annual one-year levy for the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District will be on the ballot. The district is once again asking for $105,000 to support operations of the district.
Countywide, voters will decide whether to impose a .5% real estate excise tax (REET) on the sale of property within the county. The tax will be paid 99% by the buyer and 1% by the seller and will be used to support affordable housing efforts within the county.
In order to ensure an informed electorate, every district that puts a measure on the ballot is required to appoint committees to write arguments both for and against the measure. If a district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor. Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District and San Juan County have appointed committees to write arguments in favor of their measures. Both have been unable to find writers in opposition to their measures. To that end, I am seeking people to write the “con” arguments for both local measures.
If you have an interest in writing an opposing argument, please contact the Auditor at [email protected], or (360) 370-7558, by Friday, August 17. Up to three people (per measure) may be named as argument writers, though they may seek the assistance of as many people as needed. Statements are limited to 250 words.
Concours d’Élégance
Posted August 13, 2018 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude
Okay. The County Fair is on your calendar. You’re planning on entering your prized dahlias. Done.
Now what?
Concours d’Élégance at San Juan Vineyards on Sunday, August 26! Enter your vintage car. Or what about entering your less-than-perfect car? Okay, not all original parts but I bet it has a great story! And we all love great stories!
Bring your family and friends for live music, handmade pizzas by Mayer & Sibert, vino and non-vino beverages available.
AND all to benefit Family Resource Center, Family Umbrella Group, Hospice of San Juan and Rotary’s Polio Plus program. Check out sanjuanconcours.org for car registration and further info.
Shaw Island Classic Race Results
Posted August 13, 2018 at 5:47 am by Tim Dustrude
46 Sailboats Race Around Shaw Island
The currents were strong, the winds temperamental, and the fleet diverse, making for a memorable 48th annual running of the Shaw Island Classic, a highlight of the summer boating season. Hosted by the San Juan Island Yacht Club, the race draws sailboats and crew from throughout the region to circumnavigate Shaw Island. The race drew 10% more racers than last year.
Our island topology challenges racers to factor in shifting winds, variable currents, narrow rocky channels and traffic from large boats filled with cars. Racers can circle the island in either direction, a choice best informed with deep knowledge of local wind and tidal conditions.
Although 90% of the racers thought riding the flood tide in a counter clockwise direction would be a winning strategy, Michael Durland of Challenge with race veteran Wally Lum, was contrarian, sailing clockwise and winning their class. Having competed in every one of the 48 annual Shaw Classic races, Wally Lum had a depth of experience with the course. Continue Reading