The Wreck of the SS Clallam

Posted January 3, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Photos: SS Clallam, Courtesy UW Special Collections; Front page story, January 10, 1904, Courtesy Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Dellie LaPlante Sullins monument, Valley Cemetery, San Juan Island – Click to enlarge

It’s time for the Historical Museum’s monthly History Column…

A clairvoyant bell sheep and a gale most foul: The Wreck of the SS Clallam

A benefit of writing about local history is that we can tell a story in the context of our own place and our own people. What was once international news, recounted in newspapers from Victoria to New York City, is still today a local San Juan Islands story known as The Wreck of the Clallam. It began on January 8, 1904 when the excursion steamer SS Clallam met its fate in the Strait of Juan de Fuca during a rising gale, with a loss of 56 lives. Of these, eight were from San Juan and Orcas Islands. Four more islanders would be saved and counted among the thirty-six passengers and crew who lived long enough to be rescued from drowning. We remember their names.

Drowned: Ulysses Grant Hicks, San Juan Island; Members of the LaPlante family of San Juan Island and Orcas Island – Peter LaPlante, Caroline King LaPlante and daughter Verna, Dellie LaPlante Sullins and her children Leonard, Lewis, and Violet

Rescued: William King (brother of Caroline LaPlante), William LaPlante (husband of Caroline LaPlante), Thomas Sullins (husband of Dellie Sullins), and John Sweeney

All of these islanders were on their way to the Vancouver Island mining operation of Thomas Sullins. The Sullins family had recently moved from Orcas Island, returning to the islands for a visit with family and friends over the Christmas holiday. Joining them was Robert Miller of Orcas Island, completing the group of thirteen. That unlucky number was not the first of this story’s bad omens. Continue Reading

Home Trust Ends One Year and Begins Another with Big Land Donations

Posted January 3, 2018 at 5:46 am by

>Editor’s note: The number of homes at the Soll property has been corrected to 30. The press release originally said 40 incorrectly…

Last week on December 29th, the San Juan Community Home Trust received a donation of a parcel of land in Friday Harbor. The property, at the corner of Tucker and McDonald Streets, is a gift by David and Patricia Giuliani of San Juan Island. The lot is 9,900 square feet and has no structures.

“The Home Trust is delighted at this completely unexpected gift, it’s a great way to end 2017,” said David S. Gow, Home Trust Executive Director. “The Giulianis are keenly interested in being part of the solution to the affordable housing crisis in the San Juans, so we are most grateful for the confidence they are putting in our home building and home ownership program,” he said.

“We will repay that confidence by creating a permanently affordable family home there in the near future, which will serve as an attractive and welcoming portal to the McDonald Street-Friday Avenue neighborhood,” Gow said.

The new year also kicked off with a large parcel donation to Friday Harbor’s Sun Rise neighborhood of permanently affordable homes. The gift of 5.85 acres in the 1200 block of Turn Point Road was made by Larry Soll, also on December 29. Continue Reading

Lovel Pratt Joins Friends Of The San Juans

Posted January 2, 2018 at 7:03 pm by

Lovell Pratt – Contributed photo

January 2, 2018 – Today Friends of the San Juans (Friends) announces the addition of Lovel Pratt as Director of Friends’ Marine Protection Program.

Lovel Pratt comes to Friends from Mulno Cove Consulting, where her work focused on safe shipping advocacy, reducing vessel traffic impacts, and oil spill prevention. She is a founding member of San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping. While serving as a consultant for Friends and other environmental and governmental organizations, Pratt developed, facilitated and presented at a regional vessel traffic workshop; has prepared several comments on new and expanding terminal project applications and environmental reviews; and participated in numerous commercial shipping related rule-makings, committees, taskforces, workshops, and conferences.

“Lovel is a regional leader on marine policy issues and represents our community on critical issues. We are fortunate to have her join Friends of the San Juans with over two decades of experience and expertise at the local, state, and federal levels,” said Friends President Sanford Olson.

Pratt has over 25 years of experience working and volunteering in local county government, agriculture, affordable housing, and education. Pratt served for ten years on the SJC Planning Commission. In 2003, the Journal of the San Juan Islands named Pratt ‘Citizen of the Year’ for her leadership in the development of affordable housing. In 2008 she was elected to San Juan County Council where she served for one term. Continue Reading

New Life for the General Store

Posted January 2, 2018 at 3:38 pm by

The General Store will make way for the Friday Harbor Trading Post, coming in Febrary – SJ Update photo

Spring Street General Store has closed. And soon there will be a new store in its place.

My R/C Vision also closed (on December 30), and owners Debbi and David Staehlin and their daughter Heather Easley will be opening Friday Harbor Trading Post where the General Store was, across the street from King’s Market. It will be a similar kind of store, selling beer, wine, sodas and snacks and some of the smaller electronics left over from My R/C Vision but also with some goods from local farmers and artisans – jellies, candies, soaps and things like that.

They are shooting for a February 1st opening and the Chamber of Commerce will be celebrating the opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony so you will see more about it here when the time comes.

Best of the Fest

Posted January 2, 2018 at 9:03 am by

Friday Harbor Film Festival presents their January  “Best of the Fest”, featuring two films nominated for the 2018 Academy Award for Best Documentary.

First it’s “An Inconvenient Sequel” on January 2nd, followed by “Chasing Coral” on the 16th. Both films show at the Grange at 7:00 pm. Admission by donation.

Begin the New Year with award winning films!

2018 Fair Theme Announced & Poster Artist Wanted

Posted January 2, 2018 at 5:53 am by

The 2018 Fair is already starting to take shape. Mark your calendars for August 15-18. This year, the Fair theme is “Rockin’ the Salish Sea”. Get ready to see décor and themed exhibit entries reflecting elements of our local waters as well as some “rockin’” tunes and entertainment.

What’s next for planning? Finding a poster artist. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering their skills and talent to becoming the next poster artist for the Fair please email the Fair at [email protected]. Visit the poster page on the Fair’s website to find important guidelines, submission deadlines, and to see some posters from previous years!

Keep up with the Fair via Facebook (/sjcfair), Instagram (@sjcfair) and Twitter (@sjcfair)

Commitment Ride

Posted January 1, 2018 at 1:07 pm by

The line up at the post office for the commemorative photo of the 2018 Commitment Ride – Tim Dustrude photo

The first one

30 riders showed up for the Commitment Ride this morning. This is an annual event that’s been going on since 1983 when the first riders went out to Cattle Point interpretive center. Photo at right is from John Stimpson’s collection showing that first group.

Today’s ride went around Pear Point road and back to John’s house in town where coffee and refreshments were served and everyone visited and warmed up after the chilly ride.

What a great way to start the new year – Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year

Posted January 1, 2018 at 1:06 pm by

Did you see the Brickworks pig is celebrating the new year?

Pet of the Week

Posted January 1, 2018 at 5:52 am by

Aiden is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

It’s me, Wee Aiden. Everyone here at the animal shelter calls me “The Baby” because I’m just a little kitten. I’m the only kitten here! It’s kind of fun being the littlest guy around, but not always.

Sometimes, when I’m really feeling frisky and having fun, one of the older cats will smack me on my head for being naughty. Then I need to take a “time out” until my feelings don’t hurt so bad.

It’s not easy being small! Don’t worry – I don’t intend to stay little! I have plans to be big, and strong and really handsome! Why not adopt me and see for yourself?

Island Senior: Drink up! The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Posted December 30, 2017 at 4:37 pm by

Island Senior is a regular column written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Water, pure water, pure water for me. The drink of the brave, and the wine of the free!” These words are inscribed on a fountain in the village of Beauly in the Scottish Highlands. This is the village my grandparents came from. My dad liked to repeat these words to encourage my sisters and I to drink more water instead of pop or other beverages. At the time, we may have rolled our eyes while continuing to drink our Tab and Fresca but as adults we have repeated it ourselves and even had it printed on water bottles to remind us to drink more water.

Tall Glass of Water – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

Most of us recognize that drinking plenty of water is good for us. It may even be one of your New Year’s resolutions. Good! According to the Mayo ClinicWater is essential to good health.” There is no exact amount to drink per day. Individual needs depend on a variety of factors, your health and activity level plus the climate where you live all factor in. In general, your thirst will tell you when you need water so keep that water bottle filled and remember to take it with you.

Water makes up about 60% of your body weight and again, the Mayo Clinic warns that, “Even mild dehydration can drain you of energy and make you feel tired.” Fluids are needed to lubricate and cushion joints, keep your temperature normal, protect sensitive tissues, and cleanse your system of wastes. What I did not realize but learned from Dana Brothers who spoke earlier this year at the Mullis Center, is that staying hydrated is especially critical for seniors. Dehydration can lead to falls especially for seniors who are on medications. Without enough water in your system you are more likely to feel unbalanced. Dehydration can cause changes in the effects of medications. Staying hydrated is a primary prevention strategy to avoid falling.

Community New Year’s Eve Party

Posted December 29, 2017 at 1:02 pm by

Join Island Rec for its annual Community New Year’s Eve Celebration and count down the New Year with family, neighbors, and friends! It’s an all ages affair filled with board games, Xbox, Wii station, crafts, dancing, wild hat making parade, bingo, twister, snazzy photo ‘booth’, chess/backgammon/cribbage tournament, and much more.

Bring a savory or sweet pot-luck snack. Sunday, December 31, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Mullis Center.

For more information visit or contact Island Rec at (360) 378-4953, 580 Guard Street, Monday thru Friday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Resolution Run and Salish Splash

Posted December 29, 2017 at 5:50 am by

Island Rec – 3rd Annual Resolution Run and Salish Splash!

Island Rec invites you to take part in the 3rd Annual Resolution Run 5k scheduled for a 10am start on Sunday, January 1, 2018. This is a family and dog friendly fun run, that travels from Jackson Beach to Mullis Street, into town, up Argyle and back to Jackson Beach. At 11:00 am, join us for the 2nd Annual Salish Splash when you are done with your run or just because you want to – take an Icy Dip in the Salish to celebrate the New Year! There will be fires built and light snacks.

Register now, $10 for ages 16 and up, free for 15 and under. Register online at, in person at the Island Rec office 580 Guard Street.

Pick up race numbers and complete day of registration at 9:45am at Jackson’s beach. Call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information.

A Night at the Whale Museum

Posted December 29, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Here’s an invitation for you from the Whale Museum…

Join us on January 11, 2018, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The Whale Museum for a Reception to explore the Museum and enjoy excellent food, drinks, friends and the unveiling of our newest exhibits!

  • Heavy hors d’oeuvres by Market Chef
  • Wine by Northwest Totem Cellars
  • Beer by San Juan Brewing Co.
    (Cash Bar)
  • Music by Sasha Von Dassow

A special thanks to our sponsor Mike’s Cafe and Wine Bar
$35 per person ~ 360-378-4710 ext. 30
CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets!

The Ins and Outs of Paid Sick Leave

Posted December 29, 2017 at 5:46 am by

On Monday, January 8, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at Brickworks, the SJI Chamber of Commerce will have Eva Coblentz from the Department of Labor and Industries here to explain to members and the business community, about Initiative 1433 – Paid Sick Leave – Employer Requirements & Employee Rights which goes into effect January 1, 2018. 

On November 8, 2016, voters in WA State approved Initiative Measure No. 1433 (I-1433); which increased the state minimum wage, requires employers to pay all tips and gratuities to employees and introduces a new paid sick leave law.

Come find out what employer’s responsibilities are as the new paid sick leave law goes into effect on January, 1, 2018. Please sign up for this free class at [email protected]

Duncan Says Thanks

Posted December 28, 2017 at 12:12 pm by

Here’s a letter of appreciation from Duncan Wilson…

It has been a very busy year in the Town of Friday Harbor. We completed the Water Transmission project, rebuilt Park Street, added a number of sidewalks and constructed a new Pocket Park on Spring Street. Sometimes lost in the busy summer, ongoing construction and the crush of our busy lives, we forget to say thank you to some of the hardest working people on the island.

The Town of Friday Harbor staff had another spectacular year in providing service to the community. Keeping the books straight, water flowing, waste water plant operating, cleaning the streets, jetting the stormwater systems and maintaining the parks….these are big responsibilities. I am very proud when I am told by citizens that the Town has never looked better. This is not an accident; the dedicated employees from Finance, Community Development, Public Works, and Administration have worked very hard to improve all aspects of Friday Harbor.

The Public Works staff built a parking lot downtown on Spring Street in 7 days, with a shoestring budget and staff. The crew put the finishing touches on Park Street, turning it from one the worst to one of the best roads in town. From flower baskets, to tree planting, to park improvement there is a pride in their workmanship. Thank you all for another fantastic year. From the comments I get I am not the only one to feel this way. Congratulations!

Duncan Wilson
Town Administrator

Beachwalkers Wanted!

Posted December 28, 2017 at 5:47 am by

Help make a difference for the environment by collecting marine debris data for the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST). COASST is a citizen science program involving participants in the collection of high quality data used in natural resource management and conservation decisions.

Marine debris participants collect data on the characteristics and location of debris – data that will ultimately be used to map the source and transport pathways of debris and to identify potential harm to people, wildlife, and local coastal ecosystems. No prior experience is necessary, just a commitment to survey a specific beach (about ¾ mile) each month.

If you are interested in participating, visit our website to learn more about our program and join us at our February training session on Orcas.

Coasst Marine Debris Training
Saturday, February 3, 2017
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
YMCA Camp Orkila Alumni House
484 Camp Orkila Road
Eastsound, WA 98245

There is no charge to attend, but we ask participants to provide a $20 refundable deposit if they would like to take home a COASST survey toolkit. Beach surveys are best conducted in groups of 2 or more – please come with a survey partner in mind or plan to join a team during training. Training activities take place indoors.

Please RSVP to [email protected] or 206-221-6893.
If you’re unable to attend, please email us to let us know that you’d like to be contacted about future trainings near you.