Liza Michaelson writes to ask for your support…
Family and Friends,
Do you LOVE the San Juan Islands? Do you LOVE our pristine beaches and fresh seafood? Do you LOVE the Orca whales who call this region home?
Next week, with 3 other hearty folks from San Juan Island, I will be joining a group of 75 Canadians and Americans who live around the Salish Sea for a 4 day walk from Victoria to the Burnaby terminal in Vancouver. Our goal is to raise public awareness and funds to support the Indigenous-led resistance against Kinder Morgan and all big fossil fuels. We need to stand strong against the risks they present to our ecosystem.
We will walk an average of 25 kilometers each day and sleep in parks and churches.
Pull Together is a campaign that is using the same strategy that beat Enbridge and protected Cherry Point, a sacred Lummi site, from being developed into a coal terminal.
We are a small but mighty group of 4 with the goal to raise $5,000 to contribute to the Canadian First Nations goal of $500,000. This fund is for the legal actions they’ve filed in federal court to protect the Salish Sea from pipelines and tankers carrying diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sands right through the San Juan Islands.
Together with RAVEN, Sierra Club BC and the Force of Nature Alliance, we are fundraising to protect coastal waters, resident orcas, salmon populations and Indigenous rights. Learn more at
Even a small donation will help our team of 4 achieve our goal of $5,000. The process is fast, easy, and secure. To energize the campaign even more, we’ve got a donor waiting in the wings who will match every dollar you bring in, DOUBLING your impact.
If you want to take strategic action to protect coastal waters, resident orcas, salmon populations and First Nations rights from Big Oil, then join me in supporting Pull Together. Click here to donate.
Thanks so much for your support.
Glenn, Liza, John, Gretchen, and the whole SJI Team!