Here’s a call out to serious yoga practitioners, professional yoga teachers or any movement experts. Katerina Wen, M. Ed. RYT., Dipl. Hom., is leading in-depth practice every Sunday in June, 2016, 9:00 – 11:00 am at XYZ Movement Arts, 689 Airport Center Road.
Learn the skill of tuning your body like a musician tuning a precious instrument. This series offers the gem-like experience that will enrich your life with strength, grace and beauty. There is more power and energy than you realize within physical body. These classes will help you to tap into that power.
“Movement is life, but there is a big difference between a basic physical workout and moving in harmony with your heart and soul,” says Katerina. Her teachings are steeped in contemplative awareness of nature, and wonder at the universe and its forces of creation. Her work dictates a luminous aspiration that invites the students’ attention inwards upon what is mysterious and most important in life. Continue Reading