Mother’s Day Work Party on Cady Mountain Preserve

Posted May 5, 2016 at 5:44 am by


Sure, a tasty Mother’s Day brunch is nice, but just that word, nice

Get adventurous. Get outdoors. Get atop Cady Mountain Preserve with the Oak Team. The mountainside is bursting with wildflowers – no bouquets needed!

  • When?
    Sunday, May 8
    10:00am to 2:00pm
  • Where?
    Base of Cady Mountain Preserve – turn on to Cady Mountain Road off of West Valley Road. We’ll meet at the triangle junction about 100 yards from West Valley.
  • What?
    Weeding, girdling, and piling of down tree limbs.
  • Bring/Wear?
    Favorite weeding tool and/or hand pruners
    Lunch and water
    Weather appropriate clothing

RSVP required
(e-mail tanjaw [@]

Tanja Williamson
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
San Juan County Land Bank

On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!

Posted May 5, 2016 at 5:42 am by

library-logoSan Juan Island Library Bookmark Contest Underway for Grades K-6th

Students in grades K-6th are invited to participate in the Library’s Bookmark Contest. The Bookmark Contest is held annually to promote reading, illustration, and to help kick off the Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme is On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!

How does the Contest Work?

  • Pick up the entry form bookmark template at your school or at the San Juan Island Library in the Children’s Area.
  • Return the entry form with your illustration to your school or to San Juan Island Library staff by May 27, 2016.
  • The judging will take place the first week of June.
  • Winners will receive a gift certificate to Griffin Bay Bookstore.

Who may participate?

  • All local students in grades K-6th grades are invited to participate. These students include children attending public and private schools, or being homeschooled.

For more information about the Bookmark Contest, please contact Melina at the San Juan Island Library, 378-2798 or email, mlagios [@] The Bookmark Contest is generously supported by the Friends of the San Juan Island Library.

Primary Election Notes

Posted May 5, 2016 at 5:42 am by

my-voteAttention Voters,

The May 24, 2016, Presidential Primary ballots were mailed to military and overseas voters on April 8th. The remainder of ballots was mailed Tuesday, May 3rd. Voting a Presidential Primary ballot is a bit different than other elections so be sure to read all instructions before marking your ballot.

You can learn when your ballot reaches the Elections Office for processing at the My Vote website. At My Vote you can also download a replacement ballot, update your address, find your voting history and more.

If you do not receive your ballot, give our office a call so a replacement can be mailed to you.

Doris Schaller
San Juan County Elections Administrator
(360) 370-7563


Posted May 5, 2016 at 5:28 am by

Lineman Okay After Electrical Arc Caused Power Outage In Eastsound

opalco-logoWednesday’s outage in the Eastsound area was caused when an arc occurred during a system maintenance project in the Eastsound Village area. Journeyman Lineman Roger Sandwith was working on energized equipment with a hot stick and received minor burns to three knuckles of his hand. Sandwith was checked out at the medical center and given the all clear.

Safety is OPALCO’s top priority. The fact that our line crew was following safety protocols is what brought them through this event in good shape. It is an industry standard for linemen to work “hot” – on energized lines – to minimize outage interruptions for the people they serve. Please remember to thank our linemen for the job they do day after day to keep the power on.

The outage event began at about 10:00 am and power restoration was expected by 3:00 pm.

History Lives Here

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:54 am by


It’s time for the May 2016 edition of the SJ Historical Society’s monthly history column…

From Adeline to 50th Anniversary, History Lives Here

This month, the San Juan Historical Society celebrates the 50th Anniversary of its Museum. This photo from about 1904 shows what is assumed to be Adeline Verrier King, wife of James King, probably with their youngest daughter Alice.

Over the years, the King farmstead evolved to have many uses. It was once a boarding house for teachers, and was ultimately donated in 1966 to the San Juan Historical Society by George Peacock. It was the beginning of the large campus with several historic buildings that we know today.

The Museum is now open for the season every Thursday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday afternoons from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Drop by to see what’s new – there’s a lot!

All are especially invited to the anniversary party on Saturday, May 21 from 11 to 3, featuring free admission, brand new exhibits, a scavenger hunt, and a big cake, of course. There’s so much going on here this month in history circles, from talks on the history of Chinese and Japanese workers to “Proving Up” and guided walks during “History Lives Here” month.

For dates and details, check out the Town of Friday Harbor’s historical events calendar at

Cinco de Mayo at the Rumor Mill

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:48 am by

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Skylark Musica will be performing at the Rumor Mill on Thursday as they celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a special south of the border menu.

The fun starts at 4:00 pm with live music from Mexico, Central and South America beginning at 6:30.

Click the poster at right for more info. And remember, reservations are recommended at 360-378-5555. Ole!

Music on Saturday

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:44 am by

Thunderpussy headlines the show on Saturday at Brickworks - Contributed photo

Thunderpussy headlines the show on Saturday at Brickworks – Contributed photo

Kerry Andrews invites you to a night of live music this Saturday at Brickworks…

Hi Tim!

We’re throwing a concert this Saturday at Brickworks! It’s meant to celebrate my dear friends 40th birthday, but it’s open to the public! And we need to sell more tickets – we have several bands coming.

Would you please help us spread the word? Here’s more information:

Saturday May 7th
doors open at 6:00
$20 at the door
21 or older only

Seattle based bands…
Fauna Shade

And from San Francisco:
Lee Bob & the Truth

SJ Museum’s 50th

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:40 am by

Saturday, May 21, 2016 Marks 50 years as a Museum for San Juan Historical Society

Untitled 1The San Juan Historical Society and Museum will celebrate their 50th year of the Museum on Saturday, May 21, 2016, from 11am to 3pm. The public is cordially invited to an admission-free day filled with exhibits, music, stories, and the opportunity to browse through some vintage local newspapers, and pore over Pioneer Picnic scrapbooks from decades gone by. There will be storytellers and docents to serve as guides, and there will be cake!

The San Juan Historical Society achieved Museum status on May 17, 1966, thanks to generous islander George Peacock. Peacock donated the historical King farmhouse to the Society, for use as a Museum, and it did not take long to fill its rooms with artifacts and memories of San Juan Island. The family home and the carriage house were joined, over the years, by a variety of other buildings, including the infamous San Juan County jailhouse.

In 2013, work began on the Museum of History and Industry (MHI), and two of this new exhibit’s halls will be open this summer for regular tours. When completed, the MHI will contain historical and interactive exhibits displaying the stories of the four primary industries through San Juan Island’s history: farming, fishing, logging and lime.

As the Society celebrates its past 50 years of community education, involvement and enrichment, it also looks ahead to the future of the Museum and the opportunities to preserve and contribute to the culture of the San Juan Island community.

The museum begins its summer opening hours in May: Thursdays through Saturdays, 10am – 4pm and Sundays 1-4pm.

Group Tours are available by appointment. Admission fee is $6 per person. Visit our website at or call us at 360-378-3949.

Cruise Into History: Smugglers’ Blues

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:37 am by

Smuggling, murder and fast boats in the San Juan Islands

Cruise Into History: Smugglers' Blues

Cruise Into History: Smugglers’ Blues

If you love a leisurely cruise around the San Juan Islands and are curious about the smugglers of olde that haunted our shores, the Orcas Island Historical Society invites you to climb aboard the “Cruise Into History” yacht that leaves from the Orcas ferry landing on May 15 with Orcas Island Eclipse Charters!

A local historian will point out the smugglers’ haunts and relate tales of rum running, Chinese labor and opium smuggling and murder and skullduggery on the high seas while you relax and take in the views. The 4-hour trip will take place aboard the 56′ Orcas Express.

Ninety-nine dollars (after the group discount is applied at the time of purchase) plus tax will get you this plus a great lunch from the Orcas Landing Store, beer, wine and other beverages and an illustrated souvenir booklet to commemorate your historical day.

This popular event always sells out quickly, so make your reservations now by going to and clicking “Other Tours” or by calling 360-376-6566 for the “Cruise Into History” on May 15.

The Orcas Island Historical Society
orcas-historical-museum-logoThe Orcas Island Historical Society was formed in 1951 to preserve the early history of Orcas Island and operates two museums on Orcas, the Pioneer Museum and the Crow Valley School Museum. In its early years the Society set itself the goal of preserving the unique history of Orcas Island. In 1951 the Society started Orcas Island Historical Days, which has become an annual event and Orcas Island tradition during 4th of July Weekend. To learn more, visit us at:

Shoreline Landowner Workshop

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:34 am by

Shoreline erosion management focus of free workshop

nwstraits-logoShoreline landowners of San Juan County communities are invited to attend a free workshop on shoreline erosion management from 11:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at The Orcas Fire & Rescue Meeting Room, 45 Lavender Ln., Eastsound.

The workshop is free but registration is requested by calling (360)733-1725 or register online at this link. The workshop is sponsored by the Northwest Straits Foundation and hosted by the San Juan County Marine Resources Committee.

Workshop format is a classroom-style presentation with time for questions, followed by a brief beach walk to see beach/bluff habitats and geologic processes. Workshop topics include:

  • Erosion management
  • Alternatives to hard shoreline armoring
  • Enhancing beach access
  • Native vegetation for slope stability and habitat

Participants will learn from expert Jim Johannessen of Coastal Geologic Services about ways to protect their property from erosion and alternatives to hard armoring that can help prevent erosion while maintaining a healthy and vibrant nearshore habitat to benefit people and wildlife long term. Workshop attendees can apply for a free technical site visit from qualified professionals and receive management recommendations by private consultants for your specific property.

Community members are encouraged to attend this workshop if they are a shoreline landowner who wants to learn more about ways to reduce erosion, address drainage or vegetation impacts, as well as those considering installing, removing or repairing hard armoring on your shoreline property. Continue Reading

Thank You United Way

Posted May 4, 2016 at 5:31 am by

Teresa Tilton of FHES shares this thank you letter…

thank-youDear Editor,

I am writing this letter in support of United Way of San Juan County. The Special Pal Program (P.I.P) is one of the programs available at Friday Harbor Elementary School designed to help each student have the most successful learning experience possible. P.I.P staff and trained volunteers help students in the primary grades make an easier adjustment to school, get along better with others, or improve self-confidence.

This year so far over 40 students have participated in the program. This school program would not be possible without the significant financial support of United Way. During a time when state funding for education and other services has diminished, United Way has stepped in to save many essential and deserving programs. I encourage the community to continue its support of United Way. Thank you!


Teresa Tilton
Program Coordinator
Friday Harbor Elementary School

Diane Ball
Friday Harbor Elementary School

Corrected Numbers from OPALCO

Posted May 3, 2016 at 4:35 pm by

Member-Initiated Bylaw Amendment Failed;
Results Were Announced In Error At Annual Meeting

opalco-logoMay 2, 2016 – OPALCO’s Tally Chairman, Doug Pearson, made his first-ever mistake in about 30 years of serving our Co-op as the official vote counter on the ferry for OPALCO’s election finale at the annual meeting. “The official SBS election results were accurate,” said Pearson. “I apologize for inadvertently transposing the order of the bylaw amendment results when I made the announcement at the annual meeting.”

The certified results on the member-initiated bylaw amendment are:

Against: 1,301
For: 863

This morning, Pearson handed his resignation to Foster Hildreth, General Manager, as they met to correct the discrepancy. Hildreth would not accept his resignation saying, “There is no one more qualified to manage our election results than you are – especially after this unfortunate mishap. I appreciate and respect your integrity and long service to the Co-op.”

The election results are now certified and final. The official election results from SBS Balloting Systems and also the Annual Meeting Tally Committee are posted online for member review: Reading

School News

Posted May 3, 2016 at 5:50 am by

Left to right, Tyler Ryan, Bobby Ryan, Danna Diaz, Madeline Busse, Mary Blevins, and Jack McKenna - Contributed photo

Left to right, Tyler Ryan, Bobby Ryan, Danna Diaz, Madeline Busse, Mary Blevins, and Jack McKenna – Contributed photo

San Juan Island School District Honors Partnership with San Juan Community Theater

In recognition of the long-standing partnership between San Juan Island School District and San Juan Community Theatre, SJISD Superintendent Danna Diaz invited representatives of the theater to a Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Region 108 luncheon banquet to honor the theater’s long-standing interest in supporting public education in our community.

The following statement was made by Dr. Diaz, “San Juan Island School District wishes to honor our partners in education, the San Juan Island Community Theatre, for their ongoing and important contributions to our community’s public school students. Since the theater’s inception in 1989, student art displays, student performance support and student access to this beautiful and magical theater has been a part of the San Juan Island Community Theatre mission statement and, perhaps more importantly, a part of the regular practice of the theater management.   As an original founder of the community theater, Paul Whittier was a driving force in the original decision about proximity of the theater to the schools and a strong tradition for arts education for our community’s students has been a hallmark of the theater’s mission.”

The San Juan Community Theatre’s ongoing involvement in student creativity is highlighted in their mission statement, quoted below: Continue Reading

Stop Paddle Law

Posted May 3, 2016 at 5:47 am by

Stop for flashing red lights - SJ Update photo

Stop for flashing red lights – SJ Update photo

Kris DayVincent shares this with you…

Did you know we have six stoplights on San Juan Island? They are all perfectly legal; in fact there is up to a $394 (RCW 46.61.372) fine if you run one of them. What you say? True! The catch is these stop lights are attached to school buses, those big yellow titans that carefully transport our community’s children to and from school.

Transporting children via school buses is very safe; however the most dangerous part of a school bus rider’s day is when they are getting on and off the bus. Drivers who are unsure about the law or preoccupied by their phones and other distractions sometimes fail to stop for the red flashing lights and create a dangerous situation.

The school bus stop light system is easy to understand if you think of it like a regular stop light. If the lights on the top of the bus have just turned yellow, you slow down a bit but don’t have to stop. If the lights have been yellow for a few seconds, you should stop. If they are red, you should stop safely but immediately.

The driver cannot signal the children across the street until your vehicle is stopped. Why do we stop cars even if the student isn’t crossing the road or it is an older student? We have found it is safer to have a consistent system for all to follow every time. And it’s the law; RCW 46.61.370.

Our community’s school buses have an excellent safety record; please join us in keeping it that way!

Thank-You Kris DayVincent, School Bus Driver

Deadline Monday for Sunken Park Poetry Contest

Posted May 2, 2016 at 10:01 am by

Town of Friday Harbor Arts Commission sponsors poetry contest

Local writers are invited to submit poems inspired by the natural beauty of San Juan Island for the Sunken Park Poetry Contest sponsored by the Friday Harbor Arts Commission.

The winner will read the selected poem at the unveiling of a Town of Friday Harbor mural in Sunken Park on Sunday, May 22nd, and the poem will be submitted to local news media for publication.

The title of the mural and theme for the contest is “Witness the Beauty”. This work by Kirkland, WA mural artist Jake Wagoner was selected by the Town Council at the recommendation of the Arts Commission from several proposals submitted by professional northwest mural artists.

Poet, teacher, and former Washington State poet laureate Elizabeth Austen will adjudicate. Writers of all ages are encouraged to submit poems of up to 30 lines. Applicants must be San Juan Island residents.

Complete application information is available at Town Hall and at under “What’s New”. Submissions must be received at the Town of Friday Harbor business office no later than 4:30 pm Monday, May 2, 2016.

OPALCO News – Member-Initiated Bylaw Amendment Fails

Posted May 2, 2016 at 9:48 am by

Lett, Silverstein And Whitfield Win Opalco Election;
Member-Initiated Bylaw Amendment Fails

opalco-logoOPALCO members boarded the ferry on Saturday, April 30th to participate in the 2016 (79th) Annual Meeting and Board of Directors’ election. Voter participation was slightly lower than 2015 with 2,397 total ballots (2,316 absentee, plus 81 on the ferry) representing about 21% of the membership. The successful candidates were Jim Lett (incumbent) and Brian Silverstein for District 3, representing Lopez, Decatur, Center and Charles islands; and Dr. Jerry Whitfield (incumbent) for District 4, representing Shaw, Bell, Canoe and Crane islands. The member initiated bylaw amendment did not pass. Guests joined the 261 members present aboard the WSF Elwha for a total of 374 people in attendance.

District 3 Vote Counts:

  • Silverstein – 1,422
  • Lett – 1,100
  • Lewis – 989
  • Stephens – 750

District 4 Vote Counts:

  • Whitfield – 1,207
  • Jacobs – 1,013

Member-Initiated Bylaw Amendment*

  • Against – 1,291
  • For – 873

*Note: At the Annual Meeting, the vote count on the bylaw amendment was incorrectly stated – the numbers were reversed. Continue Reading