For the last two years San Juan Island Schools has maintained a commitment to following the guidelines outlined by the state Department of Health. Our primary objective has been to ensure that all schools remain open. Throughout the 2021-22 school year and particularly during the latest Omicron surge we admittedly have not been an entirely COVID-free environment. However, the dedicated health team in the San Juan Island School District has worked diligently to limit exposure and contain viral spread so that our doors could remain open to all students.
On February 17, in a press conference, Governor Inslee proclaimed that the mask mandates in Washington schools and other public places would be lifted on March 21. This is a breath of fresh air. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal has relayed that new school guidance would be provided to us before the order goes into effect. We all hope that our current COVID numbers on San Juan Island will mimic the state decline over the next five weeks. Until then, all mitigating measures, including masks, will remain in place. Continue Reading