Spring Street International School 6-7th graders will perform a gratitude reading at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church on November 22nd.
The performance begins at 11:30 and will last about 70 minutes.
Please come and celebrate their poise and wisdom. Their words are beautiful and their voices are brave.
Invite your friends and kin.
We are arranging a potluck afterward from 1-2 pm.
It is time we lean into restarting the traditions that bring us all together.
Too much time being pulled apart!
If you need a hope booster shot, come hear words like these:
“…I’m grateful for animals, and new books, and roller skates. For the way that owl voices gently startle me out of sleep, as those vast birds cradle the air with their wings. For the nights when lightning in the distance plays its long, rumbling game of tag, and for the wrens in the bright next morning, hopeful with fresh lullabies. I’m grateful for the scent of my dad’s coffee, and the way we laugh at little things that aren’t all that funny, like when he scratched his windshield with the broken wiper, forgot about it, did it again, and we laughed like the first time. And that makes me grateful for rain.”
Sailor Boreen, 7th Grade