COVID-19 Updates from San Juan County

Posted March 24, 2020 at 6:18 pm by

A message from the county with more to come…

Second confirmed positive case on Orcas Island: A close household contact of the first positive case has also tested positive for COVID-19. This positive result was anticipated by San Juan County Public Health Staff and close contact tracing was completed over the weekend to ensure the individuals did not have contact with the general public.

Stay at Home and Other Orders and Closures: This week the Governor has issued a Stay at Home Order and the San Juan County Council has discussed steps to protect the public health of the community. The San Juan County Board of Health will further discuss local steps this week. As with all of these interventions, they have significant impacts to the economic and social welfare of our communities.

More detailed information about potential San Juan County actions and a more useful analysis of what the Governor’s Order means for the islands will be coming this week. Apologies for the delay, but we want to make sure we’ve fully reviewed and understand all of the implications before getting into more specifics.

In the interim, we ask all islanders to use common sense when making decisions. Assume that the disease is here, and take all actions possible to minimize social contact and maximize distancing. There will be no unilateral enforcement actions taken at this time – the priority is education, communication, and encouraging the islands to do the right thing.

Hunkering Down: From the Desk of Jay Inslee

Posted March 24, 2020 at 11:57 am by

Governor Inslee says “Stay Home”

To defeat COVID-19, we’re hunkering down.

Last night, I issued an order to every Washingtonian: “Stay home, stay healthy” for at least the next two weeks. Let me take a moment to explain to you why and what it means.

Washingtonians are required to stay home unless they need to pursue an essential activity. All gatherings are banned for social, spiritual, and recreational purposes, and all businesses are closed except for essential businesses.

We made this order to protect our friends, families, and communities from the spread of COVID-19. The more people who stay home, the more lives we’ll save. That part is simple and clear.

While this order means we are strictly limiting our physical interactions with one another, I want to make an important point about what you can still do. You can go outside to go to the grocery store, for a medical appointment, or for essential work duty. And because enjoying the outdoors is critical to supporting your mental health, you can still go for a walk or a bike ride or garden in your yard. And this is absolutely the time to call your loved ones or video chat with an old friend.

This is a challenge unlike anything we’ve ever seen. But we’ll persevere together, as Washingtonians, united in the fight of our lives.

Very truly yours, Jay Inslee

Learn More: Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)

Art is Essential! Alchemy Art Center Offers New Zoom Classes, Community Mural

Posted March 24, 2020 at 5:55 am by

A message from Alchemy Arts…

At Alchemy Art Center we believe that art is essential, especially in times of crisis. That’s why we are redirecting our resources into free online art classes, as well as an ambitious community mural project, in order to best serve our community during this challenging time

Just because our physical interactions are limited, doesn’t mean we can’t still connect through art!

Alchemy’s studios are temporarily closed to classes and membership, but we are introducing a series of free art opportunities via live Zoom classes as well as a community mural project to provide our community with much-needed creative outlets.

Alchemy Arts Zoom Clay Club and Zoom Sip ‘n’ Sculpt – Contributed photos

Zoom Clay Classes: Join us for this fun, family-friendly class every Tuesday afternoon!  Each week will feature a new fun technique using clay that can be picked up from Alchemy, and other supplies that can be found around the home.

Zoom Sip ‘n’ Sculpt: Every Friday evening, we will be offering this creative and social clay class for adults. This class is being offered free of charge in support of our community during this challenging time!

Join us for a fun and interactive hour of clay play and virtual socializing that you can participate in from your own home!

Community Mural Project:

Alchemy Arts Mural Project – Contributed photo

Our vision for this project began with the idea of interconnectedness. Every person, animal, plant, and environment on this earth is connected in ways that can be difficult to comprehend. Here in the islands, the delicate Salish Sea is an example of the complex interdependence we all share in.

Our goal in creating this project is to bring our community together through art, providing a creative outlet and common goal.  We also hope to provide employment to artists through the creation of this mural.

Beginning with a 15-foot King Salmon, we plan to create a rich visual exploration of the Salish Sea incorporating ceramic tile mosaics and painting. This 15 ft King Salmon will be made up of hundreds of ceramic tiles, each one created by someone in our community. Will you join us and help?

From San Juan County – Hot Topic #5: Coping with Anxiety and Stress

Posted March 24, 2020 at 5:30 am by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders…

Our community has a strong history of neighbors helping neighbors – a quick scroll through our online news and local Facebook pages exemplifies that spirit with posts centered around getting supplies to those in need; supporting local businesses; caring for our most vulnerable islanders. Yes, community spirit will carry us through. Unfortunately, it is going to be more of a milk-run vs. direct ferry in terms of duration. It will be important to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy during these times of heightened stress and anxiety. Practice “putting the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping the person next to you.” It is paramount we tend to our own physical and emotional needs in order to support others. With that self-care in mind, today’s hot topic offers some suggestions to help you don that proverbial oxygen mask.

Anxiety and Stress

  • You may be experiencing fear and worry, it can manifest in many ways. There might be changes in your sleep or eating habits and/or increased use of alcohol.

Continue Reading

Census and Impact to San Juan County

Posted March 24, 2020 at 5:15 am by

A reminder from Merri Ann Simonson to be sure to fill out your census form. It only takes a few minutes, you can do it online, and it brings critically needed funds into our county…

It is imperative that you complete the 2020 census report as it aids in improving the quality of life in San Juan County. Our County needs federal funding. Do your part, be counted!
  • The request for information will be either mailed as a letter or post card on a staggered basis. The correspondence will encourage you to go on-line to complete the questionnaire. They WILL NOT BE MAILED TO A POST OFFICE BOX.
  • Other options for completion include calling-in your response directly to the Census line, requesting a form be mailed to your home or you can request an in-person interview.

Continue Reading

San Juan County Superior and District Courts Amended Emergency Orders

Posted March 24, 2020 at 5:05 am by

On Friday, March 20, the Washington Supreme Court issued a new emergency order outlining required procedures in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. As our state’s highest court, the Washington Supreme Court’s order is binding on San Juan County courts. In response to this new directive, San Juan County Superior and District Courts have amended their emergency orders to postpone almost all in-person proceedings. Amended orders are posted on the courts’ websites.

The Washington Supreme Court order postpones all civil and criminal jury trials until after April 24, 2020. This matches what was already ordered in San Juan County Superior and District Courts. Anyone summoned for jury duty before April 27 will be excused from service.  Continue Reading

A Message From PeaceHealth

Posted March 23, 2020 at 6:41 pm by

PeaceHealth – Update archive photo

Dear friends and neighbors of San Juan County,

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly changed the world around us. It’s disrupted our way of life and created new realities for each of us. It’s understandable to find it all unsettling and concerning.

On behalf of PeaceHealth, I want to assure you that we are working purposefully to promote the health and safety of our patients, caregivers and community members during this difficult time.

First and foremost, I’d like to acknowledge our caregivers—both at the bedside and behind the scenes—for their unfaltering dedication to providing safe, compassionate care, 24/7, even in times of great hardship. They are the true healthcare heroes dedicated to serving our community.

Here are some of the steps we’ve taken to ensure we are prepared to meet the current and anticipated surge in COVID-19 patients: Continue Reading

The Rock

Posted March 23, 2020 at 5:46 am by

Thanks to Brooks Munro for this photo of the Beaverton Valley Rock… 

A Letter From OPALCO’s General Manager

Posted March 23, 2020 at 5:45 am by

Foster Hildreth, Luke Furber, Bob Belcher, Sean Parsons and Steve Eyler – Contributed photo

Dear OPALCO members,

I wanted to reach out and let you know that your Co-op is doing all we can to help our members during these challenging times. 

OPALCO’s Board of Directors decided yesterday to suspend all late fees and disconnects during the Covid-19 crisis. This is effective immediately and for the next 60 days. A full COVID-19 program is quickly being developed to ensure reliable power delivery in the islands as disruptions and human impacts multiply and to address longer-term challenges.
We’re working with our local organizations and on all levels: county, state and the federal government, looking for additional resources to bring to our communities and ways to maximize the benefits to our members. The Board has dedicated restricted funding to help our members through the pandemic.
The COVID-19 measures approved yesterday apply to all co-op members who need it for the next 60 days. Members are still responsible for paying their bills; those who are struggling to keep up with their power bills should call OPALCO immediately to set up payment plans. Households who qualify as low income can apply for one or both of OPALCO’s energy assistance programs. Learn more: Continue Reading

Kings Market Offers Online Grocery Shopping

Posted March 22, 2020 at 5:30 am by

We are taking credit card payments over the phone once your order is received, assembled, and ready for pick up. As soon as your order is put together and ready for pickup, we will contact you to take payment by credit card over the phone. Please be patient as this service is growing in popularity.
To access this service fill out the online form: HERE
We will be fulfilling orders between 10 AM – 2 PM
We will be filling orders in the order that we receive them. Once we put together your order, be prepared to pick up your groceries shortly after we call you for payment.
There is a designated marked spot in the back parking lot of Kings Market.
Text us with your name at (360) 298-4566 once you’ve arrived to pick up your order.
Someone will come out with your groceries shortly after.
A few disclaimers:
Prices and availability subject to change. Similar items may be swapped for alternative brands/sizes unless specifically noted. We cannot guarantee written in additional items.

No alcohol or cigarettes, sorry for the incon

​Thank you for your patience as we are working on this new system as we go.

SeaDoc Society Launches Marine Science Homeschool Resource

Posted March 21, 2020 at 5:55 am by

Today we launched a resource called HOMESCHOOL that will allow homebound students to explore the Salish Sea during this period of self-isolation. These videos and activities can be easily deployed amid the chaos of the current moment. Also, they’re fun! 
We’ll continue to add content to this page, so keep an eye out and share it with friends. Note that the our HOMESCHOOL page is mobile optimized, so it can be easily accessed by smartphone or a computer. The content is suitable for elementary school students all the way up to adults. 
Stay healthy, friends!

From San Juan County – Hot Topic #4: Creativity and Art in Difficult Times

Posted March 21, 2020 at 5:50 am by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders.

Note: in an effort to diversity and strengthen San Juan County’s COVID-19 response, we’ve added some people to the team from the broader community. The article below is from Nathan Kessler-Jeffrey, the Executive Artistic Director at the San Juan Community Theater. Thanks to Nathan and everyone else who are putting aside so much to help the islands through this.

Turn Fear Into Beauty. Turn Fear Into Hope.

For San Juan County, March 20, 2020

I’m brand new to the San Juan County Emergency Operations Center’s communications team, and I’m so grateful for the chance to get involved in the good work this group is doing to try to keep the islands informed. For my first assignment, I was asked to write a guest column on “How Can Artists Help?” This is what came out:

Courtney (the amazing woman I have the privilege of being married to) is a professional theatre artist. So am I. Last week, Courtney’s next several months of work were abruptly cancelled. We have easily over a hundred friends in Seattle who were laid off from shows—actors, singers, instrumentalists, directors, choreographers, technicians etc. Continue Reading

OPALCO Suspends Late Fees and Disconnects During COVID-19

Posted March 21, 2020 at 5:45 am by

Co-op Committed to Keeping Islanders Energized

The OPALCO Board of Directors suspended late fees on member bills and service disconnects to support members affected by COVID-19 effective immediately and for the next 60 days. A full COVID-19 program is quickly being developed to ensure reliable power delivery in the islands as disruptions and human impacts multiply and to address longer-term challenges.

OPALCO is doing all we can to help our membership,” say Foster Hildreth, General Manager. “We’re working with our local organizations and on all levels: county, state and the federal government, looking for additional resources to bring to our communities and ways to maximize the benefits to our members. The Board has dedicated restricted funding to help our members through the pandemic.” Continue Reading

Grafting Fruit Trees: Workshop & Exchange

Posted March 21, 2020 at 5:07 am by

Please join us Outside for Grafting Fruit Trees: Workshop & Exchange 
Limit of 10; first come, first served. Saturday, April 11. Workshop (1-2 pm), Scion and seed exchange (2-4 pm).

Please do not attend if you are sick in any way or there’s a chance you’ve been exposed!

Join Greg Meyer of Dancing Seeds Farm and friends to learn the how, why, when and what basics of grafting suitable fruit tree varietals onto new rootstock, bareroot/potted trees, or established trees in your yard. Hands on practice with provided materials, or the trees and grafting wood (scion) that you provide.

Bring any seeds, plants, or one-year old scion wood (not from diseased trees) to exchange. Dancing Seeds Farm will also have a selection of potted plants and trees for sale.

Nursery Resources: Brown’s Home Center, Bullock’s Permaculture on Orcas island, and Cloud Mountain in Bellingham have a large selection of bare root and potted fruit trees selected for this climate. Mail-order options include One Green World, Burnt Ridge, Rain Tree, Rolling River, and Willamette Nursery. County WSU Extension offices may also sell scions.

Cost: FREE; donations are welcome!
Sponsorship: San Juan Island Grange #966 and Dancing Seeds Farm
Contact Info: Greg Meyer, [email protected] 360.622.2330

SJCT Box Office Closure Announcement

Posted March 21, 2020 at 5:05 am by

Dear SJCT Community,
For the health and safety of our employees, volunteers, and the community in general, we have decided for the time being to close our box office. We will still be responding to voicemails and emails.
For questions and concerns regarding tickets and other box office matters, please contact our Front of House Volunteer and Events Coordinator, Parin Columna, at [email protected] or [email protected].
You can reach the box office at 360-378-3210.
Thank you for your understanding!
San Juan Community Theatre

PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center prepares for COVID-19

Posted March 20, 2020 at 6:27 pm by

PeaceHealth Peace Island – Update archive photo

FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash., March 20, 2020–While no positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported in San Juan County to date, (Correction: Since receiving this 1 resident of Orcas has tested positive with COVID-19), officials leading response efforts expect to see this change as these numbers increase across western Washington.   Leaders with PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center have been planning for the potential increase in positive cases and developing health care strategies in preparation of meeting the unique needs of island communities. These efforts have been coordinated with San Juan Island EMS, San Juan County and other community partners.

Merry-Ann Keane, chief administrative officer with PeaceHealth Peace Island, has been anticipating those needs and the associated challenges resulting from increased patient volumes that may occur with positive cases of COVID-19. While working to ensure the continued safety of patients, caregivers and visitors coming into and leaving the medical center, she said,  “It isn’t ‘business as usual.’ The safety and well-being of our community is always a priority, but it is of paramount importance at a time like this. We are implementing processes and making daily changes to prepare to meet community needs when they occur.Continue Reading