SVC to Spain and Portugal

Posted October 18, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Skagit Valley College to offer two travel abroad opportunities to Spain and Portugal

If a visit to the Iberian Peninsula is on your bucket list, then you will want to join SVC Music Department Chair, Dr. Diane Johnson, on one of two travel abroad opportunities to Spain and Portugal in 2019.

Dr. Johnson will lead a trip to Barcelona and Madrid March 21-29. Travelers will have an opportunity to enjoy the art, music, cuisine, and culture of Barcelona and Madrid. For more information, visit

On June 21-30, Dr. Johnson will lead a trip of SVC student singers and community singers to Lisbon and Porto, Portugal. Community singers, who are interested in this trip, should contact [email protected] to review the requirements needed for singing on the trip.

Both study abroad trips are open to SVC staff, faculty, students, and community members. For more information, contact Dr. Diane Johnson at 360.416.7655 or [email protected]

Big Weekend at Whale Museum

Posted October 17, 2018 at 5:56 am by

Photo Credit: Jeanne Hyde, Storyteller/Documentarian of The Whale Museum’s Orca Adoption Program

Summer may have gone but Fall is here, which means it is time to gear down and reconnect with others interested in learning more about the Salish Sea! Everyone is welcome to come join us for two big events this weekend being put on by The Whale Museum: Saturday, October 20: Gear Down Workshop for Marine Naturalists and Sunday, October 21: TWM’s 3rd annual Research Symposium. Both events will be held at the San Juan Island Grange Hall and doors open at 9:30 am for both events. 

On Saturday, the “Gear Down” Workshop will focus on research and recovery efforts related to Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) and salmon. Invited presenters include: Kenneth Warheit (WDFW) on finfish health regulations of marine (net-pen) aquaculture, and the relative risks of Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) to native salmonids in the Salish Sea; Amelia Bahr (Stewardship Partners) on engaging in salmon conscious stewardship; Kendra Smith on SRKW Recovery Efforts and the Whale Warning Flag Pilot Project; and Taylor Shedd (TWM) on foraging characteristics of the SRKWs. A no-host reception at Mike’s Café & Wine Bar will follow. Continue Reading

Last Week for Silent Sky

Posted October 17, 2018 at 5:48 am by

Here’s the latest from San Juan Community Theatre…

Have you seen the show that everyone is raving about? There are just four more chances to do so!

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday’s performances are at 7:30 pm (and Thursday is Pay What You Can) and we finish the run with a matinee on Sunday at 2:00 pm.

You can get tickets online at or by calling the Box Office at (360) 378-3210. The Box Office is open Tuesday-Friday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Saturday 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, and one hour before each performance. Don’t miss out on this incredible production!

Silent Sky Cast:

Henrietta Leavitt: Essine Kilpatrick-Boe
Annie Cannon: Deb Langhans
Williamina Fleming: Carol Hooper
Margaret Leavitt: Chelsea Parrott
Peter Shaw: Adam Parrott

Holiday Wreath Sale

Posted October 17, 2018 at 5:45 am by

The Class of 2019 Kicks off Grad Night Fundraising

Deluxe Noble Wreath

The Friday Harbor High School Senior Class of 2019/PTSA is now taking orders for their annual Holiday Wreath sale.

Get your beautiful, aromatic, long-lasting, 24” Northwest Noble Fir wreath with pinecones, berries, and a handmade bow in the color of your choice for only $25! These wreaths make great gifts for friends, family, neighbors and business associates.

Also, new this year, the Senior Class is selling delicious homemade pecan and pumpkin pies for $20 for Thanksgiving! Simplify your holiday by purchasing a pie or two while supporting Grad Night!

These TWO fall fundraisers are the largest fundraisers for the Class of 2019. Proceeds go directly towards paying for Grad Night: a memorable, safe and sane graduation celebration. Continue Reading

Seven Sacred Breaths Workshop

Posted October 17, 2018 at 5:41 am by

Heidi Green – Contributed Photo

Heidi Green, yoga instructor and co-author of Yogadevotion: Practicing in the Presence, is conducting a special 2-hour workshop this Saturday, Oct. 20, from 2-4 pm at Saint David’s Episcopal Church.

This workshop examines the benefits to body, mind, and spirit of a simple breath prayer practice tied to the Seven Daily Offices. The Daily Offices are prayers said at specific times during the day that are often used as the basis of prayer in Christian monasticism.

For more information about this workshop, check the News page on St. David’s website.

Saint David’s Episcopal Church
780 Park Street
Friday Harbor
(360) 378-5360

Island Senior: Fun Friday Bingo at the Mullis Center

Posted October 16, 2018 at 5:51 am by

Therese Finn and Pat Ball enjoy Friday Fun Lunch – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Island Senior is a regular column on the SJ Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

On the second Friday of the month the Mullis Center hosts Fun Friday Bingo. For ten dollars you get a delicious seasonally themed lunch and 15 cards of Bingo. On Friday I enlisted my friend Therese Finn and we joined a table of friendly faces, a few we’ve known for years and a few new-to-us friendly folk.

The meal and décor had a Halloween theme. Was that an eyeball or just an onion in the Transylvanian Goulash? The “pumpkin” rolls were delicious. I’ve been watching my carbs so that buttered bun was heaven and the pumpkin pie really did have eyeballs! Many thanks to Bonnie Sliger, our very creative chef!

Therese Finn Marks Her Bingo Card – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Continue Reading

Magical Ornamentals – Salvias, Roses and the Drama of Leaves

Posted October 16, 2018 at 5:48 am by


A panel of San Juan Island Master Gardener volunteers will share their ornamental obsessions and inspire you to join them in their love of salvias, roses, and plants with beautiful leaves at the Annual Gardening Workshop, this Saturday, October 20th. Ornamental garden plants aren’t ‘idle lovelies’ – they create pollinator habitats and bird joy, bring depth, structure, and color to landscapes, and provide connections to our environment beyond the garden. Plus, these plants are easy to grow in the PNW. Join Judy Cumming and Linda Thompson (roses), Jenny Harris (salvia), and Fiona Norris (dramatic foliage) for inspiration and instructions for success in your garden.

And Kristen Rezabek, also a Master Gardener volunteer and a MS, RDN, CD, CDE, leads a session exploring the bounty and nutritional benefits of locally grown foods. Plan your garden for a four-season harvest and utilize recipes that take full advantage of seasonal produce. Kristen is passionate about ensuring that families and children access nourishing food and the resources they need to achieve good health.

The Annual Gardening Workshop is a day-long event with noted authorities speaking on a wide variety of topics of interest to PNW coastal gardeners. This year our keynote speaker is the respected author, speaker, editor, and ‘horticolorist’ Lorene Forkner Edwards. Continue Reading

San Juan County 2019 Preliminary Budget Published and Available Online

Posted October 16, 2018 at 5:46 am by

San Juan County’s Preliminary Budget for 2019 has been published. With a theme of “Finish What We’ve Started,” the 2019 budget focuses resources on projects and initiatives already underway within the County. The County has enjoyed several years of remarkable growth in sales, lodging and real estate excise taxes, growth that has allowed the County to embark on an ambitious program of service enhancements and capital improvements. Now judicious concern about when the growth may slow down has shifted the focus from a rush to catch up on deferred projects to a desire to slow down and finish projects that are already underway.

The 2019 budget contemplates the possibility of a downturn in the economy and the County’s responsibility to be well-positioned for it when it comes. The United States is currently, at 112 months, in the second longest period of economic expansion in history. The longest, which lasted 120 months, was the boom before the dot com crash in 2001. The last significant downturn in the US economy – the “Great Recession” of 2007-2009 – hit San Juan County hard. Led by the collapse of the housing bubble, the recession caused assessed valuations in the County to drop more than twenty-five percent, and the effects of the recession on the County lasted for years.

Fortunately, the County is in much better shape now to weather a recession – not if, but when – it comes. Conscientious building of cash reserves, maintaining the voter-approved levy lid lift of 2009 and the commitment it made to specific community-oriented services, and reducing debt and maintaining an excellent bond rating have all put the County in a strong financial position. The 2019 budget maintains the County’s commitment to fiscal strength. Continue Reading

San Juan County Property taxes due October 31st

Posted October 16, 2018 at 5:37 am by

San Juan County Treasurer, Rhonda Pederson would like to remind county property owners that the second installment of property taxes and personal property taxes are due October 31st.  Please note that even if you deposit the envelope with your local post office, it may not be postmarked on the same day.  Plan ahead and mail your property tax payments prior to October 30th to avoid the penalty and interest if the envelope is postmarked after October 31st

For tax payers who are enrolled in the AutoPay program, the amount shown on the second half coupon from your most recent tax statement will be drafted from your account on October 25th.

Property taxes may be paid in person at the San Juan County Courthouse, 350 Court Street, 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday or placed in our drop box at the Treasurer’s office, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Credit card payments or electronic checks may be made on line at or by phone, 877-816-9299.  Instructions for both are on the back of the tax statement.  The service provider charges a 2.5% fee for credit card payments, $2.00 fee for an electronic check or $3.95 fee for a debit card transaction.

To verify whether your taxes have been paid, please check our website at  If you have other questions or need additional information, please contact our office at 360-378-2171.

Northwest artist creating sculpture of Friday Harbor founder Edward Warbass

Posted October 15, 2018 at 12:05 pm by


Northwest artist Gareth Curtiss has been selected by the Town of Friday Harbor to complete a life-size bronze sculpture of town founding father Captain Edward D. Warbass. The piece will include Mr. Warbass sitting on a park bench with his dog, Bob, by his side.  

The artwork is scheduled for installation on the sidewalk at the First Street entrance to Sunshine Alley by summer 2019. A model or “maquette” of the piece is available for public viewing at the Town Hall administrative office.

The artist presented his maquette at the August 16, 2018, Town Council meeting where he explained his process and offered to complete a portion of the sculpting at a public venue on a return visit to Friday Harbor. Most of the sculpting will take place at his Shelton, WA, studio, with casting completed at his personal foundry in Montana.

In his 30 years as a professional sculptor, Curtis has completed close to 50 pieces that are displayed throughout the country. Samples of his work may be viewed on his website at Continue Reading

Love for Creatures Great and Small

Posted October 15, 2018 at 8:37 am by

Blessing of the Animals – Tamara Weaver photo

Tamara Weaver writes about St. Francis’ Blessing of the Animals…

On October 4, people all over the world celebrated the feast day of the Patron Saint of Animals, Saint Francis of Assisi.

It’s customary that in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures, animals are led to churches for a special ceremony called the “Blessing of the Animals.” Saint Francis of Assisi Day.

Here are some photos of this event here in Friday Harbor. All photos by Tamara Weaver… Continue Reading

A Very British Evening

Posted October 15, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Friends of the San Juan Island Library cordially invite you to “A Very British Evening: Jane Austen Meets the Royal Navy”.

Please join Heidi Green, a lifetime member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. This event sponsored by the Friends of the SJI Library is in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the publication of “Persuasion”. Scrumptious British tea and refreshments will be provided.

The talk takes place at 7 pm Wednesday October 24, 2018 in the Library Salon, 1010 Guard Street.

The Friends of the San Juan Island Library exists as a patron advocacy group whose activities include fundraising events, bi-annual community newsletters, an annual membership meeting, and financial support for a variety of library programs and purchases. 

Pet of the Week

Posted October 15, 2018 at 5:43 am by

Farrah is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

  • Name: Farrah
  • Status: Single. Haven’t found my soulmate. Yet.
  • Sign: Aries. Virgo rising.
  • Likes: Hip Hop, Chinese food, BBC World Radio, belly rubs, chardonnay
  • Dislikes: Plastic wine glasses, opinions that differ from mine, Tibetan throat singing, beady eyes
  • What Intrigues Me: Dogs eating peanut butter, flatulence, I Love Lucy re-runs
  • Favorite Movie: The Swamp Thing (Paul Blart, Mall Cop is a close 2nd)
  • Dream Vacation: 7 days, luxury accommodations – at the Lisbon annual Sardine Festival
  • Hopes and Dreams: To be chosen as someone’s girl.

Comprehensive Plan Community Workshop

Posted October 15, 2018 at 5:40 am by

The next Department of Community Development (DCD) community workshop will be held on October 18th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the fire station at 1011 Mullis Street in Friday Harbor to gather community input on the Comprehensive Plan update.  The public is invited to provide input on policy issues that will guide the County through 2036.  Discussion topics will include:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Land Use
  • Water Resources
  • Economic Development
  • Rural Character

Activities will begin at the time posted, please make sure to show up at the beginning to share your input on all of the topics.

Note: start times subject to change.  A meeting is tentatively scheduled on Waldron Island during the last week of October, more details will be available soon.

For more information, please visit or contact Adam Zack at the Department of Community Development, [email protected] (360) 370-7580

Island Rec – Messy Me

Posted October 14, 2018 at 5:56 am by


Messy Me returns this year with even more sense-engaging fun! We’ll play around in the elementary school gym with different ‘sensory bins’ filled with mediums such as water and sand while searching for dinosaur molds and model fish.

Painting with marbles will be a new, exciting activity this time around, as well as balloons filled cornstarch for a squishy, tactile experience that’s sure to entertain.

Held October 19th from 2:30 to 4pm, this activity is free and is meant for children ages 2 to 5 and their chaperones.

Our Necessary Alliance

Posted October 13, 2018 at 4:55 pm by

In the SJ Update mailbag we have this letter from Bill Appel…

This will have been a hotly contested election. There have been allegations of errors, omissions and behavior, some of which but for the public stature of the targets, might arguably be libelous, and in the time-honored tradition of one corner of our community, are posted anonymously. I’m not commenting on the allegations themselves, I’m concerned about the tone.

Our community is already economically stratified, itself a major challenge. Do we really want to make our internal barriers higher? As a community, we have serious issues to deal with. You all know them so there’s no point listing them here. 

Whether or not we agree on politics, we’re all in this together. If everyone expects to gain, everyone must contribute. We have to make things work, not just as they are but the way they must. When the smoke of this election clears, opponents must become allies. Simple civility suffices. We could start now.

Bill Appel, Waldron