Two More SJISD Teachers Earn National Board Certifications

Posted December 28, 2017 at 5:44 am by

San Juan Island School District would like to recognize the recent success of two of our high achieving teachers, Friday Harbor Elementary School Teacher Diane Heller and Friday Harbor High School Teacher Kevin Cullen. After the completion of a rigorous course of study, Ms. Heller and Mr. Cullen have each been awarded National Board Certification.

Diane Heller has been certified as an Early Childhood Generalist and Kevin Cullen in Adolescent and Young Adult Mathematics. These two well-respected teachers join Sam Garson (FHHS), Erin Bristow (FHMS) and Beth Spaulding (FHHS) as National Board Certified Teachers in the San Juan Island School District.

National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education. Continue Reading

Katie Loring to be Sworn In as New Judge

Posted December 27, 2017 at 10:23 am by

San Juan County Superior Court announces the Swearing-In Ceremony for San Juan County’s next Superior Court Judge, Kathryn C. Loring.

Friday, December 29, 2017 at 4:30 pm in the Superior Courtroom at San Juan County Courthouse, 350 Court Street, Friday Harbor.

Reception to follow at the San Juan Island Grange, 152 1st Street, Friday Harbor from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.

Santa Came Early

Posted December 27, 2017 at 10:10 am by

The SJIMA building on Spring Street – Tim Dustrude photo

A few weeks ago, as an early holiday gift, a group of generous donors made it possible for the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) to wholly own our building, hold its title, and retire its debt.

This is a remarkable gift and investment in SJIMA’s future!

We, and the 40+ volunteers who operate SJIMA thank these anonymous public-spirited individuals who want to assure that we continue to meet our mission. SJIMA brings arts and arts education programs to the families, students, visitors, and artists of the islands’ community.

Thank you for this great-hearted gift.

The trustees of the board of SJIMA.

White Christmas

Posted December 27, 2017 at 10:00 am by

In case you were away (like I was) and missed it, Friday Harbor did have a White Christmas Day, in the morning at least. Chuck Dalldorf was out early and has a few photos to share.

Thanks Chuck!

(click any photo to enlarge)

Calling All Artists!

Posted December 27, 2017 at 9:39 am by

Claire Wright of the San Juan County Arts Council shares this invitation from Skagit Artists with you…

Dear Artists and Friends of the Arts,

Skagit Artists invites you to apply to our 15th annual Northwest Art Beat Open Studios Tour!

Artists who do not have a studio in Skagit County will have the opportunity to be hosted by a Skagit Artist. We welcomed artists from surrounding counties for the first time last year and it was so much fun making new friends among the talented artists who live and work in the North Sound area!

Please share the attached information with members of your art organizations or any other artists you know who might want to apply.

Deadline for application is January 31, 2018.
Studio Tour dates: July 21 and 22, 2018

More details are in this attachment (PDF) and at this link: CaFE Call For Artists

School Board & Superintendent Communique

Posted December 27, 2017 at 9:31 am by

November and December, 2017 – This is the first of a regular installment of San Juan Island School District School Board school board meeting recaps.

Highlights of the November 29, 2017 School District Board of Directors regular meeting:

  • The district celebrated Brent Snow’s eight years of service to our schools. Former School Board Director Boyd Pratt continued the long-standing tradition of reading a poem to commemorate the end of a term, and Brent topped off the celebration with a second poem and selected words of wisdom.
  • Two new Board Directors were inducted, Sarah Werling-Sandwith, Position #1 and Barbara Bevens, Position #2.
  • The FHHS Hiking Club’s annual Grand Canyon trip was approved for Spring Break.
  • The procedure for the Staff-Board-Superintendent Communication Policy, 1620P, was accepted.
  • Diaz shared that she has organized a community presentation of the newly released documentary “Dolores” about Dolores Huerta, co-founder with Cesar Chavez, of the American Farmworkers Association, now known as United Farm Workers, scheduled for January 29th at the San Juan Community Theater.

Highlights of the December 6, 2017 School District Board of Directors special meeting: Continue Reading

New CPA for Lake Kennedy McCulloch

Posted December 26, 2017 at 5:51 am by

Rob Banes (L) and Peter Lake (R) – contributed photo

Lake Kennedy McCulloch CPAs, a certified public accounting firm, is pleased to announce the addition of Rob Banes, CPA to their established accounting and tax practice.

Mr. Banes is an accomplished financial and tax accountant with more than 22 years of experience serving a variety of individual, business and nonprofit clients. Previously, he served as a Partner at a Dallas, Texas, based CPA firm, where he worked with small businesses and individuals to provide tax planning and compliance, accounting services and tax consulting. In his role with Lake Kennedy McCulloch, Mr. Banes will continue to focus on tax consulting and compliance.

“We are delighted that Rob has joined our firm and made the move to the San Juan Islands,” says LKM Managing CPA, Peter Lake. “With the retirement of Steve Kennedy, we look forward to working with Rob as he assists with the transition of Steve’s clients within the firm. He will also be available to serve new incoming clients.”

“I look forward to getting to know my new clients, the Friday Harbor community and the beautiful Pacific Northwest.  I enjoy working with people and am thankful for the opportunity to make Friday Harbor my new home,” said Mr. Banes. Continue Reading


Posted December 26, 2017 at 5:47 am by

On Friday, December 22nd, the Friends of the San Juans (Friends) appealed San Juan County’s recently updated Shoreline Master Program (“SMP”) to the Washington Growth Management Hearings Board. The SMP is the primary tool for protecting the fragile marine ecosystem that depends on the health of that narrow band of shoreline where the water meets the land. In October, San Juan County and the Washington Department of Ecology rejected requests by many public commenters and adopted an SMP that Friends believes rolls back important protections for natural beach building, fish spawning beaches, and shoreline views.

Of greatest concern to the Friends are the likely indirect impacts that occur on the dwindling population of Southern Resident Killer Whales (“orca”) who frequent San Juan Islands waters every summer in search of their favorite food, Chinook salmon. The population has plummeted to 76 members and could fall still further if nothing is done to counteract their decline.  Particularly worrisome are adverse impacts to our forage fish spawning beaches and the threatened juvenile Chinook salmon that rear along our shorelines— and by extension to endangered orca higher up the food chain.

“Our County has said that protecting orca and helping recover Chinook salmon is a priority, yet this SMP failed to designate protections for the vast majority of forage fish spawning beaches and the bluffs that supply sand to many of those beaches,” stated Friends of the San Juans Executive Director, Stephanie Buffum. “And it went a step further and removed clauses that prevented development that disturbed spawning areas and bulkheading that would seriously disrupt the creation of beaches from bluff erosion. The SMP essentially ignored the past 20 years of science that located important areas and identified the types of development that impacts them the most. We have to get this right, our orca depend on the San Juans,” added Buffum. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted December 26, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Larry is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

You can’t be serious. Christmas is over? Where’s my new warm and cozy home? Santa implied that I was a shoe-in to get that this year. If you happen to see him, would you please inquire as to the status of that? Perhaps my wish list got misplaced….

My name is Larry, but here at the animal shelter I’m known as “Crooked Larry”, because my little body has taken a beating during my short life. While I was living on Whidbey Island as a stray, I became very skinny and weak. I was attacked by a dog and then hit by a car. Talk about a bad week!

Luckily for me, I was rescued by a kind person and I’m all better now. The people here treat me like royalty, but I sure would love to be a part of a family. How about yours?

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158


2 Upcoming Girish Events

Posted December 26, 2017 at 5:44 am by

Kirtan Concert with Girish
Friday, January 12, at 7:00 pm

Island Souls Studio (formerly XYZ Studios)
689 Airport Center Road

Tickets $25 in advance, at this link or $30 at the door

Girish, an accomplished musician of many genres, former monk infused in spiritual practice, loving wordsmith linking lyrics and rhythm in a blissful musical event, sings traditional Sanskrit mantras with a modern, funky, yet deeply devotional twist. Accompanied by his amazing band, Girish invites his audience at his kirtan concert to participate by singing along, call and response chanting, and dancing.

Girish has been recommended and featured in “O, The Oprah Magazine”, “Yoga Journal” “Spirituality and Health Magazine”, “LA Yoga Magazine”, “Common Ground” and “Yogi Times.” Girish’s original music catalog of five albums is popular in yoga studios and music festivals all over the world. His well received “Mantras and Music” book published by Simon and Schuster will be available. Continue Reading

Farewell Mayor Lacher

Posted December 22, 2017 at 5:58 am by

Outgoing Mayor Carrie Lacher with incoming Mayor Farhad Ghatan – Tim Dustrude photo

A large crowd of town and county residents gathered in Town Hall on Thursday to say thank you and farewell to Carrie Lacher, Friday Harbor’s first woman mayor. They thanked her for her many achievements as well as a new era of cooperation between the town, the county, the port, and others. She thanked the members of the council, former town administrator King Fitch, and current administrator Duncan Wilson.

At the end of her remarks she said, “I think what I’m proudest of is getting the new water pipeline to town, guaranteeing safe drinking water for town residents for many years to come.”

Then somehow, after the ceremony, she was the one who ended up cutting and serving the cake!

By Louise Dustrude

A Wonderful Gift for the Historical Museum

Posted December 22, 2017 at 5:48 am by

New solar panels on the MHI Building at San Juan Historical Museum – Contributed photo

Preserving, interpreting and exhibiting the history of San Juan Island are key components of the San Juan Historical Society and Museum’s mission.

With the maintenance of 1.6 acres of property, eight buildings averaging 90 years of age, insurance and utilities, there are many expenses involved with the overall day to day running of your Historical Museum. Utility costs make up a large portion of our expenses each year with having three power meters and two water meters. We conserve as much as possible, but the fixed costs still remain. Fortunately, help has arrived!

An extremely generous, long-time museum member who wishes to remain anonymous, found a solution to reduce the cost of our electrical usage. A donation to fund all costs to install solar panels on the roof of our Museum of History and Industry (MHI)/barn structure on the Historical Museum grounds. Rainshadow Solar has just completed the project and next time you drive on upper Spring Street, take a look beyond the outfield fence of the baseball field and you will see them.

The MHI/barn has the largest roof surface of all the buildings on the Historical Museum campus. The south facing side receives maximum sun exposure thereby making it the ideal location. The panels will generate enough solar energy to power the MHI and most of our other electrical needs. The cost savings for electricity use will have a significant impact on our bottom line for years to come.

We are very thankful for this most generous donor. Not only for the immediate savings of energy costs, but for her foresight to devise a solution to help the Historical Museum. Thank you for your most generous gift! You have and will make a significant difference well into the future.

In this season of giving, please consider the San Juan Historical Society and Museum in your end of year giving. Your community asset since 1961 needs your continued financial investment. We look to the generosity of the community to support our efforts of preserving the historical treasures and stories of our island. To donate, please visit us online at On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff, volunteers and thousands of annual visitors, we offer our sincere gratitude and appreciation for your support for the past 56 years. Happy Holidays. 

The LEO Club “Roars” in Support of Literacy and Art

Posted December 22, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Photo left to right: Zach Fincher, LEO Club, BJ Brandli, Lions club, Karen Meenan, SJPSF, Rich Meenan, SJPSF, Darlene Clark, FHES Teacher, Diane Ball FHES Principal – Contributed photo

The LEO Club, a youth service club affiliated with the San Juan Island Lions Club presented two donation checks to the San Juan Public School Foundation (SJPSF) in support of literacy at the Friday Harbor Elementary School and art at the Friday Harbor High School.

The San Juan Public Schools Foundation helps supplement state and federal funding to provide a quality education for our island’s children through supporting the public schools with materials and supplies.

On December 4th, the LEO Club surprised SJIPS President Rich Meenan with a targeted donation of $600.00 in support of a mini-grant request submitted to the SJIPSF by the 2nd grade teachers. This mini-grant was for the purchase of leveled reading books for grades K-2 at Friday Harbor Elementary School. In addition, a check for $350.00 was presented by the LEOs for on-going art supply needs at the high school. Continue Reading

Coho Open on Christmas

Posted December 22, 2017 at 5:43 am by

Coho Restaurant is opening Christmas Day so you can enjoy a relaxed holiday meal with family and friends. Our five course fixed menu -with choice of appetizers, entrees, and desserts plus optional wine pairings – is surely a feast worthy of this special day. $65 per person, $35 optional wine pairings. For more information

Another year, another wrinkle, another brilliant moon, another lush sunset; celebrate them all on New Year’s Eve at Coho Restaurant and ring in the New Year in style! Coho Restaurant offers a dining extravaganza: 5 courses plus optional wine pairing. $80 per person, $35 optional wine pairings. We’ll be serving until midnight, but you don’t have to stay up that late  – come in as early as 5:00; our last seating is at 8:30.

For more information:  360-378-6330

Winter Solstice Fun Facts

Posted December 21, 2017 at 5:57 am by

Memorial Park at the beginning of Winter – Tim Dustrude photo

It’s the Winter Solstice today… the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and officially the first day of Winter… Here are some fun things to know about this special day: Click here

And don’t forget – Tomorrow you can say to your friends: “Have you noticed the days are getting longer?”

4-H Youth Help Out

Posted December 21, 2017 at 5:50 am by

On Tuesday night, the 4-H youth of San Juan Island gathered at the San Juan Island Grange #966 for a very special community club meeting. Led by club volunteer Kris Bayas and teen leader Lydia Downs, they began baking holiday cookies, while parents and volunteers brought countless donations for the Severe Weather Shelter.

As part of their community service, the 26 4-H’ers, ages 5 to 17, created 45 “care packages” for those seeking shelter from the cold this winter. Packages included wool socks, hand warmers, snacks, and toiletries.

At each meeting, 4-H youth pledge their heads to clearer thinking, their hearts to greater loyalty, their hands to larger service, and their health to better living, for their club, their community, their country, and their world. Community service is an integral part of their requirements to successfully complete a 4-H year.