National Parks and Trails Reopen

Posted October 17, 2013 at 11:00 am by

nps-arrowWith the end of the government shutdown San Juan Island National Historical Park is again open to visitors. Check out the press release from park Superintendent Lee Taylor: SJINHP-Reopens. (PDF)

Anacortes Ferry Walk

Posted October 17, 2013 at 5:46 am by


Next time you’re a little early for the ferry in Anacortes and have some time to kill, you might enjoy checking out the new walkway down by the beach. We were there just the other day in gorgeous weather and were really impressed.


There is a boardwalk that winds through the bushes and trees with several viewpoints looking out over the beach or the wetlands, and there is also a paved trail along the waterfront on the old railroad grade that goes toward town about half-way to Lovric’s Landing (that’s the  workboat marina you can see from the road when you’re driving to or from the ferry). Eventually it is hoped that this trail will make it all the way to downtown Anacortes.


It’s a great place to stretch your legs after sitting in the car in freeway traffic.


To see it, just walk down to the beach from the ferry lanes and head east – you can’t miss it. (Note that the boardwalk itself and the paved trail are very easy to walk, but getting to the beach from the ferry lanes has some steep places where you’ll need to watch your step and keep your balance.)

Hobbes’ Peppers Aioli

Posted October 17, 2013 at 5:45 am by

Here’s another one from Chef Hobbes:

I was inspired to make this dish after Deb and I went to happy hour at the Cask & Schooner last week and had some of these little guys. Padron peppers are wonderful mild tasting peppers, enjoy with a lovely aioli which is simple to make.



2 big handfuls of padron peppers from the farmers market Sweet Earth Farms
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 sprig fresh tarragon, leaves picked & chopped
1 egg
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1/2 t sea salt
2 turns of fresh ground black pepper (a pinch)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

This makes enough to fill two ramekins.

Toss the peppers with a little bit of olive oil, and lay them out on a baking sheet in one layer, then pop them into a hot 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until soft and starting to burn.

You can make the aioli in a food processor if you like, I prefer to make it by hand. Place all the ingredients in a stainless steel bowl except the olive oil and whisk. When everything is mixed up start drizzling in the olive oil very very slowly whisking as you go, if you go to fast the sauce will break.

Keep doing this until all the oil is gone, taking your time don’t rush it you can always stop pouring in the oil and just whisk for a bit.

It’s great if you have a helper to pour the olive oil, but if you don’t just roll up a towel and make a little nest for the bowl so you can have both hands free and the bowl won’t be flying all over the place.

Use just like you would mayonnaise, it’s wonderful on sandwiches.

Bon Appetit! Chef Hobbes

Call for Crafters

Posted October 17, 2013 at 5:30 am by

More email from the Update mailbag to share with you – this one from Jan Murphy at the animal shelter…

Hey Tim, Can you post another “call for crafters” for our Craft Fair? We still need more participants.

The Animal Shelter is looking for artists and crafters to participate in “Christmas For Critters“, a holiday craft boutique, scheduled for November 15 & 16 at the American Legion. Anyone who would like to sell their craft items at the event should contact Jan at 378-2158. Participants do not need to be present at the 2-day event but will be asked to donate 20% of their sales to the shelter.

Thanks! Jan

More Ghosts Among Us

Posted October 17, 2013 at 5:23 am by

Ghosts are among us on San Juan Island, or so many believe. Join friends, neighbors and island visitors as stories and experiences are shared by those who claim they personally have witnessed such phenomena or who can relate those stories that have been handed down over the years. Many would say these ring quite true!

Did something ghostly happen in the Friday Harbor Labs dining hall? Why was a certain house called the “Cry Baby House”? Is there a ghost dog in the former Bay View Hotel (now Windermere Realty)? Who was that vanishing lady at the Presbyterian Manse (known now as Serendipity Bookstore)? Does the ghost of Richard Straub haunt the Odd Fellows Hall (currently the Whale Museum) all these years?

In addition to these stories and more, the audience is heartily encouraged to share their own stories and legends.

Join us for an informative, fun and certainly lively evening, Wednesday, October 30th, 7-9 PM at the San Juan Island Public Library.

Parental guidance is advised.

The Town of Friday Harbor and the San Juan Historical Museum sponsorships are greatly appreciated.


Sandy Strehlou, Town of Friday Harbor Historic Preservation Coordinator, 378-2810
Robin Jacobson, 378-1983
Gay Graham, 370-7179

Smoke Alarm at Haley’s

Posted October 16, 2013 at 5:34 am by

Here’s a notice that popped into the Update email box from Sheila Harley, the Public Information Officer at San Juan Island Fire Rescue…

Haleys-2111At approximately 4:20 AM, [on Tuesday morning, Oct. 15th], dispatch alerted San Jan Island Fire Rescue of a smoke alarm sounding at Haley’s Sports Bar and Grill on Spring Street in Friday Harbor.

Two fire engines and a rescue unit responded with about a dozen firefighters and three fire officers.

No flames were showing but smoke and steam was appearing at the back of the building. After the smoke was cleared from the roof, it was determined that a commercial dishwasher was the source. A hot water line had failed and filled the building with steam. Firefighters assisted in removing water from the kitchen floor.

The traffic from the incoming 5:25 AM ferry was diverted away from the area.

The owner of Haley’s, Bobby Tangney, intends to open for business as usual today.

The incident was over at 5:45 AM.

Shakin’ San Juan Islands

Posted October 16, 2013 at 5:28 am by

eq1It’s not too late to join your neighbors and the nearly 1 million Washingtonians participating in the Great Washington Shakeout earthquake drill. The shakeout drill is an opportunity for participants everywhere to practice what they would do in an earthquake.

As of today, 23 million people from 37 states and 4 foreign countries have registered to participate in Shakeout drills on Thursday.

Here in the San Juan Islands some of the hazard is from a Cascadia Subduction zone, Devil’s Mountain, or South Whidbey earthquake. You can prepare today by signing up <> for the Shakeout drill, and “Drop, Cover and Hold on” Thursday October 17th at 10:17 AM. If you have any questions about the drill and how to participate please call 370-0587.

Please check out the DEM website: for more specifics on how to prepare your family, neighborhood and business for earthquakes and other disasters. Start today, preparedness is the island way!

DSHS Mobile CSO Coming to Eastsound

Posted October 16, 2013 at 5:25 am by

Here’s a message from DSHS:
DSHS-Eastsound-10-29The WA State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Mobile Community Service Office is coming to Eastsound on October 29th & 30th. We would like to let the community know that we will be there to do application interviews for Food and Cash as well as yearly reviews, and to answer any questions on active cases or about any of our services. We will be at the Orcas Food Bank from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on October 29 & 30, 2013. We appreciate your help in getting the word out so together we can help as many members of the community as possible.

This is Our Town: Darleen Nixon

Posted October 15, 2013 at 5:50 am by


Darleen Nixon has been a glass artist since 1998.  She works in both lampwork glass and fused glass media. She has studied with some of the leading glass artists in the United States, and is a member of the Glass Art Society and International Society of Glass Beadmakers.

Click here to read more. is a glimpse of the people and businesses that shape the personality of Friday Harbor & San Juan Island. It is a project of Dustrude Photography.

Cheese Shop on the Blog

Posted October 15, 2013 at 5:40 am by

Did you see this post on Kenmore’s blog? A cool write up of our new local cheese shop. Check it out!


Pet of the Week

Posted October 15, 2013 at 5:40 am by

Rusty is this week's Pet of the Week

Rusty is this week’s Pet of the Week

Meet Rusty! This sweet and loving girl is about 3 years old. She came to the shelter as a stray in September and has adapted beautifully! She does well with the other cats and loves when people come in to visit her. She is a laid back kitty that just wants to find her forever home to move into! Come on in and meet her! 111 Shelter Road. Or call the shelter at 378-2158.

One MedEvac Membership Now Does It All

Posted October 15, 2013 at 5:11 am by


Island Air Ambulance’s MedEvac Membership is now recognized for reciprocity with the Association of Air Medical Membership Programs (AAMMP) for zero out-of-pocket billing.

Simply put, San Juan County households will only need to have one membership to benefit from participating programs now including, Airlift Northwest, Air St. Lukes, Care Flight, Enloe FlightCare, Island Air Ambulance, Life Flight Network, Northwest Medstar, and Wyoming Life Flight.

For further information about these exciting new benefits, go to

Waterfront Public Walkway

Posted October 14, 2013 at 5:42 am by


Roger Bennett has made some significant progress on his portion of the public waterfront walkway.

Did you know that a public waterfront walkway is being built down at the bottom of Spring Street? Someday it is hoped that you will be able to walk from the ferry landing or Cannery Landing all the way to the port docks along the waterfront. I ran into Roger Bennett over the weekend and saw that he has made some significant progress this year starting construction under his building where The Place restaurant is located. Eventually he says, through a cooperative effort of the Port of Friday Harbor, the Town of Friday Harbor, himself and maybe even the Washington State Ferries, this dream will become a reality.

A great bonus if the ferries get in on it, will be that walk-off passengers would be able to get to the other side of off-loading vehicles by going under the ferry dock without interfering with traffic, which could really help reduce the ferry dwell time (the time it takes for a ferry to unload and load while sitting at the dock).

And of course there would be the obvious benefit of having a beautiful walkway along the town’s waterfront.

Halloween Party at San Juan Island Library

Posted October 14, 2013 at 5:36 am by


Friday, October 25 at 10:30 AM, the San Juan Island Library will host a Special Halloween Music Storytime with Maggie Gallivan and Friends. This FREE, family event is designed for children 0-6 years of age and their caregivers.

It’s a great opportunity for youngsters to dress in costume, celebrate with friends, and to build early literacy skills by listening to music and stories shared aloud in a community setting. Local musician and singer Maggie Gallivan will bring her many instruments for creating fun music together.

Craft and activities to follow program. Snack provided courtesy of the Friends of the San Juan Island Library. Held in front of the fireplace in the main library lounge.

For more information, call 378-2798 or visit San Juan Island Library is located at 1010 Guard Street in Friday Harbor.

Contra Dance Next Saturday

Posted October 14, 2013 at 5:30 am by

Click for larger poster

Click for larger poster

Saturday, October 19th, it’sthe 3rd Saturday Contra Dance – 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the SJI Grange Hall.

From Seattle: Jay Finkelstein calling with Fresh Cider – fiddle, flute, melodeon and piano.

No partners needed. All dances taught. No experience necessary. $10/person donation (students half price). Info, 378-3836.

Dodgeball Tournament

Posted October 14, 2013 at 5:30 am by


First ever Island Rec Adult Dodgeball Tournament

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge! Come out for our first-ever adult Dodgeball tournament, Sunday October 27! 5-person teams will play in a round robin tournament.
1st & 2nd Place and Best Team Costume will be awarded prizes. A minimum of 6 teams must be registered by October 24, $70/team.
Additional teams may register on the day of the tournament at at 10:45am if space is available. Ages 16+