The Economic Development Council (EDC) and Lopez Community Land Trust (LCLT) are offering a free course on conceptual skills to run a construction project effectively. Instructors Sandy Bishop (Executive Director, Lopez Community Land Trust) and Pete Kilpatrick (former owner of Ravenhill Construction) will share their deep understanding and local perspective. The course will be on Tuesdays, Oct. 19th through Nov. 16th, at 5:30 to 7:00 PM over Zoom.
This course, Running a Construction Project, will benefit anyone from first-time job seekers to seasoned contractors. Gaining skills in construction management will also open opportunities for those who cannot take on physically demanding roles in the industry.
Topics will include the construction team, vendors, and the supply chain; scheduling, budgeting, and communications; residential and community construction projects; and – to provide a solid foundation for those new to the industry – plan reading.
This class is for students seeking work skills, whether in the construction industry or another industry. Applicants must be San Juan County residents who are 18 years or older. The registration deadline is Oct. 11th. To learn more or register visit the EDC website: .
This course is made possible by the generosity of the funders of the EDC’s programs, in particular San Juan County, the Building Industry Association of Washington, the Harvest Foundation, the Washington State Dept. of Commerce, the Raynier Institute and Foundation, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Port of Friday Harbor, the Port of Lopez, the Lopez Lions, the Friday Harbor Kiwanis, the United Way of San Juan County, and other grantors and donors. The instructors have generously agreed to donate their time.