San Juan Island Sculpture Park Hiring Summer Position

Posted April 5, 2021 at 4:30 am by

San Juan Island Sculpture Park – Contributed photo

From San Juan Island Sculpture Park

San Juan Island Sculpture Park is looking for an activity coordinator from June through September.

Duties include helping to select and facilitate two artist positions for our community art events scheduled every Saturday from June 19 through Sept. 4.

Advance work would include event promotion and coordinating with artists. Day-of-work would include helping artists with set-up, responsibility for donation box, and subbing in for artists on an emergency basis.

Candidates need to be comfortable working with all ages and visitors from many cultures, work with the board, and help the artists problem-solve as needed.

If you are interested in this position, email us at [email protected] or mail in your resume and letter of interest to 130 Ivan Road, Friday Harbor by April 25.

Section of Southbound Mullis Street In Friday Harbor Closes For Two Weeks

Posted April 4, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Contributed Photo/awsloley from Pixabay

From the Town of Friday Harbor

The Town of Friday Harbor is continuing construction on a Mullis Street roundabout, and the existing pavement will be demolished this week to prepare a subbase for the roadway.

Mullis Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic for vehicles traveling northbound from Monday, April 5 to about Friday, April 16. 

The southbound traffic between Spring Street and 818 Mullis St., near the propane company, will remain closed for approximately two weeks.

Southbound traffic will be required to seek alternative routes or detour to an access point for local businesses. The Northbound traffic on Mullis will be diverted around the work or stopped entirely when road crossings are performed.

There will be times when the contractor needs to use both lanes and vehicles may experience short delays while the contractor transitions between sections of the roadway. Work will be done from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., weekdays.

Local access will remain open at all times. Pedestrian access will not be interrupted. No parking will be permitted in the project area during this phase of construction.

Three detours have been established: Continue Reading

Should You Travel During Spring Break? San Juan County Provides Advice

Posted April 4, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From San Juan County

Cases are rising across the United States, Washington and here in San Juan County.

No one knows for sure how steep this next wave of cases will be or how long it will last. The expectation is that it could be severe (variants + very relaxed precautions = more COVID), but the hope is that it will diminish by late spring (increased vaccine rates).

Good news: a majority of our most vulnerable citizens are now vaccinated. This will drastically reduce the number of deaths and should greatly diminish the strain on our healthcare systems.

Everyone, regardless of age, should be doing all they can to avoid COVID infection. COVID can still be a harrowing and long-lasting experience for anyone, even those who are not “high risk” or who have a “mild” case. The science is evolving quickly on “Long COVID”, but potentially 25% or more of those with mild COVID can still experience symptoms long after infection (go here if you want to dig into this in more detail). This is true for all age groups – even those between 18-40 years old.

A number of variants are spreading rapidly, including here in Washington. Some of these variants are quite concerning, potentially spreading more easily, and having higher fatality rates.

All of the vaccines appear to do a good job of preventing hospitalization and death from COVID, regardless of the strain of COVID.

Vaccine supply continues to be limited, and demand is still high. Fortunately, access continues to increase and hopefully will accelerate in the weeks to come.

Q: Should I Travel During Spring Break?

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Letter: Consider An Off-Island Vaccination

Posted April 4, 2021 at 4:30 am by

By Susan West, San Juan Island

Island Drug, in Oak Harbor, has hundreds of vaccine appointments available each day online for eligible recipients. Signing up is easy, and receiving the vaccine is free.
Island Drug has all three brands of vaccine — the one-and-done Johnson & Johnson, the Pfizer which is approved for anyone 16 and older, and the Moderna.
To some extent, it is possible to choose which to receive. See their website for more information and to sign up at
If you’re eligible to get the vaccine and able to travel off-island to get it, you can do fellow islanders a favor by increasing our population’s immunity and leaving on-island vaccines available for whom going off-island is a hardship. 

Registration For COVID Vaccinations On San Juan Opens Monday

Posted April 3, 2021 at 10:59 pm by

Lopez, Orcas Vaccinations Available At Local Providers

From San Juan County

San Juan County Health and Community Services will be opening registration for first dose vaccine appointments at 9 a.m., Monday, April 5. These appointments will be for San Juan Island.

Lopez doses will be administered by Lopez Island Pharmacy and Orcas doses will be given by Ray’s Pharmacy and  Orcas Family Health Center.

Those who are eligible and wish to register for an appointment should visit at 9 a.m., Monday, April 5. There will be links clearly marked for each clinic. At this time, Phase 1a and Phase 1b Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 are eligible for vaccination.

Go here for more information on current eligibility regulations.

The links will be shown in the “STEP 2” section, highlighted in orange. Details on the timing of clinics and the approximate number of doses available will be posted on the vaccine information page once confirmed.

Other providers may be distributing vaccines as well. Check the list of links on the San Juan County vaccine Info page for contact info for all vaccine providers in the islands.

County Quarantines Elementary School Cohort, 16 San Juan High Schoolers

Posted April 3, 2021 at 10:51 pm by

From San Juan Island School District

San Juan Island School District would like to thank San Juan County Health and Community Services for their quick response and attention to details about managing COVID-19 exposure in the public schools. 

Upon learning that there were three potential cases of COVID-19 that had been diagnosed in the past week, the district and the health department worked together to quickly and efficiently quarantine one small cohort at the elementary school and 16 high school students as potential close contacts.

The facts around the cases determined that the original exposure did not come from inside the school environment and that district practices and protocols were significant in keeping these cases insulated from other students and staff. 

Though identified close contacts are currently in quarantine, in-person school has continued.   Continue Reading

County Reports 10 New COVID Cases On San Juan, Zero On Orcas, Lopez

Posted April 3, 2021 at 10:47 pm by

Contributed Image/CDC

From San Juan County

Since the last update on Friday, March 26, total cases in San Juan County have increased from 131 to 141.

There are 56 close contacts of positive cases currently in active quarantine.

Orcas Island

There are no new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are no confirmed positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island at this time.

Lopez Island

There are no new cases on Lopez Island since the last update. There are no confirmed positive cases under active monitoring on Lopez Island at this time.

San Juan Island

There are 10 new cases since the last report on San Juan Island. The following details are known about these new cases:

  • One of the cases is tied to a previously reported positive case.
  • Two cases are unrelated, but both are tied to off-island travel, with limited exposures to the local community.
  • Five cases comprise a cluster of new cases, with transmission tied to household or another close contact. The initial transmission source is unknown at this time.
  • Two new cases are related to each other through close household contact. The investigation is ongoing, but these cases do not appear to be tied to any of the other positive cases. The initial transmission source is unknown at this time.

 There are nine positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island at this time.

Overall: Continue Reading

San Juan Community Theatre Offers Summer Camps For All Ages

Posted April 3, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Image by Christos Giakkas from Pixabay

From San Juan Community Theatre

The San Juan Community Theatre will hold summer 2021 camps outdoors at the San Juan County Fairgrounds.

Camp registration for “Could You Hug a Cactus” and “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” opens April 5 at See audition information below for “101 Dalmatians Kids.”

“Could You Hug a Cactus?” will be directed by Penelope Haskew and Chiara Power. Join the camp for $160 weekdays, June 28-July 9.

Grades K-two will meet from 10 a.m. to noon and grades three-five will meet from 1-3 p.m. 

Students will learn the basic principles of acting and developing a character as they rehearse and perform the new musical based on the poems of Phillip Van Wagoner with book by Jessica Penzias and music and lyrics by Denver Casado.

Every student will have a solo singing or speaking part assigned on the first day of camp. Public performances will be held at 11:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. on July 9.

The “Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” will be Directed by Penelope Haskew, Jenni Merritt and Chiara Power. Grades six-nine can join the camp for $360 10 a.m.-2 p.m., weekdays, July 12-24. July 16 will be a beach day.

Students will have a blast learning about theater, Shakespeare and Dr. Seuss’s special rhythm as they rehearse and perform “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” by Peter Bloedel. No kissing required!

Every student receives a speaking part on the first day of camp and public performances are 2 p.m. Friday, July 23 and noon and 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 24.

Disney’s “101 Dalmatians Kids” will be directed by Penelope Haskew, Jenni Merritt and Chiara Power. Musical direction will be provided by Jamie Mountford. Ages 7-18 can join the camp for $440 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., weekdays, July 26-Aug. 7. Continue Reading

San Juan County Seeks Orcas Member for Housing Advisory Committee

Posted April 3, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From San Juan County

Are you an Orcas resident who is passionate and knowledgeable about affordable housing in San Juan County?

San Juan County is seeking a new member for the Housing Advisory Committee to fill the Orcas Island position on the committee.

The committee is the main advisory body to the San Juan County Council on affordable housing issues.

The committee oversees several county programs that impact affordable housing including the home fund, the equity loan program which provides down payment loans for low-income first-time homebuyers, document recording fees, rental subsidies for extremely low-income qualified seniors and more.

The HAC also advises the San Juan County Council on policy issues concerning housing for low, moderate and middle-income citizens in our community. 

HAC members are expected to participate in monthly public meetings, in person or by conference call.  HAC members are volunteers that are appointed by the County Council. Currently, there is a vacancy for one member from Orcas Island.  

For more information on the HAC, visit To fill out an advisory committee application, visit

Contact San Juan County Housing Program Coordinator Ryan Page with questions or inquiries at 360-370-0590 or [email protected].

Health Care Enrollment Extends Through Aug. 15 With Lower Premiums

Posted April 3, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From Washington Healthplanfinder

Due to recent federal action bringing new savings opportunities to current and new individual health insurance market customers, Washington Healthplanfinder is extending the current special enrollment period from May 15 through Aug. 15.

This aligns with the recent federal announcement extending the special enrollment period for those using the federal marketplace.

This special enrollment period allows currently uninsured individuals, and people both on and off the exchange, the opportunity to benefit from these new savings.

The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act significantly increases the amount of tax credits individuals who enroll through Washington Healthplanfinder will receive, which reduces their monthly premiums.

The act also extends tax credits to middle-income Washingtonians who previously were not eligible for assistance and provides additional tax credits to all customers who receive at least one week of unemployment compensation in 2021.

“Every Washington Healthplanfinder customer deserves to receive the full benefit of the new law as soon as possible,” said Chief Executive Officer Pam MacEwan. “For many of our customers, this may lower their monthly premium close to zero dollars. The new act provides significant benefits for 2021 and 2022 to our customers and we are working quickly to implement changes by early May. Until then, customers need to keep their information up to date in Washington Healthplanfinder.”

Beginning May 6, new customers who apply through Washington Healthplanfinder will be able to see the amount of increased tax credits available through the new act.

The exact amount premiums will go down depends on where an individual lives, their age and their income.

Illustrative examples based on King County rates are as follows: Continue Reading

Island Senior: Local Celebrities Support Meals On Wheels

Posted April 2, 2021 at 5:30 am by

David Baley (MOW volunteer), Dennis Busse (MOW volunteer), Pat Ball (MOW volunteer), Greg Ford (Celebrity Volunteer), Nancy Geist & Gayle Rollins (MOW kitchen staff), Christine Minney (Celebrity Volunteer), Linda Chowdry (MOW volunteer), Norvin Collins (Celebrity Volunteer)

“Island Senior” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae.

We cannot say it enough. More than ever during this time of Covid, San Juan County’s Senior Nutrition Program, “Meals on Wheels” serves as a lifeline to many of our island seniors.

Fire Chief Norvin Collins, Dorothy Stone, Meals on Wheels Volunteer Linda Chowdry

With usual fundraising events still out of the question, local celebrities stepped up to bring attention to our Meals on Wheels program. Our local celebs joined our regular volunteer Meals on Wheels drivers for an extra special meal delivery!

A big thank you to Fire and Rescue Chief Norvin Collins and his impressive vehicle. Imagine getting your lunch delivered by a fire truck!

Said Collins, “The energy from the Meals on Wheels team is contagious, and you see it most when the meals are delivered. The warm greetings and interactions are what makes our islands special. From staff to volunteers, the Meals on Wheels program is a gem in our community. We are fortunate to have so many caring and compassionate people working to support those in our community who need support. Great work, Meals on Wheels!Continue Reading

Celebrate Earth Day With San Juan Preservation Trust On Henry Island

Posted April 2, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/San Juan Preservation Trust. Henry Island.

From San Juan Preservation Trust

Only a short boat ride from busy Roche Harbor, Henry Island Preserve feels like a world away, straddling the boundary between the shallow waters of Mosquito Pass and the blue depths of Haro Strait.

Come ashore to celebrate Earth Day 2021 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., April 22 by enjoying some outer-island tranquility and helping out with some preserve maintenance.

We will be brushing trail, caging individual trees, installing Purple Martin nest boxes, cleaning up the beach, and doing a bit of invasive species removal during this work party—led by Stewardship Manager Kathleen Foley Lewis.

Boat transportation will be provided, embarking from Roche Harbor Marina. Listed start and end times are approximate. Work parties typically last 3-4 hours and are timed to meet ferry schedules. Details about when and where to meet, etc., will be emailed to registered participants prior to the event.

Please click here to register.

Animal Protection Society Pet Of The Week

Posted April 2, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor

Age: Approximatly 2 years
Sex: Male
Breed: Shepherd mix

Cisco is the sweetest little buddy!

Weighing in at just under 40 lbs, he is the perfect medium-sized dog! Cisco is a recent arrival to the shelter and is still a bit worried, but is very smart and catching on to the routine quickly.

He is the kindest dog that gets along great with other dogs! In fact, he would LOVE to have a dog friend in his new home. He has been respectable around the cats, but he does not respect chickens…therefore he must go to a home that will keep him safe and secure and away from live poultry.

Cisco is very affectionate and would make a great addition to a loving family that will make him part of the pack. The shelter staff reassures him that because he is such a good boy he will be going home any day now!


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Utility Construction Continues On New Friday Harbor Roundabout

Posted April 1, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From the Town of Friday Harbor

The town is continuing construction on a Mullis Street roundabout, and sewer and storm mains under Spring Street between First and Second Streets will be replaced around April 5. 

This will be the final phase to complete utility replacement on Spring Street from the waterfront to the roundabout.

The Town of Friday Harbor will add a roundabout to part of Mullis Street through May.

The project will reconstruct approximately 1,300 linear feet of Mullis Street from 818 Mullis Street, the Guard Electric and Airport property, to Spring Street.

This project includes a cement-treated base, paving, ADA-compliant ramps and sidewalk, curb and gutter, and a painted roundabout at Spring Street.

Utility work is expected to be completed within 60 days provided that there are no significant delays due to weather or unforeseen conditions. The final pavement lift is scheduled to be completed by May 19 and striping and marking to be completed by May 26.

Construction is currently planned to occur between 9:15 p.m. and 5:15 a.m.

The area will be cleaned and passable daily with reasonable parking reestablished so that business is disrupted as little as possible. Expect noise associated with the operation of heavy equipment during the evening hours. Upon completion of the line replacements, the town will repave Spring Street from gutter to gutter.

A project manager will be on-site at all times to address any issues or concerns. You can also contact town hall at 360-378-2810 or public works at 360-378-2154 with any questions.

‘Chainsaw’ Orca Seen Near Henry Island

Posted April 1, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/Center For Whale Research.

From Center For Whale Research

The Center For Whale Research’s 15th orca encounter in 2021 was on March 29 and brought sightings of the whale “Chainsaw.”

The whales were still heading quickly north toward Henry Island in loosely spread groups. Our first pass was a semi-backlit one with a lot of whales coming up at once. We saw some hints of the T49As and T71s as they passed.

“Chainsaw” is also easy to pick out of a crowd. He seemed to be in a group that included several young males slightly behind the others. By the time we got to the good light side, the groups began splitting up and many whales started traveling quickly toward Open Bay. Most of the T71s and a few others took a more northwesterly route perilously close to the border so we decided to go for the whales safely on the U.S. side.

Read more about the encounter at

Peace Island Easter Basket Sale Canceled

Posted April 1, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From Peace Island Medical Center Volunteers

Upon the recommendation of the health department and the state guidelines, we have been advised to cancel our Easter basket sale this year.

We thank the community for their continued interest and support of this fundraiser for our cancer care center. We look forward and plan to continue this tradition next with an even bigger and better basket sale.

The Peace Island volunteers miss welcoming you to our annual sale and hope to see all of you next year.