Election Q & A

Posted September 29, 2020 at 12:08 pm by

SJC Auditor Milene Henley and Elections Supervisor Camolyn Armstrong share this information about the election…

Amy demonstrates how large the new Ballot Drop Boxes really are – Contributed photo

Interest is high in this year’s general election. As a result, San Juan County Elections staff have been receiving a record number of questions. Below are some of the questions asked most frequently, with the answers.

  • How many registered voters does San Juan County have?
    14,220. The number is increasing daily.
  • What was the turnout in San Juan County for the 2020 primary?
  • What kind of turnout are we expecting for the 2020 general election?
  • Can I get my ballot now?
    Only if you are unable to receive mail during the entire 18-day voting period
  • When will ballots be mailed?
    October 13
  • How do I make sure my address is correct on my voter registration?
    Go to VoteWA.gov. Check your address there. Update it online or call Elections for assistance.
  • What if I lose or don’t receive my ballot?
    Call Elections for a replacement.
  • Should I mail my ballot or use a drop box?
    Whichever is easier. If you are voting within 7 days of the election, we recommend that you use a drop box.
  • What if a mailed ballot arrives late?
    If it is postmarked by November 3 and arrives by November 23, it will be counted.
  • How often will you pick up ballots from the drop boxes?
    We will pick up once a week from Orcas and Lopez and every other day on San Juan. Fortunately, we have larger ballot boxes this year!
  • Can I vote online?
    No, but you can print a ballot from online. Printed online ballots, like mailed ballots, must be returned with a signed declaration by November 3.
  • Is San Juan County Elections ready for this election?
    Absolutely! This election is getting a lot of attention, but every election is important to us.
  • How are we keeping Elections workers and visitors safe?
    We have put in place new procedures and tools to keep workers and visitors safe.
  • How do we ensure the security of ballots?
    Ballots are locked and sealed unless we are processing. During processing, ballots are always handled by two people.
  • Can I watch the ballot processing?
    Yes, on SJC Elections’ YouTube channel. Go to https://tinyurl.com/y4pzq86p.
  • When will results be known?
    Initial results will be posted on election night. Final results will be known on November 23.
  • How do we know the results will be accurate?
    We perform two accuracy tests before and an audit the day after the election to ensure accuracy.

If you have more questions, contact the Elections Office at (360) 378-3357 or [email protected]. We’re here to help

October Programs at Island Rec

Posted September 29, 2020 at 11:00 am by

Listed first is Pickleball, then see below for three adult fitness classes.

Island Rec Pickleball

Pickleball is open registration for ages 16+. Tuesdays & Thursdays October 6-29 at the fairgrounds. 5-6:30pm for Beginner and Intermediate Players. 6:30-8pm for Intermediate and Advanced Players. $8 per session. Must have your own paddle. Max 10 players allowed per time slot. To register for a timeslot and read the covid-19 protocols, please visit www.islandrec.org, or call 360-378-4953. No drop-ins allowed at the door.

Adult online fitness classes are open for registration! Continue Reading


Posted September 29, 2020 at 10:45 am by

In the mailbag this morning we find this letter from Anna Maria de Freitas…

As I listen to the rain bounce off my sky light and feel the fall chill settle in the air, I know that the days of outdoor dining for me and my restaurant industry colleagues are quickly coming to an end. What will the dining scene look like in the San Juan Islands this spring if restaurants are not able to increase indoor dining capacity this fall and winter? The grim reality is that many will not make it through winter. 

I own Coho Restaurant, a farm to fork restaurant in the heart of Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. For 13 years prior to Covid-19, we had nine tables in our intimate dining room. We now have only five physically distanced tables indoors, limited to serve a maximum of five guests per table from the same household. The four outdoor tables added during summer will soon be a thing of the past. Continue Reading

School Board Zoom Meeting

Posted September 29, 2020 at 10:40 am by

On Wednesday,Sep 30, 2020, the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors will hold a regular School Board Meeting at 5:00 pm as a Zoom meeting.    

Or join webinar with the following methods
Phone one-tap
Phone one-tap: US: +12532158782,,83455678355# or +16699006833,,83455678355#
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For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
Dial: US : +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 834 5567 8355

You may also  click on “video” within the Board Agenda at the time of the meeting.

If you need additional information, please call (360) 378-4133

During this time of national emergency. public comment will only be accepted in written form ahead of the meeting.  Please submit comments to [email protected] before 4:00 pm on Wednesday Sep 30. Comments will be read into the minutes during the Public Comment agenda item. The Board will not respond to comments. At the end of the Public Comment section, members of the board may ask the superintendent to review a matter, or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 

Please see the agenda below, or access BoardDocs from our website at https://www.sjisd.wednet.edu/domain/331  (then locate the BoardDocs School Board agenda access). 

Or go straight to the agenda itself at:


This is a quick look at the board agenda for your convenience.  Please be aware that the agenda could change prior to the board meeting.

New Scouting Awards for Old Military Road Trail

Posted September 28, 2020 at 4:18 pm by

Scout Troop and Pack 4090, located here on San Juan Island, has just received news that their application (filed in March) to have the “Old Military Road Trail” officially designated as an recognized ‘National Historic Trail’ through the National Council of Scouting BSA, has been approved.

This means that any Scouts visiting San Juan Island, that successfully hike a minimum of 5 miles along the trail, spend one night camping near it, and perform a service project improving the trail, are eligible to earn the Scouting ‘National Historic Trails Award’.

In addition to earning the National Scouting patch, Scouts will also earn the local trail patch (see attached) and IF they can hike the full sixteen miles between American and English Camps and also provide an written history report on the Pig War, will also earn a hiking medal (also attached). Scouts visiting the islands wanting to earn the award can contact Scoutmaster Eric Stone at [email protected].

Friday Harbor Virtual Film Festival Coming October 15 – 25

Posted September 28, 2020 at 10:23 am by


The Friday Harbor Film Festival is going virtual this year, featuring award-winning documentaries, short films, and student-made films, as well as daily livestreamed Q&As with filmmakers. All films will be available on demand for 10 days, October 15-25. Q&As will be recorded for those who can’t participate via livestream. Read about this year’s lineup at www.fhff.org. Detailed information about how to participate virtually is available on the website.

Thanks to the generosity of part-time islanders and enthusiastic film festival supporters Suzy Mygatt Wakefield and Jay Wakefield, all films entered in the Student Film Competition will be available FREE for everyone to screen. The Wakefield’s want to introduce students to the art of filmmaking by viewing their peers’ work, while also encouraging family viewing of thoughtful documentary programming, and inspiring interest in the films FHFF offers. Viewing the student films begins early – October 10 – at www.fhff.org. Continue Reading

SmileMobile Dental Clinic coming to Friday Harbor

Posted September 28, 2020 at 10:18 am by

The Arcora Foundation – SmileMobile, a brightly painted 39 – foot dental clinic on wheels, will return to Friday Harbor on October 7 – 9 and 12 – 14 and will park at the Friday Harbor High School – 45 Blair Ave.

SmileMobile dentist – Paul Phillips and dental team will provide examinations to babies (first tooth) up through high school age and pregnant/postpartum people with Apple Health and those who are uninsured.

Due to COVID-19, the team has implemented guidelines from the CDC, American Dental Association, WA State Health Dept. to ensure the health and safety of patients, families and staff. Patients will be screened, and their temperature taken.

The dentist and team may provide one or more of the following: examination, fluoride varnish, sealants, x-rays, simple extraction, temporary filling and written referral. Continue Reading


Posted September 28, 2020 at 9:45 am by

In the SJ Update mail bag this morning we have this letter from Justin Paulsen…

If 2020 has highlighted nothing else within our country it is that political division has seeped into every function of our society. As our current generation navigates social, health and economic waters which have never before been explored, one factor continually crops up, which although completely irrelevant to the issues, seems to exert undue influence: Partisanship.

Partisan political influence has driven discussions of solutions and compromise off the table, instead creating division that paints success as only attainable at the demise of the opposing viewpoint. We live in a time where political polarization is a tool that is used to divide, enflame and turn us against our neighbors. “If you’re not with us, then you are against us.” As we have seen all too often, this mentality not only stifles progress, but actively creates barriers that prevent positive, creative compromise. Continue Reading

Breaking the Surly Bonds of Earth

Posted September 27, 2020 at 3:19 pm by

FREEZER BURNED: Tales of Interior Alaska is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Steve Ulvi…

Arriving in Interior Alaska in 1974, I was 23 years old and had never been in any kind of airplane. (Well alright, full disclosure; as a kid, I was big on those horses and planes that ate a dime to buck around in front of a grocery store).

After days of mud alternating with billowing dust, cruising along at 45 mph on the unpaved Al Can Highway, we parked at McKay’s Hardware in Anchorage stocking up on stoves, fish nets, ammunition and countless items to enable our dreams of living in the bush.

That day, undecided about where to go, we by chance met Jim, who introduced himself as a young pilot from Fort Yukon. He spread topo maps on the hood of my old pickup and energetically turned our collective compass needle true north to meet with our destiny in the Yukon River country.

A year later, settled around Eagle, my brother and I were euphoric skimming low in Charlie O’s Piper Tri Pacer looking at cabins along the nearby Seventy Mile River. Soon after, he flew us to an airstrip where we began an ill-conceived, character-building decent of that rock-infested river using a small plastic “two man” raft (maybe two diminutive Chinese fellows). Those memorable first flights in a small plane over vast wilderness, launched an unanticipated, but exhilarating refrain in my life. Continue Reading

Another New Calf in J Pod

Posted September 26, 2020 at 10:19 am by

J Pod’s newest calf, born September 24, 2020 surfaces next to mother J41.
Photo credit: Talia Goodyear/Orca Spirit Adventures/Pacific Whale Watch Association

More good news from J-Pod…

The Center for Whale Research confirms that another calf has been born into the Southern Resident killer whale community, and the mother is J41. CWR will eagerly await the whales’ return to evaluate the calf’s condition and hopefully determine its sex. J41’s new calf is the second birth in J pod in September 2020.

We will reserve its alpha-numeric designation until it proves to be healthy when the pod returns to Salish Sea waters. Approximately 40% of newborn calves do not survive their neonatal first few weeks.

J41 was just ten years old when she gave birth to her first calf, J51 (male), in 2015.

We received photographs from the Pacific Whale Watch Association on the evening  of September 24, asking for ID confirmation.

From the information offered by Talia Goodyear and Lea Vanderwiel, naturalists aboard Orca Spirit Adventures, J41 may have given birth while their vessel was present. “It was an emotional time as we processed what was happening in front of us,” said Vanderwiel. “It took a few minutes to realize what was actually happening, but then it was pure excitement realizing that it was a birth and the baby was very alive and boisterous.” Continue Reading

Community letter from SJISD School Superintendent Fred Woods

Posted September 25, 2020 at 5:45 am by

Fred Woods – Contributed photo

Dear Friday Harbor community,

I have always loved the month of September. Many years ago, when I decided to make education a life-long career I saw an opportunity to broaden my world, allowing me to extend beyond the limits of the little town where I was raised. Choosing education as a career eventually led me to Friday Harbor, making it the best decision I ever made!

I stepped into this new role of Superintendent in the middle of a global crisis. Though the position is new to me, the working conditions are familiar having spent the last the 13 years serving this community as a principal. Martin Yablonovsky, our new secondary campus principal, joined us at the end of June and immediately got right to work. Martin’s experience and thoughtful approach is exactly what we need to help guide us. Continue Reading

Keep Breathing

Posted September 25, 2020 at 5:41 am by

Deb Langhans shares some thoughts about keeping your mental health…

Deb Langhans – Contributed photo

Are you holding your breath these days? With all the medical, economic, political and environmental upheaval upon us, is it any wonder?

Breath is life. It might be our most faithful lifelong companion as well as a barometer of how we’re perceiving our world: When we feel stressed, as in such times of uncertainty and instability, we hold our breath and breathe more shallowly. But we don’t have to stay in that fight/flight/freeze response; we can use our breath to calm and ground ourselves so our perspective and experience become more positive.

One tried and true ancient breathing technique I frequently teach my clients is called 4-7-8 Breathing. If you’re not familiar with it, I encourage you to try the following: Inhale through your nose to the silent count of 4 (a little less than 4 seconds in duration); hold that breath for 7 counts; exhale through your mouth—an audible release is nice—for 8 counts. Repeat this breath cycle 3-5 times. When you’re more familiar with this process, you can do more cycles. (If I awaken at 3 a.m. in the morning unable to tame my racing thoughts, I do 10 of these 4-7-8 breath cycles and typically fall right back to sleep!) 4-7-8 Breathing actually allows you to chemically shift your body from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system or relaxation response. It’s a fantastic ally you can carry with you and call upon wherever and whenever needed. Continue Reading

Skagit Valley College Continuing and Community Education is online for Fall

Posted September 25, 2020 at 5:40 am by

Skagit Valley College’s Continuing and Community Education program (CCE) is pleased to announce new online workshops for Fall Quarter. CCE allows you to engage, connect, learn, and grow from the comfort of your home in short-term, non-credit courses. Visit the CCE Fall 2020 Course Catalog for more information.

Courses are designed for people who would like to enjoy online non-credit workshops outside of the traditional classroom setting, while they build career skills, explore a new passion, stay current with technology, and have some fun! Programming includes Computer Training, Professional Development, Creativity and much more!

CCE is also partnering with Ed2Go to give your more course opportunities. Check out new areas to grow with today in our Ed2Go Course Catalog !

Kids College is back this Fall, too! In partnership with BlackRocket, we are offering courses for kids to engage and grow in computer-based content. Here’s what we’re serving up this Fall for Kids: https://blackrocket.com/online/skagit/.

It’s easy to enroll in CCE courses! Visit https://www.skagit.edu/cce .                          

Surplus Vehicle Auction

Posted September 25, 2020 at 5:29 am by

PUBLIC NOTICE: San Juan Island Fire and Rescue Surplus Vehicle Auction

San Juan Island Fire and Rescue is offering a surplus vehicle for sale by a sealed bid process:

2008 Chevy Trailblazer 4X4, Gasoline Engine, White SUV 164,000 +/- miles.

VIN: 1GNDT13S682221234 Minimum Bid on this vehicle is $4,200

Bids will be accepted starting September 21, 2020 – and Bids close October 10, 2020 at 5:00 P.M .

Photographs and the bid form are available on our website:

Surplus Vehicle Auction

For questions or to set up a time to see the vehicle please email: [email protected]

Sorry, for safety, no test drives.  You will be able to start the vehicle and are free to have your mechanic come to do an inspection during your scheduled time.  Sale will be as is, no warranty or guarantees.  Highest bidder will be notified on October 14, 2020 and given right of first refusal.

J57 is a boy!

Posted September 24, 2020 at 11:36 am by

Here’s some happy news from the Center for Whale Research…

Updating our recent announcement concerning J35’s new calf, J57: we can confirm that it is male (see top photograph). This feisty young boy was seen last evening, September 22, near Point Roberts, Washington. He was photographed rolling, spyhopping, and swimming alongside his mother, who was actively foraging for food.

J57 was estimated to have been born on September 4 and is the second viable calf of mother, J35, Tahlequah. J57’s brother, J47, was born in 2010. J35 also gave birth to a calf in 2018, which died; she carried her deceased calf for 17 days before letting it go.​

For the Southern Resident killer whale community’s population sustainability, it is preferred that new calves are female. But regardless of gender, J57 is a very welcome addition. He is robust and appears healthy.

More info and photos here

High School Musical Theatre Awards

Posted September 24, 2020 at 11:35 am by

After months of quarantined waiting, the Friday Harbor High School Thespians’ production of Little Shop of Horrors has heard back from their adjudication with the 5th Avenue Theatre for the High School Musical Theatre Awards. The awards show got cancelled this year due to the pandemic, also cancelling the actual nominations and awards ceremony. Nevertheless, the feedback from the 5th Avenue can truly be summarized as: “They loved us!”

“Fantastic show! I don’t think of Little Shop as a dance show, but you changed my mind by incorporating movement in such creative ways!”

“Very professionally run show!”

“A wonderful production! You took a show I’ve seen countless times and did fresh new things with it. This was one of those productions where I felt like across the board the cast, crew, designers, directors, etc. had all come together on a cohesive vision, and the final product was full of excitement and stakes that swept the audience along. What a great program you’re building here!” Continue Reading