OPALCO is Prepared for Wildfire Prevention – Are You?
Safety is the primary objective at the core of everything OPALCO does. OPALCO continues to use an aggressive Right-of-Way Program (tree and brush trimming along power lines) and the latest technologies to reduce flammable material and mitigate fire risk. The long-term investment is key to the safety of our island communities. As the dramatic effects of climate change become increasingly apparent, San Juan County will be particularly vulnerable to drought conditions and wildfire safety will be even more critical for our remote communities.
OPALCO’s transmission and distribution system allows OPALCO staff to operate and monitor the system in real-time and respond quickly to any power issues and get the power up and running when there is a fault in the line. For example, if a limb hits a power line the system is able to “repair itself” and reboot after the limb has fallen off the line.
During wildfire season, we turn this feature off which means the system is less likely to cause dry limbs to catch fire. There is also a sophisticated automated system monitoring our high voltage overhead lines that can detect flammable items in proximity to the transmission lines and shut off power when and if one does makes contact. Continue Reading