San Juan County Council Remote Public Comment

Posted April 4, 2020 at 5:39 am by

During this time of social distancing, the San Juan County Council Hearing Room will be closed.

If you wish to provide oral public comment at an upcoming County Council meeting, please fill out the form listed on the front page of the SJC website form to be added to the Speakers List.

Forms must be submitted by 7:00 AM the day of the Council Meeting. The clerk will contact you via email if you wish to speak via Skype.

If you have any questions please contact the clerk at 360-370-7472 or via email at [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe.

San Juan County Leaders URGE Residents to Restrict Off-Island Travel and Follow Strict Health Guidelines Upon Returning

Posted April 3, 2020 at 8:13 am by

As Washington State approaches the anticipated peak of COVID-19 medical surge cases, San Juan County urges everyone to take more aggressive precautions to protect their families and neighbors when coming to the islands from the mainland.

“As cases multiply throughout the state, including Skagit, Island, and Whatcom Counties, islanders traveling back to the islands from the mainland are risking becoming a source of disease spread,”

said San Juan County Health Officer, Dr. Frank James, MD.

Dr. James continues, “island residents have done a great job self-isolating and maintaining social distancing. All that hard work could be erased by a single trip to the mainland. It is proven that continuing social distancing and slowing the spread of this pandemic is directly saving lives.”

Rick Hughes, Chair of the San Juan County Council agrees, “The State and our county have issued emergency declarations limiting travel and other activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We have done this to protect our family, friends and our neighbors. Going off-island or coming to the islands from the mainland is a risk to our community health at this moment in the pandemic.” Continue Reading

Deb Langhans Offers A Special Invitation…

Posted April 3, 2020 at 5:49 am by

Deb has added a quick addendum to this announcement…

Hello again, Islanders! Due to current “Zoombombing” & possibly still unresolved privacy issues during Zoom meetings, I’ve decided to keep researching online options for the “ITM Circle” I proposed in the posting (below), I’m hoping those interested in the Circle will still contact me so I can update everyone once I determine which online service will be the safest for us. I’m also grateful for any suggestions about that!
My best, D.L.~

In 1946, celebrated Austrian psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and author Viktor Frankl wrote: “Everything can be taken from [us] but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose [our] attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose [our] own way.”

Over these months since the coronavirus first began ravaging our planet, and amidst the staggering predictions of probable deaths this month alone, numerous people are “choosing their attitude” and finding creative and compassionate ways of supporting and uplifting other suffering beings, sometimes even at their own peril.

I recently wrote to my Journeys To Healing clients that, while this current “shrinking of our universe,” (aka lockdown and social distancing order) forces a “closing down” on numerous levels, it also offers an “opening up” of time and space–an opportunity for venturing within and rediscovering our most precious values and priorities; for addressing all sorts of unfinished business around and within us. That’s actually a blessing for which we can choose to be grateful. Continue Reading


Posted April 3, 2020 at 5:47 am by

The OPALCO crew is still at work keeping the power on – while practicing safety precautions.

On March 20th, the Board approved waiving late fees and has added funding to our payment assistance programs to support our membership. Through May 20, no one will be disconnected for an unpaid balance, but members are still responsible for paying their bills, eventually.  For those in danger of unpaid bill balances building up, or businesses that have temporarily closed, please fill out a COVID-19 relief form and call us at 360-376-3500 to set up a payment plan. 

COVID-19 relief measures will be reassessed every 60 days; current measures may be increased or discontinued, new measures may be added – all depending on the need and funding availability. OPALCO is doing all it can to help, but funding is limited and the Co-op’s bottom line is also impacted by the disruptions of the pandemic. Staff are reaching out for all available disaster assistance from local, state and federal sources. Continue Reading

HOT TOPIC #11: April 1st An Interview with SJC Patient #4

Posted April 3, 2020 at 5:46 am by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders

We had the opportunity to talk with the fourth San Juan County resident who tested positive and is currently recovering at home from COVID-19.

The patient has worked as a firefighter/ EMT for 25 years and has called San Juan Island home for nearly 40 years (when not on duty as a Firefighter in Seattle).

Do you know what kind of contact with an infected person led to your illness?

I’m glad you asked because it’s an unusual part of my story. You would think I got it from a patient, as I’m a firefighter/EMT on a very busy truck company in Seattle and have a lot of contact as I provide care for the general public. The truth is, one of the firefighters that I work with got it from a family member and unknowingly brought it to work. I work twenty-four hour shifts and live in the firehouse when I’m working. We’re in close quarters for that time and although we were super diligent and wiped all surfaces and kept things clean, we’re inevitably in close proximity to each other. Continue Reading

Paycheck Protection Program opens April 3rd to businesses in San Juan County and elsewhere

Posted April 3, 2020 at 5:45 am by

This announcement has been updated

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) would like to convey to business owners that applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a vital component of the CARES Act signed into law last week, will be open for local small businesses on Friday, April 3rd.

The program gives small businesses, including independent contractors and self-employed individuals, vital short-term funding to continue to employ workers, and a portion of the loans can be forgiven and converted to grants if used according to program guidelines.  The loan application portal will be open starting Friday, April 3 (for small businesses and sole proprietors) and Friday, April 10 (for independent contractors and self-employed individuals). Continue Reading

Boo Boo is Offering Free Online Fitness Workout Classes

Posted April 2, 2020 at 11:50 am by

Tanja Williamson sums it up like this:

Hey there, I’m helping everyone’s favorite boxer keep islanders entertained AND healthy so they’ll be able to fit into their pre-pandemic clothes. If you haven’t already downloaded zoom, DO IT! The workouts are only 30 minutes and even if you don’t do every move, you’ll definitely work your abdominal muscles due to all the hilarity and laughter.

Get yourself hooked up with Zoom here, and watch BooBoo’s Facebook page for more information.

PeaceHealth Medical Group Clinic in Friday Harbor to offer their patients mobile COVID-19 testing

Posted April 2, 2020 at 11:38 am by

Mobile Testing Unit – Contributed photo

FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash., April 2, 2020–To minimize face-to-face contact and ensure the safety of our patients, caregivers, and community members, PeaceHealth Medical Group in Friday Harbor will offer mobile COVID-19 testing for PeaceHealth Medical Group patients beginning Friday, April 3, 2020. Testing will be offered as ordered by the patient’s provider in the northeast corner of the medical center parking area at 1117 Spring Street.

PeaceHealth Medical Group patients who may be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath) are asked to call the medical clinic at 360-378-2141 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to participate in a telephone screening with their health care provider. PeaceHealth clinicians will determine whether testing is appropriate and provide directions for patients to proceed to the mobile testing area. Continue Reading

SJICF Committed to Community Relief

Posted April 2, 2020 at 5:50 am by

At an emergency board meeting last week, the San Juan Island Community Foundation solidified its commitment to providing additional emergency funding and nonprofit support for the duration of COVID-19 response. Specifically, SJICF staff and board members will:

  • Provide grant funding to SJI nonprofits
  • Offer SJI nonprofit support, such as project planning and execution
  • Help nonprofits coordinate between themselves and with other agencies
  • Work in collaboration with local government agencies to serve as a public advocate
  • Help generate new ideas to resolve community needs as they arise

To size the impact of recent school and business closures, SJICF has polled local nonprofits to learn more about changes to their daily operations and demand for services. Many will be responding with new and expanded programs to help all of those severely affected by the virus and its consequences. Continue Reading

Take a Walk at the Sculpture Park!

Posted April 2, 2020 at 5:49 am by

We’re all getting cabin fever these days, and going outside to explore our beautiful island can bring a smile to your face, and perhaps help bolster your immune system at the same time.

Our sculpture park on Roche Harbor Road is a perfect place to take a walk. There are enough paths in the 20-acre site to enable you to maintain social distancing, and happily dogs are welcome at the park, and are allowed to do their sniffing and get their exercise off-leash.

All along the park’s meandering paths through fields and trees are well over 100 sculptures, many of them crafted by local islanders. And there are poems posted along the paths as well, enhancing the experience of exploring. Since the park first opened years ago, it has morphed from plain, grassy fields to a well-landscaped area that includes several ponds, lots of benches, several bridges over small streams, rocks and driftwood, a large sand box shaped like a star fish that calls out to children to come and create their own sculptures in the sand, and a new bathroom (that unfortunately is currently closed because of our health crisis). And best of all, the park’s numerous daffodils are now in full bloom!

So get yourself off that couch and take a break from watching Netflix, and enjoy a walk in one of the island’s most beautiful public spaces! Just be sure to respectfully keep your distance from other visitors.

Alchemy Art Center Creates Opportunities for Creativity at Home

Posted April 2, 2020 at 5:47 am by

Just because we can’t gather in person, doesn’t mean we can’t connect through art!

In lieu of the in-person classes and workshops that had been planned for the spring, Alchemy Art Center is now introducing a series of free/donation art opportunities via live Zoom classes, as well as a community mural project, to provide islanders with much-needed creative outlets they can do at home during this challenging time.

Thanks to the support of the San Juan Island Community Foundation, Alchemy is currently offering two live online ceramics classes per week, one for kids and families and one for adults, with more online classes in the works. There are also “Clay to Go” and “Bisqueware to Go” packages available for more independent workers. Continue Reading

Two New Confirmed Positive Test Results Reported in San Juan County

Posted April 2, 2020 at 5:45 am by

April 1, 2020: San Juan County Health and Community Services staff have been notified of a second positive COVID-19 test result on San Juan Island and a third on Orcas Island. This brings the total number of cases in San Juan County to six. The County data reporting page will be updated at the end of the day, once all of the test results and numbers from all local healthcare providers are available and updated.

The new positive test result on San Juan Island was reported for a staff member at PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center in Friday Harbor. The PeaceHealth Infection Prevention Team is actively working to identify, contact, and inform all who may have potentially been exposed. Continue Reading

San Juan County Council Allocates Funds for Emergency Rental Assistance

Posted April 2, 2020 at 5:41 am by

At their March 31, 2020 meeting the San Juan County Council directed staff to make available as soon as possible funds for rental assistance to assist those in our community struggling to make ends meet during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you or someone you know are experiencing difficulties with your rent or mortgage payments during this time of economic upheaval, please contact your local Family Resource Center to inquire about potential assistance.

In a unanimous vote, the Council moved to immediately award $20,000 to the Family Resource Centers on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Island as part of the County’s Emergency Rental Assistance program for a total award of $60,000. This is the highest amount ever awarded from this program. These funds will be used to prevent local households from losing stable housing. The County’s Emergency Rental Assistance program has been providing funds in the community to prevent homelessness since 2009. Continue Reading

A Message From San Juan Airlines

Posted April 1, 2020 at 5:58 am by

From San Juan Airlines – Hello fellow islanders, if you need supplies but don’t want to leave the islands we provide regular freight services to and from the islands and are now offering fresh grocery delivery. To find out more, visit or call us at (800) 874-4434.

If you’re concerned about safety but need to get somewhere or bring loved one’s home, we provide private charter flights to/from nearly airport in Washington—including Seattle—and several locations in Oregon & Idaho. A private charter means you won’t be exposed to others and you pick the travel times that work for you. Find out more at or call us at (800) 874-4434.

Stay safe everyone!

Island Senior: Coping With Coronavirus II, Staying Home, Staying Healthy

Posted April 1, 2020 at 5:50 am by

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Qigong at home with Stephanie Prima – Peggy Sue McRae photo

How is everybody doing? As an introvert who already works at home having to stay home has not changed my lifestyle very much. Yet, it is different. I am aware now that I touch my face way too much and the daily news can be downright scary.

We islanders generally know that we are lucky in the best of times. We live in a beautiful place and belong to a caring, creative, and talented community. In challenging times these assets come into sharper focus. If we are spending more time alone that we’d like to right now, if we’ve had to cancel cherished plans, we can take comfort in the beauty that surrounds us and put our faith in our friends and neighbors.

In the best of times we are reassured by our excellent health and safety personnel who when put to the test rise to the occasion with dedication, foresight, and creativity. Our grocery store employees and other essential workers deserve our deepest gratitude and respect for making sure that our most basic needs are met.

It may not seem like you are doing much by staying home but in fact staying home is the most critically important thing most of us can do right now. By slowing down the spread of the virus you are protecting your own health as well as the health of others including our healthcare professionals and hopefully we can prevent our medical facilities from being overwhelmed. Continue Reading

WSU Master Gardeners Provide Horticultural Resources

Posted April 1, 2020 at 5:35 am by

Master Gardener Volunteers – Contributed photo

San Juan County has over 70 WSU Master Gardener volunteers who are trained as horticulture educators. Due to COVID-19 and related Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, we will not be in the community this spring as usual, but are available to answer questions about food gardening, fruit tree care, landscape plants, pollinators and more.  To submit a question, please send your message to [email protected] or call (360) 378-4414 to leave a message. Your question will be forwarded to a local WSU Master Gardener who specializes in your topic of interest.  At this time, we will not be taking physical samples for diagnostics, but will do our best to provide clients with resources. We welcome photos, as they are helpful with diagnostics

Additionally, the WSU Master Gardener program will provide a newsletter with tips and information pertaining to local horticulture issues and topics, including food gardening in the San Juan Islands. To sign up for the newsletter, please email [email protected] or visit our website at  If you participate in Facebook, check out our page at where tips, resources and updates will also be posted.  

The annual WSU Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale scheduled for early May has been cancelled, at least in the way we’ve done the sale in the past. We hope to be able to provide vegetable starts to our community at a later date. We will provide an update in late April.  

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