San Juan County’s sole remaining wild salmon run may have been doomed to extinction until a last-minute agreement to increase water flow gave the fish a chance.
A small population of coho salmon spawn in lower Cascade Creek near the Orcas Island hamlet of Olga. In 2016, the San Juan County Land Bank purchased a corridor along the stream—now called Coho Preserve—to protect the habitat for its native salmon and coastal cutthroat trout. Several years of low stream flows, however, have prevented the salmon from reproducing successfully. With coho on a three-year life cycle, 2019 could be the last opportunity for this population to reproduce.
Cascade Creek originates at Mountain Lake in Moran State Park and flows to Buck Bay and has been called “one of the most natural stream systems to be found anywhere in Washington,” but multiple entities own water rights that affect the flow available to fish. Continue Reading