According to state law, every district that places a measure on the ballot is responsible for appointing committees to write voters’ guide arguments both for and against the proposition. If a district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor.
Two local measures will appear on the upcoming April 24 Special Election. Orcas Island voters will vote on a proposal to establish a public hospital district. San Juan Island School District has placed a four-year property tax levy on the ballot to support the District’s education programs and operating expenses. Sponsors of both measures have appointed committees to write arguments supporting their proposal. Neither have appointed opposing argument writers.
For that reason, County Auditor Milene Henley is seeking people interested in writing arguments against either measure.
If you are interested in writing an opposing argument, please contact the Auditor at [email protected], or (360) 370-7558. Up to three people (per measure) may be named as argument writers, though they may seek the assistance of as many people as needed. Statements are limited to 250 words.