Shoreline Master Program Update

Posted December 1, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Merri Ann Simonson - Contributed photo

Merri Ann Simonson – Contributed photo

Merri Ann Simonson shares this update on the SMP…

As you may be aware, the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) went into effect in March 2014.  The Shoreline Master Program (SMP) has been in the update process for the last few years and is currently out for public comment until December 8, 2015.  Then it will be sent on to the Department of Ecology for their comments and then back to our County for final revisions.

The Council is holding continued public hearings on December 2, 3 and 4th this week in Friday Harbor. They’ll take comments on Lopez December 1st and on Orcas on December 8th.

It is expected that the SMP may be in effect as early as spring of 2016.  Many of the proposed regulations as contained in the SMP were established in the CAO or at least precedence set.

It appears that the non-conforming regulation currently in effect under the WAC will be updated in the SMP.  The existing formula that regulates how much you can increase the size of an existing non-conforming home on the waterfront or near a wetland is not included in the proposed SMP.  In my opinion, the draft SMP language to address a non-conforming home remodel is more discretionary on the part of the Planners during their decision process. Continue Reading

OPALCO Rate Increase

Posted December 1, 2015 at 5:32 am by

OPALCO Board Approves 2016 Budget and Rates – Expect a 5% increase in your power bill

opalco-logoOPALCO’s Board of Directors has approved the 2016 budget with measures in place to keep our Co-op financially healthy, following two years of declining energy sales. Members’ bills will go up by an average of 5% beginning in January and a new Energy Assistance Program will provide a monthly discount to qualified households. The full budget report and presentation are available online.

At the November 19th budget work session, the Board reviewed the results of the 2015 member survey and heard the voice of the membership say: do your best to minimize rate increases, use voluntary donations not rate increases to fund rebate and renewable energy programs, and place a high priority on rate relief for qualified seniors and low-income households. The full survey report is available online.

The Board spent a day discussing budget measures and alternate billing and rate structures in detail before approving the budget at a regular board meeting on Friday, November 20th in Friday Harbor. Both meetings were attended by a handful of co-op members. To read the full story, go to In brief, the 2016 budget includes: Continue Reading

FHES Fundraising

Posted November 30, 2015 at 5:54 am by


Debbi Fincher shares this update on the FHES Fundraiser…

Hi FHES Friends and Families!

This is our big fundraiser this school year – instead of asking our kids to sell more stuff to our community, for things they probably don’t want or need, we are doing this social media fundraising campaign. #GivingTuesday actually starts Monday night at 9pm PST and runs thru Tuesday, Dec. 1st at 8:59pm PST. For any tax-deductible donation made on the site during this 24 hour period, they will waive their 4% platform fee and donate it back to our school! We pay a 2.9% credit card processing fee. We already have over $1700 in donations and our #GivingTuesday is just around the corner…

But we can’t do this alone!

As an example, if you used to buy about $100 worth of products from tradition fundraisers in the past, you could give about $53 to this campaign and we would get about the same amount of money! You spend less, we save you those calories from frozen cookie dough and your kids don’t have to go out and sell stuff, they can focus on homework, enjoy family time and engage in their after school activities. Continue Reading

Kevin Ranker at The Bean Today

Posted November 30, 2015 at 5:48 am by

ranker-kevinPlease join me on Monday, November 30th from 4-5pm at The Bean Café in Friday Harbor for an open office hour.

The Bean Café is located at 150B 1st Street in downtown Friday Harbor. I’ll be available to talk about whatever you’d like – from education, to the economy to transportation or just to say hello.

I look forward to seeing you. If you would like to receive email alerts, please sign up for my list server at

Pet of the Week

Posted November 30, 2015 at 5:42 am by

Cici is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Cici is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Look, sometimes a girl just likes to cuddle up in her jammies in the middle of the day, right?

I’m Cici and I’m a good little dog. That’s what I’m told, anyway. All my friends at the animal shelter say so. My friend, Lisa Holt from San Juan Island Dog Training says so too. She’s been working with me to help me overcome my issues of fear and insecurity and she tells me I’m a good little dog ALL THE TIME!

My first owner kept me crated all the time and didn’t bother to love me or show me the ropes. It takes me a little while to trust folks now, but once I do, we’ll be best friends forever. I just need someone willing to take a chance on loving me…

I promise to return the love every single day. If you like good little dogs, then I’m the girl for you! Any chance you can spring me before Christmas? I’d really love to be in a home for the holidays…

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Skagit Valley College Registration Now

Posted November 30, 2015 at 5:35 am by

Skagit Valley CollegeRegistration for Winter Quarter is going on now at Skagit Valley College. Classes begin Tuesday, January 5.

  • Registration for Returning Students and New Advised Students is going on now.
  • Open Enrollment starts Thursday, December 3.

For students who want to step into a new career or upgrade their job skills, SVC’s Professional/Technical programs are aligned with local and state economic development strategies. High demand areas include:

  • Culinary Arts
  • Criminal Justice
  • Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Fire Protection
  • Manufacturing Technology

SVC also offers Academic Transfer pathways for students who want to begin their college experience and earn a bachelor’s degree. By completing two years at SVC and then transferring to a four-year university, students can study close to home and save money, compared to tuition at a four-year college or university.

Prospective students can get an insider’s view of the college environment by taking a free campus tour. Get details on programs and degrees, financial aid, career options, and getting started. For more information, visit or contact:

  • Mount Vernon Campus, (360) 416-7697 or toll free: 1 844 2SKAGIT
  • Whidbey Island Campus, (360) 675-6656
  • South Whidbey Center, (360) 679-5330
  • San Juan Center, (360) 378-3220
  • Marine Technology Center, (360) 766-6282

Thanksgiving Thanks

Posted November 29, 2015 at 5:41 am by

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

We have received many “Kudos” and “Thank yous” for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner and they are very appreciated. A big event does need someone to organize it; BUT it also does not come together without the effort and hard work of countless volunteers. We had 117+ volunteers this year and over 500 diners.

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

For the past seventeen years, we have been blessed with the enthusiastic participation of repeat volunteers and first timers (who usually become repeat volunteers) as well as the support of the service clubs, and Friday Harbor businesses.

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

However the most rewarding aspect of the Community Thanksgiving Dinner is the good will and smiles of all the participants including the diners.

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Thank you San Juan Island!
Jim and Minnie Knych

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Two Performances Added

Posted November 28, 2015 at 10:04 am by

Daniel Mayes as John and David Foubert as Ian - John Sinclair photo

Daniel Mayes as John and David Foubert as Ian – John Sinclair photo

Helen of Island Stage Left shares some “Shining City” news…

We have added two performances since we have been full at almost all shows and receiving rave reviews (audience comments below) – so the rest of the run is, at the SJ County Fairgrounds:

Friday November 27th and Saturday the 28th at 7:30
Sunday November 29th at 4:00
Wed, Thurs, Fri ; Dec 2 – 4 at 7:30
Sat Dec 5 at 2:00 and 7:30
Sun Dec 6 at 4:00

Audience comments: Continue Reading

Annual Old-Fashioned Christmas Celebration

Posted November 27, 2015 at 5:40 am by


Start your holiday season off by attending a time-honored island event. The San Juan Historical Museum’s heritage buildings will be decorated in holiday finery and aglow with sparkling lights.

The Island Chordsmen Plus and others will take the lead in traditional caroling. Children of all ages will delight in the winter wonderland train set and Santa Claus will be our special guest, so have your smart phones ready for selfies with Santa.

Warm up with Ivar’s world famous clam chowder, chili from Ernie’s Café, hot apple cider, festive baked goodies galore and much more.


It’s a free event and donations are welcomed. All proceeds benefit the developing Museum of History and Industry.

San Juan Historical Museum
Thursday, December 3rd, 5 – 8 pm

Please contact the museum for further information at (360) 378-3949 or

Patty Brightman Steps Down

Posted November 27, 2015 at 5:24 am by

Heather Spaulding shares this note…

Patty Brightman - Contributed photo

Patty Brightman – Contributed photo

After 18 years of service to San Juan County’s Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS) Patty Brightman will be stepping down as Staff Manager.

She has been an integral part of the team from the organization’s humble beginnings in May of 1997, when she attended one of DVSAS’ first awareness trainings, facilitated by then Executive Director Pat Reveles, and Jan Osborn. The class amounted to forty hours over several weeks. She was officially hired toward the end of that training.

Her first task was to coordinate 25 volunteers. This included traveling to the other islands in order to facilitate trainings. She also worked on their newsletter and assisted with monthly meetings. As the organization grew, her title evolved from volunteer coordinator to community advocate. As an advocate she has assisted many survivors through their darkest hours. In September of 2013, Jan Osborn retired as Legal Advocate, and Patty stepped up to fill that void as well. “It was an honor working with Jan, I learned so much from her.” Patty said.

I first met Patty as a board member of DVSAS, and have worked with her many times since, as a fellow Soroptimist and volunteer for DVSAS. The two of us drove down to Portland one very stormy January weekend, to attend a human trafficking conference. The conference was so intense and emotionally draining we returned back to our hotel room each night with barely enough energy to move, yet trying to make ourselves laugh. It was life changing, and we both vowed to make a difference. I can honestly say it has been an honor working with her. She taught me the power of gentle strength.

I think I can speak for the DVSAS staff as well as clients she has stood beside, when I say thank you Patty, for all you have done for the survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault, and for all you have done for this community.

The Dawgs vs The Cougs

Posted November 26, 2015 at 6:00 am by

Donny Galt, the Cougar fan, and Mike Martin the Husky fan - Contributed photo

Donny Galt, the Cougar fan, and Mike Martin the Husky fan – Contributed photo

Mike Martin and Donny Galt share this story of friendly rivalry…

It’s that time of year! Time to get friends and family together and enjoy some football on TV, and a Thanksgiving Feast. And then, the day after, friends and families will be torn apart by the Apple Cup.

Donny Galt and Mike Martin are a perfect example: Good friends until that one day a year when they’re bitter enemies. The Dawgs vs The Cougs! The Washington Huskies lead the Washington State Cougars 96 – 32 with 6 ties. However, in this rivalry, records have mattered as much as friendships. Since 1900, this is the one game a year that has been dividing family and friends.

“I actually really like the Cougars,” said Mike. “I’ll root for them in every game except this one.”

As for Donny? He jokingly stated “I think that if Friday Harbor High School’s colors weren’t the same as the Huskies I would like to see a ban on all Purple and Gold from San Juan Island.”

As has become a tradition for Donny and Mike, if the Huskies win, Donny will fly the Washington Husky flag in front of Ace Hardware for a day. “My flag is from Husky Stadium and it has Don James’ autograph on it,” Mike said. “I think Donny’s flag is from the shelves of Ace!”

However, if the Cougars win, Mike has to stand on the corner of Ace Hardware and wave the Washington State Cougars flag for an hour on Sunday.

For those that want to watch the game, The Pac-12 announced: “The 2015 Apple Cup will kick off from Seattle at either 12:30 or 1 p.m. on Black Friday, November 27, and be featured on Fox or Fox Sports 1”

Maya’s Calendars

Posted November 25, 2015 at 11:16 am by

Whales and Clouds - Jim Maya photo

Whales and Clouds – Jim Maya photo

Jim Maya is printing up some calendars with his beautiful wildlife photos, (3 of which you see here) and they would make wonderful gifts for people on your list. Here’s Jim with more info…

It’s a 13 month, high quality, limited edition calendar. Each page is 8.5 x 11. When it’s opened up: 11×17.

The calendar is $20.00, plus tax, $1.66, and $6.10 for shipping. (Shipping is the same if you order one calendar or set of cards, or multiples.)

Pacific White Sided Dolphins - Jim Maya photo

Pacific White Sided Dolphins – Jim Maya photo

Also selling beautifully done folding cards with envelopes. They are 7 images for $30.00, plus tax of $2.40, and $6.10 shipping. They sell retail for $5.00-$8 a card. A pack of 7 is a great gift.

I can take a credit card and Paypal at jimmeadmaya [@] A check is ok also. Cash is also good. 210 Madrona Dr., Friday Harbor, WA 98250. My phone is 360-378-1992. I’ll need your shipping address. I’ll be shipping before Dec. 5. Happy to deliver free of charge on San Juan Island.

Since Carolee and I sold our whale watching business, (I’m still captaining for the new owners) we’re working more on my wildlife photos and our new company, Maya’s Images.

Whale Rocks - Jim Maya photo

Whale Rocks – Jim Maya photo

Intra-Squad Swim Meet

Posted November 25, 2015 at 11:15 am by

sji-fitness-logoSan Juan Island Fitness is happy to announce their first intra-squad swim meet will be held on Saturday, Novemeber 28 at Noon.

Come to the pool at 435 Argyle Avenue and cheer on our local swimmers as they compete against each other and race for personal best times.

Due to the meet, regularly scheduled family swim will be cancelled that day.

Government Contracts Workshop

Posted November 25, 2015 at 5:52 am by

EDC offers workshop on government contracts


Are you interested in doing business with the government?  Join the San Juan Economic Development Council (EDC) for a two-hour seminar on San Juan Island, which will provide information on the goods and services that state and federal agencies buy, and how they buy them.  The workshop will also cover San Juan County’s designation as a HUBZone by the Small Business Administration, which gives local businesses an edge over others competing for government contracts.

Tracy Hansen PTAC Assistant from the Thurston County Economic Development Council will give you the tools to begin the process of pursuing opportunities with federal and state government.  Workshop includes an overview of how the federal and state governments buy goods and services, governmental registrations, how to conduct market research to understand your government customer, how agencies advertise their procurements, small business programs and certifications, and much more.

Date:  Tuesday, December 8, from 11am – 1:00 pm.  Cost:  $15, includes light lunch and materials.  Advance registration required.  Sponsored by the San Juan County Economic Development Council and hosted by Key Bank, 95 Second Street, Friday Harbor.  Visit to reserve a space, or call 360-378-2906 for more information.

The EDC thanks Islanders Bank, Heritage Bank, Orcas Island Market, San Juan County government, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Ports of Friday Harbor, Lopez and Orcas for supporting our Business Education Series.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.   The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs.  We serve business:  linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.

How Are We Doing?

Posted November 25, 2015 at 5:42 am by

A quarterly review of County finances by County Auditor F. Milene Henley
Third quarter 2015


San Juan County Auditor Milene Henley – Contributed photo

A recent local political cartoon pictured a person, labeled “County Budget,” stuffing money into one pocket, labeled “Reserves,” while simultaneously shuffling money from that pocket to another pocket, labeled “spending,” and pulling money out of the “spending” pocket. The cartoon made me laugh, mostly because it suggested to me that somebody had actually read the very long 2016 Budget Message. It also challenged me to work on the clarity of my writing, because it missed the mark on one key detail.

The County tried, for 2016, to put together a “status quo” budget which simply maintained existing programs while living within available revenue.

We can’t do it. We can’t pay for the services we currently provide, at the level at which we currently provide them, within current revenue projections. Continue Reading

This Weekend at Griffin Bay Bookstore

Posted November 24, 2015 at 5:49 am by

Griffin Bay has a couple of events going on this weekend: First up is the Author event with Ann Hedreen, discussing her book “Her Beautiful Brain” on Saturday, and then local author Rod Kulbach and his book “Seventeen Stories…and More” on Sunday. Click below for the rest of the story…

her-beautiful-brain-book-coverHer Beautiful Brain – Griffin Bay Bookstore is proud to present Ann Hedreen and her wise and honest memoir—Her Beautiful Brain. Anyone who is caring for a loved one with dementia or has lost someone precious to the ravages of Alzheimer’s, plan on meeting and talking with the Seattle author and filmmaker on Saturday, November 28, 2:00—4:00 pm. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Her Beautiful Brain is Ann Hedreen’s story of what it was like to become a mom just as her beautiful, brainy mother began to lose her mind to an unforgiving disease. Arlene was a copper miner’s daughter who was divorced twice, widowed once, raised six kids singlehandedly, survived the turbulent ‘60s, and got her B.A. and M.A. at 40 so she could support her family as a Seattle schoolteacher, only to start showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease in her late fifties, taking Ann and her siblings on a long descent they never could have anticipated or imagined.

For two decades―as Ann married, had a daughter and a son, navigated career changes and marital crises, and built life making documentary films with her husband―she watched her once-invincible mom disappear. From Seattle to Haiti to the mine-gouged Finntown neighborhood in Butte, Montana where she was born and grew up; from Arlene’s favorite tennis club to a locked geropsychiatric ward, Her Beautiful Brain tells the heartbreaking story of a daughter’s love for a mother who is lost in the wilderness of an unpredictable and harrowing illness.

“A book that will be read and loved by anyone who, watching a parent slip away, has struggled to make sense of this loss.” –Ruth Ozeki


Ann Hedreen – Contributed image

About the Author
Ann Hedreen is a writer, filmmaker, Continue Reading