135 Member Join Online Annual Meeting, more than 50 Join Q&A
Jeff Struthers and Rick Chrismas of the Orcas district and Tom Osterman of Lopez district were elected to the OPALCO Board of Directors.
The results were announced at the organization’s annual meeting April 24 held via Zoom.
Orcas Power & Light Cooperative, or OPALCO, is the member-owned cooperative electric utility, serving more than 11,400 members on 20 islands in San Juan County.
In District 2 (Orcas et al), Struthers led with 871 votes, landing a three-year term.
Christmas was close with 664 votes to serve a two-year term.
The balance of the votes for District 2 were Rick Fant with 534 votes and Joseph Cohen with 490 votes.
In District 3 (Lopez, Decatur et al), Osterman won the position with 535 votes and will serve a three-year term.
The balance of the votes for District 3 were Eric Beckman with 485 votes and Peter Garlock with 325 votes.
A total of 1,425 ballots were cast, which equates to 12.6% of the membership. The majority of the membership voted online.
Doug Marshall encouraged OPALCO members to serve on the volunteer OPALCO Elections and Governance Committee. The committee is responsible for cultivating qualified candidates for each board election. There are currently open positions on the committee in every district.
Committee members work year-round on a casual basis to identify potential candidates, and meetings are concentrated from November through January during the election season.
Annual Meeting
About 135 people logged in to participate in the annual membership meeting on Zoom.
OPALCO is required by the Rural Utilities Services to hold an annual meeting each year. Members who missed the meeting can read the 2020 annual report and view the recording at www.opalco.com.
OPALCO Board President Vince Dauciunas and General Manager Foster Hildreth acknowledged the co-op staff and board members who provided the “safety, reliability” power during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dauciunas relayed the big picture concerns for how our energy landscape is changing. Continue Reading