Six Steps To Purchasing A San Juans Home

Posted January 10, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Merri Ann Simonson – Contributed photo

By Merri Ann Simonson, Managing Broker, Coldwell Banker San Juan Islands Inc

1. Select an Agent to Represent You

As you may be aware, all of the brokerage firms on San Juan Island are members of the Northwest Multiple Listing Service; therefore, any of the agents can assist you with any of the properties listed with Coldwell Banker San Juan Islands or other brokerage firms.

One of the first steps in purchasing real estate on San Juan is to select an agent to represent you. Ideally, you should select ONE agent that you feel will provide you with the level of customer service that you require.  

It is important for you to understand the Law of Real Estate Agency. The State law allows for three types of agency representation:

  • Buyer’s representation is when the agent is representing the buyer and intends to obtain property at the lowest possible sales price for the buyer.
  • Seller’s representation is when the agent has a listing with the seller and is attempting to obtain the highest possible sales price for the seller.
  • Dual agency is when the agent shows a buyer one of their own listings and the buyer decides to purchase it. In the case of dual agency, the agent represents the seller as well as the buyer and negotiates the best possible outcome for both.

2. Determine Your Source of Funds

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Grant Helps Fish For Teeth Maintain Services

Posted January 10, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Dental Appointments Available, Fish Tacos On Friday

From Fish For Teeth

Fish for Teeth is continuing its tooth-fixing mission by bringing the Medical Teams International Mobile Dental Van to Friday Harbor from Wednesday, Jan. 13-Saturday, Jan. 16.

There are still a few appointments available on Friday, Jan. 15 and Saturday, Jan. 16. Apply at or at the San Juan County Health Department, or San Juan Island Family Resource Center.

Fish for Teeth serves individuals who do not have dental insurance and cannot afford dental care.

There are no income restrictions, as Fish for Teeth seeks to fill the gap of those “in the middle” between qualifying for government-funded programs and being able to independently afford needed care for themselves or their families.

If you are in need of dental care and haven’t seen a dentist because you cannot afford it, then you should apply to Fish for Teeth.

Those on Medicare are also welcome to apply. Fish for Teeth realizes there are very few dentists on the islands who accept Medicare-funded patients. Islanders must go off-island (and miss a day of work) in order to find a dentist who will accept Medicare; most people cannot afford that option and wind up living with a toothache.

Fish Tacos

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Learn To Grow Veggies With Master Gardeners

Posted January 10, 2021 at 4:30 am by

By Caitlin Blethen, WSU Master Gardener Program Coordinator 

Join the San Juan County Washington State University Master Gardeners for two free community webinars exploring how to successfully grow your own food.

Dr. Carol Miles and Dr. Linda Gilkeson will spend two hours each on two separate Tuesdays, reviewing the basics of food gardening.

These events have been generously sponsored by the Orcas Island Garden Club and the Lopez Island Garden Club. Register early for each webinar as registration is limited.

Sustainable Vegetable Production

The first online event called “Sustainable Vegetable Production” is from 1-3 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 26. Register here for this free Zoom webinar.

Vegetable crop scientist, Dr. Carol Miles will explain how to plan, plant and get the most out of your food garden. She will discuss site location, how to decide what to grow, when and how to plant and year-round gardening. Continue Reading

Know Your Islanders Presents Whale-Poop Sniffing Dog 

Posted January 9, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Contributed Photo/San Juan Island Library.

From San Juan Island Library

At 7 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 13, meet a conservation canine during the San Juan Island Library’s virtual Know Your Islanders event.

Eba, the whale dog, is a poop-sniffing rescue dog in the University of Washington’s Center for Conservation Biology Whale Scat program.

Eba is helping Dr. Sam Wasser and Dr. Deborah Giles better understand how to save the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Giles will talk about how Eba finds whale poop, what analyzing the fecal matter tells us about the whales, and the steps we can all take to help recover this beloved population of whales. 

To register, email [email protected] .

Holiday Ferries Ridership 43% Lower Than In 2019

Posted January 9, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From Washington State Ferries

Washington State Ferries had roughly 267,000 riders from Tuesday, Dec. 22, through Monday, Dec. 28.

That’s 43% lower than the number of people we carried during the same time frame last year, though vehicle ridership was down only 9%.

Thank you for following statewide restrictions to limit travel over the holiday season.

Wednesday, Dec. 23, was our busiest day with 44,500 riders, which is much less than our pandemic daily high of more than 64,000 on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, Sept. 5.

Shout out to our employees who worked over the holidays to maintain our vital transportation service and keep customers safe.

As a reminder, some routes are still operating on modified schedules dependent on our COVID Response Service Plan

Makerspace Event Looks At How To Create Sustainable Products

Posted January 9, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From San Juan County Economic Development Council

Islanders interested in makerspaces and sustainability are invited to join the Economic Development Council of San Juan County to hear about “closing the loop” on Thursday, Jan. 14 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. 

Nikyta Palmisani, the training, education and outreach coordinator for Lopez Solid Waste, will discuss possibilities and challenges in using waste materials in new, locally-made products.

This meeting continues the EDC’s series of events to support entrepreneurship, education and innovation by encouraging the development of a county-wide makerspace system.

At these virtual gatherings, islanders can hear from people who are making this happen and get to know others in our community who are working on these issues.

Registration is required but, due to privacy concerns, registration is limited to adults over 18. For more information and to register, visit

Nine New COVID Cases In San Juans

Posted January 8, 2021 at 7:49 pm by

Contributed Image/CDC

From San Juan County

Since the last update on Thursday, Dec. 31, total cases in San Juan County have increased from 79 to 88.

Eight of the new cases are on San Juan Island, and one is on Orcas Island.

Approximately 28 individuals who are close contacts of positive cases are currently in active quarantine.

Orcas Island

The new case on Orcas Island is due to off-island travel. This is the only positive case being actively monitored on Orcas Island at this time.

Lopez Island

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State Says All Regions To Remain In Phase 1

Posted January 8, 2021 at 7:12 pm by

From the Washington State Department of Health

On Jan. 8, the Washington State Department of Health announced that based on Governor Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery plan released earlier this week, that all eight regions in Washington will remain in Phase 1 until at least Monday, Jan. 18.

As outlined in the Governor’s COVID-19 phased recovery plan, regions must meet each of the following four metrics in order to move into Phase 2:

  • Decreasing trend of 10% or more in two-week rate of COVID-19 cases per 100k population;
  • Decreasing trend of 10% or more in two-week rate of new COVID-19 hospitalizations;
  • Less than 90% Intensive Care Unit (ICU) occupancy; and,
  • COVID-19 test positivity of less than 10%.

“When we look at the data from each one of the eight regions, we are seeing some positive trends. This is encouraging, and we are hopeful these trends will continue, and we will see regions begin to move into Phase 2 very soon,” said Deputy Secretary for COVID-19 Response Lacy Fehrenbach.

“We know that all people in Washington want to move forward as quickly as possible with respect to COVID-19. However, these metrics show that we are just not ready to do so now,” said Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH, Washington’s Secretary of Health. “We have made progress but need to continue to work together to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 across our state.”

DOH will reassess all the metrics each week and announce any changes to the current phase status every Friday. For more detailed information on where each of the eight regions falls with regards to the four metrics please visit the DOH website.

Pick Up Free Meals For Every Island Child

Posted January 8, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Contributed Photo/San Juan Island School District. Turkey pesto.

By José Domenech, San Juan Island School District Finance Director, and Liz Varvaro, San Juan Island School District Food Service Director

San Juan Island School District is able to provide a daily meal pack with breakfast and lunch to any child in our community between the ages of 1 and 18 years of age for free until June 18.

These delicious high-quality meals are from the school district’s exceptional, hard-working, and talented Food For Thought team.

Contributed Photo/San Juan Island School District. Chicken Caesar.

There are two options for lunch and each option also comes with breakfast. They will be bundled and picked up at the same time.

Weekly orders are placed online on the school district’s Food Service webpage at and must be turned in by 10 p.m., Sunday.

The order form can be accessed by clicking on the “Weekly Meal Order Form” link.

If you can’t order online, call 360-370-7908.

If you miss the Sunday 10 p.m. deadline and place an order mid-week, you may default to your second option due to limited supply.

Parents or designees can pick up meals on behalf of other children but must be prepared to verify the child’s name and age.

Meals are available for every day that school is in session (including half days).

Meals can be picked up between 7-8 a.m. at the high school parking lot at the STEM Building.

Additional pickup sites and times are:

  • The Oaks from 7:15-7:25 a.m.
  • The corner of West Valley Road and Roche Harbor Road from 7:45-7:55 a.m.
  • The Trailer Court from 8:05-8:15 a.m.

All CDC, local and state guidelines are followed with fidelity. All menu items provided can be safely consumed within two hours, or they must be refrigerated. Food is cooked and can be eaten cold, or reheating instructions can be followed for increased enjoyment.

Email [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions about the program, or call José at 360-370-7908.

APS Mobilizes To Find Frightened Rescue Dog

Posted January 8, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/APS-FH. Queenie.

Queenie Has Been Loose On San Juan Since Dec. 20.

From Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor

The Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor is currently heading a rescue mission to capture a dog that has been running loose on San Juan Island for the last three weeks.

Queenie is a rescue dog that was transferred to APS-FH recently from a rescue group in Texas. 

She is about 4 years old, weighs 30lbs, and looks like a miniature Golden Retriever/Shepherd.

Queenie was not socialized with humans prior to her rescue in Texas, but after moving into foster care she made progress quickly and was starting to build trust.

On Dec. 20, just a week after her adoption, Queenie was spooked and bolted away from her owners at South Beach, in the American Camp National Park and has been on the loose ever since. 

Multiple volunteers sprang to action to try to quickly get her back, but she remained in flight mode and would not let anyone come near her.

APS-FH has now taken the lead of the operation and is officially responsible for Queenie’s safe return. Continue Reading

San Juan County Vaccine Q&A

Posted January 8, 2021 at 4:30 am by

Contributed Image/CDC

Who Is Eligible Now, Who Is Next In Line and Where Can You Get Vaccinated?

From San Juan County

This week, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee released details on a new two-phase plan for the limited reopening of some businesses and a return of some activities. The details are found here

All counties begin in Phase 1, which is very similar to the restrictions currently in place in San Juan County (here are full details).

To move to Phase 2, a number of metrics must be met on a regional basis. For San Juan County, our region includes Whatcom, Skagit and Island Counties. Once in Phase 2, the same metrics must be maintained to avoid rolling back to Phase 1.

Some highlights of Phase 2 include indoor dining at 25%, indoor fitness facilities at 25%, and a further loosening on restrictions on sports. 

The metrics will be calculated weekly and will be displayed on the Washington State Department of Health Risk Assessment Dashboard. As of Jan. 7, this dashboard is not yet displaying the regional metrics.  

At this time there are no details or plans available for any reopening beyond Phase 2. 

Q: Who is eligible for the vaccine now, and who is currently providing vaccinations in San Juan County?

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BooBoo Hosts Island Rec Online Fitness Class

Posted January 7, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From Island Rec

Here is a new Zoom fitness class to kick off the New Year!

Join BooBoo James for the class “Fantastic Full Body Fusion” from 5:30-6:15 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, from Jan. 12-Feb. 11. 

This is a total body workout, no equipment necessary, except for sometimes a broom.

This class is for ages 14 and up, and great for all fitness levels and abilities. BooBoo will always have modifications at the ready.

The class costs $55 for five weeks or drop-in for $6 per class. Visit for more information.

Join Mullis Center Book Club Online

Posted January 7, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/Peggy Sue McRae. The Mullis Center.

From San Juan Island Library

Join the Mullis Center Book Club at 1:15 p.m., Monday, Jan. 11, online.

This month, the club is reading “Haunting Paris” by Mamta Chaudhry.

Print, large print, audio CD, and downloadable ebook and e-audiobook copies are available through the San Juan Island Library.

Email [email protected], for the Zoom meeting invitation at least 30 minutes before the program begins.

Apply For Lottery To Build Detached Guest Houses

Posted January 7, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From San Juan County

Community Development is now accepting Accessory Dwelling Unit eligibility applications.

Applications are due Feb. 8. The drawing will be held on March 1.

ADUs, commonly called guest houses, are defined in the San Juan County Code as:   

“Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) means a living area that is accessory to the principal residence, located on the same lot, and that provides for sleeping quarters, kitchen, and sanitation facilities. An ADU may be internal, attached or detached.” 
Within land use districts located inside of the boundaries of activity centers and urban growth areas, there is no restriction on the number of permits for detached accessory dwelling units.

Outside of the boundaries of activity centers and urban growth areas, there are five permits for the construction of new ADUs and one permit for the conversion of existing accessory structures (legally in existence for five years) available for 2021.

San Juan County Department of Community Development is accepting applications for detached ADU permits proposed outside of urban growth areas and activity centers until 4:30 pm Feb. 8, 2021.

Learn more at

History Column: ‘We Can’t Build Up Our Beautiful City By Scrapping All The Time.’

Posted January 6, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From the San Juan Historical Society and Museum

“We can’t build up our beautiful city by scrapping all the time.”

These words were written by Launor Benjamin Carter in 1909, as seen in the ad above and published in the Friday Harbor Journal the last week in December that year.

The entire ad is worth reading.

It reminds us that 2020 was not the first time some citizens of Friday Harbor have “scrapped” with each other and had some “misunderstandings.”

This ad prompted curiosity about why L. B. Carter had it published when he did. What was going on in 1909? These are things volunteers at the San Juan Historical Society and Museum think about. Continue Reading

Center For Whale Research’s First Orca Sighting Of 2021

Posted January 6, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/Center For Whale Research. Photo taken under Federal Permits NMFS PERMIT: 21238/ DFO SARA 388

From Center for Whale Research

On Jan. 3, Dave got a good enough shot of the mom to convince him that he had the T167s.

T167A had sprouted since the last pictures Dave had looked at of him. The T167s have shown up a few times in the last several years (Mark just saw them on Dec. 31, 2020) although they are not a common group in our area and Dave hadn’t had a chance to see them yet.

Dave had seen T167 herself several times back in the late 1990s up in Southeast Alaska when she still used to travel with T165 and T166.

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