In the SJ Update mailbag this morning we find this letter from Amanda Azous…
Dear Editor,
Since April 2019 I have volunteered to open and close driving access to Mt Grant every Wednesday. My duties include opening the locked gates, traveling along Geraldine Way and driving to the top of Mt Grant. I inspect the infrastructure including the Port a Potty located at the top of Mt Grant, the picnic tables and the condition of the roads and trailheads. I make sure no one is locked in when the gate closes in the evening and I look for litter, broken fencing, dog feces, poop bags, noxious weeds and anything else that might be of concern to steward Mt Grant.
I rarely find litter of any kind. I have never seen anyone trespassing on neighbor’s property, nor have I seen abandoned vehicles, illegal camping, or any of the many transgressions that have been promulgated by the family now suing the County to remove the existing public access to Mt Grant. The only rule I’ve observed broken at Mt Grant is owners not leashing their dogs and that is, unfortunately, common throughout the county. Continue Reading