Artist-in-Residence Exhibition

Posted July 25, 2019 at 5:46 am by

National Park Service and San Juan Islands Museum of Art Present Special Artist-in-Residence Exhibition

The National Park Service and the San Juan Islands Museum of Art are presenting a special exhibition of the park’s Artist-in-Residence, Linda Hyatt Cancel. The exhibition features 18 original pieces of work of American Camp and English Camp in commemorating the 160th anniversary of the “Pig War” boundary dispute between the United States and Britain in the summer of 1859.

Artist, Linda Hyatt Cancel, says, “The first painting I started and finished was “Do They Miss Me at Home” because I was not only enchanted by the peace and beauty of twilight at American Camp, but also empathetic to the psychological toll it must have taken on the soldiers stationed there. We as island residents and park visitors enjoy these breathtaking views and historical significance of this magnificent place, and I am incredibly excited to share this body of work with the public.”

Peter Lane, Director of Operations at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art, welcomed San Juan Island National Historical Park and the opportunity to host this exhibit. For the first time, the museum began using the workshop and community space on the second floor to show additional pieces.

The exhibition is open at the museum now and runs through November 4th, 2019. Museum hours are Thursday-Monday from 11-5. Admission is $10 for adults, and those under 18 are free.

Work Party for Home Trust

Posted July 25, 2019 at 5:45 am by

On July 18th, thirteen regional and district managers of Wells Fargo Bank from around the state of Washington, descended on San Juan Island for a day of volunteering at the San Juan Community Home Trust’s Sun Rise II neighborhood.

All wearing red Wells Fargo T Shirts, the group came ready to help wherever needed. The rainy weather in the days prior to their arrival meant that the plans to do exterior painting had to be revised. Instead, they scraped old exterior paint, taped off areas to be painted, primed stair risers, and taped down protective plastic.

They also painted a door and trim which had not been affected by the rain. In addition, a smaller group worked under the house of a current homeowner to improve insulation and air sealing.

It was a very busy 5 hours for these 13 good-humored and energetic volunteers, and the SJC Home Trust is grateful to them and to Wells Fargo for making this kind of effort possible—supporting organizations working to solve the widespread affordable housing problem.

Home Trust Executive Director David Gow, the staff, and the Board wish to thank Wells Fargo for their work AND for the $15,000 donation made towards their work!

Soroptimist Helps Launch Friday Harbor Aerospace Design Team

Posted July 24, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Soroptimist of Friday Harbor President Diana Sibert handing check to Emma Mughal, Lucy Urbach, Joely Loucks, teacher Daniel Garner, his daughter Flora, Darcy Ayers, Traci Wilson (Soroptimist) Brandon Payne and Mary Campanella (Soroptimist). Not shown are team members Arlo Harold, Evan Foley, Emmett Carrier, Sander VanHamersfeld, Jaden Jones, Julian Brown and Hank Erickson – Contributed photo

Excitement was high as Soroptimist officers presented a check for $1,000 to members of the Friday Harbor Aerospace Design Team to support their participation at NASA in the World Championship of the International Space Settlement Design Competition. A team of 12 Students, instructor Dan Garner and 3 chaperones leave this Wednesday to the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The Friday Harbor High School Team, whose name is Island Orbital Technologies, was awarded an invitation to compete in the World Finals by producing one of North America’s top four design proposals.

In the two-day competition, students re-create the experience of working on an aerospace company’s proposal team. Teams are asked to envision space colonies in accordance to an RFP (Request for Proposal) and then present their proposal to a professional panel.

Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor supports the education of women and girls locally and internationally. The $1,000 contribution from Soroptimists was combined with donations from other organizations to ensure that all team members could attend.

No Rabbits at Fair This Year

Posted July 24, 2019 at 5:48 am by

To all Open Division Rabbit Fair Participants:

We are sad to hear the news that there has been a confirmed case of the Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDV2) on Orcas Island. Due to the fatal and extremely contagious nature of the disease, we have been advised by the Washington State Veterinarian (WSDA), Amber Itle, that we should not hold a rabbit show at the San Juan County Fair this year.

The WSDA press release can be found at this link.

For more information about RHDV2, and ways you can protect your animals, please visit this link.

It is important to note that RHD poses no risk to human health or other animals. 

Note: The Open Division Cavy show will still be held.

If you have any questions, please call or email:

Jennifer Rigg, Open Rabbit/Cavy superintendent
360-378-7480 cell/text
[email protected]

Lecture on Evidence-Based Conservation

Posted July 24, 2019 at 5:45 am by

Dr. Anna Metaxas – Contributed photo

Friday Harbor Labs is excited to welcome, Dr. Anna Metaxas, our 2019 Illg Lecturer on August 7 at the Community Theater at 7 PM.

Dr. Metaxas is from Dalhousie University and her topic will be “Evidence-based conservation: designing well-connected Marine Protected Areas.”

Please join us for this amazing free public lecture followed by refreshments.

Nash Street Project has Begun

Posted July 23, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Lorie Narum controls the traffic with a smile at the Nash Street Contruction Project – SJ Update photo

The Nash Street Realignment has begun. The bump out feature is gone and changes are being made. While construction is going on access from Argyle Avenue to Nash Street and Market Street will be limited. If you need to get to the Senior Center or to Marketplace, avoid congestion come in via Mullis Street instead.

Caines Street will lose its S-curve and will instead become a “T” intersection at Nash Street with a stop sign. Here’s a construction drawing (PDF) of the project. 

Ferry Sing

Posted July 23, 2019 at 5:48 am by

Ferry ghosting out of the fog between Shaw and Orcas – Contributed photo

The Island Chordsmen Plus (mixed gender) barbershop chorus from San Juan Island is presenting two free FERRY SING gatherings this summer, with the first on the 1st of August just around the corner.

That’s a Thursday afternoon/evening and will feature both the chorus and the all woman ensemble “Sound Vibrations” that you’ve heard on the Whittier stage in both the Barbershop Bonanza and San Juan Singer’s shows. The A Cappella songs by both groups will evoke your memories from a year ago to more than sixty years ago!

This free concert takes place on the inter-island ferry leaving at 5:30pm where you will walk on the boat, so plan time to find a parking place uptown or have a friend drop you off at the ferry landing. The ferry returns at 8:20 for you clock-watchers. Continue Reading

Fair Entertainment Line Up Announced

Posted July 23, 2019 at 5:46 am by

This year at the Fair, August 14-17, 2019 at the San Juan Country Fairgrounds

Headline Entertainment:

The SJ County Fair is excited to announce the entertainment for 2019. This year includes rock classics at their best with Spike and The Impalers, a return performance by the winner of MoPop/KEXP Sound Off Competition, Micaiah Sawyer performing with Robin Alice- featuring Kelley Jackle from the “Pitch Perfect” movie series and Jeff Hortilosa of Whiskey Shivers.  Friday night main stage offers an evening of the best local bands- Duke and Mojo Nation, The Chameleons, Desolation Sound and The Tide Rippers. Trashion Fashion returns on Saturday and then dance the night away to the best Big Band in the region- The Pony Boy All Stars- Featuring Vocalist- Bernie Jacobs.

Family and Variety:

There will be an ongoing variety of family friendly entertainment all week with Wren and Della, Steve Hamilton’s Magic and Mayhem, Buckets the drummer and off course “Elvis”= SJ Island Style.

Also returning fair favorites, Trashion Fashion, Fair Feud, regional entertainment including Brograss with special guests from Crow Valley and more.


The performers will also be providing a Circus Camp, workshops for kids in performance, songwriting and musicianship.

There is something for everyone, all ages and all genres.

For More Information contact [email protected]

Thank You Party for Deepwater Divers

Posted July 22, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Army Deep Divers checking out some of the derelict fishing gear they retrieved – Tyler LeRoy photo

Thank You Party for US Army Deepwater Derelict Net Removal Project

Thursday July 25, 4:00-5:30 p.m., San Juan Island Brewing Co. (410 A St.)

Project helps keep our waters safe for wildlife and boaters

Join Friends of the San Juans in thanking 20 soldiers from the US Army’s 569th Engineering Dive Detachment who have been removing derelict fishing nets off of the west side of San Juan Island since July 7, 2019.

Thousands of marine animals — from mammals to invertebrates — die each year after becoming entangled in lost fishing gear.

“There were 236 derelict nets reported in over 100 feet of saltwater mostly off the west side of San Juan Island before these soldiers came to the island. Because of the Army Deepwater Derelict Net Removal Project, this number has been significantly reduced. We want to thank these soldiers for providing their expertise to help keep our waters safe for wildlife and boaters,” stated Stephanie Buffum, Friends of the San Juans Executive Director.

Friends of the San Juans will be presenting the “Fin Award” to members of the US Army 569th Engineering Dive Detachment to honor those working to protect the Southern Resident orca whales and our marine waters. The festivities will begin July 25, at 4:30 pm at San Juan Island Brewing Co. in Friday Harbor, Washington. All are welcome to share your appreciation.

This is a project between the US Army’s Deep Divers, the Washington Department of Natural Resources, and Natural Resources Consultants.

Summer Film Series

Posted July 22, 2019 at 5:49 am by

Tuesday July 23rd at 7:30 pm at San Juan Community Theatre, the Summer Film Series continues…

Angels Are Made of Light
Dari, Pusto, Arabic, and English (subtitled)
Documentary Not Rated 117 minutes

This film by Friday Harbor’s own James Longley arrives 12 years after his Oscar nominated “Iraq in Fragments”.  Filmed throughout three years (2011-2014), Angels Are Made of Light follows students and teachers at a school in an old neighborhood of Kabul that is slowly rebuilding from past conflicts. Interweaving the modern history of Afghanistan with present-day portraits, the film offers an intimate and nuanced vision of a society living in the shadow of war.

Through its spoken words, its sorrowful and understated score and its quietly devastating snapshots of people just trying to get by, all amid a pervasive sense of violence, “Angels Are Made of Light” serves as a lament for a prosperous past that can’t be reclaimed, a volatile present that affords few prospects for joy or success, and a future that’s terrifyingly uncertain. No matter its title, there are no heaven-sent saviors to be found here — only despondent children struggling, with the aid of a few noble adults, to take flight.

Thanks are due to Lee Sturdivant for suggesting this film and to James Longley for making this showing possible even before its national debut.

Please remember that no admission will be charged again this year but we do ask that you consider making a donation to the Theatre in appreciation for sponsoring these films.  Also note that $2 bottomless popcorn will be available, this year with a variety of exciting new toppings.

Friends of the Library Book Sale

Posted July 21, 2019 at 5:51 am by

Photo courtesy of Ginny on Flickr

The Friends of the Library will hold their annual book sale on Saturday August 3rd from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. This is the 40th anniversary book sale for the Friends. Proceeds from the sale provide the library with financial support for a variety of programs and purchases, including programs for children, Baby Bags, online resources and so much more.

There will be thousands of books for sale, gifts to purchase from the Treasure Cove, a silent auction, games and prizes for children, and live music.

The Friends of the Library book sale will be held at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street, Friday Harbor.

The Friends of the Library is a volunteer nonprofit charitable organization.

Don’t Let it Loose

Posted July 20, 2019 at 7:33 am by

Public Invited to Submit Art to Highlight the Dangers of Releasing Pets and Plants into the Wild

OLYMPIA–Calling all artists! The Washington Invasive Species Council invites artists of all ages to participate in an art contest as part of its “Don’t Let it Loose” campaign.

The campaign teaches people about the dangers of releasing unwanted pets and plants into the wild and highlights other ways to rehome them.

“Most people release their unwanted pets into the wild thinking it’s the humane thing to do, but, sadly, most of those pets end up dying in the wild because they aren’t adapted to this climate,” said Justin Bush, executive coordinator of the Washington Invasive Species Council. “Those pets and plants that do survive can go on to become invasive species.”

Photo by Sandy Karreman

Invasive species are non-native plants and animals that cause economic or environmental harm and which could spread to new areas of the state. Invading species are able to out-compete and overwhelm local species, disrupting entire ecological systems.

“Prevention is the most effective and cheapest tool we have when it comes to managing invasive species, which is estimated to cost Americans more than $137 billion every year,” said Kaleen Cottingham, director of the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, which supports the Invasive Species Council. “By helping to spread the message of “Don’t Let it Loose,” artists will be joining the council in educating people that a seemingly small action can have a big impact on our environment and economy.”

The contest runs now through August 9th. Art should depict pets that pet owners might release into Washington’s waters, parks, and wildlands. Entries should covey that releasing invasive species can harm the state’s native plants and animals and include explanations or illustrations showing other options to rehome unwanted pets or animals.

The council is accepting a wide range of entries, including drawing, photography, dance, music and more. Winners will receive an award, ranging from stickers to gift cards, and have their entries displayed on the Washington Invasive Species Council Web site.

For full contest rules and inspiration, visit: the council’s Web site.

The council is asking the public to take the following actions to avoid releasing pets or plants into the wild:

  • Research the lifecycles and specific needs of exotic pets before purchasing or adopting one.
  • Contact the local science center, zoo or aquarium to see if they can use the animal for educational purposes.
  • Dry and freeze unwanted aquatic plants and dispose in the trash. Do not compost the material.

21st Annual Encampment

Posted July 19, 2019 at 6:54 am by

Encampment at English Camp – Anita Barreca Photo

San Juan Island National Historical Park Presents 21st Annual Encampment

Members of the island’s re-enactment group, Battery D, go through gun drill at English Camp. But it was only ever a drill during the Pig War, the war that never was – the only shot fired was the one that killed the pig.

Re-enactors from throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada will once again celebrate peace as they gather for the 21st annual Encampment scheduled for July 26-28 on the English Camp parade ground.

Encampment features recreations of mid-19th century soldier camp life, demonstrations of black powder firing, children’s croquette, music, blacksmithing, spinning and weaving, along with the pageantry of period clothing.

Saturday’s schedule will culminate in the Candlelight Ball, schedule at 8pm in the English Camp barracks. The public is invited to join in the dancing and refreshments that will include the traditional cake and punch.

As with every year, Encampment 2019 commemorates the peaceful join occupation of San Juan Island by British and American forces from 1859 to 1872, and final settlement of the Northwest Boundary dispute. Throughout the joint occupation the garrisons exchanged visits to celebrate holidays that include Christmas, the Fourth of July, and Queen Victoria’s birthday. Typically the men would participate in athletic contests, imbibe in spirits and other refreshments and usually host a dance to which the community was invited.

Merchant of Venice

Posted July 18, 2019 at 7:33 am by

Reviews from the first week

“Superb!” ~ 3 audience members on leaving

BRAVO! A superb and deeply thought-provoking production. Not to be missed! ~ Shapiro

It was so well played and so intriguing that I want to see it again! Daniel Mayes is fantastic! Best performance ever! We have been talking about it and processing it since Sunday. This is no ordinary play! ~ Roemers-Kleven

I~ Finholm

GREAT show on Friday night. My brother and his wife were so impressed — as were Stan and I! Thanks for the garden picnic space. ~ Mathews

I love what they bring to the island. So lucky! ~ Anderson

This is a RAVE for Helen Machin-Smith and the cast of Island Stage Left’s production of Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” The opening night performance was in keeping with Stage Left’s deserved reputation of wonderfully acted, tightly directed and cleverly set plays. It’s a complex play and a very human one. Shakespeare’s story isn’t innately anything; he wrote a story equally ambiguous and sympathetic, leaving room for many interpretations. It’s funny when it should be and utterly devastating when it needs to be. Machin-Smith’s sensitive direction emphasizes the emotional impact of the story of revenge, betrayal and religious intolerance. Helen’s directorial decisions leave the audience with much to think and perhaps argue about – go see it, think about it, discuss it. I found it thought provoking, disquieting and much more than mere entertainment. Well done, Stage Left!

I love a play that leaves me thinking. ~ Mazzarella

Put this on your calendar for thought-provoking theatre! ~ Haskew Continue Reading

3rd Annual Lakedale Music Festival

Posted July 18, 2019 at 7:21 am by

Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes is pleased to present their third annual jazz festival featuring jazz guitarist Brian Nova. Attendees will enjoy performances in the Meadow and on Lakedale’s lodge deck overlooking beautiful Neva Lake. Festival proceeds will benefit the San Juan Islands School Music Programs and Terry’s Kids.

The festival is open to all ages. It is produced by Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes, and food will be provided by Tina’s Tacos.

The performance lineup includes; Brian Nova Trio, Greta Matassa, Fred Radke, Stephanie Porter, Max Holmberg, Terry Miller, Primo Kim and Oliver Strasser with many more artists to be announced.

  • Who:  Renowned jazz virtuoso, Brian Nova and his Trio.
  • What: The third annual Lakedale Music Festival features multiple artists staring Brian Nova and his Trio throughout a two and a half day lineup. The concerts are held at multiple locations within the resort.
  • When:  August 30, 2019 – Evening Jam Session TBD
    August 31, 2019 1:00 – 8:00 p.m.      
    September 1, 2019 Noon – 4:00 p.m.
  • Where: Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes
    4313 Roche Harbor Road
    Friday Harbor, WA 98250

The event will take place on Lakedale’s scenic property, which features a variety of accommodations, including the Lodge, log cabins, Canvas Cabins, Canvas Cottages, campsites and a vintage Airstream trailer. Glampers can enjoy Lakedale’s newest amenity: Yurts with 425 square feet of modern luxury.

Continue Reading

László Pal Emerging Filmmaker Award Entries Open

Posted July 17, 2019 at 5:50 am by

Filmmaker László Pal – Contributed photo

Dateline: Friday Harbor, WA

Friday Harbor Film Festival is seeking entries into the 2019 competition for the László Pal Emerging Filmmaker Award. Recognizing young talent in filmmaking, it will be presented to the creator of the best student short film during the Festival to be held October 25-27. All student films will be screened by a panel of film industry judges to determine the winner.

Student filmmakers 13 – 26 years of age can submit their entries through Film Freeway at Either sign in for a new account or login, if you have an existing account.  Type in “Friday Harbor Film Festival” and click the “Submit Now” button.

In addition, all entries will be screened several times as part of the Festival. They will be considered for Audience Choice Awards, chosen by votes of attendees, in two categories: Best Student Short Film 13-17 years of age and Best Student Short Film 18-26 years of age.

Friday Harbor Film Festival is delighted to honor filmmaker László Pal, who lived on San Juan Island prior to his death and served on the Film Festival’s board for three years. As an Emmy Award winning director, cinematographer, writer, editor, and producer, László Pal created films in many places around the world, while also educating young filmmakers at the University of Washington. Continue Reading