Marguerite Place and Nash Street will undergo major improvements in the next two years thanks to $1,469,783 in grant funding awarded to the Town by the state’s Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). Both projects are expected to be completed by the end of 2023.
In addition to rebuilding the existing roadway, sidewalks will be added to one side of Marguerite from Spring Street to Park Street giving pedestrians a safer route to nearby schools and the public library. Curbs, gutters, and streetlights will be installed along with upgraded storm drainage.
Nash Street will be extended from Market Street to Spruce Street with the construction of a new roadway. This major cut-through will come with improvements similar to Marguerite with new sidewalks on one side, curbs, gutters, streetlights, and proper storm drainage. The Nash project will also aid the walkability of the town with additional access between Argyle, Market, and Mullis Street businesses. Continue Reading