Spring Street Students Create Food Donation Boxes for People to Take, Give

Posted May 15, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Contributed Photo/Spring Street International. Students paint food donation boxes.

From Spring Street International School

Island residents may be noticing decorated file cabinets scattered around the town and islands.

These cabinets were designed by English composition students at Spring Street International School to help relieve food insecurity for islanders.

Contributed Photo/Spring Street International School. From left to right: Francis Black, Linnea Morris, and Julian Rich.

The cabinets were repurposed to become food donation cabinets, where people can freely take or give non-perishable food. This project was inspired by a similar one in Michigan, which successfully reached people who might not otherwise utilize the food bank.

Due to COVID, many families and individuals have experienced hardship.

Spring Street students believe these mini-distribution points will be useful in helping people meet basic needs. They hope that the community will help to support increased food security for all islanders by either taking food they need or leaving food for those who need it. The goal is for the food cabinets to end up being cared for and stocked by the community over time.

English class teacher Jennifer Boyden stated, “I’m so proud of the work these students did to understand issues around food insecurity and to provide an innovative solution. It’s also just reaffirming that despite all of the social isolation, their solution recognizes our community’s interconnectedness and desire to help each other.”

Island residents can find the food distribution cabinets in various accessible locations. While each cabinet is decorated differently, they all have the line, “Take what you need, give what you can” painted on them. Student outreach has already resulted in generous food donations from the community, resulting in all seven of the cabinets being fully stocked with food.

In addition, students met with local businesses and organizations to find the best food distribution box locations, including the Friday Harbor Food Bank. Continue Reading

San Juan Community Theatre, Art Museum Mini-documentary Features Sculpturer Tom Small

Posted May 15, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From San Juan Community Theatre

San Juan Community Theatre and San Juan Island Museum of Art have collaborated to produce a series of mini-documentaries highlighting local artists.

The newest edition features Tom Small. Take a look at Tom in action at his home workshop as he creates gorgeous stone sculptures here.

As a kid, Tom carved everything within reach. Tom grew up near Kirkland where his early visual impressions included drawings of buildings on his father’s desk, skeletal frames of buildings under construction, and trees against the sky.

He went on to study casting, welding and wood carving at the University of Washington. Looking to deepen his relationship with the wilderness, he purchased property atop Cady Mountain. On these acres of old-growth forest, Tom built his shop buildings and family’s home.

He began working with galleries in 1985 and many of Tom’s larger works have been commissions featured in spaces both public and private, across North America.

Adopt Independent Cat Sissy at the Friday Harbor Animal Shelter

Posted May 15, 2021 at 4:30 am by

Age: Approximately 1.5 years
Sex: Female
Breed: Domestic Shorthair, Dilute Calico
Application: www.apsfh.com/adoption-program/feline-application/

Meet Sissy! A gorgeous feline looking for a forever home.

Sissy has a few guidelines she would like her adopters to follow: Must have a variety of toys, comfy bed, plenty of food, a nice window seat, room to strut around, and finally, adherence to a “lookie but no touchie” policy.

You see, much like her sister, Nissy (also available for adoption), Sissy is an independent sort of gal. She is a self entertainer when given the right tools, and would do best in a home that will be okay with her being just who she is.

Sissy can offer a lifetime of entertainment, eye candy, and company! Even though she is shy, she is very much still interactive and loves to play, play, play. She is a cat to the core that deserves a cat-loving home.

And who knows? Maybe that she’ll allow that “special person” a few pets…someday.


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Ages 12 and Up can Register for COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez

Posted May 14, 2021 at 6:59 am by

From San Juan County

Ages 12 and older can now register for COVID-19 vaccine clinics on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez islands.

Find full details and links to register at www.sanjuanco.com/1737/COVID-Vaccine-Info.

This is the Pfizer vaccine. It was approved for use with those 12 years and older May 12.

The second shots will be three weeks after the first. There is no cost.

Registration in advance is preferred, but walk-ups are welcome. A parent or guardian must be present for walk-ups.

Watch a Q&A video with Dr. Frank James and Ellen Wilcox from San Juan County Public Health below. The video answers many common questions about 12 and up vaccinations and the Pfizer vaccine.


Learn to ‘Process the Pandemic’ with Holistic Life Coach Online

Posted May 14, 2021 at 5:30 am by

By Deb Langhans, holistic life coach, Journeys to Healing

Journeys to Healings presents “Processing the Pandemic” Inner Journey Collage© Workshop from 10 a.m.-noon and 3-5 p.m. Sunday, June 27 online for $50. 

The scourge of COVID-19 has upended our lives as the most horrific pandemic since 1918.

While vaccines provide hope for eventually defeating the virus, parts of our world community continue to experience catastrophic losses and despair.

The suffering endured (and still being endured) from this coronavirus, whether in our families, communities, across our country or planet, has reached the deepest levels of loss.

Yet, amidst all that pain, blessings have also amazingly surfaced; the best in humanity has revealed itself, as have opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t have been envisioned or realized.

How do we process all this ongoing loss and simultaneously celebrate the blessings? What can be learned from all of what this pandemic has presented?

That’s what the upcoming Inner Journey Collage© Virtual Workshop, “Processing the Pandemic: Sorrows, Blessings, Lessons,” is all about: Looking squarely and deeply at the full scope of the pandemic on our lives–both the pain and the gifts—and using therapeutic collage to discover the lessons and meaning this extraordinary time in history holds for us.

Collage isn’t just a fun activity or a way of cleverly recycling old magazines and greeting cards. Collage can be one form of art therapy that heals!

In 2012, inspired by that research, I created Inner Journey Collage© for women. Continue Reading

Applications for Building, Maintaining Affordable Local Housing Open June 1

Posted May 14, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From San Juan County

The draft 2021 notice of funds for the San Juan County Home Fund is available to review.

The draft plan states the final version will be released June 1 and applications are due July 16. Applications will establish a list of projects for funding in 2021.

The Home Fund is used for the development of affordable housing including acquisition, building, rehabilitation, and maintenance of housing for very low, low and moderate-income persons and those with special needs.

Approved by voters in November 2018, the San Juan County Home Fund is projected to generate $15.2 million over a 12‐year period to develop, produce and preserve affordable housing in San Juan County.

The Home Fund is managed by San Juan County Health & Community Services with oversight from the Housing Advisory Committee and the County Council. All Home Fund revenues shall be disbursed through a competitive grant and loan process to eligible recipients as defined in RCW 82.46.075.

For more information on the Home Fund, visit www.sanjuanco.com.

San Juan Community Theatre Presents ‘Mamma Mia!’ Auditions June 6

Posted May 14, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From San Juan Community Theatre

Director Margaret Hall will hold auditions for ages 16-35 at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 6 in the Gubelman at the San Juan Community Theatre.  

We are looking forward with hope to presenting “Mamma Mia!” this November.

Additional auditions for all ages will be held on Sunday, July 11. All necessary health precautions will be observed.

Because this show was postponed in 2020, some cast members can’t participate.  Several leads and ensemble roles are now available. 

Actors, singers, and dancers are needed and encouraged to audition.

Scripts and audition information are available for pick-up in the theater outer lobby on the box office shelf.  Full details are available at sjctheatre.org.

Rescheduling this production for fall is tentative, dependent on the lifting of Covid restrictions.  If all goes according to plan, opening night will be Friday, Nov. 5.  Rehearsals will begin in early September.

Friday Harbor’s Brickworks Turns 100 in 2021

Posted May 13, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild

It seems like only a few years ago that the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild threw a grand opening party for our community’s beloved Brickworks building and plaza, but in fact, the original historic building is celebrating its 100th birthday this year.

May is “History Lives Here” month and the perfect time to celebrate this Friday Harbor building’s big birthday with a trip back in time.

The original “Brickworks” building was completed in 1921 by concrete contractor T.T. Paxson, as the new home of Friday Harbor Brick and Tile Co.(FHB&T Co.) and was constructed featuring its own products: concrete blocks, bricks, and tiles.

Following a disastrous downtown fire in 1925, a new Friday Harbor ordinance was signed, requiring new buildings to be built of fireproof materials: brick, stone, or concrete.

FHB&T Co. would go on to supply concrete building blocks and bricks for many town businesses and buildings in the years to come, including the town hall.

Concrete block construction was a popular “cheap, quick, and easy” building material typical of the early 20th century. Two people could produce 80-100 blocks per day. Machines with adjustable cores and molds allowed for the manufacturing of a wide variety of sizes and styles.

The building later became known as the Boede Building, after Paxson’s son-in-law and partner, John H. Boede, Jr., took over the concrete block business. When block, brick and tile production ended, several businesses – as well as an upstairs residence – were housed in the building, including Friday Harbor Electric.

In 2008, the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild nonprofit was formed and identified the development of a permanent farmers market facility on San Juan Island as its first project.

After considering several sites, the historic brick and tile building at 150 Nichols Street was chosen. With help from a state grant and generous community donations, the Ag Guild purchased the site from then owners, Joanie and Bill Erickson.

The Ag Guild named the property “Brickworks,” to honor its history. A community grassroots fundraising campaign, as well as a grant from the Town of Friday Harbor, and thousands of volunteer hours led to the eventual renovation of the building and construction of the plaza. Continue Reading

San Juan County Students Can Earn Credit at Skagit Valley College this Summer

Posted May 13, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From Skagit Valley College

Up to 250 juniors and seniors in Skagit, Island and San Juan counties can take up to five credits at Skagit Valley College this summer, thanks to a new summer program affiliated with Running Start.

Running Start is a dual credit program that began in the early 1990s and allows high juniors and seniors to earn college credit, with eligible tuition covered by state funding.

Students can complete their high school diploma, earn an associate’s degree, or work toward both simultaneously, preparing them for employment or college transfer.

The Running Start Summer Pilot Program was made possible with the passage of House Bill 2864 by the Legislature.

It is open to new and continuing Running Start students who attend participating high schools. The program is also available to current seniors who are within five credits of earning their associate’s degree.

SVC is one of only three community colleges in Washington invited to participate in the pilot. The other two colleges are Yakima Valley College and South Puget Sound Community College.

“I sponsored HB 2864 because Running Start is a proven, cost-effective program that helps high school students earn college credit faster,” said Washington State Rep. Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, who is also director of community relations at SVC. “Our students should have the opportunity to earn credit even if their high school is not in session. It’s good for students, families, and our community.”

Partnering with SVC on the summer pilot program are the following school districts: Anacortes, Burlington-Edison, Concrete, Coupeville, La Conner, Mount Vernon, Oak Harbor, Sedro-Woolley, and San Juan. Continue Reading

Apply for Affordable Health Insurance Coverage through State through Aug. 15

Posted May 13, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From Washington Health Benefit Exchange

Health coverage purchased on Washington Healthplanfinder became much more affordable May 6 as the Washington Health Benefit Exchange rolled out new savings to help Washingtonians with the cost of their individual health insurance.

Under the new American Rescue Plan Act, over half a million people statewide will find more savings on their health insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder, making it easier to get covered and stay covered.

The opportunity to sign up or switch plans ends Aug. 15, and the Exchange is encouraging uninsured, recently unemployed and anyone purchasing individual insurance off the Exchange to take advantage of this opportunity.

“New customers who apply will see lower premiums under this new law. This new financial help is only available through Washington Healthplanfinder and comes at a critical time as we recover from the global pandemic,” said Pam MacEwan, chief executive officer of the Exchange.

People can find out if they qualify by checking options on WAhealthplanfinder.org that is free, safe and secure.

Certified Insurance brokers, navigators, enrollment centers, and other certified assisters across the state are also ready to provide free assistance to help customers sign up for affordable coverage from trusted brand name plans as well as the best regional and local carriers.

Washington Healthplanfinder helps enrollees who have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and recession,” added MacEwan. “Current customers, on average, will see premium reductions of 45%. These savings will be automatically applied to reduce premiums, and most customers will not need to take any action to get these savings.”

Who can take advantage of these historic savings? Continue Reading

Candidate Filing Week is May 17-21

Posted May 12, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Open Positions include Friday Harbor Mayor, Port Commissioner, San Juan School Board and more


From San Juan County

If you have ever wanted to be an elected official, now is your chance. 

Offices will soon be open in fire, school, hospital, water, sewer, port, parks and recreation, and cemetery districts throughout the county. 

Three positions, including mayor, will be open in the Town of Friday Harbor.

So get ready, because 2021 filing week is about to begin.

During filing week, candidates “file” to run for open offices. Candidates may file online, by email, by fax, by mail, or in person at the San Juan County Elections Office at 55 Second Street Ste. A, Friday Harbor.  

In-person, emailed and faxed filings will be accepted 8 a.m. Monday, May 17 through 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 21.

Online candidate filing will be available 9 a.m. Monday, May 17, at 9 am through 4 p.m. Friday, May 21.

 Filing online is easy and has the additional advantage that candidates receive updates when other candidates file for the same office. Continue Reading

Katie Aiello Joins Island Rec as New Recreation Specialist

Posted May 12, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/Island Rec. Katie Aiello.

From Island Rec…

Island Rec is pleased to welcome Katie Aiello as its new recreation specialist.

Katie will primarily be organizing sports, fitness and outdoor programming.

After spending the last 10 summers on San Juan Island, she is happy to now call it her permanent home. Katie is originally from California but has also lived in Nevada and Arizona.

Katie received her bachelor’s of arts in communications from Arizona State University and has spent many years organizing events and running youth and adult summer programs.

It has always been a dream of Katie’s to live on the island, and during this year she was able to make this dream a reality. She has family that lives on the island and is excited to be closer to them.

She loves the island’s natural beauty and spends her free time exploring everything it has to offer. You will often see her hiking, biking, boating, and whale watching from Lime Kiln Point.

Katie also spends a lot of her time trying to keep up with her two teenagers’ busy schedules. They are all very active in the community and cannot wait to experience the full offerings of the island. She is excited to work with such a dynamic team and looks forward to serving the island community.

Letter: Ranked-Choice Voting for San Juan County

Posted May 12, 2021 at 4:30 am by

By Learner Limbach, Orcas Island

Have you ever looked at your choices on a ballot and thought, “I’m just not excited about any of these”?

I have, and I’m tired of being coerced into voting for the “lesser evil”. I think many others are, too.

Ranked-choice voting is one idea that is giving me hope, and it is proving to be a more equitable and inclusive way of choosing our elected leaders. And, luckily, in San Juan County, our Charter Review Commission is currently considering it.

Ranked-choice voting gives you the option to rank candidates in the order you prefer: first choice, second choice, third choice, and so on. If your favorite can’t win, your vote counts for your next choice.

This simple change to our elections gives voters more say in who represents them by allowing voters to rank their true favorite along with backup choices. It means we wouldn’t have to vote strategically for the candidate we think can win. No more voting for the “lesser evil.”

Instead, we can vote for our true favorite candidates, with a clean conscience. Continue Reading

History Lives Here: San Juan Island’s Old Military Road, Then and Now

Posted May 11, 2021 at 5:50 am by

Many of the same techniques used to survey and cut a track along the 49th parallel (above) were used to construct the Military Road on San Juan Island.

Join Historian Mike Vouri and members of the Old Military Road Trail committee at 10:30 a.m., Saturday May 15 as they explore the southern starting point of the Military Road that once ran between American and English Camps.

Learn how the old road was initially cut by laborers employed by the Hudson’s Bay Company to seek pasturage for The Company’s flocks that expanded into thousands of head. Following the Pig War crisis of 1859, British Royal Marines and U.S. Army soldiers expanded the road to enhance communications and maintain the peace during the 12-year joint military occupation.

The road served as a vital conduit for settlement and commerce as well, eventually birthing the county roads we use today.

Masks Required

  • Starts: May 15, 2021
  • Time: 10:30 a.m.
  • Location: Meet at the new American Camp Visitor Center
  • Contact: Author and historian Mike Vouri [email protected]

Island Senior: The Mullis Center Honors Volunteers

Posted May 11, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Gift Bags For Volunteers – Contributed photo

“Island Senior” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae.

In times past the Mullis Center has celebrated the volunteers who keep the center running with festive occasions. This year, in pandemic mode, the Mullis Center’s appreciation was expressed in a quieter but equally appreciative gesture. Gift bags were presented as a thank you to those who have offered their time and energy to our seniors.

“During the pandemic, we’ve had a small but steady group of volunteers delivering Meals on Wheels, taking care of lawn upkeep, folding newsletters, and running the office during our busy meal days.”

Office Volunteer Pat Ball – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Center Manager Anna Coffelt-Kuetzing said of office volunteer Pat Ball, “We would NOT have been able to operate without her help during the pandemic.  She generally volunteers 2-3 days a week, running the office on our busiest days.” 

“The Mullis Center and San Juan County Senior Services staff along with the San Juan District Operations Committee would like to THANK the following volunteers for their generous service during the pandemic: Pat, Linda, Dennis, David, Sondra, Shauna, Kim, Dan, Art, Kerry, Chad, Sandhya, David, John, Cynthia, Nesta, Bill and Dorothy.  We couldn’t have done it without you!”  

Ruth Huard with Meals on Wheels Volunteer Drivers Shauna Rand and Dennis Busse – Contributed photo

Volunteering is a great way to give back to our community while enjoying the camaraderie of others. As the pandemic subsides you may consider volunteering as way to make a contribution while also making connections.

“Volunteers are a very important part of making our programs, such as Meals on Wheels and Foot Care, possible.  As we begin to think about re-opening, we are gathering volunteer applications.  If you would like to hear more about volunteering opportunities, please contact Anna at [email protected] or Debbie at [email protected].” 

Letter: San Juan County Board Reviews County’s High Health Rankings

Posted May 11, 2021 at 5:00 am by

By Dale Heisinger M.D., Noel Monin, John Geyman M.D., Christine Minney, Jamie Stephens, Cindy Wolf, Kyle Davies, San Juan County Board of Health
Recently the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and University of Wisconsin published the county health rankings for states.
The rankings were based on health outcomes and health factors (see countyhealthrankings.org for comprehensive view).
In Washington State, San Juan County ranked number one and number two respectively, thanks in part to the lifestyle choices that we as citizens have made, as well as the diligent efforts of our Health and Community Services Administration.
More recently, San Juan County became the first county in the state to reach the goal of 74% vaccination rate of our eligible islanders, which is quite an accomplishment.
We would be remiss if we didn’t thank HCS staff (Mark Tompkins, Director; Kyle Dodd, Manager of Environmental Health; Ellen Wilcox, Manager of Healthy Communities; Dr. Frank James, Public Health Officer, and all of their staff members, as well as the many volunteers who assisted in the vaccination efforts).
Although we’ve had a recent increase in cases in our county, protection from the vaccine, as well as masks, social distancing and avoiding indoor crowds, are the best deterrents against acquiring the disease.

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