June 20, 2020: San Juan County Health and Community Services staff have been notified of a new positive COVID-19 test result in San Juan County, on San Juan Island. This brings the total number of cases in San Juan County to 17.
This is the second positive case of COVID-19 on San Juan Island in a week and involves a resident of The Village at the Harbour, a senior living community in Friday Harbor.
The County Health & Community Service Department’s surveillance team is actively investigating and contact tracing this case.
Like all senior care facilities in the state, the Village at the Harbour has restricted access to their facility for the past several months, with only staff and residents allowed to enter. The San Juan County public health team facilitated a joint testing effort with Village at the Harbour of all staff and residents at the facility at the end of May. All test results from that effort were negative.
County Health Officer Dr. Frank James details the situation, “This is a serious and worrying development and is something we and the facility have been working hard to avoid. Our hope is that aggressive containment, rapid testing, and careful but quick investigation will limit transmission. We will know more in the days to come.”
Evan Perrollaz is the Administrator of Village at the Harbour, and wants to highlight the concern and effort that he and his staff will be putting in to help manage this situation, “We’ve been communicating with families of residents and are working side by side with the County Health Department to identify the route of the transmission and reduce the risk of further spread. This is clearly a complex and challenging time for our entire community of residents, families, and staff. We pride ourselves on devout and diligent care for our residents and have been doing all we can to avoid this exact scenario. We will respond rapidly and thoroughly.”
Those with specific questions or concerns about the situation at the Village at the Harbour are asked to call the facility at 360-378-7144 or email [email protected].
Dr. James highlights the importance of remaining vigilant, “This case highlights that the disease is still out there and that we can’t relax our basic precautions as we move forward. Hygiene, social distancing, covering our faces, and quick testing for anyone with symptoms are vital. We have to stay focused.”
San Juan County health officials remind everyone that if you have symptoms of COVID (including a fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, sort throat, or diarrhea), please contact your medical provider immediately to discuss being tested.